

.doc files, searching for, The Special Syntaxes
.pdf files, Google’s Current Offerings
.pdf files, searching for, The Special Syntaxes
.ppt files, searching for, The Special Syntaxes
.xls files, searching for, The Special Syntaxes
/advanced switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/cache switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/directory switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/groups switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/ifl switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/images switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/link switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/news switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/related switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
/since:days switch (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
26 Steps to 15K a Day (PageRank guidelines), 26 Steps to 15K a Day


Advanced Froogle Search form, Searching for Purchases
Advanced Groups Search form, Browsing Groups
advanced search form (see search forms, advanced)
AdWords program, Generating Google AdWords
AdWords Select, Getting the Most out of AdWords
editorial disapproval messages, Be Inquisitive and Proactive with Editorial Policies (But Don’t Whine)
Interest bar, The Results
no Google Web API, Scraping Google AdWords
scraping, Scraping Google AdWords, See Also
affiliate fades, not recommended, R. Rounding Out Your Offerings
AgentWebRanking, violating terms of service, Don’t Try These at Home
allintitle: syntax, How Not to Mix Syntaxes
allinurl: syntax, How Not to Mix Syntaxes
Allwine, Tim, Contributors, See Also
ALT tags, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
Amazon API, AmazonAPI
combined with Google Web API, Blending the Google and Amazon Web Services, Running the Hack
Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine, The (paper), What Is PageRank?
antisocial syntaxes, The Antisocial Syntaxes
Apache SOAP web site, Programming the Google Web API with Java
API (see Google Web API)
Apple Macintosh search, Topic-Specific Search
application functionality, Hacks #60-85, The Code
archives, publications, Searching Article Archives, Magazine Articles
article archives, Searching Article Archives, Magazine Articles
Ask Jeeves Enterprise Solutions, Avoid the Trap of “Insider Thinking” and Pursue the Advantage of Granular Thinking
automated queries
database, Don’t Try This at Home
not recommended, Thou shalt not:
automatic searching, Don’t Try This at Home
AvaQuest, Contributors
Ayala, Dietrich, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML


BackRub, original Google name, Preface
bad neighborhoods, Q. Linkbacks, Thou shalt not:
Bausch, Paul, Contributors, Running the Hack, How It Works
Benson, Erik, Contributors, Running the Hack
blog*spot weblog web site, Finding weblogs
Blogger weblog web site, Finding weblogs
Blosxom weblog web site, Finding weblogs
Book Watch and Book Watch Plus web site, Blending the Google and Amazon Web Services
bookmarklets, Googling with Bookmarklets, Googling with Bookmarklets
Bookmarklets for Opera, Googling with Bookmarklets
defined, Googling with Bookmarklets
Dooyoo Bookmarklets, Googling with Bookmarklets
Google Jump, Googling with Bookmarklets
Google Translate!, Googling with Bookmarklets
GoogleIt!, Googling with Bookmarklets
Joe Maller’s Translation Bookmarklets, Googling with Bookmarklets
Mac OS X and, Googling with Bookmarklets
Boolean basics, Basic Boolean
bphonebook: syntax, The Antisocial Syntaxes, The Three Syntaxes
Brin, Sergey (Google), What Is PageRank?
BSD Unix search, Topic-Specific Search


C# and .NET and Google Web API, Programming the Google Web API with C# and .NET, The Results
C# Visual Studio .NET web site, Programming the Google Web API with C# and .NET
cache, blocking Google from caching, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
cache: syntax, The Special Syntaxes
Cape Clear (see CapeMail)
CapeMail, search results via, Google by Email
CapeScience, Contributors
CapeSpeller spellchecker, Adding a Little Google to Your Word
case sensitivity, Just in Case
catalog search, Google of the Future—Google Shopping?, Google Catalogs
catalogs (see Google Catalogs)
category list, Anatomy of a Search Result
certifying URLS using SafeSearch, SafeSearch Certifying URLs, Hacking the Hack
Chan, Antoni, Contributors, Google Mirror
Ciampi, Tanya Harvey, Contributors, Google Interface for Translators
click-through-rate (CTR), Getting the Most out of AdWords
client-side application, date range search, Date-Range Searching with a Client-Side Application, Hacking the Hack
cloaking web sites, Thou shalt not:
company information, through stock symbol, More Stock Research with Google
comparing Google results with other search engines, Comparing Google Results with Those of Other Search Engines, Why?
content creation, date of, Searching by Content Creation Date
cookies turned off and preferences, Settings for Researchers
copyright disclaimers, Articles from the NYT
Crimson XML parser web site, Programming the Google Web API with Java
cross links, H. Cross-Links


