

active fund, compared to index tracker

actively managed portfolio

costs associated with

Alliance Trust

alternative investments

American Funds

angel investing, 2nd


apocalypse investing

Apple, 2nd, 3rd

asset-backed securities


classes excluded from the rational portfolio

considerations in portfolio creation

non-portfolio assets

bank bailouts

bank default

claims on client assets

risks for cash deposits

bank deposit insurance schemes

bid/offer spread

Bitcoin, 2nd

black swan events, 2nd, 3rd

Black-Scholes option pricing formula

Blackrock, 2nd

Bogle, John, 2nd

bond index funds

bond indices


adding to the rational portfolio

government-guaranteed bonds

indices of performance


issues with

long-term bonds

position of the investor

short-term bonds

see also corporate bonds; government bonds

Buffett, Warren, 2nd, 3rd

capital gains tax (CGT), 2nd, 3rd

capital market line (portfolio theory)

capital structure, positions of bond and equity investors

car insurance

Case-Shiller House Price index, 2nd

cash deposits

risks associated with

cash holdings, security in times of crisis

Charles Schwarb

collectibles, 2nd, 3rd

commercial property investment, 2nd, 3rd

commodities investments, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

company shares, employee ownership risk

comparison websites

edge over the markets and

need for enhanced independent sites

Contagion (movie)

corporate bonds, 2nd

adding to the rational portfolio, 2nd

indices of performance

issues with adding bonds to a portfolio

portfolio risk and

position of the investor

risk and

see also bonds

corporate debt worldwide

corporation tax

correlations between asset classes

investment risks related to

correlation between assets and liabilities, risk related to

costs see fees and expenses

CRB Commodity index

CRB Total Return index

credit agencies

credit ratings

crowdfunding platforms

crypto currencies

currency asset/liability matching

currency-hedged investment products

currency matching

currency risk, 2nd, 3rd

world equity index trackers

customisation of investment products


DB Trackers, 2nd

defined benefit pension schemes, 2nd

defined contribution pension plans

deposit insurance schemes

Deutsche Bank

Dimensional Fund Advisors

direct investments


avoiding becoming a victim of fraud

net cash holdings as security against


security of assets in a crisis


adding complexity to the rational portfolio

against times of economic crisis

avoiding becoming a victim of fraud

benefit in times of disaster

consideration of non-investment assets

consideration of non-portfolio assets

corporate bonds

false sense of security

government bonds

minimal risk assets

overexposure in home markets

risk of correlations between assets and liabilities

risk of correlations between investments

world equity index trackers, 2nd


domestic bonds

Dow Jones index

periodic declines in value

time to recover from declines

Dow Jones Industrial Average

early savers, 2nd

economic crises see financial crises

edge over the markets

absence in investors

being rational, 2nd

comparison sites

costs of believing in

defining, 2nd

effects of fees and expenses, 2nd

embracing the lack of

financial advisers

investing without an edge

investment outside stock markets

investments which require, 2nd

knowing someone who has an edge

mutual funds, 2nd

past performance and

prediction and timing

resources of the competition

efficient frontier (portfolio theory)

employees, risk related to company share ownership


Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)

equity crowdfunding

equity investments, position of the investor see also index-tracking funds; world equity index trackers

equity markets

history of market failures

influence of US risks

markets do not always bounce back

periodic declines in value

potential for large losses

risk of

risk of increased correlation

time to recover from declines

equity risk premium

estate planning

ETFs see exchange traded funds

exchange rate risk, 2nd

exchange traded funds (ETFs), 2nd, 3rd, 4th

advantages of owning


buying and selling

commodities investments

comparison with index funds

credit risk


execution of the investment

exposure of products


global property ETFs

gold ETFs

issues with



ownership of the underlying stocks

physical ETFs, 2nd


providers of

synthetic ETFs, 2nd

tax considerations

things to consider

exit fees

expected volatility

expenses see fees and expenses


fat tails (effect on standard deviation)

