Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.
Ad revenue/subscription revenue balance, 5155
Advertiser demand
pre-Internet, 106107
price per media consumer, 105106
quantity of advertising, 106
simple constant-elasticity function, 106
Waldfogel-style instruments, 107
Advertiser finance, 910
Advertisers, 4647
benefit, 123
coarse thinking, 198
congestion and limited attention, 522524
consumer behavior, 125, 187
consumer naivety, 191194
consumer preferences, 125
consumer rationality, 190
consumer search, 127 143
consumer valuation, 185186
coordination, 173175
costs and reach, 177178
direct product information, 126127
disclosure costs, 178179
economic efficiency, 126
equilibrium shadow price, 186187
favorable quality information, 189190
goodwill, 194197
imperfectly competitive markets, 186
information congestion, 182183
information transmission, 184
informative advertising, 123
informative view, 124
inframarginal consumers, 188
inframarginal valuations, 188
low-quality product, 190
media business model, 184
monopoly firm, 185
Nelson’s arguments, 166168
post-advertising valuation, 187
pre-advertising valuation, 188189
product (see Product advertising)
product information disclosure, 126
product’s quality, 190
profit-maximizing quality, 185186
quantity discounts, 183
reach analysis, 188189
repeat purchase and money burning,
social benefit, 185
spurious product differentiation, 123124
static quality signaling, 168170
supply-side and demand-side conditions, 197
targeted, 180182
television, 183
welfare analysis, 183
Advertising-financed business model
advertisers, 4647
burgeoning literature, 86
consumers, 4446
consumer sovereignty, 42
equilibrium genre choices, 7885
inverse-U-shaped effect, 86
media platforms, 47
multi-homing viewers, 6678
participation externalities, 43
single-homing viewers, 4766
specialty magazines, 4344
usage externalities, 43
Advertising, Internet
ad revenues, 455
classified ads, 454455, 457
content providers, 453
digital news, 450
digital video advertising, 457, 458f
display advertising, 456 457
Facebook, 454
Internet Service Provider, 452
mobile advertising, 457, 458f
news consumption, 453454
news Websites, 451452, 451t
online measurement firms, 451
performance-based ad pricing, 457, 458f
Pew Research Center, 450
search advertising, 456
spillovers, 457459
Advertising, Internet (Continued)
stylized Internet media market, 452, 453f
YouTube, 454
Advertising, newspapers and magazines
determinants of rates, 426427
multi-homing, 425426
reader valuation, 422425
American Online (AOL) Time Warner
merger, 226
American Time Use Survey (ATUS), 208
Anderson and Coate model, 357358
AndersonCoate duopoly analysis, 67
Antitrust authorities
extension to two-sided market, 247250
traditional approach, 244247
Antitrust issues, newspapers and magazines
competitive behavior, 428
counter-intuitive features, 427
cross-ownership, 433
Joint Operating Agreements, 430432
mergers, 428430
price below marginal cost, 427
vertical price restrictions, 432433
Archant/Independent News and Media merger, 251
Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Solution (ANBS), 307
Audience demand
advertising-supported media, 93
cable television channel bundling, 104 105
classic discrete-choice models, 9498
consumer utility, 105
county-level market shares, 102
demographic attributes, 93
discrete-choice models, 93
“Hausman”-style instruments, 105
“Hotelling distance” parameter, 101
identification of demand parameters, 98 100
monopoly metro markets, 102
monopoly newspapers, 101
radio choices, 9496, 95f
random coefficients, 103
right-hand side product characteristics, 102
single-parameter nested logit, 100101
unobserved product characteristics, 9698,
US local radio markets, 94, 94f
“Waldfogel” instrumental variable, 102
Walfogel-style instruments, 102103
Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), 408
Bargaining empirics, 308
Bargaining theory, 306308
Barnes & Noble (B&N) Website, 492
Barriers to entry, television market
horizontal merger review, 315316
retail markets, 313315
wholesale markets, 309313
Behavioral targeting, 495
Belgian newspaper industry, 420
“Big Four” broadcast networks, 271
Biltmore program, 346347
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC),
271273, 381
Broadcast (free) television, 270275
Broadcast (pay) television, 284285
