Key AHI publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Amede, T., A. Stroud, and J. Aune (2004) Advancing Human Nutrition Without Degrading Land Resources through Modeling Cropping Systems in the Ethiopian Highlands. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 25(4): 344–353. United Nations University, Tokyo.

Barrios, E., R.J. Delve, M. Bekunda, J.G. Mowo, J. Agunda, J. Ramisch, M.T. Trejo, and R.J. Thomas (2006) Soil Quality Indicators: A South–South Development of a Methodological Guide to Integrate Local and Scientific Knowledge. Geoderma 135: 248–259.

Campbell, B., J. Hagmann, A. Stroud, R. Thomas, and E. Wollenberg (2006) What Kind of Research and Development is Needed for Natural Resource Management? Water International 31(3): 343–360. International Water Resources Association, Montpellier.

German, L. (2006) Moving Beyond Component Research in Mountain Regions: Operationalizing Systems Integration at Farm and Landscape Scales. Journal of Mountain Science 3(4): 287–304.

German, L., S. Ayele, and Z. Adimassu (2008) Managing Linkages Between Communal Rangelands and Private Cropland in the Highlands of Eastern Africa: Contributions to Participatory Integrated Watershed Management. Society & Natural Resources 21(2): 134–151.

German, L.A. and A. Keeler (2010) “Hybrid institutions”: Applications of common property theory beyond discrete property regimes. International Journal of the Commons 4(1). Online at:

German, L., B. Kidane, and R. Shemdoe (2006) Social and Environmental Trade-Offs in Tree Species Selection: A Methodology for Identifying Niche Incompatibilities in Agroforestry. Environment, Development and Sustainability 8: 535–552.

German, L., H. Mansoor, G. Alemu, W. Mazengia, T. Amede, and A. Stroud (2007) Participatory Integrated Watershed Management: Evolution of Concepts and Methods in an Ecoregional Program of the Eastern African Highlands. Agricultural Systems 94(2): 189–204.

German, L., W. Mazengia, H. Taye, M. Tsegaye, S. Charamila, and J. Wickama (2009) Minimizing the Livelihood Trade-Offs of Natural Resource Management in the Eastern African Highlands: Policy Implications of a Project in “Creative Governance.” Human Ecology 38(1): 31–47.

German, L., J.G. Mowo, and M. Kingamkono (2006) A Methodology for Tracking the “Fate” of Technological Innovations in Agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values 23: 353–369.

German, L. and H. Taye (2008) A framework for evaluating effectiveness and inclusiveness of collective action in watershed Management. Journal of International Development 20: 99–116.

German, L., H. Taye, S. Ayele, W. Mazengia, T. Tolera, M. Tsegaye, K. Abere, K. Bedane, and E. Geta (2008) Institutional Foundations of Agricultural Development in Ethiopia: Drawing Lessons from Current Practice for Agricultural R&D. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 47(3): 191–216.

German, L., G. Villamor, S. Velarde, E. Twine, and B. Kidane (2009) Environmental Services and the Precautionary Principle: Using Future Scenarios to Reconcile Conservation and Livelihood Objectives in Upper Catchments. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 28(3): 368–394.

German, L. and A. Stroud (2007) A Framework for the Integration of Diverse Learning Approaches: Operationalizing Agricultural Research and Development (R&D) Linkages in Eastern Africa. World Development 35(5): 792–814.

Kaluski, D.N., E. Ophir, and T. Amede (2001) Food Security and Nutrition: The Ethiopian Case for Action. Public Health Nutrition 5(3): 373–381.

Masuki, K.F.G., J.G. Mowo, T.E. Mbaga, J.K. Tanui, J.M. Wickama, and C.J. Lyamchai (2010) Using Strategic “Entry Points” and “Linked Technologies” for Enhanced Uptake of Improved Banana Germplasm in the Humid Highlands of East Africa. Acta Horticulturae 879(2): 797–804.