fees and expenses

alternative investment fees

and the index-tracking industry

costs of believing in an edge

costs of managing a portfolio

effects on asset growth

future developments

importance for investors

index tracker compared to active fund

long-term compounding impact


mutual funds

rational portfolio, 2nd

taxes and the rational portfolio


final salary pension schemes

financial advisers

edge over the markets and

financial crises

benefits of diversification

effects on liquidity

effects on minimal risk assets

history of

reacting to disaster, 2nd

selling your investment

financial crisis (2008–09)

effects of increased correlation

influence of the US sub-prime market collapse

how it could have been much worse

financial institutions

debt instruments issued by

deposit insurance schemes

financial markets


efficiency of

history of failures

inability to outperform

invisible hand of the markets

see also edge over the markets; equity markets

financial models

underlying assumptions

financial planning

at different stages of life

building savings

financial advisers

periodic review

reacting to disaster, 2nd

retirement planning

risk averse approach

risk/return profile

risk surveys

rules of thumb

using financial models

financial sector

customisation of investment products

developments in investment management methods

enhanced independent comparison sites

risk information for investors

tax advice sources for investors

tools and information for investors

financial system collapse, potential effects of the 2008 crisis

First Trust


foreign-denominated mortgages

fraud, avoiding becoming a victim of

FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global index, 2nd, 3rd

FTSE indices

fund supermarkets

futures markets for commodities


gold investments, 2nd

as security in a crisis, 2nd


Google, 2nd, 3rd

government bonds, 2nd

adding higher risk bonds

adding to the rational portfolio

bank failure and

credits rating

currency of, 2nd

diversification against risk of failure

execution of the investment

expected returns

investment decisions

issues with adding bonds to a portfolio

portfolio risk and

position of the investor


see also bonds

government debt worldwide, 2nd, 3rd

government-guaranteed bonds

hedge funds, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

hedging, currency risk

home markets, overexposure in


implementation of the rational portfolio

implied volatility

income tax see also taxes

index-tracking funds, 2nd, 3rd

comparison with actively managed funds, 2nd

exchange traded funds (ETFs)

execution of the investment

fees and expenses

issues with

product availability

see also world equity index trackers

index-tracking industry

growth of

need for enhanced independent comparison sites

index-tracking products, 2nd

inflation, influence on real returns

inflation-protected bonds

inheritance tax

institutional investors, correlation risk between assets and liabilities

insurance, 2nd

intangible assets

interest rates, influence on returns

internet sector crashes


changing methods of management


getting started

without an edge over the markets

investment supermarkets


costs of managing a portfolio

need for better tools and information

invisible hand of the markets

ISA accounts (UK)

