ACACIA initiative 222, 2278, 235; information provision 2678

accountability 197, 198

Africa: biodiversity of 1; challenges to local government 1957; decentralization 196; poverty and resources 83

African Highlands Initiative (AHI): benchmark sites 1516, 17; catalysed self-led change 2578; demand-driven information provision 222; developing social infrastructure 198; dissemination of technologies 623; district-level work 197; externally mediated dissemination 657; fairness of by-laws 18990; farmer fora and 2645; information provision in NAADS 2669; integrating scientific knowledge 1323; integration concepts 845; intensification 42; landscape governance 1678; lessons from farm systems 47; local voices in planning process 100; methodological gaps 1556; methodological innovations 2231; origins and phases of 1114; output dissemination 30; participation concept 845; participatory integrated watershed management 83; phases of 16; processes of change 18; progress of 1545; publication of knowledge 301; scaling up/out 235, 241, 2534; supporting institutional change 256, 26971, 272; value and impact of 312; watershed characterization 989

African Landcare Network 232

agricultural extension 200

agricultural research: action research/learning 250

agriculture: colonial policies 2; core aims 4

research 23; see also farms and farmers; land use

Akiti Alfred 163

Amede, T. 49, 69

Asia 83

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA) 11

Atu Yirga Tafu 149

Awasa Agricultural Research Institute 252

bananas 40, 75, 76, 98

banks see financial factors

barley 40

beans 98

biophysical factors; biodiversity 1; hydrological delineation 868; innovation and 72; local knowledge 1323; physical capital 2; system components 85; targeting technologies for 6871

Britain see colonialism

by-laws; colonial imposition 199; common issues 164; community monitoring 135; deliberative process 21516; detrimental effects 185, 1889; district-level reforms 2068; district stakeholders 203; enforcement 215; governing dissemination 66; local level 136, 184, 1867, 190, 199; mobilizing collective action 1823; monitoring and evaluating reforms 21720, 222; multi-stakeholder negotiations 1845, 1867, 1901; negative aspects 21920, 221; negotiated agreements 172, 178; participatory diagnostics 21112; participatory reforms 27, 18391; refusal to abide by 1701; Rubaya 1024; synergies 191; Ugandan reform process 20810; water quality and quantity 30; watershed management 93; women and 21819

cabbages 50, 98

capital see financial factors

Co-Management 2

Coalition for Effective Extension Delivery 2645

coffee 39, 40, 75

Ethiopia 46; collective action 89

adopting technologies 62; difficulties of 147, 1626; diversity within communities 71; governing common resources 160; institutional innovation 10; lack of 83; learning 24; local approach to watershed 1001; local organization 15, 95; mobilizing 26, 17983; multiple stakeholders 108; negotiating divergent interests 16970; negotiation of conflicts 30; sabotaging innovation 912; shared needs 53; social justice and equity 9

Collinson, M. 248

colonialism: agricultural policies of 2; conservation in 56; imposition of by-laws 199, 208; local rule 196; structural constraints from 14950

communication: about farming systems 47; community feedback 1045; diversity in communities 14; effective strategies 4; feedback 612, 151; supporting innovation 52; supporting negotiations 16879

communication technology 200; communities: by-laws and 207, 2202; community-based organizations 100; devolving management to 2; divergent interests 71, 112, 16679; external mediation and 656; facilitators 122, 224; factionalism 213; farmer field schools 53; grassroots demands 2635; horizontal and vertical links 21416; hydrological boundaries 88, 89; informal partnerships 233; local concerns 51, 181; local governance and 196; long- and short-term benefits 1523; model outputs 46; participation 155, 21112, 2202; participatory monitoring 1339; sharing biases 77; telecentres for information 2247; village-level by-law reform 184, 1867, 1901

