A 236
Abstract Mathematics 124
Add Multiple Columns Command 52
Add Rows 136
Add Statistics Column command 74
Adjusted RSquare 245 236 332, 353, 354
Alias Matrix 458, 472
Alias Optimal Designs 472
aliasing 457
alpha level 130, 170, 171
alternative hypothesis 129, 170 194, 263
Analysis of Covariance 402, 407
analysis of variance 201, 207
Analysis of Variance table 369
Analyze a Screening Model 452
Analyze menu 605
Analyze nenu 39 51, 423, 424
Annotate tool 57
anova 201, 237, 254
anova table 243 285
assignment functions (formula editor) 93
Assuming unequal variances 204
Assumptions 126
attributes charts 563
Augmentation (DOE) 488
Auto-hide menu and toolbars 38 68, 69, 161
average 164, 167
B 224, 230
Balanced (DOE) 488
Balanced Data means comparisons 246
balanced design 241, 451, 487
Bartlett’s test 256, 257
beta level 130, 170
Big 77, 161
binomial model 353
biplot 519
Birth 152, 187, 298
bivariate density estimation 498
bivariate distributions 496
bivariate outliers 507
Bivariate platform 227
Blood Pressure By 230
Blood Pressure by 224
Body 389
Bonferroni’s adjustment 128
Box Corrosion Split-Plot 483
box plots 162, 163, 199
BP 53 572
Brown-Forsythe test 256, 257
brush tool 36
Bubble Plot command 610
Building Formulas 113
built-in script 177
Business of Statistics 121
C Total 244 319
Canonical Curvature table 476
Canonical Plot 519
capability analysis 577
CP, CPK, CPL and CPU 577
goal plot 581
indices 578
Long Term Sigma 585
PP, PPK 585
process capability 577
Short Term Sigma 585 582
Car 324 235 295 172
Categorical 607
categorical distributions, multivariate 321
categorical responses 301
and Count Data 301
large sample sizes 307
Simulated 304
standard error of the mean 310
Variability in the Estimates 306
Cell Plot command 610
Center points (DOE) 488
centering and scaling 171
Central Composite Design (CCD) 474, 479
Central Limit Theorem 157, 187, 188, 191, 213, 311
Central Limit 191 195
ceteris paribus 127 231, 235
character functions (formula editor) 92
Chart command 610
Cheese 70 359
cherts 518 518
Children’s 358
chi-square 311, 321
formula for 332
test 299
univariate categorical 314
Choice command 607 390
clipboard 64 575
Cluster analysis 522
Cluster command 607
clusters 500 190
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test 352
Coding (DOE) 488
Col Shuffle Command 109 305
collinearity 373, 376, 380
exact singularity 377
example 379
longley data 379
Color Clusters 525
Color or Mark by Column 142
Selecting and Deselecting 49
common causes 559 73, 235
Comparing the Normal and Student’s t Distributions 175
comparison circles 246, 247, 248, 252
interpreting 248
comparison functions (formula editor) 92
Comparison Operators 96
conditional distributions 159
Conditional Expressions 96
conditional functions (formula editor) 92
confidence interval 130, 144, 167, 168, 169, 183, 202, 243
fiducial 344
for parameter estimates 371
for slope 371
Confidence.jsl 144
Confounding 457
Confounding Structure 457
Constant Expressions 113
Context Menu Commands 67
contingency table 323, 326
continuous values 38
contour graph 498
Contour Grid 477
Contour Plot command 610
Contour Profiler 477
Contour Profiler command 611
control charts 136, 559, 562
C charts 570
common causes 565
for attributes 564, 566, 570
for variables 564, 566
in control 577
Levey-Jennings charts 574
NP charts 570
P charts 570
presummarize charts 573
stable 565, 577
Tailoring the Horizontal Axis 577
tests for special causes 565, 577
U Charts 571
unstable 565
UWMA charts 574
control panel, formula editor 88
coordinate exchange 458
copy and paste 63
Copy command 63
Copy With Column Names 64
correlation 503, 504, 505
coefficients 505
many variables 506
multivariate 502
Correspondence Analysis 321, 335, 336 503
Counts report 521
CP, CPK, CPL and CPU 577
Creating a New JMP Table 51 196, 528
crossed effects 419
crosshair tool 36
crosstabs 72, 325
