Build me a prototype

As previously mentioned, there was, until recently, no support for creating true classes in JavaScript. While ECMAScript-2015 brings some syntactic sugar to classes, the underlying object system is still as it has been in the past, so it remains instructive to see how we would have created objects without this sugar. Objects created using the structure in the previous section have a fairly major drawback: creating multiple objects is not only time consuming but also memory intensive. Each object is completely distinct from other objects created in the same fashion. This means that the memory used to hold the function definitions is not shared between all instances. What is even more fun is that you can redefine individual instances of a class without changing all of the instances. This is demonstrated in this code:

let Castle = function(name){ = name; = function() {
let instance1 = new Castle("Winterfell");
let instance2 = new Castle("Harrenhall"); = function(){ console.log("Moat Cailin");}; //prints "Moat Cailin"; //prints "Harrenhall" to the console

Altering the functionality of a single instance or really of any already defined object in this fashion is known as monkey patching. There is some division over whether or not this is a good practice. It can certainly be useful when dealing with library code but it adds great confusion. It is generally considered better practice to extend the existing class.

Without a proper class system JavaScript, of course, has no concept of inheritance. However, it does have a prototype. At the most basic level an object in JavaScript is an associative array of keys and values. Each property or function on an object is simply defined as part of this array. You can even see this in action by accessing members of an object using array syntax as is shown here:

let thing = { a: 7};


Accessing members of an object using array syntax can be a very handy way to avoid using the eval function. For instance, if I had the name of the function I wanted to call in a string called funcName and I wanted to call it on an object, obj1, then I could do so by doing obj1[funcName]() instead of using a potentially dangerous call to eval. Eval allows for arbitrary code to be executed. Allowing this on a page means that an attacker may be able to enter malicious scripts on other people's browsers.

When an object is created, its definition is inherited from a prototype. Weirdly each prototype is also an object so even prototypes have prototypes. Well, except for the object which is the top-level prototype. The advantage to attaching functions to the prototype is that only a single copy of the function is created; saving on memory. There are some complexities to prototypes but you can certainly survive without knowing about them. To make use of a prototype you need to simply assign functions to it as is shown here:

let Castle = function(name){ = name;
} = function(){ console.log(;}
let instance1 = new Castle("Winterfell");;

One thing to note is that only the functions are assigned to the prototype. Instance variables such as name are still assigned to the instance. As these are unique to each instance there is no real impact on the memory usage.

In many ways a prototypical language is more powerful than a class-based inheritance model.

If you make a change to the prototype of an object at a later date then all the objects which share that prototype are updated with the new function. This removes some of the concerns expressed about monkey typing. An example of this behavior is shown here:

let Castle = function(name){ = name;
} = function(){
let instance1 = new Castle("Winterfell"); = function(){
  console.log("Winterfell", "Moat Cailin"));
};//prints "Moat Cailin" to the console

When building up objects you should be sure to take advantage of the prototype object whenever possible.

Now we know about prototypes there is an alternative approach to building objects in JavaScript and that is to use the Object.create function. This is a new syntax introduced in ECMAScript 5. The syntax is as follows:

Object.create(prototype [, propertiesObject ] )

The create syntax will build a new object based on the given prototype. You can also pass in a propertiesObject object that describes additional fields on the created object. These descriptors consist of a number of optional fields:

  • writable: This dictates whether the field should be writable
  • configurable: This dictates whether the files should be removable from the object or support further configuration after creation
  • enumerable: This dictates whether the property can be listed during an enumeration of the object's properties
  • value: This dictates the default value of the field

It is also possible to assign a get and set functions within the descriptor that act as getters and setters for some other internal property.

Using object.create for our castle we can build an instance using Object.create like so:

let instance3 = Object.create(Castle.prototype, {name: { value: "Winterfell", writable: false}});;"Highgarden";;

You'll notice that we explicitly define the name field. Object.create bypasses the constructor so the initial assignment we described in the preceding code won't be called. You might also notice that writeable is set to false. The result of this is that the reassignment of name to Highgarden has no effect. The output is as follows:

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