


Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt is a noted author, educator, and practicing clinical thanatologist. He is the founder and director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition in Fort Collins, Colorado. He is known throughout the United States and Canada as a long-time friend of funeral service. His background of having lived and worked in a funeral home for seven years makes him uniquely qualified to have written this text.

Many funeral homes, funeral home organizations, and state associations use Dr. Wolfelt as an educational consultant. He is known internationally for his work in the areas of adult and childhood grief. His interest in “helping funeral directors be the best that they can be” stimulated his interest in providing a practical text on interpersonal skills training for funeral home staffs.

A respected author, Alan serves as the editor of the “Children and Grief department of Bereavement Magazine and writes “Thanatologist’s Corner” for the journal Thanatos. Among his books are Helping Children Cope with Grief and Death and Grief: A Guide for Clergy. Recent publications include a series of helpful brochures that funeral homes make available to the general public. In addition, he just completed a new series of cassette tapes on death and grief for bereavement caregivers.

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