
In boxing there is a light weight division between 49-52 kg known as the flyweight division. It was one of the last divisions to be established and was named, I imagine, for the fact that the fighters in it were tiny, like flies.

The flyweight pattern is used in instances when there are a large number of instances of objects which vary only slightly. I should perhaps pause here to mention that a large number, in this situation, is probably in the order of 10,000 objects rather than 50 objects. However, the cutoff for the number of instances is highly dependent on how expensive the object is to create.

In some cases, the object may be so expensive that only a handful are required before they overload the system. In this case introducing flyweight at a smaller number would be beneficial. Maintaining a full object for each object consumes a lot of memory. It seems that the memory is largely consumed wastefully too, as most of the instances have the same value for their fields. Flyweight offers a way to compress this data by only keeping track of the values that differ from some prototype in each instance.

JavaScript's prototype model is ideal for this scenario. We can simply assign the most common value to the prototype and have individual instances override them as needed. Let's see how that looks with an example.


Returning once more to Westeros (aren't you glad I've opted for a single overarching problem domain?) we find that armies are full of ill-equipped fighting people. Within this set of people there is really very little difference from the perspective of the generals. Certainly each person has their own life, ambitions, and dreams but they have all been adapted into simple fighting automatons in the eyes of the general. The general is only concerned with how well the soldiers fight, if they're healthy, and if they're well fed. We can see the simple set of fields in this code:

let Soldier = (function () {
  function Soldier() {
    this.Health = 10;
    this.FightingAbility = 5;
    this.Hunger = 0;
  return Soldier;

Of course, with an army of 10,000 soldiers, keeping track of all of this requires quite some memory. Let's take a different approach and use a class:

class Soldier {
  constructor() {
    this.Health = 10;
    this.FightingAbility = 5;
    this.Hunger = 0;

Using this approach, we are able to defer all requests for the soldier's health to the prototype. Setting the value is easy too:

let soldier1 = new Soldier();
let soldier2 = new Soldier();
console.log(soldier1.Health); //10
soldier1.Health = 7;
console.log(soldier1.Health); //7
console.log(soldier2.Health); //10
delete soldier1.Health;
console.log(soldier1.Health); //10

You'll note that we make a call to delete to remove the property override and return the value back to the parent value.

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