
Achor, Shawn, xiii

acts, 119

adaptation, 149–51

agenda, 60

Anderson, Ray, 120

Apple, 129

applications, 163–70

aspirations, 4, 70

authenticity, 148

crisis leadership strategy of trust and, 152–57

higher purpose essential of, 102–4, 106–7

autonomy, 71

awards, 88–89, 97–99

Baker, Wayne, 52–54

Ballmer, Steve, 126–27

banking, x

bankruptcy, 156

barriers, x–xi

Before Happiness (Achor), xiii

benefits, 140–45

Berg, Justin M., 74

Bhatt, Ela R., 123–24

Buksbaum, Lisa Honig, 122

Burt’s Bees, 74–75

Camden, Carl, 97–99

capacity, 12

excellence increased by leaders’, 2, 3f, 158

cares, crisis leadership and, 148–49

Carnegie, Dale, 62

Center for Positive Organizations, 2

change, 104–5, 113, 138–39

benefits and purpose of, 140–45

benefits focus as practice in, 143–44

e-mails for implementation of, 159–60

employees as resources, not resisters to, 136–37, 144–45

employees’ capability practice in, 144–45

micro-moves for generative, 126–27

micro-moves’ importance in, 127–28, 132–35

organizational, x–xi, 1–2

overarching goals supporting, 159–60

ownership practice in, 142–43

practice of resisters to resources for, 142–45

Charmel, Patrick, 88–89

clients, 20–21

code of ethics, 95, 97, 99

Collaborative Care, 130–31

common good, 99–100

communication, 14–15, 27

comparisons, 83

compassion, 35–36, 98–99

connections, 28–29

development of, 165–67

high quality, 11–26

constraints, 123

contributions, 27

core nuggets, 162–70

Cramer, Jack, 133

creation, of vision, 164–65


economic and banking, x–xii

opportunity created from, 147–48, 155, 160

positive identity and aversion of, 63–64

seeds of hope planted in, 63

crisis leadership

adaptation in, 149–51, 155

cares about, 148–49

Ford Motor Company’s lesson in, 154–57

opportunity from crisis in, 153–54, 156–57, 160

scanning for possibilities in, 151–52, 155

strategies for, 149–57, 160

cultivation, 115–16, 124, 162–64

cultural insights, 57, 110–11

culture, 170–71

positive, 152–53

design, 21, 65, 70–71

despair, 141–42

development, of connections, 165–67

developmental plans, 71–72

discovery, micro-moves of, 128–32

diversity, 57

Drucker, Peter, 110–11

Dutton, Jane E., 74

economic crisis, ix

economic logic, 101–5, 109–10

e-mails, 159–60

emotional triggers, 38


critical phase responses to, 36–37

goal alignment with, 33

managing, 36–39

mindfulness by balancing, 34–35

mindfulness in value with, 40

negotiation processes and, 32–33

self-narration for managing, 36–37

employees, 29, 46, 49, 66–67

despair overcome by, 141–42

as end users, 28

ethical leaders’ influence on, 91–92

feedback provided for, 51, 53–54

leaders blaming, 136

as resources, not resisters to change, 136–37, 144–45

empowerment, 49–50

enabling, 83–84

encouragements, 84

end users, 26, 28–29

energy, health sustained by managing, 48, 53–54

engagement, 12, 25

leaders’ potentiality and, 4

mindful, 47

respectful, 13–15

supportive communication inviting, 14–15

Weston Solutions’ strategies for client, 20–21

ethical leaders, 90–94


auditing for, 95–96

common good in, 99

compassion in, 98–99

hiring in, 95

implementing code of, 95, 97, 99

mantra search in, 93

micro-move for infusion of, 132

organizational practices for, 94–99

pitfall avoidance in, 93–94

positivity in, 96

rewards practice in, 98

solitaire avoidance in, 94

unbiased information in, 98

walk the talk strategy in, 92–93

Everest goals, 85–87


leaders increasing capacity for, 2, 3f, 158

organizations’ trajectories of, 3f, 4, 113, 158

relationships for fostering, 9

seed ideas as possibility for, 5, 52, 133, 158