community-based organizations 100, 230

conflict resolution 52; balanced concessions 172; bottoms lines and win-wins 1757; destructive land use 108; early dissipation 203; eucalyptus and springs 111; implementing agreements 172, 173; language use 172, 174; local indicators 137; mediators/facilitators 1701, 175; multi-stakeholder negotiations 1425; negotiation support 16979; resolution mechanisms 93; resource management 1, 88; sequential negotiations 1701; transboundary 83

conservation: decentralized approaches 2; economic incentives 6; exclusionary efforts 5; financing 635; identifying hot spots 967; innovation without degradation 779; isolated structures 868; linking with production enhancement 5660, 61; livelihoods and 4; see also natural resource management

conservation organizations: multi-institutional partnerships 22934

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) 4, 11, 2467

corruption: by-law enforcement 185, 188, 190, 21213

crabs 132

crops: access to seeds 42; benchmark sites 17; by-laws 104; cash 70, 75; complementary cycles 58; complex technologies 39; crop-livestock systems 79; ECA systems 3941; effect of eucalyptus 129; enset-based systems 467; entry points for innovation 48; horticultural 39; impacts of technologies 75; improving varieties 38; income types 98; integrated planning 120; intensification of systems 413; legumes cover 69; local seed delivery systems 24; multiplying seeds 66, 67; optimization modelling 45; production improvement s 22; social balancing 91; as system component 85; watershed issues 106, 11519

cultural factors 5

decision making: collective action 9, 100; community participation 155; devolving to lowest level 2068; empirical research inputs 12830, 1323; farmer representation 2046; institutional structures of 10; local knowledge 1303; local level 1978; within local sphere 196; watershed management 84; see also by-laws; policy-making

democracy: farmer representation 2046; local districts and 1978; vertical integration 2013

development: agricultural research and 154; interaction with research 29; social and political factors 15960

development agencies 4, 80; divergent interests 160; failure to “scale up” 240; and institutional change 2723; mobilizing action 181; poor coordination 197; support governance reforms 195; watershed diagnosis and planning 112

developmental units 180

diseases and illness: improvement management 22; local cures 39; population density and 40; waterborne 30; see also pest control

dissemination of innovation: adoption barriers 72; barriers to 74; by-law and 667; community sharing 77; externally mediated 657; farmer research groups 635; farmer-to-farmer 71, 72, 74, 79; gendered patterns 76; identifying patterns of 737; participatory monitoring 135, 138; policy task forces 214; predicting adoption 68; scaling out 242, 2445, 2515; spillover 73; strategic partnerships for 251; support for 613; targeting systems and clients 6771; tracking spread 723

diversification: linked technologies 58

education 30

energy use 94

enset 467

entry points see under innovation

environment see conservation; natural resource management

equity and social justice: access to technologies 24; by-laws 185, 18890; dissemination of innovation 71, 135, 138; participation 8; perception of 138; watershed management 153

Ethiopia: Ameya spring 173, 176; Areka field day 2523; barley systems 40; benchmark sites 1516; birth of AHI 11, 13; by-laws for dissemination 667; champions of change 270; communal grazing 1656; controlling mole rats 556; crop-livestock systems 40; enset-based systems 467; entry points for innovation 49; equity perceptions 138; evaluating institutional change 25860; evidence of soil loss 12930; farmers field schools 54; Galessa watershed 2023; Gununo watershed 87; history of land reforms 149, 151; institutional change 2623; landscape-level entry points 1267; linked technologies 59, 60; market-led agriculture 412; mobilizing collective action 182; nursery management 1645; participatory monitoring 135, 138; porcupine control 13940; problem solving 1778; seeing possibilities in 149; soil fertility 41; sustaining effort in 1478; trees of Ginchi 107; watershed issues 90, 97, 11517, 125