cumulative distribution function 187
Current Stock 102
Arrow 49
Double arrow 50
I-beam 49
List check 50
Pointer 51
Range check 50
Selection 50
curvature analysis 475
Custom Designer 446, 458, 469, 479
Custom Profiler command 611
Customize JMP 37
Cutting, Dragging, and Pasting Formulas 113
Data Mining 127
Exploratory Modeling 531
Neural Nets 544
Recursive Partitioning 533
with stepwise regression 384
Database > Open 63
date time functions (formula editor) 93 437
Degradation command 609
degrees of freedom 131, 174, 204, 240, 257
delimiters 60
demoKernel.jsl 193
demoLeastSquares.jsl 268
dendrogram 524, 526 436
density contours 499
Density Ellipse command 375
density estimation 497
density function 154, 155
Design Evaluation 458
Design of Experiments (DOE) 439
Classical designs 444
Factorial Designs 444
factors 443
Model reduction 469
response 443
Response Surface Designs 444
Screening Design 444
Diagram command 608
Dice 135 181
disclosure icons 34, 152
discrete probability (formula editor) 92
discriminant analysis 343, 501, 517
biplot 519
Conanical Plot 519
discriminant scores 519
Stepwise variable selection 522
Bernoulli 302
categorical 153
continuous 153
double exponential 163
exponential 163, 186
F 208
Gaussian 157
multinomial 302
normal 157
Poisson 302
probability 154
simulation 141
uniform 185
unimodal 154
Distribution command 152, 605
Distribution platform 149, 152, 158, 159, 162
DOE > Sample Size and Power 262
DOE Glossary
Augmentation 488
Balanced 488
Coding 488
Effect Precision 488
Effect Size 488
Folding 488
Fractional Factorial 489
Optimality 489
Orthogonal 489
Plackett-Burman 489
Resolution 490
Response Surface 490
Robustness 490
Screening Designs 491
Space Filling 491
Split Plot 491
Taguchi 491
DOE platform 439 359
Doped 261
Drawing Marbles 138 241, 247, 251, 259, 398, 409
dummy variables 397
Earth’s Ecliptic 172, 295
Editing a Formula 114
Effect Leverage Plots 372
Effect Precision (DOE) 488
Effect Screening 453
Effect Size (DOE) 488
effect sparsity 490
Effect Test table 223
eigenvalues 476
eigenvectors 476
EMP (Evaluating the Measurement Process) 586
Entering Count Data 330
Entering data 54
EWMA 576
exact nonparametric tests 258
Excel Files 63, 65
expected value 331
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart 576
extreme values 166
F 275
Faces of Statistics 122
Factor Analysis 517
Factorial 489
F-distribution 240
fiducial confidence intervals 344
File > Export 66
financial functions (formula editor) 93
first principal component 512
Fit Line command 271
Fit Mean command 271
Fit Model command 606
Fit Model Dialog 365
Fit Parametric Survival command 609
Fit Polynomial command 280
Fit Proportional Hazards command 610
Fit Special command 284
Fit Y by X command 201, 606
Fit Y by X Platform 201
Flipping Coins 138 452
Folding (DOE) 488 196
formula editor
control panel 88
derivative command 90
function list 89
keypad 89
keypad functions 90
Pieces and Parts 87
work panel 88
Formula Element Browser 88
Formulation 488
Fractional Factorial (DOE) 489
F-ratio 275
F-ratio 207, 208, 223, 245
Frequencies 153
frequency counts 154
F-statistic 240, 274
F-test 207, 208, 212, 237, 239, 370
Full Factorial Design 460
G2 and X2
testing with 323
G2 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 312, 314
Galton, Francis 265, 288, 289, 292 289
Gauge R&R 586
Gaussian Process command 606
general linear models 393, 395, 398
Effect Tests 407
Interaction effects 416
Parameters and Means 401
prediction equation 405
Regressor Construction 400
Separate Slopes 413
generalized linear models 353
Geometric Moving Average (GMA) chart 576
GLIM 353
GMA 576
Goal Plot 581
Goodness of Fit 187
Gosset, William 234
Gosset’s 234
grabber tool 36
grand mean 207
Grandfather 389
Graph Builder command 610
Graph menu 39, 610
group means 197, 208, 243
grouped t-test 215 270
hand tool 36
hierarchical clustering 522, 607
high-leverage points 407
