35 mm films 567


accessories for cameras 44

ACR see Adobe Camera RAW

action photography see sports photography

Adobe apps 233

Adobe Camera RAW (ACR)

Photoshop/Photoshop Elements comparison 213

RAW conversion 20913

Adobe Photoshop see Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Downloader (APD) 2067, 2089

Adobe Photoshop Elements see Photoshop Elements

Adobe Revel 3013

advanced compact cameras 37

Advanced Photo System (APS), film format 56

AF see autofocusing

agitation of film 308

analog to digital scanners 612

animal portraits 12831

APD see Adobe Photoshop Downloader


depth of field 6871

focus 6773

aperture and distance, flash guide numbers 323

Apple mobile devices, Photos app for 305

Apple OSX 304


camera photo processing 2334

iPhone Photos 2312

mobile phone photo processing 233

APS see Advanced Photo System

Auto ISO feature 100

Auto white balance option 93

autofocusing (AF) 67

automatic cameras 32, 45

automatic single lens reflex (SLR) cameras 39


baby lens attachment 2523

Back Light mode shooting 43


animal portraits 130

composition 7

focus, shooting faults 314

backlighting 11


hardware options 2912

storage options 28992

BackUp MyPC software 290

banding in images 318

batteries 325

Battersea power station 114

beach/snow shooting 42

beginners’ cameras 36

beneath the surface, water photography 1567

black hair shape on film 312

black and white

color 2678

color translation 5

conversion 25961

films 534

filters 251

images 13942

printing 3318

prints chemical treatment 33841

processing 32731

Russell Brown’s multi-layer technique 260

blue tones 22

blurred motion techniques in sports photography 153

blurring, shooting faults 315

bounce flash 1756

bright pictures, desktop checking 318

buildings interiors 11819

built-in flash 175

Burn-In tool, 2245


camera obscura 256

camera-specific downloads 2059


accessories 44

advanced compacts 37

aperture 302

automatic 32, 45

beginners’ 36

choice 45

compact 33, 45

digital compact 45

eye 3

features 245

films 536

landscapes 1367

lens 29

memory cards 319

moment in time 4

principles 258

scanners 1912

selection 23

sensors 4652

shake and shutter speeds 322

shutter 2932

single lens reflex 323, 389, 45

specialist shooting modes 423

transfer of images to computer 2012

wind-on mechanisms 33

candid photography 112

canister light leak, film 309

capture formats

enhancement 214

sensors 502

capture options for photography 18990

card reader to computer transfer 2023, 205, 208

Cartier Bresson, Henri 150

CD-ROM backup 291

character in animal portraits 1289


black and white prints 33841

health and safety 3267

choice of moment 12

cities at night 1212

city night scenes 15

Clear Image Mode 102

Clone Stamp tool 221

close-up subjects 1438

depth of field 146

focus 1435

garden flowers 1467

indoors 1489

shooting 43

water photography 1578

CODECs (Compression Decompression drivers) 204


black and white images 13940

black and white in images 2678

casts 218

color-correcting filters 251

desktop checking 318

emphasis 269

landscapes 137

light 925

light and sensors for studio lighting 184

monochrome 5

negative films 53

photographs 202

saturation 91

slide films 54

strength 91

combination of pictures 2549

digital 2589

multiple exposures 2567

projection 254

sandwiching 2556

communication of ideas in photography 306

compact cameras 45

composition, black and white images 13940

computer connection types 319

contact printing 3313

contact sheets for printing 239

continuous shooting with digital cameras 151


digital cameras 91, 967

studio lighting 185

subjects 7880

surroundings 1112

copy mode shooting 43

copying, lighting 171

creative digital photography 25971

crescent marks on film 310

critique of photography 306

cropping, pictures 8, 216, 282

Currey, Amanda 257


dark pictures, desktop checking 318

‘decisive moment’ 150

depth of field

aperture 6871

close-up subjects 146

guidelines 73

maximum 71

minimum 72

settings 3223

desaturation in black and white image conversion 260

desktop presentations 304

digital cameras

color saturation 91

compact 45

continuous shooting 151

contrast 967

controls 91107

focal length 845

ISO settings 99100

noise 1012

projects 1057

sensor sizes and resolution 320

sharpening 978

white balance 925

digital photography 28

combination of pictures 2589

creative 25971

desktop checking 31618

entry level applications 1956

image editing programs 195, 1989

layers 2289

on-phone and in-camera enhancing 2314

panoramas 276

presentation 293300

printing 2359

professional programs 1978

semi-professional programs 1967

storage options 28893

see also images

digital single lens reflex (DLSR) cameras 49


light 1314, 1623

studio lighting 185

display of pictures 285

DLSR see digital single lens reflex (DLSR)