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research 1501

eucalpytus 129

external facilitators 8

faith institutions 95

families and kinship 93

farmer field schools 524, 79

farmer research groups: dissemination of technologies 635; respecting knowledge of 601

farming systems research 248

farms and farmers: action research 18; AHI lessons 47; components 6; conditions for willingness 183; confidence of 30, 48; conservation linked to production 5660, 61; dialogues among 53; divergent interests 16979; early innovators 78; empowering 217; entry points for innovation 4851; experience and perceptions of 77; experimentation 79; expert information 226; facilitating initiative 1512; farmer-to-farmer sharing 24, 71, 72, 74, 79; feedback from researchers 47; finding security and confidence 14952; gender 43, 67, 1056; household decision units 42; household resources 45, 46, 50, 59, 68; improved agronomic practices 50; information provision 2228; innovation process 38; integrated planning 124; intensification 413; interest groups 49; knowledge of technologies 22; learning cycles 205; links to policy makers 29, 2645; long- and short-term benefits 22, 578, 153; methodological innovations 235; monitoring progress 66; multi-institutional partnerships 230; optimization models 447; participatory approaches 8, 12, 434, 134, 278; perception of equity 138; productivity constraints 22; representation at district level 2046; seeing possibilities 149; short- and long-term concerns 12; social/thematic groups 22, 43, 57, 67; stimulating innovation 5; as systems 6; taking risks 51; watershed characterization 935; watershed entry points 1256; see also crops; livelihoods; livestock; stakeholders

Farrington, J. 240

feedback: conflict negotiation 172; information provision 223; stakeholder dialogues 110

fertilizers: chemical 41; dung 6; impacts of technologies 75; water run-off 11519

financial factors: access to 22; conservation incentives 6; constraints on innovation 48; coping strategies 94; experimentation 635; government support 42; household incomes 50; income from crops 978; institutional support and 41; local institutions 95; micro-credit systems 645; watershed characterization 94

fisheries 4

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): classification system 96; farmer field schools 52

food security: cash income and 42; daily nutritional allowances 45; local knowledge 39; modelling approach 44, 45; nutrition deficits 47

forestry and trees: agricultural 27; benchmark sites 17; core aims 4; sustainable management 2

fuel wood 58

gender: barriers for dissemination 745; capturing diverse voices 1056; constraints on innovation 48; crop selection 51; farmer groups 22, 43, 67; household demographics 45; monitoring and evaluation 138; outcomes of by-laws 21819; patterns of exchanges 76; watershed characterization 95

German, L. S. 74, 132, 188

global positioning systems 96

governance: landscape processes 27; watershed management 25; see also local and district governance; state governments

Gündel, S. 241

Hagmann, J. 4

Hardin, Garrett: The Tragedy of the Commons 1601

Holetta Agricultural Research Centre (HARC) 1501, 254

housing 30, 95

human resources 272

implementation: advertising activity 251; of negotiated agreements 172, 173, 1778; phases of 1645; vertical integration 202

individuals: collective action and 9; investing in communities 207

information provision 200; access 30; challenges to 268; district demand-driven 2228; flow of 223; institutionalized in Uganda 2669; needs protocol 224; publication of AHI knowledge 301; quality assurance 2278; radio 255; sharing with policy makers 263; systems approach 28; telecentres and ICT infrastructure 2249, 267; wireless phones 227

innovation: action research 212; all aspects of 52; demonstrations 2512, 253; effectiveness 244; efficiency of 244; entry points 4851, 58, 1256; evidence of performance 270; farmlevel constraints 52; implementation challenges 14854; incentives 273; information provision 2228; institutional structures 1011; linked technologies 5660, 61; linking farm and district 2345; local 207; local knowledge experimentation 556; opting in/out 91; piloting 2589, 271; regional teams 15; scaling up/out 2412, 2505; sustainability 244; tradeoff analysis 46; watershed management 85, 1256; without degradation 779; see also dissemination of innovation; technologies; Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Rwanda 257, 2601