Mazengia, W., D. Gamiyo, T. Amede, M. Daka, and J. Mowo (2007) Challenges of Collective Action in Soil and Water Conservation: The Case of Gununo Watershed, Southern Ethiopia. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings 8: 1541–1545. African Crop Science Society, El-Minia, Egypt.

Mowo, J.G., L.A. German, M.N. Kingamkono, and K.F. Masuki (2010) Tracking the Spillover of Introduced Technologies: The Case of Improved Banana Germplasm in North-eastern Tanzania. Acta Horticulturae 879(2): 695–704.

Mowo, J.G., B.H. Janssen, O. Oenema, L.A. German, J.P. Mrema, and R.S. Shemdoe (2006) Soil Fertility Evaluation and Management by Smallholder Farmer Communities in Northern Tanzania. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 116(1–2): 47–59.

Mowo, J., C. Opondo, A. Nyaki, and Z. Adimassu (2010) Addressing the Research– Development Disconnect: Lessons from East and Central African Highlands. Development in Practice 20(8): 1000–1012.

Sanginga, P. C., R.N. Kamugisha, and A.M. Martin (2007) The Dynamics of Social Capital and Conflict Management in Multiple Resource Regimes: A Case of the Southwestern Highlands of Uganda. Ecology and Society 12(1): 6. Online at:

Sanginga, P.C., R. Kamugisha, A. Martin, A. Kakuru, and A. Stroud (2004) Facilitating Participatory Processes for Policy Change in Natural Resource Management: Lessons from the Highlands of Southwestern Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: 958–970. National Agricultural Research Organization, Kampala.


Adimassu, Z., K. Mekonnen, and Y. Gojjam (2008) Working with Communities on Integrated Natural Resources Management. Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Addis Ababa. 134p. ISBN: 978-99944-53-23-8. Online at: Volume includes 13 separate chapters not listed here.

Amede, T., L. German, S. Rao, C. Opondo, and A. Stroud (eds) (2006) Integrated Natural Resource Management in Practice: Enabling Communities to Improve Mountain Livelihoods and Landscapes. Kampala, Uganda: African Highlands Initiative. Volume includes 63 separate chapters not listed here.

Hurni, H. and J. Ramamonjisoa (eds) (1999) African Mountain Development in a Changing World. Antananarivo, Tokyo and Nairobi: African Mountain Association, the United National University and the African Highlands Initiative. 332p. ISBN: 3-906151-33-6. Volume includes 19 separate chapters not listed here.

Book chapters1

Amede, T. (2003) Pathways for Fitting Legumes into the Farming Systems of East African Highlands: A Dual Approach. In: Waddington, S. (ed.), Grain Legumes and Green Manures for Soil Fertility in Southern Africa: Taking Stock of Progress, pp. 21–30. Soil Fert Net and CIMMYT-Zimbabwe, Harare.

Amede, T. and R. Kirkby (2004) Guidelines for Integration of Legumes into the Farming Systems of East African Highlands. In: Bationo, A. (ed.), Managing Nutrient Cycles to Sustain Soil Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 43–64. Academic Science Publishers, Nairobi.

Amede, T. (2003) Opportunities and Challenges in Reversing Land Degradation: The Regional Experience. In: Amede, T. (ed.), Natural Resource Degradation and Environmental Concerns in the Amhara National Regional State: Impact on Food Security, pp. 173–183. Ethiopian Soils Science Society, Addis Ababa.

German, L., S. Charamila, and T. Tolera (in press) Managing Trade-Offs in Agroforestry: From Conflict to Collaboration in Natural Resource Management. In: Klappa, S. and D. Russell (eds), Transformations in Agroforestry Systems. Berghahn Books.

German, L.A., B. Kidane, and K. Mekonnen (2008) Watershed Management to Counter Farming System Decline: Towards a Demand-Driven, System-Oriented Research Agenda. In: Menon, S.S.V. and P.A. Pillai (eds), Watershed Management: Concepts and Experiences, pp. 71–86. ICFAI University Press, India.

