

  • abrasion to printing cylinder 149
  • absorption constant 57
  • ABS polymers 175
  • accelerated light- and weatherfastness exposure equipment 95ff.
  • acetoacetic arylides 200
  • acetolone, 5-acetoacetylaminobenzimidazolone 373
  • acid number of pigments 63
  • acidic ring closure 462
  • acute toxicity 693
  • agglomerates
  • aggregates 21, 27
  • agitated ball mills 147
  • air emissions 691
  • Alkali Blue 614ff.
    • chemistry, manufacture 615ff.
    • commercially available types 619ff.
  • alkaline number of a pigment 63
  • aluminium pigment lakes 638ff.
  • Ames test 694
  • amine-treated pigments 2, 150, 266
  • 1-aminoanthrachinone 524f.
  • aminoanthraquinone pigments 535f.
  • aminoplastics 180
  • amorphous compounds 44
  • amorphous pigments 46
  • Aniline Black 665ff.
  • anisotropy 126
  • anthanthrone pigments 9, 561ff.
  • anthrapyrimidine pigments 8, 546ff.
  • anthraquinone pigments 8
  • application
    • miscellaneous 183, 613
    • other areas of 183
    • properties and concepts 51ff.
  • aqueous pigment extracts
    • extraction methods 63f.
    • of electrical conductivity 63
    • of pH value 622
  • areas of application 142ff.
  • aromaticity 15
  • artist’s colors 650
  • automotive finishes 50, 157ff.
  • automotive refinishes 156
  • azo dye 12, 20
  • azo form 195
  • azo metal complexes 642f., 644
  • azo metal complex pigments 648ff.
  • azomethine metal complexes 172, 643, 737f.
  • azomethine metal complex pigments 645f.
  • azo pigments
  • azo tautomeric form 194


  • barbituric acid 12
  • barium pigments 690
  • bathochromic shift 13f.
  • benzimidazolone moiety 19
  • benzimidazolone pigments 6, 7, 19, 370ff.
    • application 381ff.
    • chemistry, manufacture 372
    • commercially available pigments 382ff.
    • crystal structure 372
    • solubility 19f.
  • BET equation 24ff.
  • bifunctional coupling components 252
  • Biphenyl 16
  • bisacetoacetarylide pigments 5, 253, 278ff.
  • black panel temperature 96
  • blaine method 26
  • bleeding 67, 71ff., 172
  • blooming 68ff., 168
    • concentration limits 68f.
    • in elastomers 180
    • in LDPE 168
  • Blue Scale 95f.
  • BONA 6, 203, 301
  • brilliance of color 53
  • Brilliant Green 626
  • brittleness of plastics 356
  • 2B toner 353
  • 4B toner 358


  • cable insulations 172
    • coverings 267
  • calandering 153
  • Carbazole Violet 426, 578, 580
  • carbonamide groups, introduction of 17
  • carcinogenic aromatic amines, list of 680
  • carcinogenicity 694f.
  • Casson flow model 111
  • cast resins 263
  • catalytic hydrogenation 200
  • cellulose derivatives, spin dyeing 181ff.
  • chalking 76f., 172
  • chemical characterization 20ff.
  • chemical constitution 11
    • blooming 67
    • influence on hue 11ff.
      • migration fastness 18ff.
      • solvent fastness 18ff.
      • tinctorial strength 25
      • weatherfastness 17f.
  • chloranil 570
  • Chlorinated Para Red (P.R.4) 291, 297f.
  • chroma 53
  • chromophor 14
  • chronic toxicity 694f.
  • CIELAB 55f., 97
    • system 55
  • Clayfield and Lumb theory 86
  • coatings 155ff.
  • coil coating 161
  • cold extraction method 63
  • colour 52ff.
    • concentrates 169
    • depth 55
    • differences 56
    • optical behaviour of pigmented coatings 56
    • scales 153
    • stimulus 52
    • tristimulus values 53
  • colour copy 154
  • colourants (threshold limits of metals) 1, 685
  • coloured pencils 183
  • colouristic properties 42ff.
  • Colour Index 95
  • conductivity of aqueous pigment extracts 63
  • conformation 41
  • conjugation 15
  • copper ferrocyanide 624, 629
  • copper phthalocyanine pigments 429ff.
  • cone-and-plate viscometer 117
  • CONEG Regulation 686
  • cosmetics 166, 183
  • Coulomb interactions 226
  • coupling 209ff.
  • crayons 183
  • Critical Pigment Volume Concentration(CPVC) 86
  • crystal
  • Crystal Violet 626
  • crystallinity 45f.
  • crystallite size 49
  • cyan 153


  • data representation 33
    • density distribution 34
    • numerical distribution 36
    • sum distribution 36
    • surface area distribution 36
    • volume or mass distribution 36
  • D&C Red 7 360
  • D&C Red 36 300
  • Debye-Scherrer X-ray diffraction
  • decorative printing 152f.
  • density distribution 34
  • density functional theory (DFT) 469, 506
  • depth of shade 55
  • desagglomeration of pigment particles 79
  • diallyl phthalate process 152
  • diarylide yellow and orange pigments 253ff.
    • amine-treatment 150
    • application 259ff.
    • chemistry, manufacture 253ff.
    • commercially available pigments 262ff.
    • flushing process 94
    • mixed couplings 255
    • properties 258ff.
    • resination 359
    • thermal decomposition 261
  • diazo components 197ff.
    • bifunctional 252
  • diazonium compound 205ff., 217f.
  • diazotization 206ff., 216ff.
  • differential thermal analysis 105
  • dihaloterephthalic acid process 463
  • 2,4-dihydroxy quinoline 12
  • diketopyrrolo-pyrrole (DPP) pigments 8, 514ff.
    • chemistry and manufacture 514ff.
    • commercially available pigments 520ff.
    • properties and application 520
  • dilatancy 114
  • DIN color chart 54f., 129
  • DIN scale 242
  • Dinitraniline Orange 4, 296ff.
  • dioxazine pigments 9, 569
  • disazo condensation pigments
  • disazo pigments
  • disazopyrazolone pigments
  • dihydrazone condensation pigments 4, 7, 403ff.
  • dihydrazone pigments 5, 251ff.
    • bisacetoacetarylide pigments 278ff.
    • diarylide yellow pigments 253ff.
  • dihydrazonepyrazolone pigments 252
  • dipole-dipole-interaction 40
  • dispersibility 133
  • dispersion 78ff.
    • and the critical pigment volume concentration 86f.
    • definition 27
    • desagglomeration of pigment particles 80
    • determination of particle size 27ff.
    • distribution of the dispersed pigment in its medium 84
    • equipment, mode and operation 114f.
    • factors of influence 79
    • general considerations 78ff.
    • hardness 90
    • influence of particle size 124ff.
    • influence on application properties 78f.
    • in industrial finishes 156f.
    • in offset printing inks 89, 119
    • in plastics 163ff.
    • in PP 168f.
    • in PVC 168f.
    • test methods 87ff.
  • dissolution in the application medium 108f.
  • distortion 77, 168
  • disturbances during processing of pigmented systems 75ff.
  • DLVO theory 86
  • domain size 44, 49
  • DPP pigments 8, 514ff.
  • DPP/quinacridone mixed crystal pigments 521
  • dry cleaning 67
  • dry rubbing 67
  • dry spinning 182
  • dyes
    • definition 1
    • migration in plastics 67ff.
    • salts with complex anions 622


