Specialized and Predictive Modeling
^, redundant leaf labels 87
–2LogLikelihood 250
AAE 166
AAE, model comparison 166
Add Highest Nines to Missing Value Codes option 41
ADF tests 257
AIC 249
Akaike’s Information Criterion 249
Angular Frequency 241
Annual 236
antecedent, Association Analysis 340
ApproxStdErr 206
AR Coefficients 235, 239
ARIMA 235, 252254, 264
Association Analysis
antecedent 340
association rules 340
condition 340
Frequent Item Sets report 344
lift ratio 340
Maximum Antecedents 343
Maximum Rule Size 343
Minimum Confidence 343
Minimum Lift 343
Minimum Support 343
Rules report 344
SVD 346
Topic Words Matrix 348
association rules
Association Analysis 340
AUC Comparison 168
Augmented Dickey-Fuller test 257
Autocorrelation 238, 242
autocorrelation 237, 239
Autocorrelation Lags 236
autoregressive coefficients see AR coefficients
Autoregressive Order 253
Bartlett’s Kolmogorov-Smirnov 241
BIC 249
Boston 162, 169
Bounded 266
Brown smoothing 266
By variable 287
Cauchy option 288
Change Highest Nines to Missing option 42
Close All Below (Partition Platform) 97
Color Points 88
Column Contributions 86
Compare Parameter Estimates 196
comparing models 166
condition, Association Analysis 340
Confidence Limits 206, 219
Connecting Lines 238
consequent, Association Analysis
Association Analysis
consequent 340
constant estimate 250
Constrain fit 254
Contour Profiler 209
Corr option 288
Correlation Type 230
Cosine 241
Create SAS Job 252
Cross Correlation 257
Cubic 230
Custom 266
custom loss function 223
Daily 236
damped-trend linear exponential smoothing 267
decision trees 77
derivative 224226
DF 248
DFE 206
Difference 242
Differencing Order 253
Differencing Specification dialog 242
double exponential smoothing 266
Downshift Position 325
drag 236
Entropy RSquare 166
Equivalence Test 197
equivalence tests 283
Estimate 206, 250, 253, 266
Estimate Nugget Parameter 230
evolution 264
Expand Intermediate Formulas 203
Expand Into Categories, selecting column 202
Explore Missing Values utility 4854
See also Missing Value Clustering
See also Missing Value Snapshot
See also Multivariate Normal Imputation utility
Explore Outliers utility 3547
examples 35, 46
See also Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor Outliers utility
See also Multivariate Robust Outliers utility
See also Quantile Range Outliers utility
See also Robust Fit Outliers utility
exponential smoothing see Smoothing Models
Factor 250
False Discovery Rate 283
FDR 283
First 225
Fisher’s Kappa 240
Fit Curve 190194
Fixed 266
Force X Categorical option 288
Force X Continuous option 288
Force Y Categorical option 288
Force Y Continuous option 288
forecast 235, 246269
Forecast Periods 236, 251
Forecast plot 251
Frequency 241
Frequent Item Sets report
Association Analysis 344
Gaussian 230
Gaussian Process 227
Gaussian Process 229
Gauss-Newton method 224
Generalized RSquare 167
Go 209, 219
goal SSE 222
Graph 238, 242
Grouping 287
Hessian 224
Holt smoothing 267
Hourly 236
Informative Missing 92 217
Intercept 254
intercept 250
Invertible 250
Iter 252
Iteration History 252
Iteration History report 252
K Fold Crossvalidation 86
Kappa option 288
Lag 250
Largest Downshift 325
Largest Upshift 325
Leaf Report 86
level smoothing weight 264
Lift Curve 95, 168
lift ratio, Association Analysis 340
likelihood confidence intervals 222
linear exponential smoothing 267
Lock 97
Lock Columns
Partition platform 86
Logistic platform
example 215
Logistic w 215
Loss 216
loss function
custom 223
Lower CL and Upper CL 206
MAE 249
Mahalanobis Distance 35, 43
Make SAS DATA Step 141
Make Validation Column utility 5458
MAPE 249
market basket analysis 339
Matched Pairs platform 271272
examples 272273, 277278
launching 273
multiple Y columns 274
options 276
report window 275276
statistical details 279
Tukey mean-difference plot 275
Max 209
Maximum Antecedents
Association Analysis 343
Maximum Rule Size
Association Analysis 343
MaxLogWorth setting 289
Mean Abs Dev 167
Mean Line 238
Mean -Log p 167
Measures of Fit report 166
Min 209
Minimum Confidence
Association Analysis 343
Minimum Lift
Association Analysis 343
Minimum Size Split 86
Minimum Support
Association Analysis 343
Minimum Theta Value 230
Minute 236
Misclassification Rate 167
Missing is category option 288
Missing Value Clustering 51
Missing Value Snapshot 51
missing values
codes in Explore Outliers utility 41
codes in Quantile Range Outliers utility 39
Explore Missing Values utility 52
Model Averaging 167
Model Comparison platform 161
example 162164, 169171
launch 165
options 167
report 166
Model Library 211
Model Summary table 248, 254
Monthly 236
Moving Average Order 253
MSE 206
Multivariate k-Nearest Neighbor Outliers utility 35, 44
Multivariate Normal Imputation utility 52
Multivariate Robust Outliers utility 35, 4344
Multivariate SVD Imputation utility 52
Negative 224
Newton-Raphson method 224
nonlinear fit options 208
nonlinear fit, setting parameter limits 219
Nonlinear Model Library 211
Customizing 214
Nonlinear platform 215
derivatives 224226
Fit Curve 190
Nonlinear platform, builtin models 179
Nonlinear platform, custom models 199226