German, L., W. Mazengia, W. Tirwomwe, S. Ayele, J. Tanui, S. Nyangas, L. Begashaw, H. Taye, Z. Adimassu, M. Tsegaye, F. Alinyo, A. Mekonnen, K. Aberra, A. Chemangeni, W. Cheptegei, T. Tolera, Z. Jotte, and K. Bedane (2008) Enabling Equitable Collective Action and Policy Change for Poverty Reduction and Improved Natural Resource Management in the Eastern African Highlands. In: Mwangi, E., H. Markelova, and R. Meinzen-Dick (eds), Collective Action and Property Rights for Poverty Reduction: Lessons from a Global Research Project, pp. 11–12. CAPRi, Washington, D.C.

German, L., W. Mazengia, W. Tirwomwe, S. Ayele, J. Tanui, S. Nyangas, L. Begashaw, H. Taye, Z. Adimassu, M. Tsegaye, S. Charamila, F. Alinyo, A. Mekonnen, K. Aberra, A. Chemangeni, W. Cheptegei, T. Tolera, Z. Jotte, and K. Bedane (in press) Enabling Equitable Collective Action and Policy Change for Poverty Reduction and Improved Natural Resource Management in the Eastern African Highlands. In: Mwangi, E., H. Markelova and R. Meinzen-Dick (eds), Collective Action and Property Rights for Poverty Reduction. Johns Hopkins and IFPRI, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

Masuki, K.F.G., J.G. Mowo, S. Rao, R. Kamugisha, C. Opondo, and J. Tanui (2008) Improving Smallholder Farmers’ Access to Information for Enhanced Decision Making in Natural Resource Management: Experiences from South Western Uganda. In: Bationo, A., B.S. Waswa, J. Okeyo, and F. Maina (eds), Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa: Exploring the Scientific Facts. Springer, Dordrecht.

Meliyo, J.L., K.F.G. Masuki, and J.G. Mowo (2007) Integrated Natural Resources Managament: A Strategy for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in Kwalei Village, Lushoto District, Tanzania. In: Bationo, A., B. Waswa, J. Kihara, and J. Kimetu (eds), Advances in Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Sub Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, pp. 781–785. Springer, Dordrecht.

Mowo, J.G., S.R. Shemdoe, and A. Stroud (2007) Interdisciplinary Research and Management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa: AHI Experiences in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. In: M.F. Price (ed.), Mountain Area Research and Management: Integrated Approaches, pp. 118–130. London: Earthscan.

Working papers

Amede, T., Bekele, A., and Opondo, C. (2006) Creating Niches for Integration of Green Manures and Risk Management through Growing Maize Cultivar Mixtures in the Southern Ethiopian Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 14.

Amede, T., T. Belachew, and E. Geta (2001) Reversing the Degradation of Arable Land in the Ethiopian Highlands. Managing Africa's Soils No. 23. IIED, London.

Amede, T., T. Belachew, and E. Geta (2006) Reversing Degradation of Arable Lands in Southern Ethiopia. AHI Working Papers No. 1.

Amede, T. and R. Delve (2006) Improved Decision-Making for Achieving Triple Benefits of Food Security, Income and Environmental Services through Modeling Cropping Systems in the Ethiopian Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 20.

Amede, T. and R. Kirkby (2006) Guidelines for Integration of Legumes into the Farming Systems of the East African Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 7.

Amede, T. and E. Taboge (2006) Optimizing Soil Fertility Gradients in the Enset (Ensete ventricosum) Systems of the Ethiopian Highlands: Trade-offs and Local Innovations. AHI Working Papers No. 15.

Amede, T., A. Stroud, and J. Aune (2006) Advancing Human Nutrition without Degrading Land Resources through Modeling Cropping Systems in the Ethiopian Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 8.