  • ecology 691ff.
  • effect finishes 160
  • elastomers 177f.
  • electron acceptors 11, 17, 199
  • electron beams curing systems 158
  • electron diffraction 339
  • electron donors 11, 12, 17
  • electron microscopy 33f.
  • electronic excitation 11, 40
  • electrophotographical method 154
  • emulsion paints 162f.
  • equivalent diameter 36f.
  • European Color Scale 153, 242, 268
  • Europe regulation (EC) nr.1935/2004/EEC 683
  • exciton coupling 39
  • exterior house paints 162f.
  • extinction
    • coefficient, maximum molar 14
    • maximum 14



  • gel varnishes 111, 147
    • structure 111
  • general considerations 78ff.
  • glass
    • coloration with organic pigments 393
  • glass transition point 68
  • glass transition temperature 176, 184
  • globally harmonised system (GHS) 677
  • gloss 64, 136ff.
    • of offset prints 144ff.
      • time curve 91
    • of toluidine reds (haze) 136
  • gravure printing 144
  • Gray Scale 66, 72, 95, 141, 356, 385, 399, 402
  • Grela Reds 301
  • grindometer 89
  • gypsum 42, 232


  • Hagen-Poiseuille equation 81
  • HALS stabilizer 168, 500
  • heat sealability 666
  • heat sealing 65
  • heat stability 144ff.
    • in elastomers 177f.
    • in plastics 163
    • in polyolefins 167ff.
    • in polystyrene 175
    • in spin dyeing 181ff.
    • of metal deco (tin) prints 148f.
    • of paint systems for radiators 161
    • phase transitions of polymorphous pigments 106
    • test methods 87ff.
  • hemoglobin 426
  • heterocyclic anthraquinone pigments 546ff.
  • heteropolyacid 622, 623
  • hiding power 60, 126
  • high-density polyethylene (HDPE) 167f.
  • high-solid systems 157
  • highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) 40
  • history 195
  • hot extraction method 63
  • hue 11ff., 51, 54, 122
    • and particle size distribution 121ff.
  • hybrid pigments 669
  • hydrates 41, 42
  • hydrazone pigments 4ff., 193ff.
  • hydrogen bonding 15, 39, 227, 473
  • hydroquinone process 464
  • hydroxyanthraquinone pigments 544ff.
  • 2-hydroxy naphthalene (β-naphthol) 200
  • 2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid (BONA) 6, 202
  • 2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid anilides 5, 204, 300
  • 5-(2’-hydroxy-3’-naphthoylamino)-benzimidazolone 6, 380
  • hypsochromic shift 11, 12


  • IBB toner 357
  • indanthrone 196, 548ff.
  • indexing 45
  • indigo 8
  • industrial coatings 273ff.
  • industrial finishes 156
  • inkjet printing 283
  • inner salts of sulfonic acids (Alkali Blue types) 614ff.
  • inorganic pigments 2f., 160
  • interfacial tension 81
  • intermediates, important, for hydrazone pigments 193ff.
  • ionic interactions 38, 350
  • irradiance (measurement) 96
  • irritation of skin and mucous membrane 692
  • isoindolinone and isoindoline pigments 9, 586ff.
    • azomethine type 586ff.
    • chemistry, synthesis, starting materials 405ff.
    • methine type 587ff.
    • properties 597
  • isomorphic 44
  • isomorphism 44
  • isostructural 44
  • isoviolanthrone pigments 557ff.


  • Kaempf method 71
  • Karman-Kozeny equation 26
  • kinetically stable 42
  • Kodak Color Control Standards 242
  • Kodak Scale 242, 264
  • Kubelka-Munk relation 91
  • Kubelka-Munk theory 57
  • Kumis and Roteman equation 68


  • Lake Red C 4, 291, 319f.
  • lakes 3
  • laking 20, 338
  • laminated plastic sheets 152
  • laser printing 154
  • lattice defects 49
  • lattice-energy minimization 295
  • lattice parameters 468
  • legislation 675ff.
    • concerning organic pigments 681
  • letterpress printing 100ff.
  • lightfastness and weatherfastness 17f., 94ff., 131ff.
    • accelerated exposure equipment 97ff.
    • and chemical constitution 17f.
    • definition and general information 94f.
    • determining factors 98ff.
    • evaluation techniques and equipment 95ff.
    • in plastics 163
  • lightness 53
  • lime press 183
  • low-density polyethylene (LDPE) 167
  • lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) 13


  • magenta 153
  • Malachite Green 626
  • manufacturing the different crystal modifications of copper phthalocyanine 435
    • α-modification 436
    • ß-modification 436
    • γ-,δ-,ε-modifications 436
  • Marshal method 27
  • median value 37
  • medium-solid systems 157
  • melamine resin sheets 160
  • melt spinning 181
  • metal complex, formation 20f.
  • metal complex pigments 10, 640ff.
    • application 647
    • azo metal complexes 642f.
    • azomethine metal complexes 643f.
    • chemistry, synthesis 641f.
    • commercially available pigments 647ff.
    • properties 647
  • metal deco printing 148f.
  • metal impurities in toys 688
  • metallic finishes 160
  • methacrylate cast resins 175
  • Methyl Violet 625
  • Michler Ketone 625
  • migration 67ff.
  • milling 214
  • mixed coupling 43, 243
  • mixed crystal 44, 339, 464, 475, 477
  • mixed crystal phases 477, 524
  • modification 530, 552
  • molecular packing 562, 646
  • monohydrazone pyrazolone pigments 193
  • monohydrazone yellow and orange pigments 222ff.
  • monohydrazone yellow pigments 702
  • morphology 38, 39, 41
  • multicolor printing 144ff., 240
  • multipurpose tinting pastes 162
  • mutagenicity 692, 694