histogram 40, 152, 153, 159, 160
Home Window (JMP on Windows) 28
Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) 251
Hot 99, 196
Hotelling-Lawley trace 435 350
HSD 251, 252 199 211, 233
Importing Data 58
Importing Microsoft Excel Files 63
Importing Text Files 59
expected values 331
testing for 327, 332
Independent Groups 197, 199
indicator variables 397
Individual Measurement charts 566
inference 167
Initialize Data 110
interaction plot 466
interactions 395
interquartile range 162, 163, 254
inverse prediction 344, 345 497, 529
iterative proportional fitting 303
jackknifed distances 511
JMP Data Tables 45, 48, 65
JMP Main Menu 28
JMP Starter 28
Join command 70
Juggling Data Tables 68
Kendall’s tau 42
Kernel Density Estimates 193
kernel smoothers 498
k-means clustering 607
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 186, 258
KSL 187
Lilliefors 187
Kruskal-Wallis test 259
KSL test 187
kurtosis 166
L1 (median least absolute values estimator) 165
lack-of-fit test 411, 418
lasso tool 36
Launch an Analysis Platform 32
law of large numbers 137
LD50 344
Least Significant Difference (LSD) 249, 252
least squares 164, 267, 361, 363
demonstration 268
least squares means 409
Lenth’s PSE 455
Levels of Uncertainty 125
Levene’s test 256, 257
leverage plots 370, 371, 376, 379, 406, 407, 408
effect 372
schematic 409
Levi Strauss 262
Life Distribution command 609
likelihood 312
likelihood ratio chi-square 313, 316, 327
Likelihood Ratio Tests 313
Lilliefors test 187
Line Chart 57
linear dependency 377
linear models
coding scheme 397
kinds of effects 396
linear regression
models 363 365, 374 384
Lipid 535, 555
Loading plot 516
local variables 110, 138
log odds-ratio 339
logistic regression 302, 303, 337, 338, 340, 518
Degrees of Fit 342
logit 339
log-likelihood 312, 327
log-linear models 302 379
LSD (Least Significant Difference) 250
LSMeans Plot command 421
MAD (median minimum absolute deviation estimator) 165
magnifier tool 36
Mahalanobis distance 508
Main Effects Only 469
Make Alias Optimal Design 472
Make into Data Table command 68
Make into Matrix 68
Mann-Whitney U test 42, 233
marginal homogeneity 326, 327
Mark Clusters 525, 526
Match function 99
matched pairs 197, 215, 218, 219, 229
Matched Pairs platform 41, 227, 289, 606
maximum likelihood 126, 327
maximum likelihood estimator 164, 312 315 335, 336
mean 154, 156, 164, 165, 166
mean square 240, 245
error 207
Means and StdDev command 255
Means Comparisons 249
unbalanced data 247
means diamonds 202, 203, 242, 248, 255
overlap marks 246
Means/Anova command 242
Means/Anova/Pooled t command 41, 202, 204
Mechanics of Fit 589
Categorical Responses 598
median 156, 165
Median rank scores 258
Median test 230
Mesh Plot command 500
Method of Moments 435 262
Minimum-Aberration 489
missing value 87
Mixture Design 489
Mixture Profiler command 611
Mixtures, Modes, and Clusters 500
Model Comparison command 607
Modeling menu commands 606
modeling types 39, 40, 153
modes 500
moments 153, 154, 166, 168, 173
Monte Carlo 133, 307, 309, 310
mosaic plots 72, 325, 326 194, 261, 296
moving average 103
using the summation function 102
moving average charts 573
Moving data out of JMP 64
moving range charts 566
multinomial distribution 302
multiple comparisons 237
adjusting for 251
multiple regression 361
Effect Tests 371
example 364
Hidden Leverage Point 381
predicted values 366
prediction formula 368
stepwise 384
Multivariate Methods menu commands 607
Navigating Platforms 40
nested effects 395, 423, 424
Neural Nets
hidden nodes 545
Overfitting 548
Validation 546
Neural platform 544, 606
New Column Command 55
nominal values 38
non-central t distribution 181
Nonlinear command 606
nonparametric methods 237, 257
nonparametric multiple comparison 259
nonparametric statistics 42
Nonparametric tests 177, 230
Nonparametric-Wilcoxon command 233
normal density 160, 184