Beyene, H. and T. Mulatu (1999) A selection of diagnostic and characterisation studies conducted between 1986 and 1994 at Ginchi and Nzaret, Ethiopia. AHI Technical Report Series No. 8. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

Braun, A.R., E.M.A. Smaling, E.I. Muchugu, K.D. Shephherd, and J.D. Corbett, (eds) (1997) Maintenance and Improvement of Soil Productivity in the Highlands of Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar and Uganda: An Inventory of Spatial and Non-spatial, Survey and Research Data on Natural Resources and Land Productivity. AHI Technical Report Series No. 6. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

David, S. (ed.) (2000) Planning for Farmers’ Seed Requirements: Proceedings of Workshops at AHI Benchmark Sites in Eastern Africa. AHI Technical Report Series No. 12. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

Esilaba, A.O., T. Mulatu, F. Reda, J.K. Ransom, G. Woldewahid, A. Tesfaye, I. Fitwy, and G. Abate (1999) A Diagnostic Survey on Striga in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands. AHI Technical Report Series No. 5. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

Gachene, C.K.K., C.A. Palm, and J.G. Mureithi (2000) Legume Cover Crop for Soil Fertility Improvement in the Eastern Africa Region: Report of an AHI Workshop, 18–19 February, 1999. AHI Technical Report Series No. 11. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

German, L. (2006) Approaches for Mountain Regions: Operationalizing Systems Integration at Farm and Landscape Scales. AHI Working Papers No. 21.

German, L. (2006) Social and Environmental Trade-Offs in Tree Species Selection: A Methodology for Identifying Niche Incompatibilities in Agroforestry. AHI Working Papers No. 9.

German, L., S. Charamila, and T. Tolera (2006) Managing Trade-Offs in Agroforestry: From Conflict to Collaboration in Natural Resource Management. AHI Working Papers No. 10.

German, L., B. Kidane, and K. Mekonnen (2005) Watershed Management to Counter Farming Systems Decline: Toward a Demand-Driven, Systems-Oriented Research Agenda. AgREN Network Paper No. 145.

German, L., B. Kidane, and K. Mekonnen (2006) Watershed Management to Counter Farming Systems Decline: Toward a Demand-Driven, Systems-Oriented Research Agenda. AHI Working Papers No. 16.

German, L., H. Mansoor, G. Alemu, W. Mazengia, T. Amede, and A. Stroud (2006) Participatory Integrated Watershed Management: Evolution of Concepts and Methods. AHI Working Papers No. 11.

German, L., K. Masuki, Y. Gojjam, J. Odenya, and E. Geta (2006) Beyond the Farm: A New Look at Livelihood Constraints in the Eastern African Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 12.

German, L., W. Mazengia, S. Ayele, W. Tirwomwe, J. Tanui, H. Taye, L. Begashaw, S. Nyangas, A. Chemangeni, W. Cheptegei, M. Tsegaye, Z. Adimassu, F. Alinyo, A. Mekonnen, K. Aberra, T. Tolera, Z. Jotte, and K. Bedane (2007) Enabling Equitable Collective Action & Policy Change for Poverty Reduction and Improved Natural Resource Management in Ethiopia and Uganda. AHI Working Papers No. 25.

German, L., W. Mazengia, W. Tirwomwe, S. Ayele, J. Tanui, S. Nyangas, L. Begashaw, H. Taye, Z. Adimassu, M. Tsegaye, F. Alinyo, A. Mekonnen, K. Aberra, A. Chemangeni, W. Cheptegei, T. Tolera, Z. Jotte, and K. Bedane (2008) Enabling Equitable Collective Action and Policy Change for Poverty Reduction and Improved Natural Resource Management in the Eastern African Highlands. CAPRi Working Paper No. 86. IFPRI, Washington, D.C.

German, L., A. Stroud, C. Opondo, and B. Mwebesa (2004) Linking Farmers and Policy makers: Experiences from Kabale District, Uganda. UPWARD Participatory R&D Sourcebook. CIP, Manila.