date range
custom search form, Building a Custom Date-Range Search Form
Julian dates, The Special Syntaxes
queries, Date-Range Searching with a Client-Side Application
searching, Date-Range Searching, Searching by Content Creation Date
with a client-side application, Date-Range Searching with a Client-Side Application, Hacking the Hack
Timely Google box application, Making the Google Box Timely
tracking results over time, Tracking Result Counts over Time, Hacking the Hack
daterange: syntax, The Special Syntaxes, Date-Range Searching
Gregorian dates, Understanding and Using Julian Dates
Julian dates, The daterange: Syntax, Understanding and Using Julian Dates
use in Perl, Understanding and Using Julian Dates
content creation, Searching by Content Creation Date
formats, Searching by Content Creation Date
Gregorian (see Gregorian dates)
Julian (see Julian dates)
searching, Hidden Variables
in Google Groups, Browsing Groups
Dave’s Quick Search Toolbar (see Quick Search Toolbar)
Daypop, source of Google Web API applications, Finding More Google API Applications
developer’s key, Why an API?
using, Using the Key in a Hack
dictionary, Consulting the Dictionary
Dictionary of Slang web site, Slang, Consulting the Dictionary
directories, Finding Directories of Information, Finding Searchable Subject Indexes with Google
directory search, Google Directory, The Google Directory and the Google API
distance ranking, Performing Proximity Searches
DMOZ (see Open Directory Project)
doGetCachedPage method, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, Google Method: doGetCachedPage
doGoogleSearch method, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, Google Method: doGoogleSearch
doGoogleSpellingSuggestion method, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, Google Method: doSpellingSuggestion
domain names, brandable, B. Choose a Brandable Domain Name
doorway pages
explained, Thou shalt not:
not recommended, Thou shalt not:
Dooyoo bookmarklets, Googling with Bookmarklets
Drayton, Peter, Contributors
dynamic pages, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit


editorial disapproval messages, Be Inquisitive and Proactive with Editorial Policies (But Don’t Whine)
email, Google search results by, Google by Email
Excel filetype, Google’s Current Offerings
experimental features, in Google Toolbar, The Google Toolbar


FaganFinder customized search form, Creating Your Own Google Form
family-friendly (see SafeSearch)
FAST News Search web site, Beyond Google for News Search
filetype variable, Hidden Variables
filetype: syntax, The Special Syntaxes
Microsoft Excel, Google’s Current Offerings
Microsoft PowerPoint, Google’s Current Offerings
Microsoft Word, Google’s Current Offerings
mixing example, Mixing Hidden File Types: An Example
PDF, Google’s Current Offerings
Postscript, Google’s Current Offerings
Rich Text Format (RTF), Google’s Current Offerings
filtering (see SafeSearch application)
Flegg, Andrew, Contributors, Simplifying Google Groups URLs web site, Tracking Stocks
forums, W. Friends and Family
frames, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
Froogle, Froogle
adding a merchant, Adding a Merchant to Froogle
Advanced Froogle Search form, Searching for Purchases
no Google Web API, Froogle and the Google API
syntaxes, Searching for Purchases
full-text search, Google Basics


