
images About the Authors

images About the Technical Reviewer

images About the Cover Image Artist

images Acknowledgments

images Introduction

images Chapter 1: Getting Started: Transitioning to HTML5


Before HTML5

Why XHTML 2.0 died and HTML5 thrived

The WHATWG philosophy

The current state of HTML5

Anatomy of an HTML5 document

HTML terminology and concepts




What's new in HTML5?


Error handling

Simplified doctype

Simplified character encoding

New content model categories

New elements


Embedded MathML and SVG


No longer SGML conforming (again!)

Obsolete features

Is XHTML gone?

What's all this noise about MIME types?

Deciding between HTML and XHTML

Web browser support

Web browser developer tools


images Chapter 2: Using the Right Tag for the Right Job

Global attributes






Hiding elements



Text directionality

Custom data

Content model categories

Root element

Attributes of html element

Document metadata and scripting elements

Web page information: title and meta

Links, styles, and resources: base, link, and style

Adding behavior and fallbacks: script and noscript

Document sectioning elements

Semantic sectioning elements

Content grouping elements

The inevitable paragraph: p

Break in thought: hr

Retaining formatting: pre

Quoting text: blockquote


Diagrams, photos, illustrations: figure and figcaption

Creating divisions: div

Text-level semantic elements

Tabular data elements

Table basics

Adding table headers

Adding legends: caption

Adding structure: thead, tfoot, and tbody

Adding even more structure: colgroup and col

Form elements

Embedded content elements

Interactive elements

Showing more info: summary and details

Providing toolbars: menu and command


images Chapter 3: Recognizing Semantics

What are semantics and why should I care?

Thinking in outlines

HTML5 outline algorithm

Implicitly creating an outline using heading content

Creating an outline using sectioning content

Improving outline semantics

Headers and footers

Using hgroup

Formatting a footer with an address

Determining header and footer contents

Viewing HTML5 outlines

Are divs (and spans) obsolete?

Case study: the City Press

Adding text-level semantics

Other text-level elements

Title of a work: cite

Formatting computer I/O: code, var, samp, kbd

Marking text edits: ins and del

Handling foreign scripts


images Chapter 4: Form Mastery

Form markup refresher

Dissecting the form element

Form element attributes

Gathering input

Original input types

New input types

Validating and submitting forms

Making input required  

Submitting forms using buttons and images

Other common input element attributes

Providing placeholder text

Making input read-only  

Autocomplete and autofocus

Using data lists

Other form controls


Text boxes

Displaying progress

Displaying a gauge

Displaying calculated output

Cryptographic key generator

Adding structure with fieldsets and labels

Putting it all together

Page 1, gathering user details

Page 2, gathering commentary

Page 3, providing confirmation

Form usability

Use the right input for the right job

Keep it short and simple

Don't make me think, don't make me work, and don't try to trick me

Remember that the Internet is global

Provide a fallback when needed


images Chapter 5: Multimedia: Video, Audio, and Embedded Media

Where it all began: img

Image maps

Embedding other media

The embed element

The object element

Embedding HTML: iframe

Handling content in the iframe element

New iframe element attributes

Targeting inline frames


Video formats

The licensing issue

Handling video sources

Video attributes


Audio formats

Captions track

Encoding audio and video

Last but not least


images Chapter 6: CSS3

The present state: CSS2.1

CSS3 modules

Using CSS

Attaching a style sheet

CSS style rules

Essential CSS selector syntax

Advanced selectors

Using selectors effectively

CSS Box Model

Backgrounds and borders

Basic background color and images

Multiple backgrounds

Rounded corners

Drop shadows


Color on-screen

Functional notation syntax

Hue, saturation, lightness


Web typography

Web fonts

Multiple columns

Text effects

Rules of typography


images Chapter 7: User Interaction and the HTML5 APIs

Using JavaScript in this chapter

Accessing DOM properties and methods

Logging to the console


The History API

Really simple Ajax

History-enabled Ajax

Building a custom video controller

Scripted 2D Canvas API

Drawing on Canvas

Canvas state

Canvas interactivity

Canvas animation

Drag-and-drop operations

Sorting a list using a drag-and-drop operation


images Chapter 8: The Road Ahead

Challenges of the mobile Web

Responsive design

The viewport

Media queries

Offline application cache

Other HTML5 technologies


Undo manager API

Upcoming CSS technologies


images Appendix: Associated Technologies


Retrieving the current position

Watching the current position

SVG and MathML

Client-side storage

Web storage

Using web storage

Other storage options

Web workers

Web Sockets API

Video conferencing and peer-to-peer communication


File API

Useful web resources

images Index

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