German, L., H. Taye, S. Charamila, T. Tolera, and J. Tanui (2006) The Many Meanings of Collective Action: Lessons on Enhancing Gender Inclusion and Equity in Watershed Management. AHI Working Papers No. 17 and CAPRi Working Paper No. 52.

Himmelfarb, D. (2007) Moving People, Moving Boundaries: The Socio-economic Effects of Protectionist Conservation, Involuntary Resettlement and Tenure Insecurity on the Edge of Mt. Elgon National Park, Uganda. AHI Working Papers No. 24.

Mowo, J., B. Janssen, O. Oenema, L. German, P. Mrema, and R. Shemdoe (2006) Soil Fertility Evaluation and Management by Smallholder Farmer Communities in Northern Tanzania. AHI Working Papers No. 18.

Nderitu, J. H., R.A. Buruchara, and J.K.O. Ampofo (1997) Relationship Between Bean Stem Maggot, Bean Root Rots and Soil Fertility: Literature Review with Emphasis on Research in Eastern and Central Africa. AHI Technical Report Series No. 4. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

Opondo, C., L. German, A. Stroud, and E. Obin (2006) Lessons from Using Participatory Action Research to Enhance Farmer-Led Research and Extension in Southwestern Uganda. AHI Working Papers No. 3.

Opondo, C., P. Sanginga, and A. Stroud (2006) Monitoring the Outcomes of Participatory Research in Natural Resources Management: Experiences of the African Highlands Initiative. AHI Working Papers No. 2.

Opondo, C., A. Stroud, L. German, and J. Hagmann (2003) Institutionalising Participation in East African Research Institutes, Ch. 11. PLA Notes 48. IIED, London.

Salasya, B.D.S and S. Ajanga (1999) A Selection of Diagnostic and Characterisation Studies Conducted Between 1986 and 1995 in Western and Central Highland Areas of Kenya. AHI Technical Report Series No. 9. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

Stroud, A. (2006) Transforming Institutions to Achieve Innovation in Research and Development. AHI Working Papers No. 4.

Stroud, A. (2006) Understanding People, Their Livelihood Systems and the Demands and Impact of Innovations. AHI Working Papers No. 13.

Stroud, A. and L. German (2006) A Framework for the Integration of Diverse Learning Approaches: Operationalizing Agricultural Research and Development (R&D) Linkages in Eastern Africa. AHI Working Papers No. 23.

Stroud, A. and J. Hagmann (2006) Shared Experiences of an ASARECA Programme: Key Challenges for Institutions to Operationalise INRM from Ecoregional and NARS Perspectives. AHI Working Papers No. 5.

Stroud, A. and R. Khandelwal (2006) In Search of Substance: “State of the Art” of Approaches, Strategies and Methods for Improving Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods. AHI Working Papers No. 6.

Stroud, A., E. Obin, R. Kandelwahl, F. Byekwaso, C. Opondo, L. German, J. Tanui, O. Kyampaire, B. Mbwesa, A. Ariho, Africare, and Kabale District Farmers’ Association (2006) Managing Change: Institutional Development under NAADS: A Field Study on Farmer Institutions Working with NAADS. AHI Working Papers No. 22.

Tanui, J. (2006) Incorporating a Landcare Approach into Community Land Management Efforts in Africa: A Case Study of the Mount Kenya Region. AHI Working Papers No. 19.

Tukahirwa, J.M. (1999) Diagnostic and characterisation studies conducted from 1945 to 1995 in southwestern Uganda. AHI Technical Report Series No. 10. Nairobi, Kenya: African Highlands Initiative.

Wickama, J.M. and J.G. Mowo (2001) Indigenous nutrient resources in Tanzania. Managing Africa's Soils No. 21.

