Robot frames of reference in the URDF model

It is very important to understand how to place the different reference frames you will use for your robot. First, you have to decide where the <joint> elements are located in the space. In our case, we have two: one for the right wheel and one for the left wheel. Let's look at the one for the right wheel first:

  <joint name="joint_right_wheel" type="continuous">
<parent link="base_link"/>
<child link="right_wheel"/>
<origin xyz="0 -0.30 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<axis xyz="0 1 0" />

Now, let's look at the one for the left wheel:

 <joint name="joint_left_wheel" type="continuous">
<parent link="base_link"/>
<child link="left_wheel"/>
<origin xyz="0 0.30 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<axis xyz="0 1 0" />

Here, you can see that the <origin> tags specify the locations:

  • The right joint origin is -0.30 m along the y ground axis (green axis).
  • The left joint origin is +0.30 m along the y ground axis.

As in both cases, regarding the rpy="0 0 0" attribute, there is no rotation and both coordinate frames are parallel to that of the coordinate frame of the ground. We know that both <joint> tags are relative to the ground because both have base_link as the parent link, and you know that the first link of our model, base_link, is the absolute reference for the robot's overall position and orientation.

In general, <origin> is the transform from the parent link to the child link. The joint is located at the origin of the child link. The tag <axis xyz="0 1 0"> specifies the rotation axis. In this case it is y axis, since it has a value of 1, while x and z have 0 values.

The frames you can see in the following screenshot are the respective ones for base_linkright_wheel, and left_wheel. They are specified inside the <visual> tag of each link. In these three cases, in the URDF file, you will see that they follow the following pattern:

<link name="base_link">
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy=".. .. .." />

xyz="0 0 0" means that they coincide with the joint reference frame:

In the case of the wheels, we have the following:

<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="1.570795 0 0" />

1.570795 = pi/2 = 90° is the rotation around the x axis (red). This is what ensures that the cylinders shaping the wheels are oriented vertically.

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