BSkyB, 260
Bundling empirics, 318319
Bundling theory, 316318
Business stealing, 134135
1992 Cable Act, 325326
Cable overbuilders, 276
Cable programming networks, 278280
Cable television, 276
Cablevision, 322323
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 381
Canadian Radio, Television and
Telecommunications Commission
(CRTC), 384
Carlton Communications/Granada merger,
Chain broadcasting, 347
Cheap talk context, 162163
Classic discrete-choice models, 9498
Classified ads, 457
Combative advertising, 142143
Comcast/NBCUniversal merger, 333
Communications Act of 1934, 345
Competitive bottlenecks, 56 57
Consumer naivety, 191194
Consumer preferences, 239
Consumer Price Index (CPI), 278
Consumers, 4446
Consumer search
combative advertising, 142 143
Diamond’s question, 128131
homogeneous products, 142
market-stealing externality, 142143
price advertising and price dispersion, 131134
product differentiation, 137 142
random search, 142
Stigler’s question, 127128
too much/too little advertising, 134136
Consumer unawareness and shrouded attributes, 191
Content matching/tailoring, 494
Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 382
Cross-externalities, print media markets, 417418
Cross-group externalities, 2223
Cross-platform television statistics, 285291
Demand elasticity effect, 322
Demand parameters identification, 98100
Demand size effect, 322
Der Spiegel, 433434
Designated Market Areas, 271
Digital broadcasting, 271
Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), 284285
Digital video advertising, 457, 458f
consumer control over advertising exposure,
increased targeting of advertising, 215
media market outcomes, 217218
new media business models, 215217
Display advertising, 456457
DoubleClick, 486
Dual source of financing, 239240
Duopoly, 1720
Economies of scale
newspapers and magazines, 413415
radio industry, 373375
Endogenous viewer choices, 7071
Equilibrium genre choices
consumer satisfaction, 78
duplication principle, 79
free-entry analysis, 8485
free-media platforms, 82
low-tier program, 79
overarching principle, 80
pay-platforms, 82
pricing game, 80
product differentiation, 7879
quality investment, 83
revenue extraction instruments, 8283
spatial duopoly model, 8384
standard pricing model, 81
Steiner’s duplication principle, 7980
subscription prices, 82
two-sided market trade-off, 83
Equilibrium media diversity, 2021
Equilibrium product variety, 84
Facebook, 454
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 345
Federal Radio Commission (FRC), 345
Fixed costs, 6, 3638
Fixed-price version, 7980
Free-entry analysis, 8485
Generalized method of moments (GMM)
techniques, 113
German duopoly magazine markets, 419420
Globe Democrat, 432
Google Flight Search, 482
Hausman instruments, 99, 105
HerfindahlHirschmann indices (HHI), 360361
Heterogeneous ad-nuisance costs, 60
Heterogeneous advertisers, 7476
Heterogeneous consumers, 3435
Horizontally differentiated duopoly, 160
Horizontal merger review, 315316
Hotelling-style positioning model, 32
Ideal point Hotelling-style model, 101
iHeartRadio, 210
Incremental pricing of ads, 6871
Independent Television (ITV), 304
Information congestion, 7677, 182183
Information spreading, 491494
Informative advertising, 123124
Insulating tariffs, 65
click-through rates, 449
consumer choice with multi-homing, 472481
Internet (Continued)
content matching/tailoring, 494524
content provision, 447
context-specific ads, 448449
Facebook, 447
fine-tuned targeting, 446
GlobalWebIndex, 447448
higher-quality content, 449450
infomediaries, 447
information spreading, 491494
ISPs, 468470
“long tail” hypothesis, 448449
media and advertising, 450459
media consumption and convergence, 459460
media platforms, 460462
multi-homing users, 448
net neutrality, 468470
news aggregators and selection of news, 462466
newspapers and magazines, 433437
search engines and media content, 466467
search engines and search bias, 481491
social networking, 446
tracking technology, 450
Wikipedia, 447
YouTube, 447
Internet Protocol (IP) technologies, 276277
Internet Protocol television (IPTV) providers,
Internet service providers (ISPs), 468470
Italian national newspaper industry, 420
Joint Operating Agreements (JOAs)
merger policy and regulation, 235236
newspaper, 430432
Kantar Media, 408
Keyword advertising
consumer online behavior, 511
