
The final creational pattern in this chapter is the Prototype pattern. Perhaps this name sounds familiar. It certainly should: it is the mechanism through which JavaScript inheritance is supported.

We looked at prototypes for inheritance but the applicability of prototypes need not be limited to inheritance. Copying existing objects can be a very useful pattern. There are numerous cases where being able to duplicate a constructed object is handy. For instance, maintaining a history of the state of an object is easily done by saving previous instances created by leveraging some sort of cloning.


In Westeros, we find that members of a family are frequently very similar; as the adage goes: "like father, like son". As each generation is born it is easier to create the new generation through copying and modifying an existing family member than to build one from scratch.

In Chapter 2, Organizing Code, we looked at how to copy existing objects and presented a very simple piece of code for cloning:

function clone(source, destination) {
  for(var attr in source.prototype){
    destination.prototype[attr] = source.prototype[attr];}

This code can easily be altered to be used inside a class to return a copy of itself:

var Westeros;
(function (Westeros) {
  (function (Families) {
    var Lannister = (function () {
      function Lannister() {
      Lannister.prototype.clone = function () {
        var clone = new Lannister();
        for (var attr in this) {
          clone[attr] = this[attr];
        return clone;
      return Lannister;
    Families.Lannister = Lannister;
  })(Westeros.Families || (Westeros.Families = {}));
  var Families = Westeros.Families;
})(Westeros || (Westeros = {}));

The highlighted section of code is the modified clone method. It can be used as such:

let jamie = new Westeros.Families.Lannister();
jamie.swordSkills = 9;
jamie.charm = 6;
jamie.wealth = 10;

let tyrion = jamie.clone();
tyrion.charm = 10;
//tyrion.wealth == 10
//tyrion.swordSkill == 9

The Prototype pattern allows for a complex object to be constructed only once and then cloned into any number of objects that vary only slightly. If the source object is not complicated there is little to be gained from taking a cloning approach. Care must be taken when using the prototype approach to think about dependent objects. Should the clone be a deep one?

Prototype is obviously a useful pattern and one that forms an integral part of JavaScript from the get go. As such it is certainly a pattern that will see some use in any JavaScript application of appreciable size.

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