Chapter 4. Object-Oriented JavaScript

JavaScript's most fundamental data type is the Object data type. JavaScript objects can be seen as mutable key-value-based collections. In JavaScript, arrays, functions, and RegExp are objects while numbers, strings, and Booleans are object-like constructs that are immutable but have methods. In this chapter, you will learn the following topics:

  • Understanding objects
  • Instance properties versus prototype properties
  • Inheritance
  • Getters and setters

Understanding objects

Before we start looking at how JavaScript treats objects, we should spend some time on an object-oriented paradigm. Like most programming paradigms, object-oriented programming (OOP) also emerged from the need to manage complexity. The main idea is to divide the entire system into smaller pieces that are isolated from each other. If these small pieces can hide as many implementation details as possible, they become easy to use. A classic car analogy will help you understand this very important point about OOP.

When you drive a car, you operate on the interface—the steering, clutch, brake, and accelerator. Your view of using the car is limited by this interface, which makes it possible for us to drive the car. This interface is essentially hiding all the complex systems that really drive the car, such as the internal functioning of its engine, its electronic system, and so on. As a driver, you don't bother about these complexities. A similar idea is the primary driver of OOP. An object hides the complexities of how to implement a particular functionality and exposes a limited interface to the outside world. All other systems can use this interface without really bothering about the internal complexity that is hidden from view. Additionally, an object usually hides its internal state from other objects and prevents its direct modification. This is an important aspect of OOP.

In a large system where a lot of objects call other objects' interfaces, things can go really bad if you allow them to modify the internal state of such objects. OOP operates on the idea that the state of an object is inherently hidden from the outside world and it can be changed only via controlled interface operations.

OOP was an important idea and a definite step forward from the traditional structured programming. However, many feel that OOP is overdone. Most OOP systems define complex and unnecessary class and type hierarchies. Another big drawback was that in the pursuit of hiding the state, OOP considered the object state almost immaterial. Though hugely popular, OOP was clearly flawed in many areas. Still, OOP did have some very good ideas, especially hiding the complexity and exposing only the interface to the outside world. JavaScript picked up a few good ideas and built its object model around them. Luckily, this makes JavaScript objects very versatile. In their seminal work, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, the Gang of Four gave two fundamental principles of a better object-oriented design:

  • Program to an interface and not to an implementation
  • Object composition over class inheritance

These two ideas are really against how classical OOP operates. The classical style of inheritance operates on inheritance that exposes parent classes to all child classes. Classical inheritance tightly couples children to its parents. There are mechanisms in classical inheritance to solve this problem to a certain extent. If you are using classical inheritance in a language such as Java, it is generally advisable to program to an interface, not an implementation. In Java, you can write a decoupled code using interfaces:

//programming to an interface 'List' and not implementation 'ArrayList'
List theList = new ArrayList();

Instead of programming to an implementation, you can perform the following:

ArrayList theList = new ArrayList();

How does programming to an interface help? When you program to the List interface, you can call methods only available to the List interface and nothing specific to ArrayList can be called. Programming to an interface gives you the liberty to change your code and use any other specific child of the List interface. For example, I can change my implementation and use LinkedList instead of ArrayList. You can change your variable to use LinkedList instead:

List theList = new LinkedList();

The beauty of this approach is that if you are using the List at 100 places in your program, you don't have to worry about changing the implementation at all these places. As you were programming to the interface and not to the implementation, you were able to write a loosely coupled code. This is an important principle when you are using classical inheritance.

Classical inheritance also has a limitation where you can only enhance the child class within the limit of the parent classes. You can't fundamentally differ from what you have got from the ancestors. This inhibits reuse. Classical inheritance has several other problems as follows:

  • Inheritance introduces tight coupling. Child classes have knowledge about their ancestors. This tightly couples a child class with its parent.
  • When you subclass from a parent, you don't have a choice to select what you want to inherit and what you don't. Joe Armstrong (the inventor of Erlang) explains this situation very well—his now famous quote:

    "The problem with object-oriented languages is they've got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle."