games and pranks, Hacks #86-92, Finding New Recipe Domains
gaming, using Google Groups, Tech support
GAPIS (Google Web API Searching In an Application), GAPIS
GAPS proximity application, Performing Proximity Searches, Other Staggernation Scripts
web site, The Code
gateway pages, not recommended, Thou shalt not:
geek index, Residential, business, or both
Geeklog weblog web site, Finding weblogs
glossaries (see slang vocabularies)
Glossarist web site, Specialized Vocabularies—Industrial Slang
Gnews2RSS, violating terms of services, Don’t Try These at Home
Goldilocks method, for ad performance, Copywriting Tweaks Generally Involve Improving Clarity and Directness
Goodman, Andrew, Contributors, See Also
applications, non-API, Hacks #41-49, Running the Hack
history, Preface
Microsoft Word dictionaries and, Adding a Little Google to Your Word
play on googol, Preface
Google AdWords (see AdWords program)
Google Answers, Google Answers
Google Art Creator web site, Making Your Own Art
Google Art game, Creating Google Art
Google Bounce game, Google Bounce, The Code
Google Box application, Building a Google Box, Integrating a Google Box
Google Catalogs, Google of the Future—Google Shopping?, Google Catalogs
Advanced Catalog Search form, Google Catalogs
no Google Web API, Google Catalogs and the Google API
scraping, Scraping Google Catalogs, Hacking the Hack
Google Compare application, Comparing Google Results with Those of Other Search Engines, Why?
Google Directory, Anatomy of a Search Result, Google Directory, The Google Directory and the Google API
no Google Web API, The Google Directory and the Google API
Open Directory Project, Anatomy of a Search Result
PageRank, Google Directory
recipes, Finding New Recipe Domains
source of Google Web API applications, Finding More Google API Applications
syntaxes, Searching the Google Directory
Google Froogle (see Froogle)
Google Glossary, Google Glossary
Google Groups, Anatomy of a Search Result
Advanced Groups Search form, Browsing Groups
browsing, Browsing Groups
date searching, Browsing Groups
no Google Web API, Google Groups and the Google API
reducing URL size, Simplifying Google Groups URLs, Other URL-Shortening Options
removing posts, Removing Material from Google Groups
scraping, Scraping Google Groups, The Results
use for gaming, Tech support
use for news commentary, Finding commentary immediately after an event
use for tech support, Tech support
Google Images, Anatomy of a Search Result
Advanced Image Search form, Google Images Advanced Search Interface
domain, Google Images Advanced Search Interface
filetype, Google Images Advanced Search Interface
filtering, Google Images Advanced Search Interface
image color, Google Images Advanced Search Interface
image size, Google Images Advanced Search Interface
no Google Web API, Google Images and the Google API
syntaxes, Google Images Special Syntaxes
Google Jump bookmarklet, Googling with Bookmarklets
Google Keyboard Shortcuts, Google Labs
Google Labs, Google Glossary, Google in the 2010s, Google Labs
no Google Web API, Google Labs and the Google API
Google Mindshare application, Measuring Google Mindshare
Google Mirror prank web site, Google Mirror
Google Neighborhood application, Meandering Your Google Neighborhood, Ignoring domains
Google Neighborhood web site, Meandering Your Google Neighborhood
Google News, Google News, Google News and the Google API
clustering, special feature, Making the Most of Google News
no Google Web API, Google News and the Google API
other news web sites, Beyond Google for News Search
scraping, Scraping Google News, Hacking the Hack
sorting by relevance or date, Google News
syntaxes, Special Syntaxes
Google Phonebook (see Phonebook application)
Google recipe game, Finding Recipes, Finding New Recipe Domains
Google Sets (of phrases), Google Labs
Google site submission page, Submitting Your Site to Google
Google Smackdown application, Running a Google Popularity Contest, Running the Hack
web site, Running the Hack
Google Toolbar, The Google Toolbar
download, The Google Toolbar
experimental features, The Google Toolbar
features, The Google Toolbar
Mozilla Googlebar, The Mozilla Google Toolbar, The Mozilla Google Toolbar
PageRank, The Google Toolbar
with Mozilla and Netscape browsers, The Google Toolbar
Google Topic Search application, Searching Google Topics, Search Ideas
Google Translate! bookmarklet, Googling with Bookmarklets
Google Viewer results slideshow, Google Labs
Google Voice Search, Google Labs
Google Web API, Hacks #50-59, The Results
Amazon API combined with, Blending the Google and Amazon Web Services, Running the Hack
applications, Hacks #60-85, The Code
finding more, Finding More Google API Applications
Daypop and, Finding More Google API Applications
defined, Why an API?
developer’s key, Why an API?
developer’s kit web site, The Google Web APIs Developer’s Kit
looping beyond the 10-result limit, Looping Around the 10-Result Limit, The Results
doGetCachedPage, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, Google Method: doGetCachedPage
doGoogleSearch, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, Google Method: doGoogleSearch
doGoogleSpellingSuggestion, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, Google Method: doSpellingSuggestion
programming with
C# and .NET, Programming the Google Web API with C# and .NET, The Results
Java, Programming the Google Web API with Java
Perl, Programming the Google Web API with Perl , See Also
PHP, Programming the Google Web API with PHP
Python, Programming the Google Web API with Python, Hacking the Hack
VB .NET, Programming the Google Web API with VB.NET, The Results
XML, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, See Also
query, Understanding the Google API Query, Putting Query Elements to Use
country and topic restrictions, Intersecting Country, and Topic Restrictions
filter option, Query Essentials
guidelines, Putting Query Elements to Use
ie value, Query Essentials
key value, Query Essentials
lr option, Query Essentials
maxResults value, Query Essentials
oe value, Query Essentials
query values, Query Essentials
restrict option, Query Essentials
safeSearch option, Query Essentials
start value, Query Essentials
response, Understanding the Google API Response, Individual search result data
guidelines, Can Do
results, What’s in the Results
SOAP::Lite Perl module, The SOAP::Lite Perl Module, SOAP::Lite Alternatives
syntaxes, supported, Can Do
versus scraping, Scraping Versus the API
web site, Why an API?
Google Web API Proximity Search (GAPS), see GAPS proximity application, Performing Proximity Searches
Google Web API Relation Browsing Outliner (GARBO) web site, Other Staggernation Scripts
Google Web API Web Search by Host (GAWSH) web site, Other Staggernation Scripts
Google WebQuotes page preview, Google Labs
Google whacking, Google Whacking
Whack Stack web site, Google Whacking
Google Zeitgeist web site, Scraping Yahoo! Buzz for a Google Search
Google2RSS application, Syndicating Google Search Results module, GoogleAPI
Googlebombing (for false results), Hacks #86-92
GoogleIt! bookmarklet, Googling with Bookmarklets
Googlematic messaging application, Instant Messaging Google
GooglePeople web site (people search), GooglePeople
Googlism web site
fun, What Does Google Think Of...
practical application, Practical Uses
googol, Preface
GooPoetry game, GooPoetry, Hacking the Hack
Gossamer Threads directory web site, Finding Searchable Subject Indexes with Google
government and military search, Topic-Specific Search
Gregorian dates, Understanding and Using Julian Dates
in Google Groups, Browsing Groups
versus Julian dates, The Special Syntaxes
Greymatter weblog web site, Finding weblogs