dodge tool 224

drawing tools 199

dust and scratches filter 220

DVD/Blue-Ray, distributing a video slideshow on 299

DVD writer backup 291

DX coding for films 55

e-mail photos 297300

edge bleeding in images 318

edges, pictures 12


photography workflow 1934

techniques 22030

electrical equipment, health and safety 326

emphasis of color 269

enhancement of photography workflow 1934

enhancement of pictures 21419


close-up photography 145

landscape photography 134

studio lighting 1812

water photography 158

evaluation of results 3056

expiry date of films 56

expodisc filters 95

exposure 7482

animal portraits 12930

beyond longest shutter speed 124

contrasting subjects 7880

controls 756

flash 1778

guidelines 813

light measurement 7780

moonlight 1234

shooting modes 76

sunset shots 80

troubleshooting 307

exposure of film, trouble shooting 310

extension tubes 44

external hard drive backup 291

eye, camera comparison 3


F-numbers 301

Facebook, making photo posts on 299

fast light source in sports photography 153

fill-in flash 178


35 mm 567

Advanced Photo System format 56

agitation 308

black hair shape 312

cameras 526

canister light leak 309

crescent marks 310

DX coding 55

expiry date 56

fogging 310

information 546

light sensitive 267

line of white spots 312

loading 57

marks on prints but not negatives 311

misloading 311

multiple exposure 311

no exposure 310

number of pictures 56

one frame black, rest clear 311

overdevelopment 308

overexposure 309

pale print from overexposed negative 312

print from underexposed negative 313

scanners 58, 623

sensors 3

sensors comparison 4950

speed 55

stuck leader 309

troubleshooting 30713

under-fixing of film 308

underdevelopment 307

underexposure 309

unloading 311

white hair shape 312

wrong flash sync speed 310

Filter Gallery feature 2267

filters 44, 2268, 251

fireworks 42, 125

flare spots 132


accessories 1767

bounce 1756

built-in 175

exposure 1778

fill-in 178

guide numbers for aperture and distance 323

lighting 1739

modes 179

‘open flash’ 1789

‘red eye’ effect 173, 175

sync speed 310

flashguns 44

flat surface subjects 148

flatbed scanners 623

focal length 8391

changes 856

digital cameras 845

long 87

normal lenses 845

perspective 8890

short 868

zoom lenses 86


aperture 6773

close-up subjects 1435

sports photography 153

fogging of film 310

fold-up backgrounds 158

foregrounds 7

formal structuring in photography 306

formats, framing 8


close-up subjects 1435

foregrounds and backgrounds 7

formats 8

LCD monitor 6

viewfinder 56

framing pictures 2

freezing movement

speeds 323

in sports photography 152

water photography 156

front lighting for portraits 165


glass, reflections 2478

glassware, lighting 1701

glossary 34250

golden mean 10

gradient filters 251

grayscale 139, 25960

groups, photography 10911


hand coloring

images 2667

print manipulation 2734

hand-held meters 3245

hazy lighting 14

Healing Brush tool 222

health and safety in photography 3267

high-contrast, desktop checking 318

Hockney, David 279

hybrid scanners 589



black and white conversion 25961

camera to computer transfer 2012

color and black and white together 2678

color emphasis 269

cropping 8

editing programs 195, 1989, 290

hand coloring 2667

moving 2406

printing 237

selective toning 265

sharing in photography workflow 194

specialist editing tools 200

storage options 28992

texture 271

toning 2625

vignettes 271

see also pictures

in-camera enhancing 2314

indoors, close-up photography 1489

inkjet printers 2356

interior of buildings 11819

interior lighting 11920

internal hard drive backup 292

iPhone Photos app 2312

ISO settings

animal portraits 129, 132

digital cameras 99101

exposure 75

film speed 55

low light 127

moonlight 123

movement blur 147

moving images 242, 2434

noise 101

sensitivity 91, 1001

sensors 489

uses 322


joiners for panoramas 279

JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group), format 502, 104, 209