  • n→π*-transition 12
  • nanocrystalline 49, 304
  • nanocrystallinity 49
  • naphthalene sulfonic acid pigment lakes 366ff.
  • naphthalene-1,4,5,8-tetracarboxylic acid 489, 505
  • naphthol AS pigments 4, 6, 300ff.
    • derivatives 204
    • pigment lakes 336ff.
      • application 309ff.
      • chemistry, manufacture 302ff.
      • commercially available pigments 307ff.
      • crystal structure 303f.
      • polymorphism 283
      • X-ray crystal structure analysis 229f.
  • naphtholone 371
  • NC chips 152
  • Newtonian liquid 110
  • nitro lacquers 156
  • nitro-combination lacquers 156
  • nomenclature of hydrazone pigments 196
  • nonaqueous-dispersion systems(NAD systems) 157, 455
  • non-impact printing 154
  • non-laked monohydrazone yellow and orange pigments 223ff.
  • Noyes and Whitney equation 140
  • nucleation in polymers 77
  • numerical distribution 36


  • office articles 183
  • offset printing 144ff.
  • oil absorption 26
  • optical behaviour of pigmented coatings 56
  • optical properties 41
  • organic pigments 2
    • classification of 4
    • history of 3
  • organic solvents 61f.
  • Orthonitraniline Orange (P.O.2) 296f.
  • oscillator strength 14
  • Ostwald equation / solubility of crystals 139
  • oven drying systems 156ff.
  • overcoating fastness 72
  • overpainting fastness 108
  • overpigmentation 76f.
  • overvarnishing 153
  • oxidatively drying paints 156