Google URLs, Hacking Google URLs, Anatomy of a URL
search forms, Hacking Google Search Forms, Creating Your Own Google Form
Hemenway, Kevin, Contributors
hidden variables, Hidden Variables
highlighting, in Google Toolbar, The Google Toolbar
history of Google, Preface
hl (language interface), Anatomy of a URL
Hoovers web site, Beyond Google for Basic Stock Information
Horrell, Mark, Contributors, How Does the PageRank Calculator Work?
Hourihan, Judy, Contributors, Finding New Recipe Domains
HTML 3.2 recommended, C. Site Design
HTML files, accessing data (see scraping)
Huevos, Mac search widget web site, See Also


I Feel Lucky application, Feeling Really Lucky
Iff, Morbus, Contributors, Why?
image search
Advanced Image Search form, Google Images Advanced Search Interface
inanchor: syntax, The Special Syntaxes
index size, Google’s Current Offerings
indexer, Search Engine Basics
info: syntax, The Special Syntaxes
instant messaging application, Instant Messaging Google
interface language, Getting to the Language Tools
interface tinkering, Tinkering with the UI
intext: syntax, The Special Syntaxes
intitle: syntax, The Special Syntaxes, How Not to Mix Syntaxes, Title and URL, Title Tags and Wildcards
in Google Directory, Searching the Google Directory
inurl: syntax, The Special Syntaxes, How Not to Mix Syntaxes, Title and URL
in Google Directory, Searching the Google Directory
to search subdirectories, inurl: Versus site:
versus site: syntax, inurl: Versus site:
I’m Feeling Lucky button, Simple Searching and Feeling Lucky


keyboard shortcuts, Google Labs
keyword stuffing, not recommended, Thou shalt not:
best placement on web page, The Search Engine Optimization Template
density and positioning, F. Keyword Density and Keyword Positioning
guidelines, Strategies
repetition, Repetition Matters
research, Wordtracker, Avoid the Trap of “Insider Thinking” and Pursue the Advantage of Granular Thinking


Langridge, Stuart, Contributors
industry vocabulary, Specialized Vocabularies: Slang and Terminology
interface, Getting to the Language Tools
machine translation, Getting to the Language Tools
slang (see slang)
specialized vocabulary (see vocabularies)
tools, Language Tools, Making the Most of Google’s Language Tools
translating, Language Tools
using to narrow search, Making the Most of Google’s Language Tools
Largest Page application, Finding the Largest Page Legal Dictionary web site, Specialized Vocabularies—Industrial Slang
Lebens, Beau, Contributors, See Also
legal issues (see Terms of Service)
ten query words, Getting Around the 10 Word Limit
using wildcards to bypass, Playing the Wildcard
link farms, not recommended, Thou shalt not:
link: syntax, The Special Syntaxes, The Antisocial Syntaxes
linkbacks, Q. Linkbacks
cross links, H. Cross-Links
outbound, G. Outbound Links
Linux search, Topic-Specific Search
LiveJournal weblog web site, Finding weblogs
location switches (Quick Search Toolbar), The switches
logger/trackers, K. Logging and Tracking
logs, U. Study Those Logs


magazine articles, searching, Magazine Articles
MakeAShorterLink web site, Other URL-Shortening Options
Manila weblog web site, Finding weblogs
maximum query words, Other Considerations
medical terms, Consulting the Dictionary web site, Specialized Vocabularies—Industrial Slang
merchants, adding to Google Froogle product search, Adding a Merchant to Froogle
meta-tags, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
metadata, Why Bother?
methods (see Google Web API, methods)
Microsoft search, Topic-Specific Search
Microsoft Word dictionaries, Adding a Little Google to Your Word
mindshare application, Measuring Google Mindshare
misspellings, Embrace Misspellings
mixing hidden filetypes, Mixing Hidden File Types: An Example
mixing special syntaxes, Mixing Syntaxes, All the possibilities
how not to mix, How Not to Mix Syntaxes
Movable Type
Google box, Movable Type
weblog web site, Finding weblogs
Mozilla and Google Toolbar, The Google Toolbar
Mozilla Googlebar, The Mozilla Google Toolbar, The Mozilla Google Toolbar
MSN MoneyCentral web site, Tracking Stocks
myths about Google, What Google Isn’t


