AACAn audio format designed by Apple as a successor to MP3 and used in its iPod and iTunes products
AACR2RAnglo-American Cataloging Rules (second edition, revised), published by the American Library Association
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange, a 1968 standard 7-bit code for representing the Roman alphabet plus numerals and special symbols
Authority controlThe practice of using a list of preferred terms or proper names for metadata values within a library catalog
BibTeXScheme for managing bibliographic data and references within documents in the TeX format
Boolean queryQuery to an information-retrieval system that may contain AND, OR, NOT
BrowsingAccessing a collection by scanning an organized list of metadata values associated with the documents (such as author, title, date, and keywords)
BuildingProcess of creating the indexing and browsing structures that are used to access a collection
Case-foldingMaking uppercase and lowercase words look the same, for searching purposes
CD-ROMCompact disk read-only memory, a 650-MB disk that uses the same technology as audio CDs
CGICommon Gateway Interface, a scheme that allows users to activate programs on the host computer by clicking on Web pages
CGI scriptCode associated with a button, menu, or link on a Web page that specifies what the host computer is to do when clicked
CollectionSet of documents that are brought together under a uniform searching and browsing interface
Collection configuration fileFile that specifies how a Greenstone collection is to be imported and built, what indexes and language interfaces are to be provided, and so on
CookieA short message sent by a Web server to a Web browser and then returned unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server, the purpose being to retain a unique identifier for the user between invocations
CSSCascading Style Sheets, a way of controlling the presentation of HTML and XML documents
DDLDescription Definition Language, a form of XMLSchema used in MPEG-7 to allow users to create their own metadata format
Digital libraryCollection of digital objects (text, audio, video), along with methods for access and retrieval, as well as methods for selection, organization, and maintenance
DocumentBasic unit from which digital library collections are constructed, which may include text, graphics, sound, and video
DOIDigital Object Identifier, a scheme for permanent URLs that uses the Handle system and is maintained by the International DOI Foundation
DSpaceOpen source institutional repository software, designed by the MIT Library in conjunction with Hewlett-Packard (Document Space)
DTDDocument Type Definition, a specification used in XML (and also SGML) to express the structure of a particular set of documents
Dublin CoreAn intentionally minimalist standard for describing metadata, designed to be applied to resources on the Web
DVDDigital Versatile Disk, a disk format that can hold from 5 to 20 GB of data
Dynamic HTMLCombination of HTML with CSS, Web-page scripting, and the document object model that provides functionality comparable to XSL
EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, an alternative code to ASCII
Encapsulated PostScriptVariant of PostScript designed for expressing graphics of a single page or less that are to be included in other documents
EndnoteCommercial program for managing bibliographic data and references within documents
Faceted classificationBrowsing scheme that allows users to navigate the document space using different metadata elements or “facets”
FAOUnited Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
FedoraA repository architecture founded upon a powerful digital object model, which is extremely flexible and configurable (Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture)
FLACLossless audio coding scheme (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
FOFormatting Objects, the component of the XML specification that deals with page layout and related formatting issues
FTPFile transfer protocol
GB-encodingStandard way of encoding the Chinese language
GIFGraphics Image Format, a widely used compression scheme for lossless images
GNU Public LicenseSoftware license that permits users to copy and distribute computer programs freely, and to modify them, so long as all modifications are made publicly available
GreenstoneThe name of the digital library software used as an example in the book (
HTMLHyperText Markup Language, the language in which Web documents are written
HTML TidySoftware utility that converts older HTML formats to XHTML
HTTPHypertext transfer protocol
HyperlinkLink to another document or to another place within this document
ImportingProcess of bringing collections of documents into a digital library system
IndexInformation structure that is used for searching or browsing a collection
Institutional repositoryA specialized kind of digital library designed to collect, preserve, and disseminate an institution's intellectual output
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number
ISCIIIndian Script Code for Information Interchange, an ASCII extension that incorporates Brahmi-based Indic scripts
JPEGStandard for (mainly) lossy image compression, named after the Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG 2000Later version of the JPEG image compression standard
LCSHLibrary of Congress Subject Headings, a controlled vocabulary for assigning subject descriptors
LZWLempel-Ziv-Welch compression scheme, used in GIF, TIFF, PDF, and PostScript Level 2 and above
MADSMetadata Authority Description Schema, an XML-based format for authority control information
MARCMachine-readable cataloging format, a metadata scheme designed in the late 1960s for use by professional library catalogers
MARCXMLA standard way of representing MARC data in the XML language
MetadataStructured information, such as author, title, date, keywords, and so on, that is associated with a document (or document collection)
