Message Types

Within a particular messaging approach, several different types of messages can be sent. Each of these message type patterns can be built on top of the messaging systems discussed in the previous section. They can be implemented using guaranteed or nonguaranteed messaging on a variety of different protocols and with either point-to-point or publish-subscribe delivery.

All message types share a few common elements. A basic message has a sender attribute, a recipient attribute, a set of headers and a set of user-specified attributes. The use of the sender and recipient should be obvious. Headers and attributes serve to further define the message. An email message, for instance, will generally contain headers specifying the subject, the date the message was sent, the email client that was used, the encoding type used for the text, and the various servers that relayed the message.

The JMS APIs break a message up into three major parts: a standard header section, a user-defined header section, and a message body. Only the first of these sections is required, although a message without any user-specified content cannot deliver a whole lot of data. The following message type patterns help determine which data to store in the different parts of a message.

Event Message

Event handling in Java should be familiar to you by now; but on the off chance that it isn’t, here’s the primer: an object can register itself with another object as an event listener. Once the listener has been registered, the target has a handle to the listener and can use callback methods to notify the listening object that a particular event has occurred. This process allows programmers to easily modify runtime behavior by plugging new listeners in at appropriate places. Swing is full of listeners, as is the Servlet API (ServletContextListener, etc.). The Gang of Four identified this behavior as Observer, in which the actor is the object or set of objects performing the main actions, and the observer is the listener.

An event message extends the Observer model to a set of distributed applications. The basic informational content of an event message is implicit in the fact that the message has been sent. Event messages can be sent from one system to another to provide notification of lifecycle events within an application, or to announce the status of particular activities. Applications for this pattern include enterprise monitoring (see the discussion of the control bus later in this chapter) and centralized logging.

An important characteristic of event messages is that they do not require a reply. In fact, one could go so far as to say there is no requirement that event messages be received, either. In some cases this is true, and in others it isn’t: whether events must be received should influence your choice of message transport.

In JMS, an event message can be implemented with the user-defined headers of a message. The benefit of this approach is simplicity: applications only need to agree on header names, so there is no need to define a format for the message data. Performance improves, too, since JMS and most MOM packages provide built-in functionality to filter messages based on their headers.

Document Message

Many applications need to share large data files with each other. A Document Message allows them to accomplish this via messaging. A document message is a message that contains a substantial payload. Depending on the systems involved, the document might be an XML file, a serialized object, or an actual word processing document.

Designing a document message raises many of the same interoperability questions as any other integration activity. XML-formatted messages can be consumed by a variety of systems, but require more computing power to process than simply reading raw bytes out of a message. Serialized Java objects can only be consumed by other Java systems with the appropriate class libraries installed, but are otherwise very easy to use.

Document messages are generally implemented in JMS by storing the document in the message body. The message headers should be used to store simple information about the document, such as its format and versioning information, while the actual data is put into the body. With Internet email, document messages can be implemented as a file attachment or a series of file attachments. Message headers can still be used to indicate the type of message being sent.

When using Internet email to transmit data, it makes sense to apply some basic security measures. At the minimum, you should include a digest of the data being sent. This record allows you to verify that the message wasn’t accidentally tampered with in transit, but will not provide much (if any) security against deliberate sabotage. Encrypting the digest with a public key system allows you to ensure that a message hasn’t been tampered with. Encrypting the whole document, of course, prevents it from being tampered with or viewed by unauthorized personnel.[4]

Command Message

Distributed applications can be a command and control nightmare. Multiple web applications expose different interfaces to the administrator, and actions that affect multiple systems need to be repeated. Tools like JMX (the Java Management Extensions) alleviate this problem to a degree, but only within controlled environments. It can be irritating, but the real challenge comes when disparate applications need to control each other. Since user interfaces are generally not designed to be used by other computers, some kind of remote command infrastructure is required.

A command message allows one system to control another application, or a series of other applications, by sending a specially formatted message to that system. A command message includes instructions to perform a specific action, either via headers and attributes, or as part of the message payload. The recipient performs the appropriate action when the message is received. Command messages are closely related to the Command pattern from GoF, which we discussed back in Chapter 3. They can be thought of, in fact, as a remote version of this pattern.

Security is a particular concern with command messages. MOM products provide a variety of mechanisms for securing a message channel. If these products are adequate for your needs (they often are), receipt of a command message can be treated much like an RPC call. If you’re using a transport system that doesn’t provide security guarantees, such as email, consider the security options we discussed for document messages.

A document message can also be a command message. Many commands require data on which to act; there’s no point in sending two messages, what with all the overhead involved in correlation—particularly since neither message will be useful without the other.

[4] Since that’s an extremely brief introduction to digital signatures, the user is encouraged to consult Web Security, Privacy & Commerce by Simson Garfinkel with Gene Spafford (O’Reilly) and Java Cryptography by Jonathan Knudsen (O’Reilly).

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