The Comparative Statics of Transaction Costs

Treating the determinant Δ as a constant, then img can be derived solely from Δ1, Δ2, and Δ3 by differentiating each with respect to k,j for img. (Recall, that transaction costs are captured by the aggregate term ϕi, and so differentiation is with respect to this term.) For the three-asset case, these comparative statics are:



where k, j, and i index the assets. The first result says that an increase in the own t-cost will increase the drift. The second result examines the cross-asset weight sensitivity, whose sign depends on the relative return spreads. More specifically, the asset i weight change generated by a change in the asset j transactions cost depends on a comparison of the returns to these assets relative to the return on the third asset. In general, if they both exceed (both are less than) the return to the remaining asset k, the sign is negative. To make sense from this, consider a specific case using Δ1 and differentiate this determinant with respect to ϕ2 (representing asset two's transactions cost). When k2 rises, w2 rises unequivocally. But the effect on w1 depends on img and on img. If img, then w1 wants to rise. But, if img, then the net effect on w1 is negative. Why? Two reasons. The first is that the sum of the new weights must satisfy the adding-up constraint. So, if w2 rises, then the sum img must decrease by an equal amount. Since img, to keep risk minimized, then w1 must fall and w3 will rise. If, on the other hand, img, but img, then the following adjustment takes place: An increase in k2 raises w2, and as before, img puts positive pressure on w1. However, now, since img, then this upward pressure is reinforced and w1 rises (and w3 falls to satisfy the adding-up constraint). The following tables summarize all the possibilities (each cell is the sign of the partial derivative with respect to kj).



Optimization Formulas

Optimization routine for targeted tracking error

img img
Subject to: img

Optimization routine for rebalancing to a percentage boundary

img img
Subject to: img img
img img

Example and Definitions


wt = N × 1 vector containing the optimized active portfolio weights (where t represents new weights and t–1 represents weights before optimization).

V = N × N matrix containing the VRS AA covariance matrix conditioned to the subperiod.

k = N × 1 vector containing the expected t-costs for each asset in percentage terms.

te = scalar representing the targeted expected tracking error.

t = scalar representing the number of subperiods in each year.

wmin = N × 1 vector of minimum underweights for each asset.

wmin1 = N × 1 vector of underweights that will be targeted if a lower boundary is violated.

wmax = N × 1 vector of maximum overweights for each asset.

wmax1 = N × 1 vector of overweights that will be targeted if a upper boundary is violated.

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