institutional change: agricultural research 2501; catalysed self-led 25763; commitment 272; defining scaling out 2412; evidence of 262; grassroots catalyst 2635; inadequate resources 2535; internal catalyst 2659; methodological gaps 2714; ownership of initiatives 269; partnerships 2545; potential of innovations 2435; recent drives for 249; scaling up/out 5, 2412, 2445, 2505, 274; self-led 28, 2557; support for 26971; sustaining research and dialogue 2734; institutional learning and change (ILAC) initiative 2467

institutions: agricultural 52, 200; developing local governance 1957; development of 23; external 152, 153; formal and informal 207; of higher learning 255; innovation 1011; learning organizations 2457; limited support from 41; local 53; local dissemination 67, 72; mapping stakeholders 202; models for governance 192; multi-institutional partnerships 22934; R&D teams and 4; regional 15; synergies 5; Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) 1989, 249

Integrated Conservation and Development 2

integrated natural resource management: AHI achievements 2231; by-laws 207; collective governance of 160; common property 83; fairness of by-laws 18990; farm-level 389; informal partnerships 233; information provision 223, 224; institutionalizing 30; key aims of 35; links to poverty 83; local and national policies 1213; local concerns 19, 1923; managing interventions 259; mobilizing collective action 17983; multi-institutional partnerships 22934; multi-institutional processes 28; negotiations 5; new approaches 1989; participation 8; social and political factors 15960; watershed common resources 94; watersheds 910; working implementation 32; see also landscape management; watershed management

integration: component 67, 845; concept of 6, 845; constructivist 7; optimizing 67; seeking synergies 85; synergies 7

intensification: defined 41; linked technologies 58

International Agricultural Centres (IARCs) 11

International Development Research Centre: demand-driven information provision 222

intervention 98, 259; phases of 1367

Iran 39

irrigation 17, 39

ISNAR program 247

Jacobs, R. L. 241

Joint Forest Management 2

Kapchorwa District Landcare Chapter 164, 2312

Kelly, V. 42

Kenya: early phases of AHI 11, 13; farmer field schools 53; intensification 42; maize-beans systems 40

khat 39

Kirkby, R. 69

Kissa Peter 164

knowledge: access to 4; communication technology 200; farmer learner cycles 205; gaps in 85; local 556, 131; scientific data 12830; scientific validation 55; use for decision-making 29; see also information provision; learning; training

Kotter, J. P. 246

La Rovere, R. 32

labor 41

land use: changes 1; economic interests and 15960; images and maps of 96, 97; insecurity of 149; intensification 41; owners’ resistance 178; population and 40; size of landholdings 47, 94; spring degradation 167; tenure policies 42; watershed management 84, 88

Landcare International 232

landscape management: AHI focus on 14; co-management policies 175; components of 6; governance 38; inadequate collective action 1626; institutional model 192; participatory governance 25; relation to watershed 114; watershed complexity and 1523; watershed issues and 92

language: information provision 222, 225

Latin America 83

law see by-laws

leadership 52; identifying 100; supporting institutional change 256; watershed planning 113

learning: agenda 20; collective action and 24; cross-disciplinary 4; cycles 205; demonstrations and shows 66; experiential 256; institutional change 24950; as key aim 4; libraries 66; loops 242, 243; multi-stakeholder platforms 232; organizations 2457; participatory action 19; regional teams 15; research comparisons 212; synthesis of lessons 259; see also information provision; training

legumes: Ethiopia 47; socio-economic criteria 6871; soil fertility and 49

libraries 66

livelihoods: by-law restrictions 185, 188; client-centred approach 5; and conservation 4; improvement without degradation 77; intensification and 42; pests and diseases affecting 94; related improvements 30; strategies 7980; sustainable approaches 1989; see also farms and farmers

livestock: benchmark sites 17; by-law affecting 21920; by-laws affecting 103; communal grazing 1656; complex technologies 39; conflicts over 178; crop-livestock systems 79; ECA systems 3941; free grazing 88, 91, 99, 165, 167; holdings 168; improved feeds 58; integrated planning 120; intensification of systems 413; landscape processes 27; legume cover crops 70; linked technologies 60; optimization modelling 45; overgrazing 41; as system component 85; watershed issues 94, 106, 11519

