Chapter 8. Server-Side JavaScript

We have been focusing so far on the versatility of JavaScript as the language of the browser. It speaks volumes about the brilliance of the language given that JavaScript has gained significant popularity as a language to program scalable server systems. In this chapter, we will look at Node.js. Node.js is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks used for server-side programming. Node.js is also one of the most watched project on GitHub and has superb community support.

Node uses V8, the virtual machine that powers Google Chrome, for server-side programming. V8 gives a huge performance benefit to Node because it directly compiles the JavaScript into native machine code over executing bytecode or using an interpreter as a middleware.

The versatility of V8 and JavaScript is a wonderful combination—the performance, reach, and overall popularity of JavaScript made Node an overnight success. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • An asynchronous evented-model in a browser and Node.js
  • Callbacks
  • Timers
  • EventEmitters
  • Modules and npm

An asynchronous evented-model in a browser

Before we try to understand Node, let's try to understand JavaScript in a browser.

Node relies on event-driven and asynchronous platforms for server-side JavaScript. This is very similar to how browsers handle JavaScript. Both the browser and Node are event-driven and non-blocking when they use I/O.

To dive deeper into the event-driven and asynchronous nature of Node.js, let's first do a comparison of the various kinds of operations and costs associated with them:

L1 cache read

0.5 nanoseconds

L2 cache read

7 nanoseconds


100 nanoseconds

Read 4 KB randomly from SSD

150,000 ns

Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD

1,000,000 ns

Read 1 MB sequentially from disk

20,000,000 ns

These numbers are from and show how costly Input/Output (I/O) can get. The longest operations taken by a computer program are the I/O operations and these operations slow down the overall program execution if the program keeps waiting on these I/O operations to finish. Let's see an example of such an operation:

var log ="./verybigfile.txt");

When you call, you are reading a file from the filesystem. As we just saw, I/O is the bottleneck here and can take quite a while before the read operation is completed. Depending on the kind of hardware, filesystem, OS, and so on, this operation will block the overall program execution quite a bit. The preceding code does some I/O that will be a blocking operation—the process will be blocked till I/O finishes and the data comes back. This is the traditional I/O model and most of us are familiar with this. However, this is costly and can cause terribly latency. Every process has associated memory and state—both these will be blocked till I/O is complete.

If a program blocks I/O, the Node server will refuse new requests. There are several ways of solving this problem. The most popular traditional approach is to use several threads to process requests—this technique is known as multithreading. If are you familiar with languages such as Java, chances are that you have written multithreaded code. Several languages support threads in various forms—a thread essentially holds its own memory and state. Writing multithreaded applications on a large scale is tough. When multiple threads are accessing a common shared memory or values, maintaining the correct state across these threads is a very difficult task. Threads are also costly when it comes to memory and CPU utilization. Threads that are used on synchronized resources may eventually get blocked.

The browser handles this differently. I/O in the browser happens outside the main execution thread and an event is emitted when I/O finishes. This event is handled by the callback function associated with that event. This type of I/O is non-blocking and asynchronous. As I/O is not blocking the main execution thread, the browser can continue to process other events as they come without waiting on any I/O. This is a powerful idea. Asynchronous I/O allows browsers to respond to several events and allows a high level of interactivity.

Node uses a similar idea for asynchronous processing. Node's event loop runs as a single thread. This means that the application that you write is essentially single-threaded. This does not mean that Node itself is single-threaded. Node uses libuv and is multithreaded—fortunately, these details are hidden within Node and you don't need to know them while developing your application.

Every call that involves an I/O call requires you to register a callback. Registering a callback is also asynchronous and returns immediately. As soon as an I/O operation is completed, its callback is pushed on the event loop. It is executed as soon as all the other callbacks that were pushed on the event loop before are executed. All operations are essentially thread-safe, primarily because there is no parallel execution path in the event loop that will require synchronization.

Essentially, there is only one thread running your code and there is no parallel execution; however, everything else except for your code runs in parallel.

Node.js relies on libev ( to provide the event loop, which is supplemented by libeio ( that uses pooled threads to provide asynchronous I/O. To learn even more, take a look at the libev documentation at

Consider the following example of asynchronous code execution in Node.js:

var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('./response.json', function (error, data) {

In this program, we read the response.json file from the disk. When the disk I/O is finished, the callback is executed with parameters containing the argument's error, if any error occurred, and data, which is the file data. What you will see in the console is the output of console.log('1') and console.log('2') one immediately after another:

An asynchronous evented-model in a browser

Node.js does not need any additional server component as it creates its own server process. A Node application is essentially a server running on a designated port. In Node, the server and application are the same.

Here is an example of a Node.js server responding with the Hello Node string when the http://localhost:3000/ URL is run from a browser:

var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer();
server.on('request', function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  res.end('Hello Node

In this example, we are using an http module. If you recall our earlier discussions on the JavaScript module, you will realize that this is the CommonJS module implementation. Node has several modules compiled into the binary. The core modules are defined within Node's source. They can be located in the lib/ folder.

They are loaded first if their identifier is passed to require(). For instance, require('http') will always return the built-in HTTP module, even if there is a file by this name.

After loading the module to handle HTTP requests, we create a server object and use a listener for a request event using the server.on() function. The callback is called whenever there is a request to this server on port 3000. The callback receives request and response parameters. We are also setting the Content-Type header and HTTP response code before we send the response back. You can copy the preceding code, save it in a plain text file, and name it app.js. You can run the server from the command line using Node.js as follows:

$ » node app.js

Once the server is started, you can open the http://localhost:3000 URL in a browser and you will be greeted with unexciting text:

An asynchronous evented-model in a browser

If you want to inspect what's happening internally, you can issue a curl command as follows:

~ » curl -v http://localhost:3000 
* Rebuilt URL to: http://localhost:3000/
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 3000 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:3000
> User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 05:31:44 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Hello Node
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Curl shows a nice request (>) and response (<) dialog including the request and response headers.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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