
Monads are tools that help you compose functions.

Like primitive types, monads are structures that can be used as the containers that functors "reach into". The functors grab the data, do something to it, put it into a new monad, and return it.

There are three monads we'll focus on:

  • Maybes
  • Promises
  • Lenses

So in addition to arrays (map) and functions (compose), we'll have five functors (map, compose, maybe, promise and lens). These are just some of the many other functors and monads that are out there.


Maybes allow us to gracefully work with data that might be null and to have defaults. A maybe is a variable that either has some value or it doesn't. And it doesn't matter to the caller.

On its own, it might seem like this is not that big a deal. Everybody knows that null-checks are easily accomplished with an if-else statement:

if (getUsername() == null ) {
  username = 'Anonymous') {
else {
  username = getUsername();

But with functional programming, we're breaking away from the procedural, line-by-line way of doing things and instead working with pipelines of functions and data. If we had to break the chain in the middle just to check if the value existed or not, we would have to create temporary variables and write more code. Maybes are just tools to help us keep the logic flowing through the pipeline.

To implement maybes, we'll first need to create some constructors.

// the Maybe monad constructor, empty for now
var Maybe = function(){}; 

// the None instance, a wrapper for an object with no value
var None = function(){}; 
None.prototype = Object.create(Maybe.prototype);
None.prototype.toString = function(){return 'None';};

// now we can write the `none` function
// saves us from having to write `new None()` all the time
var none = function(){return new None()};

// and the Just instance, a wrapper for an object with a value
var Just = function(x){return this.x = x;};
Just.prototype = Object.create(Maybe.prototype);
Just.prototype.toString = function(){return "Just "+this.x;};
var just = function(x) {return new Just(x)};

Finally, we can write the maybe function. It returns a new function that either returns nothing or a maybe. It is a functor.

var maybe = function(m){
  if (m instanceof None) {
    return m;
  else if (m instanceof Just) {
    return just(m.x);   
  else {
    throw new TypeError("Error: Just or None expected, " + m.toString() + " given."); 

And we can also create a functor generator just like we did with arrays.

var maybeOf = function(f){
  return function(m) {
    if (m instanceof None) {
      return m;
    else if (m instanceof Just) {
      return just(f(m.x));
    else {
      throw new TypeError("Error: Just or None expected, " + m.toString() + " given."); 

So Maybe is a monad, maybe is a functor, and maybeOf returns a functor that is already assigned to a morphism.

We'll need one more thing before we can move forward. We'll need to add a method to the Maybe monad object that helps us use it more intuitively.

Maybe.prototype.orElse = function(y) {
  if (this instanceof Just) {
    return this.x;
  else {
    return y;

In its raw form, maybes can be used directly.

maybe(just(123)).x; // Returns 123
maybeOf(plusplus)(just(123)).x; // Returns 124
maybe(plusplus)(none()).orElse('none'); // returns 'none'

Anything that returns a method that is then executed is complicated enough to be begging for trouble. So we can make it a little cleaner by calling on our curry() function.

maybePlusPlus = maybeOf.curry()(plusplus);
maybePlusPlus(just(123)).x; // returns 123
maybePlusPlus(none()).orElse('none'); // returns none

But the real power of maybes will become clear when the dirty business of directly calling the none() and just() functions is abstracted. We'll do this with an example object User, that uses maybes for the username.

var User = function(){
  this.username = none(); // initially set to `none`
User.prototype.setUsername = function(name) {
  this.username = just(str(name)); // it's now a `just
User.prototype.getUsernameMaybe = function() {
  var usernameMaybe = maybeOf.curry()(str);
  return usernameMaybe(this.username).orElse('anonymous');

var user = new User();
user.getUsernameMaybe(); // Returns 'anonymous'

user.getUsernameMaybe(); // Returns 'Laura'

And now we have a powerful and safe way to define defaults. Keep this User object in mind because we'll be using it later on in this chapter.


The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.

- Frank Underwood, House of Cards

In functional programming, we're often working with pipelines and data flows: chains of functions where each function produces a data type that is consumed by the next. However, many of these functions are asynchronous: readFile, events, AJAX, and so on. Instead of using a continuation-passing style and deeply nested callbacks, how can we modify the return types of these functions to indicate the result? By wrapping them in promises.

Promises are like the functional equivalent of callbacks. Obviously, callbacks are not all that functional because, if more than one function is mutating the same data, then there can be race conditions and bugs. Promises solve that problem.

You should use promises to turn this:

fs.readFile("file.json", function(err, val) {
  if( err ) {
    console.error("unable to read file");
  else {
    try {
      val = JSON.parse(val);
    catch( e ) {
      console.error("invalid json in file");

Into the following code snippet:

  .then(function(val) {
  .catch(SyntaxError, function(e) {
    console.error("invalid json in file");
    console.error("unable to read file")

The preceding code is from the README for bluebird: a full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance. Promises/A+ is a specification for implementing promises in JavaScript. Given its current debate within the JavaScript community, we'll leave the implementations up to the Promises/A+ team, as it is much more complex than maybes.

