
Inheritance is an important concept of OOP. It is common to have a bunch of objects implementing the same methods. It is also common to have an almost similar object definition with differences in a few methods. Inheritance is very useful in promoting code reuse. We can look at the following classic example of inheritance relation:


Here, you can see that from the generic Animal class, we derive more specific classes such as Mammal and Bird based on specific characteristics. Both the Mammal and Bird classes do have the same template of an Animal; however, they also define behaviors and attributes specific to them. Eventually, we derive a very specific mammal, Dog. A Dog has common attributes and behaviors from an Animal class and Mammal class, while it adds specific attributes and behaviors of a Dog. This can go on to add complex inheritance relationships.

Traditionally, inheritance is used to establish or describe an IS-A relationship. For example, a dog IS-A mammal. This is what we know as classical inheritance. You would have seen such relationships in object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java. JavaScript has a completely different mechanism to handle inheritance. JavaScript is classless language and uses prototypes for inheritance. Prototypal inheritance is very different in nature and needs thorough understanding. Classical and prototypal inheritance are very different in nature and need careful study.

In classical inheritance, instances inherit from a class blueprint and create subclass relationships. You can't invoke instance methods on a class definition itself. You need to create an instance and then invoke methods on this instance. In prototypal inheritance, on the other hand, instances inherit from other instances.

As far as inheritance is concerned, JavaScript uses only objects. As we discussed earlier, each object has a link to another object called its prototype. This prototype object, in turn, has a prototype of its own, and so on until an object is reached with null as its prototype; null, by definition, has no prototype, and acts as the final link in this prototype chain.

To understand prototype chains better, let's consider the following example:

function Person() {}
Person.prototype.cry = function() { 
function Child() {}
Child.prototype = {cry: Person.prototype.cry};
var aChild = new Child();
console.log(aChild instanceof Child);  //true
console.log(aChild instanceof Person); //false
console.log(aChild instanceof Object); //true

Here, we define a Person and then Child—a child IS-A person. We also copy the cry property of a Person to the cry property of Child. When we try to see this relationship using instanceof, we soon realize that just by copying a behavior, we could not really make Child an instance of Person; aChild instanceof Person fails. This is just copying or masquerading, not inheritance. Even if we copy all the properties of Person to Child, we won't be inheriting from Person. This is usually a bad idea and is shown here only for illustrative purposes. We want to derive a prototype chain—an IS-A relationship, a real inheritance where we can say that child IS-A person. We want to create a chain: a child IS-A person IS-A mammal IS-A animal IS-A object. In JavaScript, this is done using an instance of an object as a prototype as follows:

SubClass.prototype = new SuperClass();
Child.prototype = new Person();

Let's modify the earlier example:

function Person() {}
Person.prototype.cry = function() { 
function Child() {}
Child.prototype = new Person();
var aChild = new Child();
console.log(aChild instanceof Child);  //true
console.log(aChild instanceof Person); //true
console.log(aChild instanceof Object); //true

The changed line uses an instance of Person as the prototype of Child. This is an important distinction from the earlier method. Here we are declaring that child IS-A person.

We discussed about how JavaScript looks for a property up the prototype chain till it reaches Object.prototype. Let's discuss the concept of prototype chains in detail and try to design the following employee hierarchy:


This is a typical pattern of inheritance. A manager IS-A(n) employee. Manager has common properties inherited from an Employee. It can have an array of reportees. An Individual Contributor is also based on an employee but he does not have any reportees. A Team Lead is derived from a Manager with a few functions that are different from a Manager. What we are doing essentially is that each child is deriving properties from its parent (Manager being the parent and Team Lead being the child).

Let's see how we can create this hierarchy in JavaScript. Let's define our Employee type:

function Employee() { = '';
  this.dept = 'None';
  this.salary = 0.00;

There is nothing special about these definitions. The Employee object contains three properties—name, salary, and department. Next, we define Manager. This definition shows you how to specify the next object in the inheritance chain:

function Manager() {;
  this.reports = [];
Manager.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype);

In JavaScript, you can add a prototypical instance as the value of the prototype property of the constructor function. You can do so at any time after you define the constructor. In this example, there are two ideas that we have not explored earlier. First, we are calling If you come from a Java background, this is analogous to the super() method call in the constructor. The call() method calls a function with a specific object as its context (in this case, it is the given the this value), in other words, call allows to specify which object will be referenced by the this keyword when the function will be executed. Like super() in Java, calling is necessary to correctly initialize the object being created.