Klee, Paul 240

knowledge of sports 1513



camera techniques 1367

color 137

equipment 134

lighting 1335, 173

photography 1328

shooting 42

skies 138

layers 2289

LCD monitor 6, 32, 36


accessories 44

attachments 24653

baby attachment 2523

camera 29

hood 44

special effects 24952

starburst attachment 250


color 925

colored filters 251

direction 1623

measurement 77, 162

quality 162

quantity 161

sensitive films 267

white balance settings 93


animal portraits 12930

black and white images 1401

copying 171

flash 1739

glassware 1701

interior 11920

landscapes 1334, 173

location product photography 1723

movement and portraits 1678

objects 16871

outside shooting 1713

people photography 1637

places 11416

portraits 1648, 166

portraits in the environment 1712

projects 188

silverware 170

studio 1808

surfaces 16970

texture 170

workflow 153

lighting conditions 1315

hazy lighting 15

mixed lighting 15

side lighting 1314

time of day 1415

line of white spots on film 312

lines, point of emphasis 9

loading of films 57

location product photography 1723

low light, motion 1267

low-contrast, desktop checking 318


macro lenses 145

manual single reflex (SLR) camera 389

mark removal, pictures 2845

marks on prints but not negatives 311

marquee tool 226, 228

measurement, light 162

megapixels 478

memory cards 203

menu selection for image editing 200

metering, night 123

meters, hand-held 3245

mis-framed picture, shooting faults 315

misloading of films 311

mixed lighting 15

mobile albums, sharing with Adobe Revel 3013

mobile phones 18990, 2314

photography 189

processing photos on 2312

moment in time, camera 4

moment to shoot, shooting faults 314

monochrome see black and white

montaging of prints 2723

moonlight 1234

motion in low light 1267

mounting of pictures 2834, 285


blur and garden flowers 147

lighting in portraits 1678

shutter speeds 657

moving images 2406

moving camera and subject 245

star tracks 246

static camera/camera moves 242

static camera/subject moves 237

static subject and camera 2456

moving water photography 1556

multi-brown toning 340

multi-colored filters 251

multiple exposures 2567, 311

museum mode shooting 43


ND see neutral density


images 27

storage options 2923

neutral density (ND) filters 158, 244, 251

night landscape shooting 43

night portraits shooting 42

night scenes 320


digital cameras 1012

low light 127

noise reduction (NR) 91, 102

normal lenses, focal length 845

NR see noise reduction


objects, lighting 16870

ochre tones 2

off mode shooting 43

off-center subjects 10

on-camera enhancing 2314

‘on the fly’ photo sharing 3045

one frame black, rest clear, film 311

online backup 292

‘open flash’ 1789

orange bands, shooting faults 315

orange colour, shooting faults 313

orientation, picture 216

out of focus, shooting faults 313

outside shooting, lighting 1713

overdevelopment of film 308

overexposure of film 309


Paris photography 109

pale print from overexposed negative 312

panoramas 27481

digital 276

joiners 279

Photomerge 275, 2779

projects 2801

party/indoor, shooting 42

pattern in photographs 16


photography 10812

places 11617

people photography lighting 1637

permission for animal portraits 131

personal approach to photography 234

perspective and focal length 8890

photo-essays 2867

photo processing apps 233

Photo Retouching App 234

photo sharing 298

and Adobe Revel 3013

direct from your devices 305

‘on the fly’ 3045


color 202

pattern 16

shape 1201

texture 1718


action 14955

candid 112

critique 306

definition 25

digital 28

groups 10911

landscapes 1328

mobile phones 189

pairs 109

people 10812

personal approach 234

places 11327

presentation 282306

results evaluation 3056

seeing 1

sports 14955

water 1558

photography workflow

capture options 19890

editing 1934

enhancing 1934

image sharing 194

picture production 194

processing 1904


auto workflow 278

manual (interactive) workflow 2789

panoramas 275, 2779

stitching modes 2779


black and white 142

Bridge program 209, 213

Burn-in tool 2245

Clone Stamp tool 221

color and black and white together 270

color for emphasis 269

color saturation 91

desaturation of black and white images 260

digital photography 28

digital programs 1967

Dodge tool 2245

dust and scratches filter 220

enhancement 215

filters 226

grayscale conversions 261

grayscale mode 260

hand-coloring 267

Healing Brush tool 222

layers 2289

panoramas 275

Photomerge 275, 277

printing 237

processing photographs 190

Red Eye tool 223

Russell Brown’s multi-layer technique 260

saving pictures 219

selective toning 265

sharpening 219

single color changes 263

Spot Healing Brush tool 222

storage options 288, 290

text 228

texture 271

two or more colour changes 2634

unwanted color casts 218

vignettes 2701

Photoshop Elements

black and white 142

Bridge program 213

Burn-in tool 2245

color saturation 91

digital photography 28

digital programs 196