  • π–π interaction 38
  • π-stacking 38
  • π→π*-transition 12
  • packaging gravure printing 151f.
  • pair-distribution function (PDF) 46
  • paper mass colouration 183
  • paper surface coating in the lime press 183
  • Parachlor Red (P.R.6) 296, 300
  • Para Red (P.R.1) 290, 296
  • Para Toner (P.R.1) 296, 298
  • particle size
    • and application properties of pigmented media 119ff.
    • by electron microscopy 28ff.
    • by ultrasedimentation 32ff.
    • data representation 33ff.
    • density distribution 34
    • determination 27ff.
    • distribution 26ff.
    • of surface-coated pigments 32
    • sum distribution 36
    • surface area distribution 36
    • volume or mass distribution 36
  • peak width 44
  • penetration of inks through the paper 151, 246
  • perinone pigments 8, 488ff.
  • perylene and perinone pigments 488ff.
  • perylene pigments 488ff.
  • pH of aqueous pigment extracts 63
  • phase- and flocculation-stability of phthalocyanine pigments 437ff.
  • phenylxanthene derivatives 627
  • phosphomolybdic acid 622
  • phosphotungstic acid 622
  • phosphotungstomolybdic acid 622
  • photosedimentometry 28
  • phototropicity 458
  • physical mixture 44
  • phthalic anhydride 428
    • urea process 432
  • phthalocyanine manufacture 428ff.
    • baking process (I) 429
    • baking process (II) 432
    • phthalic anhydride/urea process 432
    • phthalonitrile process 429
    • solvent method 433
    • solvent process 430
  • phthalocyanine pigments 426ff.
  • phthalonitrile 428
  • physical characterization of pigments 20ff.
    • specific surface area 23
  • pigments, definition 1
  • pigment particles, shapes 23
  • pigment performance in special applications 65ff.
  • pigment plasticizer pastes 165
  • pigment preparations 165ff.
  • pigment single crystals 21f., 44
  • pigmented coatings, optical behaviour 56
  • pigments 1, 29
    • with hitherto unknown chemical structure 666ff.
    • with known chemical structure 655ff.
    • miscelleanous pigments 10
  • Pigment Black 1 665f.
    • molecular formula 665
    • properties and applications 665
  • Pigment Black 20 669
    • properties and applications 669
  • Pigment Black 31 504
    • crystal structure 495
    • molecular formula 498
  • Pigment Black 32 504
    • crystal structure 496
    • molecular formula 498
  • Pigment Blue 1 626, 633
    • molecular formula 631
    • properties and applications 633
  • Pigment Blue 2 633
  • Pigment Blue 9 633
    • molecular formula 631
    • properties and applications 633
  • Pigment Blue 10 634
    • molecular formula 631
    • properties and applications 634
  • Pigment Blue 14 634
    • molecular formula 632
    • properties and applications 634
  • Pigment Blue 15 449ff.
    • molecular formula 426
    • properties and applications 444
  • Pigment Blue 15:1 451ff.
    • crystal structure 441
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 451
  • Pigment Blue 15:2 453
    • crystal structure 441
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 453
  • Pigment Blue 15:3 454ff.
    • crystal structure 441
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 454
  • Pigment Blue 15:4 456ff.
    • crystal structure 441
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 456
  • Pigment Blue 15:6 456
    • crystal structure 441
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 456
  • Pigment Blue 16 457f.
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 457
  • Pigment Blue 18 619
    • molecular formula 619
  • Pigment Blue 19 619
    • molecular formula 619
  • Pigment Blue 24:1 639f.
    • properties and applications 640
  • Pigment Blue 24:x 639
    • properties and applications 640
  • Pigment Black 25 310, 337
    • molecular formula 310
    • properties and applications 310
  • Pigment Blue 56 619
    • molecular formula 619
  • Pigment Blue 60 554ff.
    • crystal structure 555
    • molecular formula 548
    • properties and applications 554
  • Pigment Blue 61 619
    • molecular formula 619
  • Pigment Blue 62 632, 634
    • molecular formula 632
    • properties and applications 634
  • Pigment Blue 63 664, 695
    • molecular formula 664
    • properties and applications 664
  • Pigment Blue 64 550
    • molecular formula 550
  • Pigment Blue 65 568
    • crystal structure 568
    • molecular formula 568
    • properties and applications 568
  • Pigment Blue 66 525
    • crystal structure 526
    • properties and applications 526
  • Pigment Blue 75 444, 457
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 457
  • Pigment Blue 78 640
    • properties and applications 640
  • Pigment Blue 79 444, 457
    • crystal structure 442
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 457
  • Pigment Blue 80 580
    • crystal structure 575
    • molecular formula 571
    • properties and applications 580
  • Pigment Blue 82 672
    • properties and applications 672
  • Pigment Blue 84 673
    • properties and applications 673
  • Pigment Brown 1 312, 323f.
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 323
  • Pigment Brown 5 352, 353, 362
    • molecular formula 352
    • properties and applications 362
  • Pigment Brown 22 665
    • molecular formula 665
    • properties and applications 665
  • Pigment Brown 23 323, 411, 419f.
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 419
  • Pigment Brown 25 384, 398f.
    • molecular formula 384
    • properties and applications 398
  • Pigment Brown 38 600, 606
    • molecular formula 600
    • properties and applications 606
  • Pigment Brown 41 411, 420
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 420
  • Pigment Brown 42 411, 420
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 420
  • Pigment Green 1 632, 634f.
    • molecular formula 632
    • properties and applications 634
  • Pigment Green 2 638f
    • properties and applications 638
  • Pigment Green 4 632, 634
    • molecular formula 632
    • properties and applications 634
  • Pigment Green 7 457ff.
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 457
  • Pigment Green 8 647f.
    • molecular formula 648
    • properties and applications 647
  • Pigment Green 10 642, 650
    • molecular formula 648
    • properties and applications 650
  • Pigment Green 36 444, 459
    • molecular formula 444
    • properties and applications 459
  • Pigment Green 45 632, 634
    • molecular formula
    • properties and applications 634
  • Pigment Orange 1 246
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 246
  • Pigment Orange 2 297
    • molecular formula 296
    • properties and applications 297
  • Pigment Orange 5 297f.
    • crystal structure 295
    • molecular formula 296
    • properties and applications 297
  • Pigment Orange 6 247
    • molecular formula 237
    • properties and applications 247
  • Pigment Orange 13 285f.
    • molecular formula 286
    • properties and applications 285
  • Pigment Orange 15 264, 277
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 277
  • Pigment Orange 16 264, 277
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 277
  • Pigment Orange 17 342, 343
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 342
  • Pigment Orange 17:1 343, 344
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 343
  • Pigment Orange 19 367
    • molecular formula 368
    • properties and applications 367
  • Pigment Orange 22 311, 323
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 323
  • Pigment Orange 24 312, 323
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 323
  • Pigment Orange 31 414
    • molecular formula 410
    • properties and applications 414
  • Pigment Orange 34 136ff., 286f.
    • crystal structure 136
    • molecular formula 286
    • properties and applications 286
  • Pigment Orange 36 383, 390f.
    • crystal structure 374
    • molecular formula 376, 383
    • properties and applications 390
  • Pigment Orange 38 308, 335f.
    • molecular formula 308
    • properties and applications 335
  • Pigment Orange 40 559
    • molecular formula 557
    • properties and applications 559
  • Pigment Orange 43 510ff.
    • crystal structure 507
    • molecular formula 510
    • properties and applications 510
  • Pigment Orange 44 264, 278
    • molecular formula 264
    • properties and applications 278
  • Pigment Orange 46 343, 344
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 343
  • Pigment Orange 47 264, 278
    • molecular formula 264
    • properties and applications 278
  • Pigment Orange 48 479, 486
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 486
  • Pigment Orange 49 479, 486
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 486
  • Pigment Orange 51 560
    • molecular formula 557
    • properties and applications 560
  • Pigment Orange 59 649, 653
    • molecular formula 649
    • properties and applications 653
  • Pigment Orange 60 383, 392
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 392
  • Pigment Orange 61 598, 604
    • molecular formula 598
    • properties and applications 604
  • Pigment Orange 62 276, 390
    • crystal structure 378
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 390
  • Pigment Orange 64 661f.
    • molecular formula 661
    • properties and applications 661
  • Pigment Orange 65 653
    • crystal structure 646
    • properties and applications 653
  • Pigment Orange 66 599, 605f.
    • molecular formula 593, 599
    • properties and applications 605
  • Pigment Orange 67 661
    • molecular formula 662
    • properties and applications 661
  • Pigment Orange 68 649, 654
    • molecular formula 649
    • properties and applications 654
  • Pigment Orange 69 599, 605
    • molecular formula 599
    • properties and applications 605
  • Pigment Orange 71 521f.
    • crystal structure 520
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 521
  • Pigment Orange 72 378, 393f.
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 393
  • Pigment Orange 73 522f.
    • crystal structure 519
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 522
  • Pigment Orange 74 336
    • molecular formula 314
    • properties and applications 336
  • Pigment Orange 77 565
    • molecular formula 565
    • properties and applications 565
  • Pigment Orange 79 367
    • molecular formula 367
    • properties and applications 367
  • Pigment Orange 80 534
    • molecular formula 534
    • properties and applications 534
  • Pigment Orange 81 522
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 522
  • Pigment Orange 83 667
  • Pigment Orange 84 671
    • properties and applications 671
  • Pigment Red 1 292, 298
    • crystal structure 294
    • molecular formula 296
    • properties and applications 298
  • Pigment Red 2 308, 310ff.
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 310, 314
  • Pigment Red 3 23, 298f., 300
    • blooming in plastized PVC 68f.
    • crystal structure 292
    • haze 136
    • molecular formula 308
    • properties and applications 298
    • solubility in dibutyl phthalate 61
  • Pigment Red 4 290, 299f.
    • molecular formula 296
    • properties and applications 299
  • Pigment Red 5 315, 324f.
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 324
  • Pigment Red 6 293, 300f.
    • molecular formula 296
    • properties and applications 300
  • Pigment Red 7 310, 315
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 315
  • Pigment Red 8 311, 315f.
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 315
  • Pigment Red 9 310, 315
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 315
  • Pigment Red 10 311, 316f.
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 316
  • Pigment Red 11 311, 316
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 316
  • Pigment Red 12 311, 317f.
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 317
  • Pigment Red 13 311, 317
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 317
  • Pigment Red 14 311, 318f.
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 318
  • Pigment Red 15 311, 318
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 318
  • Pigment Red 16 311, 318
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 318
  • Pigment Red 17 312, 318
    • molecular formula 311
    • properties and applications 318
  • Pigment Red 18 312, 319
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 319
  • Pigment Red 21 312, 319
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 319
  • Pigment Red 22 312, 319
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 319
  • Pigment Red 23 312, 319
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 319
  • Pigment Red 31 312, 325f.
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 325
  • Pigment Red 32 312, 325
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 325
  • Pigment Red 37 285, 288f.
    • molecular formula 286
    • properties and applications 288
  • Pigment Red 38 285, 288
    • molecular formula 286
    • properties and applications 288
  • Pigment Red 41 286, 289f.
    • molecular formula 286
    • properties and applications 289
  • Pigment Red 48:1 353ff.
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 353
  • Pigment Red 48:2 354f.
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 354
  • Pigment Red 48:3 353, 355f
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 355
  • Pigment Red 48:4 104, 353, 356ff.
    • molecular formula 352
    • properties and applications 355
  • Pigment Red 48:5 353, 357f.
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 357
  • Pigment Red 49 344f.
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 344
  • Pigment Red 49:1 345f.
    • crystal structure 341
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 345
  • Pigment Red 49:2 345f.
    • crystal structure 342
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 345
  • Pigment Red 49:3 343
    • molecular formula 343
  • Pigment Red 50:1 345ff.
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 345
  • Pigment Red 51 343, 345
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 345
  • Pigment Red 52:1 353, 357
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 357
  • Pigment Red 52:2 353, 358
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 358
  • Pigment Red 53 343, 346
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 346
  • Pigment Red 53:1 4, 85, 98, 141, 343, 346f.
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 346
  • Pigment Red 53:2 339
    • crystal structure 340
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 339
  • Pigment Red 53:3 343, 348
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 348
  • Pigment Red 57:1 4, 98, 150, 357ff.
    • crystal structure 228
    • molecular formula 352
    • properties and applications 357
  • Pigment Red 58:2 353, 360
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 360
  • Pigment Red 58:4 353, 360f.
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 360
  • Pigment Red 58types 360
  • Pigment Red 60 367f.
    • molecular formula 368
    • properties and applications 367
  • Pigment Red 63:1 357, 361
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 361
  • Pigment Red 63:2 361f.
    • properties and applications 361
  • Pigment Red 64 353
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 361
  • Pigment Red 64:1 361
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 361
  • Pigment Red 66 369f.
    • molecular formula 368
    • properties and applications 369
  • Pigment Red 67 369ff.
    • molecular formula 368
    • properties and applications 369
  • Pigment Red 68 348f.
    • molecular formula 343
    • properties and applications 348
  • Pigment Red 80 635
    • molecular formula 635
  • Pigment Red 81 635f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 635
  • Pigment Red 81:1 635f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 635
  • Pigment Red 81:2 635f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 635
  • Pigment Red 81:3 635f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 635
  • Pigment Red 81:4 635f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 635
  • Pigment Red 81:5 635
    • molecular formula 635
  • Pigment Red 81:6 635
    • molecular formula 635
  • Pigment Red 81:x 635f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 635
  • Pigment Red 81:y 635f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 635
  • Pigment Red 83 546f.
    • molecular formula 545
    • properties and applications 546
  • Pigment Red 88 530f.
    • crystal structure 528
    • molecular formula 529
    • properties and applications 530
  • Pigment Red 89 543
    • molecular formula 540
    • properties and applications 543
  • Pigment Red 90 661, 662f.
    • molecular formula 663
    • properties and applications 662
  • Pigment Red 95 320f.
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 320
  • Pigment Red 111 286, 289
    • molecular formula 286
    • properties and applications 289
  • Pigment Red 112 320f.
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 320
  • Pigment Red 114 322
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 322
  • Pigment Red 119 322
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 322
  • Pigment Red 122 482f.
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 482
  • Pigment Red 123 498f.
    • crystal structure 494
    • molecular formula 491, 498
    • properties and applications 498
  • Pigment Red 136 322
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 322
  • Pigment Red 144 414
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 414
  • Pigment Red 146 325f.
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 325
  • Pigment Red 147 326
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 326
  • Pigment Red 148 323f.
    • molecular formula 312
    • properties and applications 323
  • Pigment Red 149 500f.
    • crystal structure 494
    • molecular formula 499
    • properties and applications 500
  • Pigment Red 150 327
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 327
  • Pigment Red 151 363f.
    • molecular formula 363
    • properties and applications 363
  • Pigment Red 164 327
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 327
  • Pigment Red 166 415f.
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 415
  • Pigment Red 168 562
    • crystal structure 563
    • molecular formula 562
    • properties and applications 562
  • Pigment Red 169 636f.
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 636
  • Pigment Red 170 47, 70ff., 328
    • blooming 70ff.
    • crystal structure 305, 306
    • molecular formula 308
    • properties and applications 328
  • Pigment Red 171 393
    • molecular formula 384
    • properties and applications 393
  • Pigment Red 172 639f.
    • molecular formula 639
    • properties and applications 639
  • Pigment Red 175 394f.
    • molecular formula 109
    • properties and applications 394
  • Pigment Red 176 395f.
    • molecular formula 384
    • properties and applications 395
  • Pigment Red 177 543f.
    • crystal structure 539
    • molecular formula 538
    • properties and applications 543
  • Pigment Red 178 499, 501
    • crystal structure 495
    • molecular formula 499
    • properties and applications 501
  • Pigment Red 179 499, 502f.
    • crystal structure 495
    • molecular formula 499
    • properties and applications 502
  • Pigment Red 181 532
    • molecular formula 530
    • properties and applications 532
  • Pigment Red 184 330f.
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 330
  • Pigment Red 185 397f.
    • molecular formula 384
    • properties and applications 397
  • Pigment Red 187 330f.
    • molecular formula 308
    • properties and applications 330
  • Pigment Red 188 331
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 331
  • Pigment Red 190 502
    • molecular formula 499
    • properties and applications 502
  • Pigment Red 192 479, 484
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 484
  • Pigment Red 194 512ff.
    • crystal structure 509
    • molecular formula 505
    • properties and applications 512
  • Pigment Red 200 361
