Design of Experiments
Designed experiments are an important methodology in science and engineering. We learn by trial and error, i.e. experimentation, and experimental design makes that learning process efficient and reliable.
Design of Experiments (DOE) is probably the single most powerful technique you can use for product and process development, refinement, problem solving, scientific inquiry, and optimization.
The DOE platform in JMP provides tools for creating designed experiments and saving them in a JMP data table. JMP supports two ways to make a designed experiment:
Build a new design that matches the description of your engineering problem and remains within your budget for time and material. This method uses the Custom Design platform and is recommended for creating all experimental designs.
Choose a pre-formulated design from a list of designs. These lists of designs include Screening, Response Surface, Full Factiorial, Mixture, Space Filling, Taguchi and other specialized designs.
This chapter shows you how JMP generates and analyzes common experimental designs using the Custom Design platform. This introductory DOE chapter shows examples of screening, response surface, and split plot designs.
See the JMP DOE Guide in the online help for details about designs not covered in this chapter.
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