Chapter 11

This chapter reflects developments up ro 2006. Changes after rhar year have nor been incorporated.

1. Sumit Ganguly and Devin Hagerty, Fearful Symmetry: India–Pakistan Crises in the Shadow of Nuclear Weapons (New Delhi: Oxford, 2005).

2. Sumit Ganguly, Conflict Unending: India–Pakistan Tensions Since 1947 (New Delhi: Oxford, 2002), pp. 126–27.

3. Ganguly and Hagerty, Fearful Symmetry, pp. 168–70.

4. See the text of the memorandum of understanding signed between the two Foreign Secretaries at Lahore, available at 109215#doc2

5. Mohammed Ayoob, ‘South Asia’s Dangers and US Foreign Policy’, Orbis,Vol. 45, No. 1, Winter 2001, p. 127. Also see David A. Lake and Patrick M. Morgan (eds), Regional Orders: Building Security in a New World (Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997).

6. Ayoob, ‘South Asia’s Dangers and US Foreign Policy’, p.l26.

7. Ayoob, ‘South Asia’s Dangers and US Foreign Policy’, p. 126–27. See also his ‘India as Regional Hegemon: External Opportunities and Internal Constraints,’ International journal, Summer 1991.

8. Thomas Perry Thornton, ‘Pakistan: Fifty years of Insecurity’, in Selig S. Harrison, Paul H. Kriesberg and Dennis Kux (eds), India and Pakistan: The First Fifty Years (Cambridge: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Cambridge University Press, 1999), p. 171.

9. Ibid.

10. Stanley Wolpert, Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan: His Life and Times (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 65.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid., p. 75

13. Swaran Singh, ‘Sino-Pakistan Defence Cooperation: Joint Ventures and Weapons Procurement’, Peace Initiatives, Vol. 5, Nos 3–6, May–December 1999, p. 13.

14. C. Raja Mohan, ‘Ten Questions on Peace Process’, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 77 issue 10 July 2004, p. 3097.

15. ‘Determinants of South Asian Stability’, Spotlight on Regional Affairs, Vol. 24, No.1, January 2005, p. 4.

16. Famida Ashra ‘India–Pakistan Dialogue Under the Congress Government’, Strategic Studies, Vol. 24, No.3, Autumn 2004, pp. 23–24.

17. ‘Common Minimum Programme’, Hindu, 27 May 2004.

18. N. Ram, ‘More Terrorist Incidents Could Disrupt Peace Process’, Hindu, 7 July 2005.

19. Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2903, available at

20. Havana Statement, issued at the NAM meet on 16 September 2006, available at

21. ‘India has “Concrete Evidence” of Cross-Border “Terrorism”’, Nation, 6 July 2005.

22. Rajeev Sharma and S. Satyanarayanan, ‘India, Pak Fail to Reach Agreement’, Tribune, 30 August 2005.

23. See joint statement after foreign secretary level talks between India and Pakistan, available at

24. Zeeshan Haidar, ‘India, Pakistan Agree to Continue Siachen Talks’, Indian Express, 28 May 2005.

25. Iftikhar Gilani, ‘Singh Discussing Siachen Issue with Army’, Daily Times, 6 December 2006, available at–12-2006_pgl_5

26. I. N. Mukherji, ‘Indo-Pakistan Trade: Problems and Prospects’, Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, April-June 1997, p. 5.

27. Farzana Noshab, ‘Prospective Developments in Indo-Pakistan Trade: Impact on Pakistan’s Economy, Strategic Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer 2005, p. 75.

28. Ibid., p. 76.

29. Mahendra P. Lama, ‘India and Pakistan: Economic Stakes’, World Focus, Vol. 22, Nos 10–12, October-December 2001, p. 25.

30. Ibid., p. 25.

31. K. L. Chawla, ‘India–Pakistan Trade Relations: Viable Options Despite Hurdles’, India Quarterly, Vol. 57, No.2, April-June 2001, pp. 140–41.

32. Nisha Taneja, ‘Trade Relations: Opportunities for Growth’, Economic and Political Weekly, 24 January 2004, pp. 326–27. Also see Chawla, ‘India–Pakistan Trade Relations’, p.141.