NCSA SSI Tutorial web site, Integrating a Google Box
neighborhood application, Meandering Your Google Neighborhood, Ignoring domains
web site, Meandering Your Google Neighborhood
.NET Framework download, Programming the Google Web API with C# and .NET
Netlingo glossary web site, Where to Go When It’s Not on Google
Netscape and Google Toolbar, The Google Toolbar
news search, Google News
(see also Google News)
using Google Groups, Finding commentary immediately after an event
non-API applications, Hacks #41-49, Running the Hack
Northern Light News Search web site, Beyond Google for News Search
NoXML, SOAP::Lite alternative, NoXML, Another SOAP::Lite Alternative, See Also
num (number of results), Anatomy of a URL
number of results, setting in search form, Hidden Variables, Articles from the NYT


On-Line Medical Dictionary web site, Specialized Vocabularies—Industrial Slang
OneLook dictionary web site, Consulting the Dictionary
Open Directory Project (ODP), Building Google Directory URLs, Hacking the Hack, Being a Good Search Engine Citizen
Google Directory and, I. Put It Online
opinion search, What Does Google Think Of...
OR syntax, Basic Boolean
phonebook: syntax and, Caveats
pipe character, How Not to Mix Syntaxes
outbound links, G. Outbound Links


page content, E. Content
page design, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
page size, D. Page Size
Page, Larry (Google), What Is PageRank?
algorithm, Inside the PageRank Algorithm, So What Is the Algorithm?
calculator, So What’s the Use of the PageRank Calculator?
web site, How Does the PageRank Calculator Work?
in Google Directory, Google Directory
visible in Google Toolbar, The Google Toolbar
webmaster guidelines, 26 Steps to 15K a Day
webmasters and, The Mysterious PageRank
people search, GooglePeople, GooglePeople
Google Web API and, Programming the Google Web API with Perl , See Also
SOAP::Lite module, The SOAP::Lite Perl Module, SOAP::Lite Alternatives
alternatives, SOAP::Lite Alternatives
permuting query words, Permuting a Query, Running the Hack
Phone Book Servers web site, Finding phonebooks using Google
Phonebook application, Consulting the Phonebook, Finding phonebooks using Google, Gleaning Phonebook Stats, The 600-Foot Ceiling
(see also phonebook: syntax)
removing listing, Removing Your Listing from Google Phonebook
scraping, Scraping the Google Phonebook, Running the Hack
Phonebook Gateway web site, Finding phonebooks using Google
phonebook: syntax, The Special Syntaxes, The Antisocial Syntaxes, Consulting the Phonebook, The Three Syntaxes
(see also Phonebook application)
business listings, The Three Syntaxes
guidelines, Caveats
OR syntax and, Caveats
residential listings, The Three Syntaxes
reverse lookup, Reverse phonebook lookup
search for institutions, Finding phonebooks using Google
PHP and Google Web API, Programming the Google Web API with PHP
Pilgrim, Mark, Contributors, Programming the Google Web API with Python, Ignoring domains
pipe character (see OR syntax)
Pitas weblog web site, Finding weblogs
pMachine weblog web site, Finding weblogs
popularity contest application, Running a Google Popularity Contest, Running the Hack
Postscript filetype, Google’s Current Offerings
PowerPoint filetype, Google’s Current Offerings
PoXML, SOAP::Lite alternative, Plain Old XML, a SOAP::Lite Alternative, See Also
pranks and games, Hacks #86-92, Finding New Recipe Domains
bogus date range, Hacking the Search
Google Art game, Creating Google Art
Google Bounce random search game, Google Bounce, The Code
Google Mirror prank web site, Google Mirror
Google recipe game, Finding Recipes, Finding New Recipe Domains
Google whacking (two-word game), Google Whacking
GooPoetry game, GooPoetry, Hacking the Hack
no-results prank, The No-Result Search (Prank)
cookies turned off, Settings for Researchers
filtering, Filtering
language, Language
number of results, Number of Results
setting, Setting Preferences, Settings for Researchers
Probert Encyclopedia, web site for slang, Slang
product search, Froogle
browsing, Browsing for Purchases
searching, Searching for Purchases
Programming Perl web site, Learning to Code
proximity searches, Performing Proximity Searches
PyGoogle, Hacking the Hack
Python web site, The Code
Python, Google Web API and, Programming the Google Web API with Python, Hacking the Hack


automated, Don’t Try This at Home
Google Web API (see Google Web API, query)
switches in Quick Search Toolbar, The switches
triggers in Quick Search Toolbar, The triggers
query words
adjacency, What’s Going On?
favor obscure keywords, Favor Obscurity
guidelines, Strategies
limit, Getting Around the 10 Word Limit
maximum, Other Considerations
permuting, Permuting a Query, Running the Hack
popularity comparsion application, Running a Google Popularity Contest, Running the Hack
proximity application (GAPS), Performing Proximity Searches, Other Staggernation Scripts
repetition, Repetition Matters
stop words, Playing the Wildcard
tracking popularity, Tracking Result Counts over Time, Hacking the Hack
using wildcards, Playing the Wildcard
weight, What’s Going On?
wildcards and, Using Full-Word Wildcards
word order, Word Order Matters
Quick Search Toolbar, The Quick Search Toolbar, And the Rest
switches, The switches
location, The switches
triggers, The triggers
Quicken web site, Tracking Stocks


