
The authors would like to thank everyone who took the time to read all or parts of the innumerable drafts of this book. In particular, we’d like to single out Ted Chen, William Connor, Liz Evans, Jim Farley, Eric Friedman, Phil Haigh, Dave Henry, Ron Hitchens, James “JC” Norman, Paul Tecca and last, but certainly not least, Dave Wood, who went through each chapter with a fine-tooth comb. We’d also like to thank all the writers, theorists, and programmers who have contributed to our understanding of both design patterns and enterprise architecture as a whole. All remaining misrepresentations, errors, and bad karma are, of course, our own.

At O’Reilly, Colleen Gorman did a fabulous job bringing it all together at the end of the development process. And of course, our editor, Mike Loukides, supported the project from its inception and gave us the freedom to put together the best book we could.

William Crawford

First off, I’d like to thank Jon Kaplan for working on this project with me, and Tracy Leeds Kaplan for letting him do it, even with the wedding falling right in the middle of the writing schedule. The result was a far better book that would have materialized otherwise.

I worked for two people during the course of this book, both of whom helped make it possible. Martin Streeter at Invantage and Howard Foster at Perceptive Informatics, Inc. both made sure that I had the time and support to bring the project to a successful conclusion. The extremely competent Perceptive engineering teams in Boulder, Birmingham and Boston also contributed greatly to the success of the project: it’s all about environment.

Mike Loukides was very understanding when, after committing to deliver this book, my corporate world turned upside down when Invantage, Inc. became part of Perceptive Informatics. I hadn’t planned on spending a cumulative month and a half in England during the first half of the year, and Mike demonstrated an almost god-like patience in addition to his other sterling qualities.

I wouldn’t have gotten into this line of business in the first place without the help and support of my family, who stood by relatively patiently as computers turned into more computers. And, of course, many thanks to Rebecca Goetz ( whose unflagging encouragement throughout the project was utterly irreplaceable: thanks for putting up with me, dear.

Jonathan Kaplan

I would like to thank my co-author Will Crawford and editor Mike Loukides for giving me a chance to work on this book. Will has shown me the ropes, guiding and advising me since even before day one. Mike has graciously put up with an endless number of mistakes, rewrites, and missed deadlines, and remained constructive and helpful all the while.

This kind of book is really a team effort, which came together with the tireless work of our technical reviewers, especially Dave Wood, and the dedicated team at O’Reilly. I would also like to thank my colleagues at Sun, for maintaining an environment so conducive to thinking about and building innovative software.

In the process of writing this book, I have benefited from the unending support of my family—my parents, grandparents, brother, and all the Leeds, who never lost faith, no matter how many times I said “just one more draft.”

And last, but not least, I would like to thank my wife Tracy. Without her love, encouragement, and patience, none of this would have been possible.

Cambridge, MA

August 2003

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