facilitation, of transcendence, 85–87

feedback, 25–27, 51, 53

Ford, Bill Jr., 155–57

Ford Motor Company, 154–57

forgiveness, 83–84

Fortune Magazine’s Most Admired Company’s List, 97

Fortune’s Top 100 Best Places to Work, 88

Fredrickson, Barbara, 12

Free the Children, 124–25

Frey, Donna, 134

fundamental shift of leadership (FSL), 107

fundamental state of leadership best practices (FSLBPs), 108

GIVE model, 56–57

goals, 117–18, 159–60. See also Everest goals; strategic goals

Google, 73, 129–30

Gore, Bill, 133–35

Gore, Vieve, 133–35

gratitude, 82–83

Great Recession of 2008, 154–57

Griffin Hospital, 88–89

health, 12, 80, 82

energy management for sustaining, 48, 53–54

health care professionals, 24–25, 88–89

higher purpose, 100–101

authenticity essential for, 102–4, 106–7

birth of, 110–11

in cultural insights, 110–11

economic logic for, 102–5, 109–10

imbuement strategies for, 106–10

leadership’s state of, 107t

leaders not valuing, 105–6

meaningfulness association with, 84, 91

organization’s reorientation for, 110–11

person in strategy for, 106–7

purpose and change for, 104–5

purpose and meaning for, 103–4

reasons for pursuit of, 103–4

vision formulation strategies of, 108–9

high-quality connections (HQCs). See also connections

clients and building of, 20–21

design for fostering, 21

health promoted by, 12

inspiration outsourcing for, 22–26

leaders valuing, 19

learning and, 12

organizations for fostering, 17–18

rewards for building, 17–18

routines and practices to build, 18

strategies for building, 13–17

trust as contributor to, 15–16

values of, 11–13, 19

hope, 63, 160

acts as resuscitations of, 119

constraints released by, 123

cultivation of, 115–16, 124

as emergency virtue, 117

events for redirection of, 125

Free the Children’s cultivation of, 124–25

goals sustained by cultivating, 117–18

as leadership tool, 116

Me to We cultivation of, 124–25

principle of acting “as if” in, 118–19, 123–25

principle of “kiss it better” in, 120–22

principle of “shared, not stored,” 122–24

principles for cultivating, 118–24

value of, 116–18

hopefulness, 121

hopelessness, 121


crisis aversion by positive, 63–64

GIVE model of positive, 56–57

infusions for positive, 59–62

leaders constructing positive, 55–57, 64

questioning positive, 57–58

responses to at work, 56

threats to, 57–58

work strategies for cultivating, 58–62

imbuement, 100–101, 106–10

impact, 24–29, 31

incivility, 50–51, 53

individuals, 128

information, in practices, 49, 98

infusions, positive identity, 59–62

Ingoma Nshya, 121–22

initiative, 133, 137, 161, 167–68

urgency aspect of change and, 142

innovation, 47

inspiration, 22–26, 30–31

Institute for Crisis Management, 147–48

Interface, Inc., 120

investments, 47–48

Inzozi Nziza, 121–22


impact of exposure to one’s, 24–25

optimization of, 67–68

uncertainty embracement for, 134

job crafting

aspiration in, 70

autonomy enabling, 71

Burt’s Bees support of, 74–75

in developmental plans for, 71–72

employees proactivity and, 66–67

Google opportunities and, 73

management support of, 75

meaning generated by, 47

opportunities in, 70–75

for optimal design of job, 65

organization design for, 70–71

strategic goals enabling, 72

strategies of, 67–70

swap meets enabling, 72–73

value of, 66–67, 75

Job Crafting Exercise, 68, 73

journal, 27, 82

Katese, Odile Gakire, 121–22

Kelly, Russell, 97–99

Kelly Services, 97–99

Kielburger, Craig, 124–25

Kielburger, Marc, 124–25

kindness, in relational mindfulness, 35

knowledge, 149–51, 157

Latino/as, 57