AHI Working Papers available online at:

Methods guides

Barrios, E., M. Bekunda, R. Delve, A. Esilaba, and J. Mowo (2000) Methodologies for Decision Making in Natural Resource Management: Identifying and Classifying Local Indicators of Soil Quality. Eastern Africa Version. Online at:

German, L., B. Kidane and S. Charamila with W. Mazengia, S. Ayele, and T. Tolera (2007) Niche-Compatible Agroforestry: A Methodology for Understanding and Managing Trade-Offs in Tree Species Selection at Landscape Level. AHI Methods Guides C1.

German, L., W. Mazengia, S. Charamila, H. Taye, S. Nyangas, J. Tanui, S. Ayele, and A. Stroud (2007) Action Research: An Approach for Generating Methodological Innovations for Improved Impact from Agricultural Development and Natural Resource Management. AHI Methods Guide E1.

German, L., K. Mekonnen, J.G. Mowo, E. Geta, and T. Amede (2006) A Socially-Optimal Approach to Participatory Watershed Diagnosis. AHI Methods Guide B2.

German, L., J. Mowo, M. Kingamkono, and J. Nuñez (2006) Technology Spillover: A Methodology for Understanding Patterns and Limits to Adoption of Farm-Level Innovations. AHI Methods Guide A1.

German, L., A. Stroud, G. Alemu, Y. Gojjam, B. Kidane, B. Bekele, D. Bekele, G. Woldegiorgis, T. Tolera, and M. Haile (2006) Creating an Integrated Research Agenda from Prioritized Watershed Issues. AHI Methods Guide B4.

Mekonnen, K. (2009) Watershed Management. In: M. Nigussie, A. Girma, C. Anchala, and A. Kirub (eds), Improved Technologies and Resource Management for Ethiopian Agriculture: A Training Manual, pp. 289–296. RCBP-MoARD, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

AHI Methods Guides available online at:

AHI briefs

Stroud, A. (2003) Program Brief.

Theme A – strategies for systems intensification

Amede, T. (2003) Restoring Soil Fertility in the Highlands of East Africa through Participatory Research. AHI Brief A1.

Amede, T. (2003) Differential Entry Points to Address Complex Natural Resource Constraints in the Highlands of Eastern Africa. AHI Brief A2.

Stroud, A. (2003) Linked Technologies for Increasing Adoption and Impact. AHI Brief A3.

Amede, T. (2004) Boosting Human Nutrition through Land Use Modelling: An Alternative to Biofortification. AHI Brief A4.

Amede, T. (2004) Soil Fertility Decision Guide Formulation: Assisting Farmers with Varying Objectives to Integrate Legume Cover Crops. AHI Brief A5.

Amede, T. (2007) Soil and Water Conservation through Attitude Change and Negotiation. AHI Brief A6.

Theme B – institutional innovations for R&D

Chemengei, A., S. Nyangas, W. Cheptegei, J. Tanui, F. Alinyo, and L. German (2007) Co-Management is About Cultivating Relationships. AHI Brief B7.

German, L. and A. Stroud (2004) Integrating Learning Approaches for Agricultural R&D. AHI Brief B4.

German, L., A. Stroud, and E. Obin (2003) A Coalition for Enabling Demand-Driven Development in Kabale District, Uganda. AHI Brief B1.

German, L., W. Tirwomwe, J. Tanui, S. Nyangas, and A. Chemengei (2007) Searching for Solutions: Technology-Policy Synergies in Participatory NRM. AHI Brief B6.

Opondo, C., L. German, S. Charamila, A. Stroud, and R.K Khandelwal (2005) Process Monitoring and Documentation for R&D Team Learning: Concepts and Approaches. AHI Brief B5.

Tanui, J., A. Chemengei, S. Nyangas, and W. Cheptegei (2007) Rural Development and Conservation: The Future Lies with Multi-Stakeholder Collective Action. AHI Brief B8.

Stroud, A. (2003) Self-Management of Institutional Change for Improving Approaches to Integrated NRM. AHI Brief B2.

Stroud, A. (2003) Combining Science with Participation: Learning Locally and Generalizing Regionally. AHI Brief B3.