    • molecular formula 353
    • properties and applications 361
  • Pigment Red 202 479, 484f.
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 484
  • Pigment Red 204 667
    • properties and applications 667
  • Pigment Red 206 479, 485
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 485
  • Pigment Red 207
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 484
  • Pigment Red 208 396f.
    • crystal structure 374
    • molecular formula 384
    • properties and applications 396
  • Pigment Red 209 479, 485
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 485
  • Pigment Red 210 332
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 332
  • Pigment Red 211 364
    • molecular formula 363
    • properties and applications 364
  • Pigment Red 212 332
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 332
  • Pigment Red 213 332
    • crystal structure 401
    • molecular formula 313, 401
    • properties and applications 332
  • Pigment Red 214 416
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 416
  • Pigment Red 216 560f.
    • molecular formula 557
    • properties and applications 560
  • Pigment Red 220 417
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 417
  • Pigment Red 221 417
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 417
  • Pigment Red 222 332f.
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 332
  • Pigment Red 223 333
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 333
  • Pigment Red 224 502f.
    • crystal structure 492
    • molecular formula 499
    • properties and applications 502
  • Pigment Red 226 561
    • molecular formula 557
    • properties and applications 561
  • Pigment Red 237 364
    • molecular formula 363
    • properties and applications 364
  • Pigment Red 238 333
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 333
  • Pigment Red 239 364f.
    • molecular formula 363
    • properties and applications 364
  • Pigment Red 240 364f.
    • molecular formula 363
    • properties and applications 364
  • Pigment Red 242 418f.
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 418
  • Pigment Red 243 365ff.
    • molecular formula 363
    • properties and applications 365
  • Pigment Red 245 333
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 333
  • Pigment Red 247 365
    • molecular formula 363
    • properties and applications 365
  • Pigment Red 248 418
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 418
  • Pigment Red 251 544
    • molecular formula 537
    • properties and applications 544
  • Pigment Red 252 664
    • molecular formula 664
    • properties and applications 664
  • Pigment Red 253 333
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 333
  • Pigment Red 254 522ff.
    • crystal structure 516
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 522
  • Pigment Red 255 523
    • crystal structure 516
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 523
  • Pigment Red 256 334
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 334
  • Pigment Red 257 654
    • molecular formula 649
    • properties and applications 654
  • Pigment Red 258 334
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 334
  • Pigment Red 260 605
    • molecular formula 599
    • properties and applications 605
  • Pigment Red 261 334
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 334
  • Pigment Red 262 419
    • molecular formula 411
    • properties and applications 419
  • Pigment Red 264 523
    • crystal structure 518
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 523
  • Pigment Red 266 334
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 334
  • Pigment Red 267 334
    • molecular formula 313
    • properties and applications 334
  • Pigment Red 268 335
    • molecular formula 314
    • properties and applications 335
  • Pigment Red 269 335
    • molecular formula 314
    • properties and applications 335
  • Pigment Red 270 524
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 524
  • Pigment Red 271 654
    • molecular formula 650
    • properties and applications 654
  • Pigment Red 272 524
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 524
  • Pigment Red 273
    • molecular formula 368
  • Pigment Red 274 368
    • molecular formula 368
  • Pigment Red 276 369
    • molecular formula 368
    • properties and applications 369
  • Pigment Red 277 369
    • molecular formula 368
    • properties and applications 369
  • Pigment Red 278 668
    • properties and applications 668
  • Pigment Red 279 534
    • crystal structure 533
    • molecular formula 534
    • properties and applications 534
  • Pigment Red 282 479
    • molecular formula 479
  • Pigment Red 283 524
    • molecular formula 521
    • properties and applications 524
  • Pigment Red 285 668
    • properties and applications 668
  • Pigment Red 286 671
    • properties and applications 671
  • Pigment Red 287 672
    • properties and applications 672
  • Pigment Red 288 672
    • properties and applications 672
  • Pigment Violet 1 628, 637
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 637
  • Pigment Violet 1:1 635
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 637
  • Pigment Violet 2 628, 637
    • molecular formula 635
    • properties and applications 637
  • Pigment Violet 3 625, 630, 631
    • molecular formula 631
    • properties and applications 630
  • Pigment Violet 4
    • molecular formula 631
  • Pigment Violet 5:1 546
    • properties and applications 546
  • Pigment Violet 13 336
    • molecular formula 314
    • properties and applications 336
  • Pigment Violet 19 478f.
    • crystal structure 470
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 478
    • β-modification 478f.
    • γ-modification 83ff., 481f.
  • Pigment Violet 23 577
    • crystal structure 574
    • molecular formula 477
    • properties and applications 577
  • Pigment Violet 25 336
    • molecular formula 314
    • properties and applications 336
  • Pigment Violet 27 630
    • molecular formula 631
    • properties and applications 630
  • Pigment Violet 29 503
    • crystal structure 493
    • molecular formula 499
    • properties and applications 503
  • Pigment Violet 31 567f.
    • molecular formula 567
    • properties and applications 567
  • Pigment Violet 32 397
    • molecular formula 384
    • properties and applications 397
  • Pigment Violet 34
    • molecular formula 571
  • Pigment Violet 35
    • molecular formula 571
  • Pigment Violet 37 580
    • molecular formula 571
    • properties and applications 580
  • Pigment Violet 39 633
    • molecular formula 631
    • properties and applications 633
  • Pigment Violet 42 486
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 486
  • Pigment Violet 44 336
    • molecular formula 314
    • properties and applications 336
  • Pigment Violet 50 337
    • molecular formula 314
    • properties and applications 337
  • Pigment Violet 51 669
    • properties and applications 669
  • Pigment Violet 52 370
    • molecular formula 368
  • Pigment Violet 55 486
    • molecular formula 479
    • properties and applications 486
  • Pigment Violet 57 580
    • crystal structure 576
    • molecular formula 571
    • properties and applications 580
  • Pigment Violet 58 672
    • properties and applications 672
  • Pigment Volume Concentration (PVC) 79, 86
  • Pigment Yellow 1 235
    • application 239f.
    • blooming 73, 74
    • crystal structure 226
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 235
    • solubility in dibutyl phthalate 61
    • tinctorial strength/particle size 237ff.
  • Pigment Yellow 2 239f.
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 239
  • Pigment Yellow 3 240
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 240
  • Pigment Yellow 5 240
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 240
  • Pigment Yellow 6 241
    • crystal structure 226
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 241
  • Pigment Yellow 10 241
    • crystal structure 228
    • molecular formula 237
    • properties and applications 241
  • Pigment Yellow 12 264ff.
    • crystal structure 256
    • molecular formula 256, 263
    • properties and applications 264
  • Pigment Yellow 13 266ff.
    • crystal structure 257
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 266
  • Pigment Yellow 14 268f.
    • crystal structure 257
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 268
  • Pigment Yellow 16 281f., 695
    • molecular formula 280
    • properties and applications 281
  • Pigment Yellow 17 269f.
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 269
  • Pigment Yellow 24 556f.
    • molecular formula 550
    • properties and applications 556
  • Pigment Yellow 49 241
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 241
  • Pigment Yellow 55 270f.
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 270
  • Pigment Yellow 60 241
    • molecular formula 237
    • properties and applications 241
  • Pigment Yellow 61 247
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 247
  • Pigment Yellow 62 247f.
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 247
  • Pigment Yellow 63 271
    • crystal structure 257
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 271
  • Pigment Yellow 65 241
    • crystal structure 226
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 241
  • Pigment Yellow 73 242
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 242
  • Pigment Yellow 74 242f.
    • crystal structure 227
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 242
  • Pigment Yellow 75 243
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 243
  • Pigment Yellow 81 271f.
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 271
  • Pigment Yellow 83 272f., 695
    • crystal structure 257
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 272
  • Pigment Yellow 87 273
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 273
  • Pigment Yellow 90 273
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 273
  • Pigment Yellow 93 409ff.
    • molecular formula 410
    • properties and applications 409
  • Pigment Yellow 94 412f.
    • molecular formula 410
    • properties and applications 412
  • Pigment Yellow 95 412f.
    • molecular formula 410
    • properties and applications 412
  • Pigment Yellow 97 243f.
    • crystal structure 227
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 243
  • Pigment Yellow 98 245
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 245
  • Pigment Yellow 99 666
    • properties and applications 666
  • Pigment Yellow 100 248, 695
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 248
  • Pigment Yellow 101 655f.
    • crystal structure 656
    • molecular formula 655, 656
    • properties and applications 655
  • Pigment Yellow 104 367, 695
    • molecular formula 368
    • properties and applications 367
  • Pigment Yellow 106 273f.
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 273
  • Pigment Yellow 108 548
    • molecular formula 547
    • properties and applications 548
  • Pigment Yellow 109 600f
    • molecular formula 598
    • properties and applications 600
  • Pigment Yellow 110 589ff., 601f.
    • crystal structure 592, 593
    • molecular formula 590
    • properties and applications 601
  • Pigment Yellow 111 245
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 245
  • Pigment Yellow 113 274
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 274
  • Pigment Yellow 114 274
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 274
  • Pigment Yellow 116 245f.
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 245
  • Pigment Yellow 117 651
    • molecular formula 648
    • properties and applications 651
  • Pigment Yellow 120 382f.
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 382
  • Pigment Yellow 121 274
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 274
  • Pigment Yellow 123 540
    • molecular formula 540
  • Pigment Yellow 124 275
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 275
  • Pigment Yellow 126 275
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 275
  • Pigment Yellow 127 275
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 275
  • Pigment Yellow 128 413f.
    • molecular formula 410
    • properties and applications 413
  • Pigment Yellow 129 651f.
    • molecular formula 648
    • properties and applications 651
  • Pigment Yellow 130 246
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 246
  • Pigment Yellow 133 248
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 248
  • Pigment Yellow 136 275f.
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 275
  • Pigment Yellow 138 585
    • crystal structure 584
    • molecular formula 584
    • properties and applications 585
  • Pigment Yellow 139 602f.
    • crystal structure 596
    • molecular formula 595
    • properties and applications 602
  • Pigment Yellow 142 248
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 248
  • Pigment Yellow 147 542
    • molecular formula 541
    • properties and applications 542
  • Pigment Yellow 148 657
    • molecular formula 657
    • properties and applications 657
  • Pigment Yellow 150 652
    • molecular formula 643
    • properties and applications 652
  • Pigment Yellow 151 385f.
    • crystal structure 378
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 385
  • Pigment Yellow 152 276
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 276
  • Pigment Yellow 153 652f.
    • molecular formula 649
    • properties and applications 652
  • Pigment Yellow 154 386f.
    • crystal structure 377
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 386
  • Pigment Yellow 155 282f.
    • crystal structure 281
    • molecular formula 280
    • properties and applications 282
  • Pigment Yellow 165 246
    • molecular formula 237
    • properties and applications 246
  • Pigment Yellow 166 414
    • molecular formula 410
    • properties and applications 410
  • Pigment Yellow 167 246
    • molecular formula 237
    • properties and applications 246
  • Pigment Yellow 168 248
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 248
  • Pigment Yellow 169 248
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 248
  • Pigment Yellow 170 276
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 276
  • Pigment Yellow 171 276
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 276
  • Pigment Yellow 172 276
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 276
  • Pigment Yellow 173 603
    • molecular formula 587
    • properties and applications 603
  • Pigment Yellow 174 276f.
    • molecular formula 263
    • properties and applications 276
  • Pigment Yellow 175 387f.
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 387
  • Pigment Yellow 176 277
    • molecular formula 264
    • properties and applications 277
  • Pigment Yellow 177 653
    • molecular formula 645
    • properties and applications 653
  • Pigment Yellow 179 653
    • molecular formula 645
    • properties and applications 653
  • Pigment Yellow 180 388
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 388
  • Pigment Yellow 181
    • crystal structure 379
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 389
  • Pigment Yellow 182 657f.
    • molecular formula 657
    • properties and applications 657
  • Pigment Yellow 183 249
    • crystal structure 230
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 249
  • Pigment Yellow 185 604
    • molecular formula 593
    • properties and applications 604
  • Pigment Yellow 187 667
    • properties and applications 667
  • Pigment Yellow 188 277
    • molecular formula 264
    • properties and applications 277
  • Pigment Yellow 190 249
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 249
  • Pigment Yellow 191 42ff., 249f.
    • crystal structure 230
    • molecular formula 239
    • properties and applications 249
  • Pigment Yellow 191:1 250
    • molecular formula 239
    • properties and applications 250
  • Pigment Yellow 192 513
    • molecular formula 513
    • properties and applications 513
  • Pigment Yellow 193 542
    • molecular formula 541
    • properties and applications 542
  • Pigment Yellow 194 390
    • crystal structure 379
    • molecular formula 383
    • properties and applications 390
  • Pigment Yellow 196
    • molecular formula 513
    • properties and applications 513
  • Pigment Yellow 198 283
    • molecular formula 280
    • properties and applications 283
  • Pigment Yellow 199 543
    • molecular formula 539
    • properties and applications 543
  • Pigment Yellow 201 659
    • molecular formula 659
    • properties and applications 659
  • Pigment Yellow 202 541
    • molecular formula 541
  • Pigment Yellow 203 246
    • molecular formula 236
    • properties and applications 246
  • Pigment Yellow 205 250
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 250
  • Pigment Yellow 206 250
    • molecular formula 238
    • properties and applications 250
  • Pigment Yellow 209 251
    • molecular formula 239
    • properties and applications 251
  • Pigment Yellow 209:1 251
    • molecular formula 239
    • properties and applications 251
  • Pigment Yellow 212 251, 283
    • molecular formula 239
    • properties and applications 251
  • Pigment Yellow 213 401ff.
    • crystal structure 401
    • molecular formula 401
    • properties and applications 402
  • Pigment Yellow 214 667
    • properties and applications 667
  • Pigment Yellow 218 659, 660
    • molecular formula 660
    • properties and applications 660
  • Pigment Yellow 219
    • molecular formula 279
    • properties and applications 283
  • Pigment Yellow 220 660
    • molecular formula 660
    • properties and applications 660
  • Pigment Yellow 221 660f.
    • molecular formula 660
    • properties and applications 660
  • Pigment Yellow 222 670
    • properties and applications 670
  • Pigment Yellow 223 670
    • properties and applications 670
  • Pigment Yellow 224 671
    • properties and applications 671
  • Pigment Yellow 226 671
    • properties and applications 670
  • planarity of molecules 15
  • plastic viscosity 112
  • plastics, coloration of 163ff.
    • additives 163
    • brittleness 168
    • coloration of granulated types 176
    • coloration of types in powder form 176
    • crystalline types 168
    • dispersibility of pigments 165, 170
    • heat stability 168
    • lightfastness 94ff., 131, 159, 160
    • processing 163
      • equipment 166
    • shrinkage 168
    • thin films 269
  • plastisol 171ff.
  • plate-out 75f., 158, 172
  • PMMA 176, 418
  • polyacrylonitrile (PAC) 182
  • polyamide (PA) 183
  • polycarbocyclic anthraquinone pigments 557ff.
  • polycarbonate (PC) 175
  • polychlorbiphenyls (PCBs) 689
  • polycyclic pigments 425ff.
  • polyester (PETP) 182f.
    • laminated sheets 175
  • polyethylene (PE) 169ff.
  • poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) 176ff.
  • polymorph
  • polymorphic forms 38ff.
  • polymorphism 37ff., 552
    • see also crystal modification
  • polyolefins (PO) 167ff.
  • polyoxymethylen 175
  • polypropylene (PP) 167ff.
  • polystyrene (PS) 175f.
  • polyurethane (PUR) 174f.
    • tropics test 64
  • poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) 169f.
    • plastisols 171
  • powder coating 158
  • powder diagram 468ff.
  • prediction of crystal structure; crystal engineering 47
  • preferred orientation 44, 467
  • premixed pigment concentrates 169
  • premixed pigments 165f.
  • preprogrammed colorants 165
  • presscakes 94
  • primary particles 21, 27
  • primuline base 628
  • printing
    • general 144
    • gravure printing 149
    • non-impact printing 154
    • offset printing 144
    • security printing 155
    • solvent-based flexographic packaging printing 152
  • process control 219
  • processing methods for plastics 163ff.
  • pseudopolymorph 41
  • publication gravure inks 116, 149ff.
  • purity criteria 685f.
  • pyranthrone pigments 9, 557ff.
  • pyrazolone 204
    • pigments 224
    • sulfonic acid lakes 229