leaders, xii, 5–7, 43, 60, 160

behaviors of transformational, 103–4

conveyance of presence as effort for, 14

core nuggets for positive, 162–70

employees blamed by, 136

empowerment provided by, 49–50

ethical, 90–94

excellence capacity increased by, 2, 3f, 158

higher purpose imbuement by, 100–101

higher purpose not valued by, 105–6

high-quality connections (HQCs) valued by, 11–13, 19

inspiration outsourcing by, 30–31

as linking pins, 29, 31

mindfulness cultivation by, 34–36

people’s best brought out by, 1–2

positive identity constructed by, 55–57, 64

potentiality and engagement of, 4

leadership, x, xi. See also crisis leadership

aspirations for positive, 4

economic logic for positive, 101–2

fundamental state of higher purpose in, 107t

hope as tool for, 116

insights about positive, 161–62

organization’s culture and impact of, 170–71

Leadership Lifeline, 60

learning, 12, 45–54

vision and strategy for, 108–9

lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT), 57

linking pins, 29, 31

Lynch, Phil, 19

management, 39, 48, 53–54, 75

Mandela, Nelson, 115, 119–20

Maxwell, John, 62

meaning, 46, 96

applications for positive, 163–64

cultivation of positive, 162–64

higher purpose in pursuit of, 103–4

job crafting for generating, 47

resources in tasks with, 69

thriving fueled by having, 47

meaningfulness, 84, 91

meetings, 26–27, 83

Me to We, 124–25


change and importance of, 127–28, 132–35

of discovery, 128–32

ethics infused by, 132

generative change by, 126–27

individuals emboldened by, 128

organizations’ implementing, 129–30, 133–35

possibilities explored in, 131–32, 134–35

unknown experienced in, 129–30, 133–34

W. L. Gore and Associates creating, 133–35

Microsoft, 126–27

milestones, 60

mindful engagement, 47


business relationships fostered with, 40–41

compassion in relational, 35–36

emotional triggers reinterpreted by, 38

emotion management by, 39

emotions balanced for relational, 34–35

emotions cocreating value with, 40

environmental triggers noticed by, 37

kindness in relational, 35

leaders cultivating, 34–36

physiological reactions modified by, 38–39

Reviva and Celia cultivating, 39–41

value of negotiating with, 32–34

minimization, of incivility, 50–51, 53

moral goodness, 77

moral manager, 90–91

moral persons, 90–91

motivation, 22–26, 104

Mulally, Alan, 155–57

negotiations, 32–34

Obama, Barack, 115

opportunity, 47, 70–75

crisis creating, 147–48, 155, 160

from crisis leadership, 153–54, 156–57, 160

optimism, ix–x

optimization, of job, 67–68

organizational change. See also change

impediments to, x–xi

people’s best brought out by, 1–2

organizations, 4, 17–18

culture and impact of leadership in, 170–71

higher purpose reorientation in, 110–11

job crafting designed by, 70–71

micro-moves implemented at, 129–30, 133–35

outperforming of higher purpose, 104–5

practices for ethics in, 94–99

principalagent problem limiting, 100–101

resourcefulness’ importance in, 137

thrivers enabled by practices in, 48–54

trajectories for excellence in, 3f, 4, 113, 158

virtuousness in, 79, 81

outperforming, of organizations, 104–5

phases, of emotional response, 36–37

physiological reactions, 38–39

play, engaging, 16–17

positive culture, of transcendence, 152–53

positive deviance, 85–86

positive organizational scholarship (POS), 5–7, 158

positive outcomes, 46, 98

possibility, 151–52, 155

of excellency by increasing capacities, 2, 3f, 158

micro-moves explored for, 131–32, 134–35

in seed ideas for excellence, 5, 52, 133, 158

practices, 18, 118–24