normal distribution 108, 157, 166, 168, 171, 185
elliptical contours 501
normal mixtures 607
Normal Plot 454, 455
normal quantile plot 183, 185, 187, 189, 213, 255
and normality 213
Normal Quantile Plot command 213
Normal vs t.JSL 175
normality 188
null hypothesis 129, 170, 188
Number of Center Points 488
Number of Replicate Runs 487
numeric functions (formula editor) 92
O’Brien’s test 256, 257
one-way layout 239
On-Time 234
Open command 58
Open Database 63
Opening a JMP Data Table 29
Optimality (DOE) 489
Ordinal Logistic Regression 347
ordinal values 38
Orthogonal (DOE) 489
Outlier Analysis command 508
outliers 163, 165, 201, 217, 507, 511
bivariate 507
Overlay Plot command 610
paired t-test 215, 219, 222, 226
interpretation rule 222
Parallel Plot command 610
parametric model functions (formula editor) 93
Partition Analysis
Candidates 537
Crossvalidation 541
growing trees 535
LogWorth 536
Partition command 606
Partition Platform 533
Paste command 64
Paste With Column Names 64 545, 555
Pearson chi-square 311, 316, 328 115
Pillai's trace 435
Plackett-Burman (DOE) 489
Plot Residuals command 278, 282
Plotting Data 56
point estimate 167 294
Polynomial Models 280, 281
Pitfalls 294
polytomous responses 346
pooled t-test 204 416
power 130, 170, 179
PP, PPK 585
practical difference 189
Prediction Profiler 455, 456, 465, 467, 476
Desirability 467
Maximize Desirability 467
Response Goal 468
Preferences 37
Presidential 297
Pressure Cylinders 598
principal components 512, 515, 528
Principal Components command 607
Probability and Randomness 126
probability distribution 126, 170
probability functions (formula editor) 92
process capability 577
Product function 101
Profiler command 611
proof by contradiction 170
pure error 411, 412
p-value 130, 171, 174, 178
Animation 177
Quality and Process menu commands 608
quantile box plot 169, 254
Quantile function 101
quantiles 153, 154, 156, 163, 165, 168, 254
quartiles 162
Question Mark tool 37
raking 303 158, 159
Random 110
random effects 423, 426
Correlated Measurements-Multivariate Model 432
Mixed Model 426
Reduction to the Experimental Unit 430
Varieties of Analysis 435
random functions (formula editor) 92
Random Normal function 108
Random Number Functions 106
Random Uniform function 107, 135, 309
Randomize 488
rank ordering 230
rank scores 258
r-charts 566
Reactor 20 462
Reactor 32 469
recode variables 99
Recurrence Analysis command 609
regression 265, 267, 289, 290
clusters of points 294
Confidence Intervals on the Estimates 275
line 267
Parameter Estimates 275
properties 267
residuals 278, 282
statistical tables 272
switching variables 292
Testing the Slope 270, 272
three-dimensional view 276
to the mean 265
Why It’s Called Regression 288
regression definitions
coefficients, parameters 363
error, residual 364
intercept term 364
regressors, X’s 363
response, Y 363
Reliability and Survival menu commands 609
Reliability Forecast command 609
Reliability Growth command 609
REML report 485
repeated measures 423, 425, 426, 432
Replicates (DOE) 487
resampling methods 128
residual error 371
residual plot 367, 382
residual variance 207
residuals 189, 207, 239, 267, 278, 281, 282, 366, 367, 382
resizing graphs 36
Resolution (DOE) 490
response categories 301
response probabilities 323
response surface designs (DOE) 469, 473, 490
Response Surface report 475 381
Robustness (DOE) 490
robustness of the median 165
Rolling Dice 135
root mean square error 207, 245
row functions (formula editor) 92
row state functions (formula editor) 93
adding 53
excluding 278
Highlighting 33
Selecting and Deselecting 49
Roy's maximum root 435
RSquare 245
Adjusted 245
S charts 566
sample mean 156, 167
Sample Mean versus True Mean 131
sample median 156
sample quantile 156
sample size 182
Sample Size and Power 209
sample variance 156, 164
Sampling Candy 138
SAS Transport Files 65
SAS V7 Data Set 65
saturated design 454