nonstationary time series 242
Nugget parameters 234
Number of Forecast Periods 246
Number of Points 209
NumDeriv 225
Numeric Derivatives Only 203, 217
Obj-Criterion 252
Observations per Period 254, 265
Optimal Value 97
Outlier Threshold 320
Output Split Table 97
p, d, q parameters 254
paired t-test 271272
Paired X and Y option 288
Parameter 206, 209
Parameter Contour Profiler 209
Parameter Estimates table 250
parameter limits, nonlinear fit 219
Parameter Profiler 209
Parameter Surface Profiler 209
Partial Autocorrelation 238, 242
partial autocorrelation 237
Informative Missing 92
Partition platform 75
Period 241
periodicity 254
Periodogram 241
periodogram 240
Plot Actual by Predicted 167
Plot Actual by Predicted (Partition) 86
Plot Dif by Mean option 276
Plot Dif by Row option 276
Plot Residual by Row 167
Poisson loss function 218219
Poisson Y option 288
Practical Difference Portion setting 288
Practical Significance 283
Prediction Intervals 254, 265
Predictor role 216, 218
Predictor Screening 336
options 337
report 336
Predictors report 166
Prob>|t| 251
probit example 217218
process disturbance 235
Process Performance Graph 326
Process Screening
By variable 319
Grouping variable 319
profile confidence limits 222223
profile likelihood confidence intervals 222
Profiler 208
Prune Below 97
Prune Worst 86, 97
Purely Random option 57
PValues data table 291, 301
Q option 40
Quantile Range Outliers utility 35, 3942
RASE 166
RASE, model comparison 166
Reference Frame option 276
Remember Solution 206
Remove 236
Residual Statistics 252
residuals 251
Response Screening
equivalence tests 283
False Discovery Rate 283
FDR 283
Practical Significance 283
Response Screening platform
By variable 287
Force X Categorical option 288
Force X Continuous option 288
Force Y Categorical option 288
Force Y Continuous option 288
Grouping variable 287
Kappa option 288
MaxLogWorth setting 289
Missing is category option 288
options 294
Paired X and Y option 288
Poisson Y option 288
Practical Difference Portion setting 288
PValues data table 291, 301
Robust option 287
Same Y Scale option 288
Unthreaded option 288
Weight variable 287
X variable 287
Y, Response 287
rho see loss function
RMSE 167
RMSE 206
RMSE, model comparison 167
Robust Fit Outliers utility 35, 4243
Robust option 287
ROC Curve 168
ROC Curve 94
R-Square 166
RSquare 249
RSquare Adj 249
Rules report
Association Analysis 344
Same Y Scale option 288
sample autocorrelation function 238
Save 243
Save Columns 252
Save Cumulative Details 141
Save Inverse Prediction Formula 210
Save Leaf Label Formula 87
Save Leaf Labels 87
Save Leaf Number Formula 87
Save Leaf Numbers 87
Save Offset Estimates 140
Save Predicted 87, 125, 140
Save Prediction Formula 87, 125, 140, 210
Save Residual Formula 210
Save Residuals 87, 125, 140
Save Specific Solving Formula 211
Save Spectral Density 241
Save Std Error of Individual 210
Save Std Error of Predicted 210
Save Tolerant Prediction Formula 87
Save Tree Details 140
SBC 249
Schwartz’s Bayesian Criterion 249
Seasonal ARIMA 235
Seasonal ARIMA 254
seasonal exponential smoothing 268
seasonal smoothing weight 264
Second 236
Second Derivatives 203
Select Rows 97 236 255
Set Alpha Level option
for Matched Pairs 277
Shift detection, Process Screening 326
Shift Threshold 320
Ship 218
Show Confidence Interval 251252
Show Derivatives 225
Show Graph 85
Show Points 85, 213, 238, 251252
Show Split Bar 85
Show Split Candidates 86
Show Split Count 86
Show Split Prob 85
Show Split Stats 85
Show Tree 85
Sign Test 277
simple exponential smoothing 266
Sine 241
Singular Value Decomposition 52
Small Tree View 86
Smoothing Model dialog 265
smoothing models 235, 263269
smoothing weight 264
Sort Spit Candidates 86
Specified Value 97
Specify Profit Matrix 88
Spectral Density 240, 242
spectral density plots 235
Split Best 86, 97
Split Here 97
Split History 86
Split Specific 97
SSE 205
Stable 250
Stable Invertible 266
Standard Deviation 249
Std Error 250
Step 252
Stratified Random option 57
Submit to SAS 252
Sum of Squared Errors 249
Summarize YbyX 284
Summary table, Process Screening 322
Surface Profiler 209
SVD, Association Analysis 346
symbolic derivative 224
t Ratio 250
Tail Quantile option 40
Term 250
Test Parallelism 194
Time Frequency 236
Time ID role 236
Time Series Graph 238
Time Series platform 235269
ARIMA 252254
commands 237243
example 236237
launch 236237
modeling report 247252
Seasonal ARIMA 254
smoothing models 263269
Time Series Plot 237
Time Series role 236
Topic Words Matrix
Association Analysis 348
Transfer Function 260
Transfer Function Models 255
Transfer Function Models 235
trend 264
Tukey mean-difference plot 275
tutorial examples
logistic regression 215
probit 217218
time series 236237
Unconstrained 266
Unthreaded option 288
Upshift Position 325
Use Medians instead of Means 320
Variance Estimate 249
Variogram 235, 239, 242
Weekly 236
Weight 287
Western Electric - Nelson Rules, Process Screening 322
Signed Rank test 276
Winter’s method 268
X 287
X role 216, 218, 236
Y role 236
Y, Response variable 287
Zero To One 265
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