of calling forth moral goodness, 77

change, 142–45

dabbling, 134

ethics by organizational, 94–99

implementing code of ethics, 95, 97, 99

thriving and enabling, 48–54

presence, in conveying, 14

principal-agent problem, 100–101


of acting “as if” in hope, 118–19, 123–25

hope cultivation’s practices and, 118–24

“kiss it better” in hope, 120–22

of open-book management, 53

of “shared, not stored” in hope, 122–24

prioritization, 169–70

privacy, 40–41

proactivity, 69, 167–68

of employees job crafting, 66–67

project managers (PMs), 20–21

pursuance, 103–4

questioning, of positive identity, 57–58

Quimby, Roxanne, 74

recommendations, 5–7

reflected best-self, 61–62

Reflected Best-Self Exercise™ (RBSE), 61–62

reflection, 149–51

relationships, 9, 47–48

mindfulness fostering business, 40–41


organizations’ importance of, 137

retail sector lead by, 145–46

self-affirmation strategy in, 141–42, 145–46

storytelling as strategy in, 139–40, 145–46

strategies during change for, 138–42

strategy of transformation in, 138–39

resources, 43, 69, 113, 136–37, 144–45

respect, 13–15

responses, to identity at work, 56

re-vision, of relational landscape, 68–69

Reviva and Celia restaurant, 39–41

rewards, 17–18, 98

routines, 18

Saginaw, Paul, 52–54

seed ideas, 5, 52, 133, 158

self-affirmation, 141–42, 145–46

Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), 123–24

self-narration, 36–39

Shavitz, Burt, 74

SMART attributes, 85–86

Soaring Words, 122

Soccorsy, Ben, 30–31

social interactions, 33–34

social media, 65, 98

Stat, Thomas, 118–20

storytelling, as resourcefulness strategy, 139–40, 145–46

strategic goals, 33, 72

strategies, 20–21

for connecting to one’s impact, 26–28

for crisis leadership, 149–57, 160

ethical leaders’ improvement, 92–94

of higher purpose and vision, 108–9

higher purpose imbuement, 106–10

for high-quality connections (HQCs), 13–17

job crafting, 67–70

leaders’ clusters of positive, 5–7

for managing emotions, 36–39

mindfulness for emotions, 39

positive identity’s cultivation, 58–62

resourcefulness and change, 138–42

resourcefulness’ transformation, 138–39

in self-narration, 36–39

thriving enhancement, 46–48

success, xi, 87

swap meets, 72–73

task-enable, 15

task significance, 22–26

threats, to identity, 57–58

thriving, 154–57

fueled by meaning in, 47

organization practices to enable, 48–54

strategies for enhancing, 46–48

at work’s values, 45–46, 51–52

Zingerman’s success by environmental, 52–53

trajectories, organizations’ excellence, 3f, 4, 113, 158


Everest goals attributes for, 86–87

facilitation of, 85–87

positive culture as outgrowth for, 152–53

positive deviance in, 85–86

trust, xii, 15–16, 27

crisis leadership and authenticity strategy for, 152–57

uncertainty, 134

Vaill, Peter, 105–6

value, x–xi, 40, 105–6

of ethical leaders, 91–92

of high-quality connections (HQCs), 11–13, 19

of hope, 116–18

of job crafting, 66–67, 75

mindful negotiations of, 32–34

of virtuousness, 80–81

work thriving, 45–46, 51–52

Values in Action (VIA), 59

virtuousness, 87, 117

applications for actions in, 169–70

gratitude as enabling, 82–83

at Griffin Hospital, 88–89

health affected by, 80

in organizations, 79, 81

prioritization in actions of, 169–70

value of, 80–81

vision, 68–69, 164–65

strategy for learning and, 108–9

video conveyance of company, 30–31

We Day, 125

Weinzweig, Ari, 52–54

Wells Fargo, 30–31

Weston Solutions, 20–21

W. L. Gore and Associates, 133–35

Yunus, Muhammad, 115, 119

Zingerman’s, 52–53

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