saturated model 411
Save As command 65
Save Residuals command 282
Save Selection As Command 66
scatterplot 289
Scatterplot 3D 509
Scatterplot 3D command 610
Scatterplot Matrix command 611
scatterplots 41 195, 263
Scree Plot 524
Screening command 606
Screening Designs (DOE) 491
Examples 469
Screening for Interactions 460
second principal component 512
Select Misclassified Rows 520
Selecting Expressions 114
selection tool 37
Self-Organizing Map (SOM) 607
Shapiro-Wilk W test 187, 231
Shewhart control chart 560
Shewhart, Walter 560
shortest half 163
signed-rank test 231
Significance 491
significance level 130, 171
significant difference 181 310
Simpson’s paradox 350, 352 523
Singularity Details report 379
skewness 166
Sleeping 390 294
smooth curve 497 529 298, 506
Sort by Column command 67
Sort command 69
Space Filling (DOE) 491
sparse table 323
Spearman’s correlation 42
special causes 559
Special Tools 36
Specifying Response Surface Effects Manually 478
Spline Fit 284
Split command 432
Split Plot Designs
whole plots 480
Split Plot designs (DOE) 491
easy to change factors 481
hard to change factors 481
subplot, split plot 481
whole plots 481
split plots 426
spread 156 338, 343, 348
Springs for Continuous Responses 591
Stack command 70, 71
stacked data 222
standard deviation 131, 154, 164, 166, 167, 184
standard error 131, 204, 243, 307
standard error of the mean 156, 167
statistical functions (formula editor) 92
statistical inference 167, 197
Statistical Process Control 559
Statistical Quality Control 559
Statistical Significance 129, 182
Statistical Terms 128
statistical thinking 119
statistics 119, 155, 156, 158, 559
Biased, Unbiased 130
stem-and-leaf plot 160
stepwise regression 384, 385
Student’s t-distribution 168, 174
Student’s t-statistic 174
Student’s t-test 174, 203, 218
one-sided 206
Subgroup button 75
subscripts (formula editor) 95
Subset command 69
Sum function 101
sum of squares 209
Summarize Down Columns or Across Rows 101
Summary command 72, 73
Summary of Fit table 243
Summary Statistics 73
Summation Function 102
sum-to-zero coding 398
Surface Effects 477
Surface Plot 554
Surface Plot command 611
Surface Profiler 554
Survey Data 324
Survival command 609
Table Styles 67
Table Variables 110
Tables menu 45
Taguchi (DOE) 491 526
Ternary Plot command 611
Test Mean command 41, 218, 219
testing for normality 188
Testing Hypotheses 169
Text Export Files 65 216
time series 559
Time Series command 606
Tip of the Day 27 359, 436
TOST method 189
transcendental functions (formula editor) 92
Transformed Fits 283
Tree Map command 610
Triangle Probability.jsl 139
trigonometric functions (formula editor) 92
true mean 131
t-statistic 176
t-test 40, 41, 182, 189, 204
grouped 215
paired 215
Tukey-Kramer Honestly Significant Difference 251
Two-Sided versus One-Sided 129
Two-Tailed versus One-Tailed 129
Two-way Analysis of Variance 416
two-way tables 321, 330
entering 331
Type I error 170, 179, 251
Type II error 170, 179, 181 49
U charts 572
unbiased estimator 130
unequal variance
testing means 257
tests 257
UnEqual Variance command 256
Uniform function 106
Uniformly Weighted Moving Average (UWMA) Charts 574
UWMA 575
validate experimental results 468
validating statistical assumptions 197
Van der Waerden rank scores 258
van der Waerden rank scores 230
van der Waerden score 184
variability 156
Variability/Gage Chart platform 608
variables charts 563
variance 131, 155, 156, 164, 166
variance components 485
Variance Components Analysis 586
W statistic 187 571
Western Electric Rules 565
Westgard Rules 565
whiskers 162
Whole-Model report 369
whole-model test 406
Wilcoxon rank scores 230, 258
Wilcoxon Rank Sum test 42, 233, 234, 258
Wilcoxon signed-rank test 177, 219, 231
Wilk's lambda 435
Working with Graphs and Reports 66
World 529
XBar charts 566
z-statistic 171
z-test 171174
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