Appendix 6.1: Matrix Operations

In general, think of two matrices, A and B, and their (inner) product C:



The first element in the inner product img is the product of the first row of A and the first column of B, that is, img img. Similarly, img is the inner product of the first row of A and the second column of B. C is the collection of inner products of the rows of A and the columns of B. Verify this for yourselves.

Excel requires that we know the dimension of C before we ask Excel to calculate the inner product. We first highlight a img set of cells (do not press Enter yet). Type the command = mmult(A,B) and then simultaneously press CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER.

You can also get the inverse of a matrix. It must be a square matrix. Take matrix C as an example. Its inverse is (a full discussion of this operation is given next):


The denominator (–45) is the determinant of C. If this value is zero, then the inverse is undefined.

The Excel sequence that computes a matrix inverse again requires that we know the dimensions. We highlight a img set of cells once again and then type the command = minverse(C), followed by the CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER sequence.

I want to show you a more meaningful multivariate regression application. Let Y be a set of N observations (for example, the returns to N stocks for the current month). Let X be a img matrix of regressors, including the column of ones associated with the intercept. The regressors can be thought of as factors like earnings growth, earnings surprises, firm size, and so on, that returns depend upon. Let β be a img column vector of parameters that we wish to estimate and let ε be a img column vector of disturbances. Let's write our model as follows. (From now on, we will denote the dimension of β as k × 1, understanding that k includes the intercept.)



This is how we visualize our data and our simple linear model. The usual assumptions apply (the errors are independent and identically distributed [IID], meaning zero with constant variance and uncorrelated with the regressors). If we want to make inferences and test hypotheses, we add the assumption that the errors are img, understanding that the population variance is unknown and must consequently be estimated. Tests and inferences proceed under the t-distribution with degrees of freedom img.

We wish to estimate the img vector β. I will do this now. First, write the model in matrix


Note that img and img times img, which by the rules of matrix algebra is conformable for multiplication, that is, img. Finally, img.

The inner product (Xβ) is the product of a img matrix X and a img matrix of parameters β, which has dimension img (a column vector). As before, the first element in Xβ is the product of the first row in X and the vector β, the second element in the second row in X and the vector β, and so forth.

Now, multiply both sides by the transpose of X, which we call img. If img, then img. Our model now looks like this:


img has dimensions img, img is img, and therefore img is img, and finally img is img. In Excel, highlight a img column of cells (do not press Enter) and follow this with the command =mmult(transpose(X),Y) and simultaneously press CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER.

Let's now solve this system for β. First, eliminate X′ε. Since the regressors are assumed independent of the errors, then this term is zero, anyway (specifically, its expectation is zero). Now, we are looking at the system:


To do this, we must eliminate img (the square matrix) by dividing both sides by img, that is, we multiply by its inverse img. Let's do that now.



The statistic b is the least squares estimate of population parameter β. Here's how we would do this in Excel. First, we use Excel's naming convention by highlighting vectors and matrices, and giving them names. Alternatively, in Excel, click on Formulas and select appropriately among the Name Manager (you can change and delete names) and Define Name for new arrays. Let's highlight the img matrix we solved for earlier and in the top left command window, name is img. Likewise, highlight the vector img and name it img. To estimate β, highlight a img column of cells. Then type the command, = mmult(XX,XY) followed by CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER.

This is what we need to know in Excel. But it seems to be a waste to stop here when we could use this framework to get a deeper understanding of the algebra of least squares (we will be doing a lot of regression in this book). Let's follow up with a simpler illustration, using a single regressor. What does img look like? How about img? The first is a cross-product matrix. For the case with a single regressor and an intercept, img is:


The matrix img is the inner product of the regressors (this is a quadratic form just like img in a bivariate regression). We build img as follows:


What is the inverse of img? It is the adjoint matrix of img divided by the determinant of img. The determinant is:


The inverse is then the adjoint of img given in the numerator in the following equation, divided by the determinant, that is, it is a img matrix img.


We can generalize to the two-regressor case. You can see how the dimensionality of the problem increases. Here is the img matrix:


The img matrix is therefore:


We multiply this by the inverse of img to get the least squares estimate of β.

It is convenient that Excel has regression commands like slope, linest, and trend that do the algebra for us. In many cases, however, such as for portfolio optimization, we must do the dirty work ourselves. Fortunately, it is not too difficult and the process itself gives us deeper insight into the optimization problem.

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