Behavior of JavaScript objects

With this background, let's explore how JavaScript objects behave. In broad terms, an object contains properties, defined as a key-value pair. A property key (name) can be a string and the value can be any valid JavaScript value. You can create objects using object literals. The following snippet shows you how object literals are created:

var nothing = {};
var author = {
  "firstname": "Douglas",
  "lastname": "Crockford"

A property's name can be any string or an empty string. You can omit quotes around the property name if the name is a legal JavaScript name. So quotes are required around first-name but are optional around firstname. Commas are used to separate the pairs. You can nest objects as follows:

var author = {
  firstname : "Douglas",
  lastname : "Crockford",
  book : {
    title:"JavaScript- The Good Parts",

Properties of an object can be accessed by using two notations: the array-like notation and dot notation. According to the array-like notation, you can retrieve the value from an object by wrapping a string expression in []. If the expression is a valid JavaScript name, you can use the dot notation using . instead. Using . is a preferred method of retrieving values from an object:

console.log(author['firstname']); //Douglas
console.log(author.lastname);     //Crockford
console.log(;   // JavaScript- The Good Parts

You will get an undefined error if you attempt to retrieve a non-existent value. The following would return undefined:


A useful trick is to use the || operator to fill in default values in this case:

console.log(author.age || "No Age Found");

You can update values of an object by assigning a new value to the property: = 190;
console.log(; //190

If you observe closely, you will realize that the object literal syntax that you see is very similar to the JSON format.

Methods are properties of an object that can hold function values as follows:

var meetingRoom = {}; = function(roomId){
  console.log("booked meeting room -"+roomId);


Apart from the properties that we add to an object, there is one default property for almost all objects, called a prototype. When an object does not have a requested property, JavaScript goes to its prototype to look for it. The Object.getPrototypeOf() function returns the prototype of an object.

Many programmers consider prototypes closely related to objects' inheritance—they are indeed a way of defining object types—but fundamentally, they are closely associated with functions.

Prototypes are used as a way to define properties and functions that will be applied to instances of objects. The prototype's properties eventually become properties of the instantiated objects. Prototypes can be seen as blueprints for object creation. They can be seen as analogous to classes in object-oriented languages. Prototypes in JavaScript are used to write a classical style object-oriented code and mimic classical inheritance. Let's revisit our earlier example:

var author = {};
author.firstname = 'Douglas';
author.lastname = 'Crockford';

In the preceding code snippet, we are creating an empty object and assigning individual properties. You will soon realize that this is not a very standard way of building objects. If you know OOP already, you will immediately see that there is no encapsulation and the usual class structure. JavaScript provides a way around this. You can use the new operator to instantiate an object via constructors. However, there is no concept of a class in JavaScript, and it is important to note that the new operator is applied to the constructor function. To clearly understand this, let's look at the following example:

//A function that returns nothing and creates nothing
function Player() {}

//Add a function to the prototype property of the function
Player.prototype.usesBat = function() {
  return true;

//We call player() as a function and prove that nothing happens
var crazyBob = Player();
if(crazyBob === undefined){
  console.log("CrazyBob is not defined");

//Now we call player() as a constructor along with 'new' 
//1. The instance is created
//2. method usesBat() is derived from the prototype of the function
var swingJay = new Player();
if(swingJay && swingJay.usesBat && swingJay.usesBat()){
  console.log("SwingJay exists and can use bat");

In the preceding example, we have a player() function that does nothing. We invoke it in two different ways. The first call of the function is as a normal function and second call is as a constructor—note the use of the new() operator in this call. Once the function is defined, we add a usesBat() method to it. When this function is called as a normal function, the object is not instantiated and we see undefined assigned to crazyBob. However, when we call this function with the new operator, we get a fully instantiated object, swingJay.

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