Radio Userland
Google box, Radio Userland
weblog web site, Finding weblogs
random results application, Getting Random Results (On Purpose), Adding a touch more randomness
Random Yahoo! Link web site, Getting Random Results (On Purpose)
algorithm, The Equally Mysterious Algorithm
automated check of, Other Programs to Be Concerned About
distance, Performing Proximity Searches
page, Using the Hack, The Mysterious PageRank
(see also PageRank)
web site traffic and, Being a Good Search Engine Citizen
recipe web sites (Google Directory), Finding New Recipe Domains
recipes (Google recipe games), Finding Recipes, Finding New Recipe Domains
referral logs, U. Study Those Logs
related: syntax, The Special Syntaxes
inappropriate content from Google, Reporting pages with inappropriate content
items from Google Images, Google Images
listing from Google Phonebook, Removing Your Listing from Google Phonebook
material from Google, Removing Your Materials from Google, Removing Your Listing from Google Phonebook
posts from Google Groups, Removing Material from Google Groups
web pages from Google, Making sure your pages never get there to begin with
examples, How Does This Work?
guidelines, So What?
of keywords, Repetition Matters
Representational State Transfer (REST), defined, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, Title and URL
resources, WebmasterWorld web site, Keeping Up with Google’s Changes
results, search
by email, Google by Email
extending limits, Looping Around the 10-Result Limit, The Results
Google Box application, Building a Google Box, Integrating a Google Box
in XML, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML, See Also
interpreting, Anatomy of a Search Result
scraping, The Antisocial Syntaxes, Scraping Google Results, The Results
slideshow, Google Labs
Timely Google Box application, Capturing a Moment in Time, Running the Hacked Hack
tracking results counts over time, Tracking Result Counts over Time, Hacking the Hack
visual display (TouchGraph), Visualizing Google Results, Making the Most of These Visualizations
when building your own applications, Putting Query Elements to Use
reverse phonebook lookup, Reverse phonebook lookup
Rich Text Format (RTF) filetype, Google’s Current Offerings
robots, Search Engine Basics
robots.txt file, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
robots.txt web site, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
robots exclusion protocol web site, Making sure your pages never get there to begin with
Rocketinfo news web site, Beyond Google for News Search
rphonebook: syntax, The Antisocial Syntaxes, The Three Syntaxes
RSS application, Syndicating Google Search Results