  • quantum-mechanical methods 45, 47
  • quinacridone pigments 7, 460f.
    • acidic ring closure 463
    • application 477
    • color of solutions 471
    • commercially available types 477ff.
    • manufacture, starting materials 461ff.
    • polymorphism 466ff.
    • properties 477f.
    • substituted types 465f.
    • thermal ring closure 461
  • quinacridonequinone pigments 464f.
  • o-quinonehydrazone form 292
  • quinophthalone pigments 9, 581ff.
  • quinolonoquinolone pigments 659
  • quinoxalinedione pigments 400


  • REACH (European Union) 679
  • REACH Restricted Substances List 679
  • reagglomeration 86, 118, 135
  • recrystallization 62f., 91, 147
    • and particle size 141
    • in packaging printing inks 149
    • in publication printing inks 151
  • real azo pigments 194
  • red azo pigment lakes
  • real-space methods 45
  • red hydrazone pigment lakes 337, 706
  • reduction methods 199
    • catalytic hydrogenation 199
    • transfer hydrogenation with hydrazine 200
    • with iron 199
    • with sodium hydrogen sulfide or sodium sulphide 200
    • with zinc in an alkaline medium 199
  • reflectance 60
  • reflection 44
  • refractive indices 127f.
  • regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 683
  • remission 57
  • resin 63
  • resinated pigments 269
  • resination 359
  • rheological measurements 116ff.
  • rheological properties 110ff.
  • rheopexy 114
  • rhodamine B 628
  • Rietveld refinement 46, 468
  • rubber poison content 177f.
  • rub-out effect 30, 530
  • rules for azo dyes 12