The other thing we see is Object.create() instead of calling new. Object.create() creates an object with a specified prototype. When we do new Parent(), the constructor logic of the parent is called. In most cases, what we want is for Child.prototype to be an object that is linked via its prototype to Parent.prototype. If the parent constructor contains additional logic specific to the parent, we don't want to run this while creating the child object. This can cause very difficult-to-find bugs. Object.create() creates the same prototypal link between the child and parent as the new operator without calling the parent constructor.

To have a side effect-free and accurate inheritance mechanism, we have to make sure that we perform the following:

  • Setting the prototype to an instance of the parent initializes the prototype chain (inheritance); this is done only once (as the prototype object is shared)
  • Calling the parent's constructor initializes the object itself; this is done with every instantiation (you can pass different parameters each time you construct it)

With this understanding in place, let's define the rest of the objects:

function IndividualContributor() {;
  this.active_projects = [];
IndividualContributor.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype);

function TeamLead() {;
  this.dept = "Software";
  this.salary = 100000;
TeamLead.prototype = Object.create(Manager.prototype);

function Engineer() {;
  this.dept = "JavaScript";
  this.desktop_id = "8822" ;
  this.salary = 80000;
Engineer.prototype = Object.create(TeamLead.prototype);

Based on this hierarchy, we can instantiate these objects:

var genericEmployee = new Employee();

You can see the following output for the preceding code snippet:

[object Object] {
  dept: "None",
  name: "",
  salary: 0

A generic Employee has a department assigned to None (as specified in the default value) and the rest of the properties are also assigned as the default ones.

Next, we instantiate a manager; we can provide specific values as follows:

var karen = new Manager(); = "Karen";
karen.reports = [1,2,3];

You will see the following output:

[object Object] {
  dept: "None",
  name: "Karen",
  reports: [1, 2, 3],
  salary: 0

For TeamLead, the reports property is derived from the base class (Manager in this case):

var jason = new TeamLead(); = "Json";

You will see the following output:

[object Object] {
  dept: "Software",
  name: "Json",
  reports: [],
  salary: 100000

When JavaScript processes the new operator, it creates a new object and passes this object as the value of this to the parent—the TeamLead constructor. The constructor function sets the value of the projects property and implicitly sets the value of the internal __proto__ property to the value of TeamLead.prototype. The __proto__ property determines the prototype chain used to return property values. This process does not set values for properties inherited from the prototype chain in the jason object. When the value of a property is read, JavaScript first checks to see whether the value exists in that object. If the value does exist, this value is returned. If the value is not there, JavaScript checks the prototype chain using the __proto__ property. Having said this, what happens when you do the following: = "Undefined";

It does not propagate to all the instances of Employee. This is because when you create an instance of the Employee object, this instance gets a local value for the name. When you set the TeamLead prototype by creating a new Employee object, TeamLead.prototype has a local value for the name property. Therefore, when JavaScript looks up the name property of the jason object, which is an instance of TeamLead), it finds the local value for this property in TeamLead.prototype. It does not try to do further lookups up the chain to Employee.prototype.

If you want the value of a property changed at runtime and have the new value be inherited by all the descendants of the object, you cannot define the property in the object's constructor function. To achieve this, you need to add it to the constructor's prototype. For example, let's revisit the earlier example but with a slight change:

function Employee() {
  this.dept = 'None';
  this.salary = 0.00;
} = '';
function Manager() {
  this.reports = [];
Manager.prototype = new Employee();
var sandy = new Manager();
var karen = new Manager(); = "Junk";


You will see that the name property of both sandy and karen has changed to Junk. This is because the name property is declared outside the constructor function. So, when you change the value of name in the Employee's prototype, it propagates to all the descendants. In this example, we are modifying Employee's prototype after the sandy and karen objects are created. If you changed the prototype before the sandy and karen objects were created, the value would still have changed to Junk.

All native JavaScript objects—Object, Array, String, Number, RegExp, and Function—have prototype properties that can be extended. This means that we can extend the functionality of the language itself. For example, the following snippet extends the String object to add a reverse() method to reverse a string. This method does not exist in the native String object but by manipulating String's prototype, we add this method to String:

String.prototype.reverse = function() {
  return Array.prototype.reverse.apply(this.split('')).join('');
var str = 'JavaScript';
console.log(str.reverse()); //"tpircSavaJ"

Though this is a very powerful technique, care should be taken not to overuse it. Refer to to understand the pitfalls of extending native built-ins and what care should be taken if you intend to do so.

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