Lobo, C. 240

local and district governance: in benchmark sites 956; benefits for community 22; buy-in and goal setting 21213; challenges to 1957; democratic process and 1978; developmental units 180; diversity within 14; farmer representation in 2046; informal partnerships 233; information provision 2228; methodology 1416; mobilizing collective action 17981, 1813, 183; multi-institutional partnerships 22934; multilevel policy reforms 21022; participatory approaches 43; policy dialogue 21417; policy innovations 28; public service delivery 199201; researchers isolated from 192; resource policies 1213; responsive by-law reforms 2068; role in mobilizing community 112; scaling out 235; social infrastructure 198; supporting adaptive management 45; sustainable policy innovations 234; Uganda's by-law process 20810; vertical integration 2013; watershed management 934, 1002; see also by-laws; policy making

Lockwood, H. 241

maize 40, 46, 47, 75, 98

mapping 96, 97

markets: benchmark sites 17; information provision 222, 224; informed decisions and 50; innovations 23; lack of outlets 12; limited access to 40; linking farmers to 18; multi-stakeholder platforms 232; supporting innovation 52; synergies 5; technology impetus 61

Meinzen-Dick, R. 2456

methodology: action research 16, 1822; farm-level innovations 235; gaps in 1912; innovations in 2231; landscape scales 84; patterns of dissemination 737; priorities for future 1556; process documentation 1417; questions of 14; regional aspects 1416; scaling up 2412; watershed management 257; mining, colonial 2

mole rats 556, 1301

monitoring and evaluation: “before” and “after” 138; by-law reforms 21720, 222; community participation 1339; local indicators 1347; negotiation support 169; Outcome Mapping techniques 146; participatory 25, 21720, 222; phases of intervention 1367; process documentation 1417; R&D team level 1402; supporting change 254; of technological dissemination 66; tools for 16; using scientific indicators 13940; watershed management 84

mulching 69, 75

Napier grass 60, 75; by-laws 103

National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAAS) 251

National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) 11

national agricultural research institutes 56

local knowledge initiatives 55

participation 2645

National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) 257, 2623; relations with stakeholders 2556

national agricultural research systems (NARS); historical perspective of 2479; self-led change 255

Natural Resource Management Planning Committees (NRMPC) 102

natural resources: degradation of 41; livelihood dependence on 1; Ostrom vs Hardin 1601; ownership and control of 2; see also integrated natural resource management

non-governmental organizations (NGOs): dissemination of technologies 62; information provision 226, 228; multi-institutional partnerships 22934; partnerships for change 256; researchers isolated from 192; nutrition 30

Nyerere, Julius 199

O'Neil, R. J. 39

optimization models 447, 78

Ostrom, Eleanor 1601, 192

oxen 115, 118

parish coordination committees 266

Parish Watershed Committees 1001

participation: concept of 845; diagnostics and vision 21112; farm systems 434; identifying problems 55; meaning of 8; rural appraisal techniques 43; watershed diagnosis and planning 99100

participatory action research (PAR) 1921; as key aim 4

Participatory Rapid Appraisal 110

Peasants Associations 91

peppers 98

pest control: collective action 108; improvements 22; integrated pest management 58; intensification and 41; landscape processes 27; local knowledge 39, 1301; mole rats 556; see also diseases and illness; porcupines

planning: capturing local voices 99100; diverse voices 1047; farmer representation 2046; integrated 11921, 1225; stakeholder-based 10714