  • sandwich method 71f.
  • scanning electron microscopy 29
  • scattering 56
    • constants 57
  • Scherrer formula 49
  • scratch fastness 162
  • screen printing 144
  • semiperinone 488, 513
  • shortness 115
  • shrinkage
  • silicomolybdic acid 624
  • silver lacquer 62, 148
  • single-crystal X-ray structure analysis 44
  • small-angle grain boundaries 49
  • soap 62
  • solar radiation 97
  • solid solutions 44, 258, 475
    • of quinacridones 475
  • solubility 61f., 139ff.
    • effect of temperature 61, 68f.
    • effect of the particle size distribution 139ff., 159
    • in the application medium 108f.
  • solvates 41, 339
  • solvent 28
    • chemical constitution 20
    • fastness 28, 143f.
  • solvent and migration fastness 18
    • avoiding solubilizing substituents and adding insolubilizing moieties 18
    • formation of insoluble polar salts by laking 20
    • formation of metal complexes 20
    • increasing the molecular weight 18
  • special application fastness 61ff.
  • specific resistance in aqueous pigment extracts 63
  • specific surface area 23ff.
    • determination according to BET methods 24
    • determination by adsorption methods 24ff.
  • spin dyeing 181ff.
    • of polyacrylonitrile (PAC) 182
    • of polyamide (PA) 183
    • of polyester (PETP) 182
    • of viscose 183
  • spraying-pouring test 160
  • stabilization of dispersed particles 80f.
  • standard depth of shade (SD) 66
  • standard shades 454
  • standard solvents mixture 62
  • streaming effect 27
  • structure-property relationship 38
  • styrene-copolymers 175f.
  • sum distribution 36
  • supercritical CO2 43
  • surface area distribution 36
  • surface tension 81
  • synchrotron data 46