iShares, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Ishikawa, Tetsuya

Japan, long-term decline of the Nikkei index

jewellery as investment, 2nd, 3rd


known unknowns

Legal & General, 2nd

Lending Club


non-portfolio items

risk of correlation with assets

types of

life insurance, 2nd, 3rd


and the rational portfolio, 2nd, 3rd

financial crises and

returns on illiquid investments

selling your investment

liquidity risk

long-term bonds

Madoff, Bernie

markets see financial markets


mid-life savers, 2nd

minimal risk assets


government bonds

investment decisions


potential returns

risk of bank failure

risks associated with cash deposits

time horizon


consequences of the ‘do nothing’ option

investing without an edge over the markets


mortgage-backed securities

mortgage-related securities

mortgages, foreign-denominated


mutual fund industry, growth of

mutual funds, edge over the markets and, 2nd

Nikkei index, long-term decline

non-investment assets, consideration in portfolio creation

non-life insurance

non-portfolio assets and liabilities

avoiding concentration of investments, 2nd

correlation risk

intangible assets

risk of employee share ownership

tangible assets

types of

OEICs (open-ended investment companies) see also index-tracking funds

oil investments

online discount brokers

past performance, as predictor of future performance

Paulson, John

peer-to-peer (P2P) investment platforms

pension schemes

underfunded and failing schemes


portfolio see rational portfolio

portfolio risk

government and corporate bonds

see also risk

portfolio theory, 2nd, 3rd, 4th



private equity investment, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

private investments, 2nd, 3rd

private property funds

product selection

property investments, 2nd

commercial property, 2nd, 3rd

during times of crisis

performance of

residential property

property ownership, consideration in portfolio creation

quasi-government debt

quoted property holdings

rational investing

benefits of

importance of low fees


product offerings

rational investor


checklist of things to do now


embracing the lack of an edge

rational portfolio

adding corporate bonds, 2nd

adding government bonds

adding higher risk government bonds

adjusting with other bonds

advantages over traditional approaches

allocations approaches

allocations at different risk preferences

asset classes

asset split

asset split according to risk preference

checklist of things to do now

components of, 2nd

consideration of non-investment assets

consideration of non-portfolio assets and liabilities

criticisms of adding bonds


excluded asset classes, 2nd, 3rd

flexible thinking on possible outcomes

implementation, 2nd

investors with higher risk preference

issues with adding bonds

liquidity and, 2nd, 3rd

minimal risk assets

minimising fees and expenses

option to increase complexity

overall message

periodic portfolio review

portfolio mission statement

portfolio risk

portfolio theory and


rebalancing, 2nd

return expectations

risk/return expectations

risk when adding corporate bonds

risk when adding government bonds

stages of life and

tailoring to your needs and circumstances

tax considerations, 2nd, 3rd

world equity index trackers

real estate

REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)

residential property investment, 2nd


estate planning

managing savings

retirement planning


expectations for government bonds

expectations for the rational portfolio

expectations for world equity index trackers

illiquid investments

index tracker compared to active fund


apocalypse investing

avoiding concentration of investments, 2nd

black swan events, 2nd

considering possible future scenarios

corporate bonds, 2nd

correlations between asset classes

currency risk, 2nd, 3rd

employee ownership of company shares

equity risk premium

estimation from the standard deviation

government bonds

information sources for investors

minimal risk assets

non-portfolio assets and liabilities

portfolio allocations approaches

portfolio theory

risk aversion, approach to building savings

risk of equity markets

correlation risk

history of market failures

influence of US risks

markets do not always bounce back

potential for large losses

standard deviation measure of volatility

volatility of markets

volatility of risk

risk preference

asset split in the rational portfolio

influence on rational portfolio allocations

investors with higher risk preference

minimal risk assets

portfolio components and


risk/return relationship, 2nd

financial planning and

in the rational portfolio

risk surveys

riskless investment concept

S&P (Standard and Poors), 2nd

S&P 500 index, 2nd


at different life stages


early savers, 2nd

mid-life savers, 2nd



Sequoia Capital partners

Shiller, Robert

short-term bonds

skew, effects on standard deviation predictions

societal breakdown, protection from an investing perspective

stages of life, influence on portfolio allocations

stamp duty (UK)

Standard and Poors see S&P

standard deviation

effect of fat tails

measure of risk volatility

risk estimation and

skew on the bell curve

State Street, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

stock markets, GDP/market value ratios

stocks, costs related to trading

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 2nd

tangency point (portfolio theory), 2nd

tangible assets

tax advice, need for sources for investors

tax advisers

tax efficiency of investments, 2nd

tax efficient proxies

tax-saving schemes

tax wrappers, 2nd


and the rational portfolio

considerations for the rational portfolio

disadvantages with bonds

The Social Network (movie)

total expense ratio (TER), 2nd


costs of, 2nd

getting started

trading platforms

transaction taxes, 2nd

unit trusts, 2nd, 3rd see also index-tracking funds

unknown unknowns

up-front fees

US equity market

US risks, influence on equity markets

US sub-prime housing market collapse (2007–08), 2nd, 3rd

assumptions underlying the market

Vanguard, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

Vanguard FTSE All-Share index

venture capital, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Virgin FTSE All-Share Tracker fund

virtual commodities

virtual currencies, 2nd

VIX index


of risk

standard deviation measure of

white-label indices

Wisdom Tree

world equity index trackers, 2nd, 3rd

benefits of diversification, 2nd

components of

equity risk premium

expected returns

stock and currency exposure

world equity markets, value of

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