consumer’s optimal search behavior, 507
Google AdWords, 505
non-brand keywords, 510
optimal pricing decision, 508
reservation price, 506
retailer-specific information, 509510
search process, 506
Live programming, 218
Local Community Radio Act of 2010, 369
Local radio market consolidation effects
advertising market, 360364
product differentiation and variety, 364 369
“Low Power FM” stations, 369
Market failures in advertising finance, 6061
Market size
and consumption, 32
and entry, 29
equilibrium media diversity, 2021
and quality, 3031
and variety, 29 30
Market stealing effect, 140141
Market structure, newspapers and magazines
decline of newspapers, 411413
demographic characteristics, 409
economies of scale, 413415
empirical research, 409
newspaper chains, 415416
number of newspapers, 410411
subscription prices, 409
Mass media
definition, 206
digitization, 210211, 213218
economic characteristics, 206
leisure activity, 208, 208f
media multitasking, 218221
PeopleMeters, 209
print media, 207
screen proliferation, 212
second screening, 206207
self-reports, 207
Set-Top Boxes, 209
Match advertising
constant marginal cost, 147
consumer tastes, 146
demand-driven incentives, 146147
direct information about experience goods,
search goods and advertising content, 151154
Media complementarities, 218220
Media firm supply side
cost parameter estimation, 113
“Cournot” model, 111
cross-good pricing effects, 114
degree of product variety, 114
endogenous variables and cost shifters, 109
entry models with differentiation, 116 118
first-order conditions, 108
implicit function technique, 111
inverse advertising demand function, 110
Jeziorski model, 111
linear monopoly demand, 109
marginal cost-marginal benefit analysis, 107108
method of moments techniques, 110
monopoly newspaper markets, 108
“multi-product” firm pricing first-order
conditions, 112
Nash equilibrium, 112, 115
newspaper markets, 114
newspaper profit, 110
operating costs, 114
per-firm revenue function, 115
price-setting game, 110
pricing decisions, 109
single-product logit demand, 108
time-shifting technologies, 118
two-sided multi-product demand equations, 111
vector of demographics, 108
welfare maximizing equilibrium, 116
Media market outcomes, 217218
Media multitasking
competition for attention, 220221
media complementarities, 218220
Median voter behavior, 421
Media platforms
ad-financed business model, 461462
advertising effect, 239
advertising-financed business model, 47
advertising revenue, 460
blogging content, 462
dual source of financing, 239240
duplication of genres, 237239
empirical evidence, 242243
imperfect competition in product market, 240241
limits on ownership concentration and media
bias, 242
matching advertising to content, 494511
matching advertising to users, 511524
maximum vs. minimum differentiation, 237
multi-homing consumers, 241242
non-participating bloggers, 462
second preferences, 239
simple formal exposition, 460
Merger policy and regulation
ad-financed platforms incentives, 228
antitrust authorities, 227, 244250
consequences, 226
diversity and differentiation incentives, 227
Hotelling model, 227
platforms’ choice of genres, 236243
possible non-price effect, 257258
possible price effect, 250257
price and quantity effects, 228236
two-sided market, 226227
Mergers, newspapers and magazines, 428430
“Minor” broadcast networks, 271
Minority Telecommunications Development
Program, 368
Misleading advertising
cheap talk, 162163
imperfect enforcement of laws, 163 164
Mixed-finance model, 17
Mobile advertising, 457, 458f
Monopoly, 1617
Multi-homing consumers
competition for advertisers, 241242
two-sided markets, 231235
Multi-homing consumers, Internet
aggregate demand, 472473
business-sharing effect, 478479
consumer demand structure, 476, 477 f
content duplication, 480
demand configuration, 475, 475f
duopoly, 475476
duplication effect, 478479
equilibrium prices and profits, 476477
incremental pricing, 478
monopoly, 475476
one-sided market, 472
overlapping consumers, 475
positive consumer preference correlation, 479
profits, 473
transportation parameter, 476
two-sided ad-financed media model, 473474
welfare-optimal locations, 473
Multi-homing readers
AndersonCoate duopoly analysis, 67
behavior of advertisers, 66
competitive bottleneck, 66
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