  • tack of printing inks 115
  • tackmeter 115
  • tailor-made force fields 47
  • tautomeric state 583
  • tautomerism 209
  • test methods 87
  • tetrachloroisoindolinone pigments 597, 731ff.
  • textile fastness properties 66f.
  • textile printing inks 262
  • texture effects 44
  • thermal pigment decomposition 105
  • thermal ring closure 461
  • thermal stability 104ff.
  • thermodynamics of interfaces 81
  • thermosetting plastics 179f.
  • thiazine indigo pigments 525, 532
  • thioindigo pigments 8, 526ff.
  • thixotropy 113, 149
  • tinctorial properties 51
  • tinctorial strength 14, 58ff., 120ff.
    • time curves 90
  • Toluidine Red 4 290f.
  • 2B toner 353
  • 4B toner 358
  • toner particles 154
  • toners 3, 228
  • toning 578f.
  • toxicity after repeated application 694
  • toxicology 692ff.
    • acute 693f.
    • chronic toxicity–„carcinogenicity 694f.
    • irritation of skin and mucous membrane 693
    • mutagenicity 694
    • polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) 689f.
    • polychlorinated dioxins/furans (“dioxins”) 689
  • toys 687
  • transmission geometry 44
  • transition 11
  • transition dipole moments 40
  • transparency 61f., 126ff., 259
    • of coatings 58
    • of plastics 176
    • of prints 260
  • transparency number 129
  • triarylcarbonium pigments 10, 613ff.
    • inner salt of sulfonic acids 614ff.
    • dye salts with complex anions 622ff.
  • triboelectric properties 155
  • tropics test 64
  • Turkey Red 544


  • ultimate tinctorial strength 89
  • ultimate viscosity 112, 141
  • ultrasound dispersion 27
  • ultratransparency 127
  • ultraviolet-cured printing inks 154
  • ultraviolet light curing systems 158
  • USA CONEG regulation 686


  • van der Waals interactions 38, 231, 441
  • vat dyes as pigments 487ff.
  • vat fastness 67
  • Vat Red 14 512ff.
  • Vat Yellow 20 547
  • violanthrone pigments 567
  • Victoria Blue 626, 632
  • viscoelastic properties 114f.
  • viscose 183
  • viscosity 111
  • volume or mass distribution 36
  • vulcanization 177


  • washburn equation 81
  • wastewater 691
  • water colors 183
  • water-ink equilibrium 259
  • water-reducible systems 161
  • water, soap, alkali and acids 62
  • weatherfastness 17, 94ff., 131ff.
  • weathering, chalking 76f.
  • Weber rule 127
  • wet rubbing 394
  • wet spinning 181
  • wettability 26
  • wetting 80ff.
    • of particle surfaces 80
    • tension 81
    • test methods 87ff.
    • time 81
    • volume 87
  • Witt substitution rules 12
  • wood coloration 183
  • wool scale 152


  • X-ray powder diffraction 44ff.


  • yield value 112
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