33. See Farzana Noshab ‘Prospective Developments in Indo-Pakistan Trade’, p. 84. Also see Nisha Taneja, Trade Relations: Oppurtuntiies for Growth’, pp. 326–27.

34. Taneja, ‘Trade Relations: Oppurtuntiies for Growth’.

35. RajaMohan, ‘Ten Questions on Peace Process’, p. 3098.

36. Ibid.

37. Taneja, ‘Trade Relations: Opportunities for Growth’, p. 327. Article 24 of GATT, Paragraph 2 permits India and Pakistan to enter into special arrangements with respect to trade between themselves (‘pending the establishment of their mutual trade relations on a definitive basis’) as they were part of the same custom union prior to Partition.

38. For an updated study on the transportation and non-tariff barriers in India–Pakistan trade see Nisha Taneja, ‘India Pakistan Trade’, Working Paper no. 182, ICRIER, June 2006.

39. Ibid., pp. 326–27.

40. South Asia Free Trade Agreement text, available at

41. Dushni Weerakoon and Jayanthi Thennakoon, ‘SAFTA: Myth of Free Trade’, Economic and Political Weekly, 16 September 2006.

42. ‘Pakistan Ratifies SAFTA—But No Free Trade with India’, UNI , 16 February 2006, available at

43. Arun S. ‘No MFN; Pak Expands Positive List for India’, 29 September 2006, Financial Express , available at

44. Sajid Chaudhry, ‘Second SAFTA Tariff Reduction on 31st’, Daily Times , 20 December 2006, available at–12-2006_pg1_1

45. See Iftikhar Gilani, ‘Joint Statement After 2nd Round of Trade Talks: India and Pakistan to Expedite Process of Opening Banks’, Daily Times, 11 August 2005.

46. See Amit Mishra, ‘Foreign Ministers Meeting, 2–6 October 2005’, Indo-Pakistan Peace Process Update No. 10, 10 October 2005, available at View portal=nuclear

47. Iftikhar Gilani, ‘Saran to Review Dialogue in Islamabad Today’, Daily Times, 31 August 2005. Also see ‘Pakistan Ties Trade with India to Resolution of Core Issues’, Daily Times, 25 August 2005.

48. Byas Anand, ‘Tatas, Bajajs Hit Barrier in Pak’, Times of India, 23 August 2005.

49. B. Muralidhar Reddy, Troops Withdrawal in Kashmir will have Positive Impact, Says Pakistan, Hindu , 21 April 2005.

50. Josy Joseph, ‘Soft Border Firm Solution to Kashmir Knot’, Times of India, 18 April 2005. Also see ‘LOC Cannot Be Permanent Border: Mush’, Times of India, 18 April 2005.

51. Siddharth Varadarajan, ‘It’s Time for Boldness on the Siachen Issue’, Hindu , 14 September 2005.

52. Joint Statement, India–Pakistan technical level talks on enhancing interaction and cooperation across the LOC available at Bilateral Documents, index.htm

53. Prannoy Roy, ‘Pak Ready to Give up Claim on Kashmir: Musharraf’, Interview, 5 December 2006 available at

54. See Amit Mishra, ‘Foreign Ministers Meeting, 2–6 October 2005’.

55. See joint statement on Nuclear CBM talks at

56. B. Muralidhar Reddy, ‘Pakistan Test fires Cruise Missile, Joins Select Group’, Hindu, 12 August 2005.

57. Press Briefings, On Second Round of Expert-level Talks Between India and Pakistan on Conventional CBMs, available at

58. Joint Statement, 4th Round of Pakistan-India Expert-Level Dialogue on Nuclear CBMs held in Islamabad on 25–26 April 2006, available at

59. See joint statement on Conventional CBMs at


61. For the 18 January 2006 joint statement see

62. Joint Statement, India–Pakistan in Havana, Cuba available at sshome.htm

63. Kanti Bajpai, ‘Foreign Policy Dilemmas’, Seminar 519, November 2002, p. 23.

64. Shishir Gupta, ‘PM &Gen Will Work to Move Ahead on Siachen, Sir Creek’, Indian Express, 13 September 2005.

65. Syed Saleem Shahzad, ‘Musharrafs Real Intentions’, Times of India , 13 December 2006, available at

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