policy-making: access to 4; After Action Review 217; district-level 199, 21617; information sharing 263; innovations 5; land tenure 42; links between villages 21416; links to farmers 29; links with farmers 2645; local level 1989; monitoring and evaluating reforms 21722; multi-level model 21011; participatory by-law reforms 2202; participatory diagnostics 21112; policy task forces 21314; sequence 221; structural constraints for farms 150; support for adopting innovations 62; sustainable innovations 234; towards markets 41; village task forces 1024

politics: collective action 9; local government and 195; poorly addressed 15960; and technical organizations 2712

population 1, 39, 40; Ethiopia 46; household demographics 45, 93; watershed issues 11519

porcupines 88, 108, 166; inadequate collective action 1623; local knowledge 1301; mobilizing action 180; scientific evaluation 13940

potatoes 54, 98; optimization models 46

poverty and wealth: alleviation pressures 249, 2556; capturing diverse voices 1056; farmer groups 43; information age and 200; limits investment 401; link with resources 83; monitoring and evaluation 138; watershed characterization 95

problem solving: Ethiopia 1778; farmer research groups 60; linked technologies 57; watershed management 83, 84

public services: local delivery of 199201

Quality Assurance Committee 267

Reardon, T. 42

research and development: action 16, 1822, 122; adaptive testing 156; building capacity of 59; building rapport with farmers 48; by-law compliance 212; catalysts for change 2578; clusters 11419, 1556; coordination of groups 200; deficiencies of inputs 12; design 20; empirical 18, 212, 85, 122; evidence 2634; feedback from farmers 47; improving participation 2479; institutional learning 247; integrated 12, 25, 29; mainstreaming action 273; multidisciplinary teams 154; outputs and applications 20; participatory 3, 1921, 1402; patterns of dissemination 737; planning 121, 1225; positive attitudes towards 30; protocols for clusters 1212; publication 301; validity 21; watershed management 85; see also farmer research groups; innovation; technologies

risks: constructivism 7; entry points to innovation 51

Rwanda 2601

Sakharani Mission: conflict negotiation 173; multi-stakeholder negotiations 1425, 1712; participatory watershed diagnosis 10910; scientific research 129

sanitation 95

savings and credit cooperative societies 645

Senge, P. 246

social groups: entry points to innovation 51; modelling from 45; targeting 72; social justice and equity see equity and social justice; socio-economic factors 5; barriers to adoption 74; changing behaviour 137; characterization 936; class constraints 48; developing social infrastructure 198; dissemination of technology 62; poorly addressed 15960; of resource management 12; targeting technologies for 6871; watershed management 912, 92

soil conservation 2, 30, 39; awareness off 93; by-laws 1023; erosion and fertility 41, 1634, 1667; fertility technologies 11; financial support 645; gender patterns and 76; impacts of technologies 75; integrated planning 122; legume cover crops 49, 69; linked technologies 57, 60; loss of fertility 1, 2; monitoring and evaluation 137; population density and 40; restoring fertility 42; scientific evidence 12930; stabilization 58; structures of 6; as system component 85; watershed issues 87, 11519; see also fertilizers; land use

South Africa 196

stakeholders 5; by-law reforms 1845, 1867, 1901; documenting the process 141; drives for change 249; engagement in planning 1001; institutional change and 2501; institutional mapping 202; local knowledge and negotiations 131; monitoring negotiation process 1426; multi-stakeholder platform 2302; negotiating interests 16879; participation in planning 10714; policy task forces 21314

state governments: agricultural ministries 52; decentralized approaches 2; financial support 42; institutional change 2557; resource policies 1213

Stroud, A. 12

Sudan 40

synergies: form of integration 7; fostering 100

systems approach: AHI and 12; components 85; conceptualizing 14; crop-livestock 79; farms as 6; linking technologies 59; methodological innovations 23; optimization models 447; participatory 434; targeting 6771, 712; technology 28