METSMetadata Encoding and Transmission Standard for the representation, maintenance, and exchange of digital objects
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface, a representation of music used by music synthesizers
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, a standard for including different types of file—text, images, audio, video, or application-specific data—in e-mail messages
MirrorThe process of copying a Web site, or part of a Web site, to another location and making it available there
MP3A lossy digital audio encoding format (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)
MODSMetadata Object Description Schema, an XML-based format for metadata from the U.S. Library of Congress
MPEGSet of standards for representing multimedia material, named after the Motion Picture Experts Group
MXFMaterial Exchange Format, a container format for video data
New Zealand Digital Library (NZDL) ProjectResearch project in the Computer Science Department at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, that created the Greenstone software (
OAI-OREStandard designed expressly for representing aggregations of digital objects (Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange)
OAI-PMHProtocol designed for the efficient dissemination of digital library metadata (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting; often abbreviated to simply OAI)
OCROptical Character Recognition, the process of producing a digital representation of the textual content of a document image
ODFOpen Document Format, an XML-based set of specifications for office documents
Ogg VorbisLossy digital audio encoding format specifically designed to be free of all patent restrictions
Ogg TheoraLossy digital video encoding format specifically designed to be free of all patent restrictions
OIDObject Identifier, a unique identification code associated with a document or other digital object
OMROptical Music Recognition, the musical analog of OCR
OOXMLOffice Open XML, an XML-based format for representing documents in Microsoft Office products
Phrase queryQuery to a full-text retrieval system that comprises several consecutive words
PDFPortable Document Format, a page description language designed for interactive use as a successor to PostScript
PNGPortable Network Graphics, an open standard for lossless images
PostScriptThe first widely used page description language
PREMISPREservation Metadata Implementation Strategies, a standard for preservation and administrative metadata
ProtocolSet of conventions according to which two systems communicate
PURLPersistent URL, a particular style of URN
Ranked queryNatural-language query to an information-retrieval system, for which the documents that match the query are sorted in order of relevance
RDFResource Description Framework, a scheme designed to facilitate the interoperability of metadata
RSLP collection descriptionA particular application of RDF by the Research Support Libraries Program based at the University of Bath, United Kingdom
RTFRich Text Format, a standard format for interchange of text documents
SearchingAccessing a collection through a full-text search of its contents (or parts of contents, such as section titles)
SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language, a metalanguage for describing markup formats that was standardized in 1986 and forms a precursor to XML
SQLStructured Query Language, an industry-standard database-query language
SRUSearch/Retrieval via URL, a Web service version of Z39.50
StemmingStripping endings off a term to make it more general
SVGXML-based language for describing two-dimensional graphics
TEIText Encoding Initiative, a project founded in 1987 that developed SGML DTDs for representing scholarly texts in the humanities and social sciences
TIFFTagged Image File Format, a file format for raster images that incorporates facilities for descriptive metadata
UCSUnicode Character Set, the set of characters supported by Unicode
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UnicodeStandard scheme for representing the character sets used in the world's languages
URIUniversal Resource Identifier, a generic name for URLs and URNs
URLUniversal Resource Locator, a standard way of addressing objects on the Web (but this term is supposed to be superseded by URI)
URNUniversal Resource Name, a way of naming resources instead of specifying their locations
UTFUCS Transformation Format, a scheme for representing Unicode characters with three variants: UTF-32, UTF-16, and UTF-8
VRMLVirtual Reality Modeling Language, used for presenting virtual reality experiences on the Web
Web serverStandard program that computers use to make information accessible over the World Wide Web
WordMicrosoft Word, a widely used word processing program
XHTMLModern version of HTML that incorporates the stricter syntactic rules of XML
XLinkXML linking language that provides a more powerful method for connecting resources than HTML hyperlinks
XMLExtensible Markup Language, a metalanguage for describing markup formats for structured documents and data on the Web
XML SchemaWay of specifying the structure of a particular set of documents that provides more expressive facilities for structures and data types than DTDs
XMPExtensible Metadata Platform, a way of embedding metadata within files like images and PDF documents
XPathXML specification that allows the selection of parts of a document
XPointerDevelopment of XPath that provides a finer degree of control over the parts of the document being selected
XQueryFormat used for expressing queries in the style of XML
XSLExtensible Stylesheet Language, a way of controlling the presentation of XML documents (and XML-compliant HTML ones) that is more expressive than CSS
XSLTXSL Transformations, a component of the XML specification that allows you to manipulate parts of the document tree
Z39.50International standard communications protocol developed for use by library catalog systems
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