Theme C – integrated watershed management

German, L. (2003) Beyond the Farm: A New Look at Livelihood Constraints in the Highlands of Eastern Africa. AHI Brief C1.

German, L. (2006) Environmental Service Rewards in ECA: “Environmental Signatures” and Scenario Analysis to Minimize Trade-Offs. AHI Brief C3.

German, L., B. Kidane, R. Shemdoe, and M. Sellungato (2005) A Methodology for Understanding Niche Incompatibilities in Agroforestry. AHI Brief C2.

Theme D – advancing impact

German, L. (2004) Adding Nuance: The Role of Constructivist Inquiry in Agricultural R&D. AHI Brief D3.

German, L. and A. Stroud (2004) Social Learning in Regional R&D Programs. AHI Brief D2.

Mowo, J., L. Nabahungu, and L. Dusengemengu (2007) The Integrated Watershed Management Approach for Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management in Rwanda: Moving Beyond AHI Pilot Sites. AHI Brief D5.

Tanui, J. (2003) What about the Land User? An African Grassroots Innovation for Livelihood and Environment (AGILE) Approach. AHI Brief D1.

Tanui, J. (2005) Revitalizing Grassroots Knowledge Systems: Farmer Learning Cycles in AGILE. AHI Brief D4.

Theme E – strengthening local institutions and equity

Ayele, S., A. Ghizaw, Z. Adimassu, M. Tsegaye, G. Alemu, T. Tolera, and L. German (2007) Enhancing Collective Action in Spring “Development” and Management through Negotiation Support and By-Law Reforms. AHI Brief E5.

Begashaw, L., W. Mazengia, and L. German (2007) Mobilizing Collective Action for Vertebrate Pest Control. AHI Brief E3.

German, L. (2003) Watershed Entry: A Socially-Optimal Approach. AHI Brief E1.

German, L., S. Charamila, and T. Tolera (2005) Negotiation Support in Watershed Management: A Case for Decision-Making beyond the Farm Level. AHI Brief E2.

Mazengia, W., A. Tenaye, L. Begashaw, L. German, and Y. Rezene (2007) Enhancing Equitable Technology Access for Socially and Economically Constrained Farmers. AHI Brief E4.

Theme T – training briefs

AHI (2005) Training Course on System Optimization Based on Demand, Markets and the Resource Base. AHI Brief T1.

AHI (2005) Training Course on Participatory Integrated Watershed Management. AHI Brief T2.

AHI (2005) Training Course on Tracking Technology “Spillover.” AHI Brief T3.

AHI (2005) Facilitators’ Course on District Institutional Collaboration for Integrated Livelihoods and Conservation. AHI Brief T4.

AHI (2005) Workshop on Self-Led Institutional Learning and Change for NARS and NPPs. AHI Brief T5.

AHI Briefs available online at:

Conference proceedings

Adimassu, Z., K. Mekonnen, and B. Gorfu (2011) Understanding and Managing Complexities in Integrated Natural Resources Management at Watershed Scale: Lessons from the Central Highland of Ethiopia. Proceedings of the “International Conference on Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Development,” February 10–12, 2011, Ambo University, Ethiopia.

Amede, T., H. Assefa, and A. Stroud (eds) (2004) Participatory Research in Action: Ethiopian Experience. Proceedings of a Participatory Research Workshop, June 12–17, 2002. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation and African Highlands Initiative. 144 p.

Masuki, K.F.G, R. Kamugisha, J.G. Mowo, J. Tanui, J. Tukahirwa, J. Mogoi, and E.O. Adera (2010) Role of Mobile Phones in Improving Communication and Information Delivery for Agricultural Development: Lessons from South Western Uganda. Paper presented in “ICT and Development – Research Voices from Africa,” March 22–23, 2010, Makerere University, Uganda.