safe results filter, Anatomy of a URL
SafeSearch application, SafeSearch Certifying URLs, Hacking the Hack
filter, Filtering, Anatomy of a URL
when building your own applications, Putting Query Elements to Use
advantages, Using Scraped Data Files
AdWords program, Scraping Google AdWords, See Also
automated, Things to Keep in Mind While Scraping
controversy, Scraping Yahoo! Buzz for a Google Search
defined, Scraping Versus the API
Google Catalogs, Scraping Google Catalogs, Hacking the Hack
Google Groups results, Scraping Google Groups, The Results
Google News, Scraping Google News, Hacking the Hack
Google Phonebook, Scraping the Google Phonebook, Running the Hack
limitations, Things to Keep in Mind While Scraping
search results, The Antisocial Syntaxes, Scraping Google Results, The Results
versus Google Web API, Scraping Versus the API
Yahoo! Buzz application, Scraping Yahoo! Buzz for a Google Search, Hacking the Hack
scraping application, Scraping Yahoo! Buzz for a Google Search, Hacking the Hack
search engine basics, Search Engine Basics
search engine games, Hacks #86-92
search engine optimization (SEO), Hacks #93-100, Removing Your Listing from Google Phonebook
template, The Search Engine Optimization Template
Search Engines and Frames web site, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
search forms
advanced, Advanced Search, Date
date, Date
file format, File Format
filtering, Filtering
language, Language
query word input, Query Word Input
building custom date range form, Building a Custom Date-Range Search Form
creating your own, Creating Your Own Google Form
customized FaganFinder search, Creating Your Own Google Form
date searching, Hidden Variables
hacking, Hacking Google Search Forms, Creating Your Own Google Form
hidden variables, Hidden Variables
setting number of results, Hidden Variables
filetype, Hidden Variables
site search, Hidden Variables
search results (see results, search)
search types
catalogs (see Google Catalogs)
date range, Date-Range Searching with a Client-Side Application, Hacking the Hack
date search (see dates, searching date range, searching)
image (see image search)
news (see Google news)
people, GooglePeople
special character, Searching for Special Characters, Excluding special characters
topic search, Searching Google Topics, Search Ideas
searchable subject index, Google Basics
automated, Don’t Try This at Home
deeper in site hierarchy application, Digging Deeper into Sites, Running the Hack
Sells, Chris, Contributors, The Results
Server Side Includes, Integrating a Google Box
Shapiro, Alex, Contributors, Making the Most of These Visualizations
Shay, Kevin, Contributors, Performing Proximity Searches
shopping, Google Catalogs, Froogle
Shorl web site, Other URL-Shortening Options
shortcuts, keyboard, Google Labs
Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP)
site design, C. Site Design, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit, Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
site search variable, Hidden Variables
site submission form, Being a Good Search Engine Citizen
site: syntax, The Special Syntaxes, How Not to Mix Syntaxes, Titles and sites
versus inurl: syntax, inurl: Versus site:
slang, Specialized Vocabularies: Slang and Terminology, Using Specialized Vocabulary with Google, Slang
(see also vocabularies)
Dictionary of Slang web site, Slang
industry vocabulary, Specialized Vocabularies: Slang and Terminology
Probert Encyclopedia web site, Slang
specialized vocabulary, Specialized Vocabularies: Slang and Terminology
Surfing for Slang web site, Slang
slideshow, of search results, Google Labs
Smackdown, Running a Google Popularity Contest, Running the Hack
defined, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML
NuSOAP, XooMLe: The Google API in Plain Old XML
web site, Programming the Google Web API with PHP
SOAP::Lite, Putting XooMLe to Work: A SOAP::Lite Substitution Module, Applicability
installing, Installing SOAP::Lite
SOAP::Lite Perl module, The SOAP::Lite Perl Module, SOAP::Lite Alternatives
alternatives, SOAP::Lite Alternatives
NoXML, NoXML, Another SOAP::Lite Alternative, See Also
PoXML, Plain Old XML, a SOAP::Lite Alternative, See Also, Unix installation by hand Google Web API applications, Finding More Google API Applications
spamreport web site, What Happens if You Spot Google Abusers in the Index?
special character search application, Searching for Special Characters, Excluding special characters
special services and collections, Hacks #29-35, Google Labs and the Google API
special syntaxes (see syntaxes, special)
specialized vocabularies (see vocabularies, specialized)
spelling check, Checking Spelling, Embrace Misspellings
CapeSpeller, Adding a Little Google to Your Word and, Consulting the Dictionary
embracing misspellings and, Embrace Misspellings
spider, Search Engine Basics
sponsored links, Anatomy of a Search Result
Staggernation web sites, Other Staggernation Scripts
stemming, Using Full-Word Wildcards
supported with asterisk, Other Considerations
unsupported, Other Considerations
stock symbols, for tracking company information, More Stock Research with Google
Stock, Gary, Contributors, Google Whacking
stocks: syntax, The Antisocial Syntaxes, Tracking Stocks, More Stock Research with Google
Yahoo! Finance and, Beyond Google for Basic Stock Information
stop words, Playing the Wildcard
subdirectories, searching with inurl: syntax, inurl: Versus site:
subdomains, getting information about, How Many Subdomains?
subject indexes, Finding Searchable Subject Indexes with Google
subject search, Google Directory, The Google Directory and the Google API
submitting site to Google, Submitting Your Site to Google
suffix census, Summarizing Results by Domain
Sullivan, Danny (Search Engine Watch), Cleaning Up for a Google Visit
summarize results by domain application, Summarizing Results by Domain, Comma-separated
Surfing for Slang web site, Slang
switches (query) in Quick Search Toolbar, The switches
antisocial, The Antisocial Syntaxes
bphonebook:, The Antisocial Syntaxes
daterange:, Date-Range Searching
Google Directory
intitle:, Searching the Google Directory
inurl:, Searching the Google Directory
Google Froogle
intext:, Searching for Purchases
intitle:, Searching for Purchases
OR, Searching for Purchases
Google Groups, Google Groups and Special Syntaxes
author:, Google Groups and Special Syntaxes
group:, Google Groups and Special Syntaxes
intitle:, Google Groups and Special Syntaxes
mixing, Mixing syntaxes in Google Groups
Google Images
filetype:, Google Images Special Syntaxes
intitle:, Google Images Special Syntaxes
inurl:, Google Images Special Syntaxes
site:, Google Images Special Syntaxes
Google News
intitle:, Special Syntaxes
site:, Special Syntaxes
how not to mix, How Not to Mix Syntaxes
how to mix, How to Mix Syntaxes
link:, The Antisocial Syntaxes
mixing, Mixing Syntaxes, All the possibilities
OR, How Not to Mix Syntaxes
phonebook:, The Antisocial Syntaxes
rphonebook:, The Antisocial Syntaxes
site:, How Not to Mix Syntaxes
special, What Google Is, The Special Syntaxes
cache:, The Special Syntaxes
daterange:, The Special Syntaxes
filetype:, The Special Syntaxes
inanchor:, The Special Syntaxes
info:, The Special Syntaxes
intext:, The Special Syntaxes
intitle: (see intitle syntax)
inurl: (see inurl syntax)
link: (see link syntax)
phonebook: (see phonebook syntax)
related:, The Special Syntaxes
site: (see site syntax)
stocks:, The Antisocial Syntaxes
supported in API, Can Do