But here's a partial implementation:

// the Promise monad
var Promise = require('bluebird');

// the promise functor
var promise = function(fn, receiver) {
  return function() {
    var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
    args =, 0, fn.length - 1),
    promise = new Promise();
    args.push(function() {
      var results =,
      error = results.shift();
      if (error) promise.reject(error);
      else promise.resolve.apply(promise, results);
    fn.apply(receiver, args);
    return promise;

Now we can use the promise() functor to transform functions that take callbacks into functions that return promises.

var files = ['a.json', 'b.json', 'c.json'];
readFileAsync = promise(fs.readFile);
var data = files
    return $.extend({}, a, b)


Another reason why programmers really like monads is that they make writing libraries very easy. To explore this, let's extend our User object with more functions for getting and setting values but, instead of using getters and setters, we'll use lenses.

Lenses are first-class getters and setters. They allow us to not just get and set variables, but also to run functions over it. But instead of mutating the data, they clone and return the new data modified by the function. They force data to be immutable, which is great for security and consistency as well for libraries. They're great for elegant code no matter what the application, so long as the performance-hit of introducing additional array copies is not a critical issue.

Before we write the lens() function, let's look at how it works.

var first = lens(
  function (a) { return arr(a)[0]; }, // get
  function (a, b) { return [b].concat(arr(a).slice(1)); } // set
first([1, 2, 3]); // outputs 1
first.set([1, 2, 3], 5); // outputs [5, 2, 3]
function tenTimes(x) { return x * 10 }
first.modify(tenTimes, [1,2,3]); // outputs [10,2,3]

And here's how the lens() function works. It returns a function with get, set and mod defined. The lens() function itself is a functor.

var lens = fuction(get, set) {
  var f = function (a) {return get(a)};
  f.get = function (a) {return get(a)}; 
  f.set = set;
  f.mod = function (f, a) {return set(a, f(get(a)))};
  return f;

Let's try an example. We'll extend our User object from the previous example.

// userName :: User -> str
var userName = lens(
  function (u) {return u.getUsernameMaybe()}, // get
  function (u, v) { // set
    return u.getUsernameMaybe(); 

var bob = new User();
userName.get(bob); // returns 'Bob'
userName.set(bob, 'Bobby'); //return 'Bobby'
userName.get(bob); // returns 'Bobby'
userName.mod(strToUpper, bob); // returns 'BOBBY'
strToUpper.compose(userName.set)(bob, 'robert'); // returns 'ROBERT'
userName.get(bob); // returns 'robert'

jQuery is a monad

If you think all this abstract babble about categories, functors, and monads has no real-world application, think again. jQuery, the popular JavaScript library that provides an enhanced interface for working with HTML is, in-fact, a monadic library.

The jQuery object is a monad and its methods are functors. Really, they're a special type of functor called endofunctors. Endofunctors are functors that return the same category as the input, that is, F :: X -> X. Each jQuery method takes a jQuery object and returns a jQuery object, which allows methods to be chained, and they will have the type signature jFunc :: jquery-obj -> jquery-obj.

$('li').add('').css('color', 'red').attr({id:'foo'});

This is also what empowers jQuery's plugin framework. If the plugin takes a jQuery object as input and returns one as output, then it can be inserted into the chain.

Let's look at how jQuery was able to implement this.

Monads are the containers that the functors "reach into" to get the data. In this way, the data can be protected and controlled by the library. jQuery provides access to the underlying data, a wrapped set of HTML elements, via its many methods.

The jQuery object itself is written as the result of an anonymous function call.

var jQuery = (function () {
  var j = function (selector, context) {
    var jq-obj = new j.fn.init(selector, context);
    return jq-obj;

  j.fn = j.prototype = {
    init: function (selector, context) {
      if (!selector) {
        return this;
  j.fn.init.prototype = j.fn;
  return j;

In this highly simplified version of jQuery, it returns a function that defines the j object, which is actually just an enhanced init constructor.

var $ = jQuery(); // the function is returned and assigned to `$`
var x = $('#select-me'); // jQuery object is returned

In the same way that functors lift values out of a container, jQuery wraps the HTML elements and provides access to them as opposed to modifying the HTML elements directly.

jQuery doesn't advertise this often, but it has its own map() method for lifting the HTML element objects out of the wrapper. Just like the fmap() method, the elements are lifted, something is done with them, and then they're placed back into the container. This is how many of jQuery's commands work in the backend.

$('li').map(function(index, element) {
  // do something to the element
  return element

Another library for working with HTML elements, Prototype, does not work like this. Prototype alters the HTML elements directly via helpers. Consequently, it has not faired as well in the JavaScript community.

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