Tanzania: advertising innovations 251; benchmark sites 16, 17; co-management policies 175; Department of Research and Development 257; early phases of AHI 11, 13; entry point tomatoes 50, 51; evaluating institutional change 25860; impacts of technologies 75; inadequate resources 2535; local knowledge 39; Nyerere's by-laws 199; participatory monitoring 134; Sakharani Mission 10910, 129, 1425, 1713; scientific data 129; spring degradation 1701; watershed issues 90, 97, 1256

taro 46, 125

tea 39, 98

technologies: access to 4, 24; by-law effectiveness and 218; conservation linked to production 5660, 61; diversity of 62; entry points 51; linked 6, 57, 78; local 556; methodological innovations 23; problem solving 57; problems and governance 189; relevance to farmers 248; “scaling out” 2401; solutions from 2; spin-offs 77; stepwise development 59; synergy with politicians 2712; systems approach 28; transfer model 3, 247; watershed characterization 95; win-win 57; see also dissemination of innovation; knowledge

teff 51

tomatoes 50, 76, 98, 1256

The Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin) 1601

training: access to 22; adopting innovations 254; capacity development 256; classrooms 534; for dissemination 63; facilitators 231; for facilitators 204; farmer field schools 524; hands-on 44; incentives to change 273

transboundary issues 163

trees and forestry: Ameya spring negotiation 176, 177; apples 148; by-laws 104, 1889, 212; fast-growing 167; Ginchi afforestation 107; integrated planning 120; landscape-level entry points 1267; local knowledge 131; Sakharani eucalyptus 10910, 111, 129, 1425, 1712; as system component 85; watershed issues 94, 99, 106, 11519

Uganda: banana-coffee systems 40; benchmark sites 16, 17; birth of AHI 11, 13; by-laws 135, 18990, 20810; champions of change 270; district information provision 225; farmer links with policy 2056; farmers links with policy 2645; free grazing 189; information provision 2669; landscape-level entry points 127; local by-laws 1024; Local Government Act 208; mobilizing collective action 1812; Mt Elgon National Park 108, 174, 176; multi-stakeholder platform 2312; National Strategy for Growth 200; run-off in Kapchorwa 1634; watershed boundaries 90

Uganda Wildlife Authority 176

urban areas: water deficits 83

Veit, P. 197, 198

Village Watershed Committees 1001, 164

villages see communities

voluntarism: multi-stakeholder partnerships 233

watershed management 39; administrative boundaries 889, 92; AHI focus on 14; biophysical factors 91, 969; by-laws and 30, 1023; concept of watersheds 910; conservation 30; creating R&D clusters 11419; delineation 92; depletion 41; diagnosis and planning 99100, 122, 155; drought resistance 70; empirical research and 212; farm-level entry points 1256, 1278; financial support 645; function in agriculture 85; Gununo field day 2523; hybrid delineation 8890; hydrological boundaries 868, 92; impacts of technologies 75; implementation challenges 14854; institutions and policies 30; integrated planning 11921, 1225; irrigation 94; issues of 106; landscape-level 114, 1268, 1523, 155, 156; larger than farm level 84; linkages to cope with change 159; linked technologies 578; local knowledge and 1303; local leadership 1002; methodological innovations 257; minimalist approach 155; mobilizing collective action 1813; monitoring and evaluation 13354; multi-institutional partnerships 232; negotiated problem-solving 1778; participatory 8, 845, 1339; problems of 83; rainwater harvesting 38; regional research 15; resource mapping 11011; Rwanda 2601; scientific date inputs 12830; social diversity 912, 1047; socio-economic characterization 936; springs 878, 107, 132, 1501, 167, 1701; stakeholder engagement 100, 10714; sustaining effort 1478; technologies for 11; urban and catchment deficits 83; vertical integration approach 2023; weather forecasting 39

wheat 46

women see gender

World Agroforestry Centre 11

World Bank: capacity development in Rwanda 261; poverty alleviation 249; scaling up 241

World Health Organization: daily nutritional allowances 45

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