Tabke, Brett, Contributors, The Search Engine Optimization Template
Google Directory, Anatomy of a Search Result, Google Directory, The Google Directory and the Google API
Google Groups, Anatomy of a Search Result
Google Images, Anatomy of a Search Result
Google News, Google News, Google News and the Google API
Tech Encyclopedia web site, Where to Go When It’s Not on Google
tech support using Google Groups, Tech support
technical terms, Consulting the Dictionary
technical vocabularies (see vocabularies, technical)
terminology (see vocabularies)
Terms of Service (TOS), Preface, Of Google, but Not Google
violations, Don’t Try This at Home, Scraping Google News, What Happens if You Reform?
Terms of Services (TOS)
web site, Signing Up and Google’s Terms
third-party services, Hacks #36-40, Using GooglePeople
Timely Google Box application, Capturing a Moment in Time, Running the Hacked Hack
TinyURL web site, Other URL-Shortening Options
title stacking, not recommended, Thou shalt not:
titles, intitle: syntax, Title Tags and Wildcards
Google Toolbar (see Google Toolbar)
Mozilla Googlebar, The Mozilla Google Toolbar, The Mozilla Google Toolbar
Quick Search, The Quick Search Toolbar, And the Rest
top-level results application, Restricting Searches to Top-Level Results, Query tips
topic search application, Searching Google Topics, Search Ideas
topic-specific search
Apple Macintosh, Topic-Specific Search
BSD Unix, Topic-Specific Search
catalogs, Google of the Future—Google Shopping?
Linux, Topic-Specific Search
Microsoft, Topic-Specific Search
Uncle Sam (government/military), Topic-Specific Search
universities, Topic-Specific Search
TouchGraph Google Browser, Visualizing Google Results, Making the Most of These Visualizations
web site, Making the Most of These Visualizations
tracking query word popularity, Tracking Result Counts over Time, Hacking the Hack
translating, Language Tools, Google Interface for Translators, Google Interface for Translators
glossaries and, Google Interface for Translators
machine translation, Getting to the Language Tools
triggers (query) in Quick Search Toolbar, The triggers


uJournal weblog web site, Finding weblogs
universities search, Topic-Specific Search
university phonebook search, Finding phonebooks using Google
up directory, in Google Toolbar, The Google Toolbar
Urban Legends Reference Pages web site, What Google Isn’t
URL hacking
Advanced Catalog Search form, Google Catalogs
Advanced Groups Search form, Browsing Groups
as_qdr (age of results), Anatomy of a URL
building Google Directory, Building Google Directory URLs, Hacking the Hack
hacking, Hacking Google URLs, Anatomy of a URL
hl (language interface), Anatomy of a URL
num (number of results), Anatomy of a URL
reducing size, Simplifying Google Groups URLs, Other URL-Shortening Options
MakeAShorterLink, Other URL-Shortening Options
Shorl, Other URL-Shortening Options
TinyURL, Other URL-Shortening Options
safe (filter), Anatomy of a URL
Usenet archive (see Google Groups)
user agents, Thou shalt not:


Web Robots Database web site, Thou shalt not:
Web Services Description Language (WSDL), What’s WSDL?
Webb, Matt, Contributors, The Code
weblogs, Finding Weblog Commentary, Using These “Magic Words”
web sites
blog*spot, Finding weblogs
Blogger, Finding weblogs
Blosxom, Finding weblogs
Geeklog, Finding weblogs
Greymatter, Finding weblogs
LiveJournal, Finding weblogs
Manila, Finding weblogs
Movable Type, Finding weblogs
Pitas, Finding weblogs
pMachine, Finding weblogs
Radio Userland, Finding weblogs
uJournal, Finding weblogs
webmasters and Google, Hacks #93-100, Removing Your Listing from Google Phonebook
WebmasterWorld web site, Keeping Up with Google’s Changes
Webopedia encyclopedia web site, Where to Go When It’s Not on Google
WebPosition Gold, violating terms of services, Don’t Try These at Home
Whack Stack Google whacking web site, Google Whacking
Whatis subject web site, Where to Go When It’s Not on Google, Reverse phonebook lookup
wildcards, Title Tags and Wildcards
defined, Using Full-Word Wildcards
full-word, Playing the Wildcard
query word limit and, Using Full-Word Wildcards
stop words and, Playing the Wildcard
Word filetype, Google’s Current Offerings
word order, Word Order Matters
examples, Word Order Matters
Wordtracker web site, for keyword research, Avoid the Trap of “Insider Thinking” and Pursue the Advantage of Granular Thinking
WSDL, defined, What’s WSDL?
WWW Search Interfaces for Translators web site, Google Interface for Translators
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