Masuki, K.F.G., H.A. Mansoor, J.G. Mowo, A.J. Tenge, J.M. Wickama, J. Mogoi, and J. Tanui (2009) Institutional Approach to Grassroots Communities’ Engagement in Natural Resource Management in the Northeastern Tanzania: Entry Point to Forging Partnership in SLM. Paper presented at the “25th Soil Science Society of East Africa,” December 7–11, 2009, Moshi, Tanzania. Proceedings in preparation. Masuki, K., J. Mowo, R. Kamugisha, A. Tibingana, E. Adera, J. Tanui, J. Tukahirwa, and J. Mogoi (2009) Rural Information and Communication System and its Implication to Landcare Movement in Eastern Africa. Presented at the “Fourth Biennial Landcare Conference,” July 12–16, 2009, Limpopo, South Africa. Proceedings in preparation.

Mekonnen, K. and Z. Adimassu (2009) Watershed Management Approach for NRM: Experiences and Lessons from Galessa, Central Ethiopia. In: Alemu, A., S. Yifredew, A. Mekonnen and M. Kassie (eds), Sustainable Land Management and Poverty Alleviation, pp. 182–190. Proceedings of a workshop held from May 18–19, 2009, CRDA Training Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Mogoi, J., J. Tanui, D. Catacutan, R. Kamugisha, and K. Masuki (2010) A Report on the “National Landcare Workshop,” Hotel Des Mille Collines, Kigali, Rwanda, June 2010. Nairobi: African Highlands Initiative.

Mowo, J.G., R.S. Kurothe, M.N. Shem, N.L. Kanuya, and L. Dusengemungu (2007) Adopting the Integrated Watershed Management Approach in Rwanda. In: R.W. Njeru, D.M. Kagabo, T. Ndabamenye, D. Kayiranga, P. Ragama, P.Y.K. Sallah, D. Nkeabahzi, A. Ndayiragije, L. Ndiramiye, G. Night, S.O.S. Akinyemi, N. Kanuya, M.C. Bagabe, and J. Mugabe (2007), Sustainable Agricultural Productivity for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods, pp. 497–506. Proceedings of the “National Conference on Agricultural Research Outputs,” March 26–27, 2007, Kigali, Rwanda.

Mowo, J.G., H. Masoor, K.F.G. Masuki, and J. Meliyo (2009) Influence of Eucalypts on selected soil properties and maize growth in the highlands of northeastern Tanzania. Paper presented at the “25th Soil Science Society of East Africa,” 7–11 December, 2009, Moshi, Tanzania. Proceedings in preparation.

Mowo, J.G., L.N. Nabahungu, L. Dusengemungu, and S. Sylveri (2007) Opportunities for Overcoming Soil Fertility Constraints to Agricultural Production in Gasharu Watershed, Southern Province, Rwanda. In: R.W. Njeru, D.M. Kagabo, T. Ndabamenye, D. Kayiranga, P. Ragama, P.Y.K. Sallah, D. Nkeabahzi, A. Ndayiragije, L. Ndiramiye, G. Night, S.O.S. Akinyemi, N. Kanuya, M.C. Bagabe, and J. Mugabe (2007), Sustainable Agricultural Productivity for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods, pp. 506–514. Proceedings of the “National Conference on Agricultural Research Outputs,” March 26–27, 2007, Kigali, Rwanda.

Tanui, J., A. Chemangei, and J.G. Mowo (2007) Enabling Negotiation and Conflict Resolution for Area Wide Planning: The Case of Collective Action for Watershed Management. In: R.W. Njeru, D.M. Kagabo, T. Ndabamenye, D. Kayiranga, P. Ragama, P.Y.K. Sallah, D. Nkeabahzi, A. Ndayiragije, L. Ndiramiye, G. Night, S.O.S. Akinyemi, N. Kanuya, M.C. Bagabe, and J. Mugabe (eds), Sustainable Agricultural Productivity for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods, pp. 515–524. Proceedings of the “National Conference on Agricultural Research Outputs,” 26–27 March, 2007, Kigali, Rwanda.


1    This list includes only those chapters not otherwise included in AHI books.

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