Dodge tool 2245

downloading 206

dust and scratches filter 220

e-mail of images 297

enhancement 215

filters 2267

grayscale conversions 261

layers 2289

linking with Adobe Revel 302

panoramas 275

Photomerge 275, 277

photo sharing 298

printing 237

processing photographs 190

RAW files 104

Red Eye removal tool 223

slide show editor 296

SmugMug option 299

spreading image tones 217

storage options 290, 292

text 228

two or more color changes 2634

Picture Effect App 234


camera to computer transfer 2012

combination 2549

cropping 220, 282

digital processing 20914

display 285

edges 12

editing techniques 22030

enhancement 21419

filters 2268

framing 2

mark removal 2845

mounting 2834, 285

orientation 216

production 194

saving 219

sharpening 219

spotting removal 2845

spreading image tones 217

straightening 216

text 228

unwanted color casts 218

pixels 467


lighting 11416

people 11617

photography 11327


action photography 1501

animal portraits 1312

point of emphasis

backlighting 11

choice of moment 12

contrasting with surroundings 1112

lines 9

off-center subjects 10

positioning 910

tonal interchange 1112

polarizing filters 158, 251

portable flash units 158


in the environment 1712

lighting 1648

shooting 42

positioning in picture format 910


digital photography 293305


e-mail photos 2978

photography 282306

picture sets 2867

slide shows 2957

print manipulation 27281

hand coloring 2734

montaging 2723

panoramas 2746, 2789

Photomerge stitching modes 277


black and white 3318

contact sheets 240

contrast 3356

digital photography 2359

drying 3334

enlarging 3345

images 237

inkjet printers 2356

paper 335

preparation 237

sequences 2867

storage options 2923

test print 3368

underexposed negative 313


black and white film 32731

photography workflow 1904

photos in-camera 2334

programs for digital photography 1959

projection and combination of pictures 254


digital cameras 1057

lighting 188

panoramas 2801

water photography 15960

PSD format for layers 229

PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) 201



black and white images 141

light 1314, 162

quantity of light 161


RAW files

capture format 502

conversion with Adobe Camera RAW software 21013

enabling in Windows Vista 204, 209

monochrome 142

photography workflow 190

properties 103

shooting with digital cameras 1035

Rectangular Marquee tool 228

red bands, shooting faults 315

red eye

effect 173, 175

removal tool 223

shooting faults 313

red tones 21

reflections 2468

glass 2478

water 247

reflective subjects 149

Rembrandt style, portraits 167

remote release for close-ups 145


scanning quality 3212

sensors for digital cameras 320

results evaluation 3056

ring of light, shooting faults 315

rubber stamp tool see Clone Stamp tool

‘rule of thirds’ 10

Russell Brown’s multi-layer technique, black and white conversion 260


sandwiching, combination of pictures 2556

saving of pictures 219

scanned pictures, trouble shooting 31617


analog to digital 612

cameras 1912

connections 3201

control 59

film and print 5764

first scan 634

parts 601

settings 62

type 589

seeing and photography 1

selecting tools 199

selection by camera 23

selective toning 265


ISO settings 1001

sensors 489


advanced compact cameras 37

cameras 4652

capture formats 502

film 3

film comparison 4950

sensitivity 489

sizes for digital cameras 320

sepia toning 33940

sets of pictures presentation 2867

shape in photographs 1201

sharing mobile albums with Adobe Revel 3013

sharing of photos see photo sharing


digital cameras 91, 978

pictures 219

shoes 134


animal portraits in the wild 1301

faults 31316

modes 76

specialist modes 423

sports photography 1545

‘shooting ratio’ 240

shutter release extension 44

shutter speeds

camera 2931

camera shake 322

exposure 124

movement 657

side-top lighting portraits 1656

side lighting 1314

silhouette effect 132

silverware lighting 170

single color changes, toning images 2623

single lens reflex (SLR) cameras 323, 389, 45

cities at night 121

close-up photography 1445

depth of field 71

exposure 75

flash 173

focal length 845

focus 67

lens attachment 250

shutter speeds 67

skies, landscapes 138


shows 2947

storage options 293

slideshows 304, 305

distributing a video slideshow on DVD/Blu-Ray 299

sharing a PDF 300

SLR see single lens reflex

smart phones 2314see also mobile phones

Smith, Graham 2734

smudging, shooting faults 315

SmugMug Gallery, uploading directly to a 300

soft light for portraits 167

Sony processing photo apps 2334

specialist shooting modes for cameras 423

speeds for freezing of events 323

split-tone effect 2634

sports photography 14955

knowledge of sports 1513

pre-planning 1501

shooting 1545

techniques 1523

timing 150

Spot Healing Brush tool 222

spotting removal in pictures 2845

spreading image tones 217

star tracks 246

Starburst attachment 250

starting speeds/apertures for night scenes 320

static camera

camera moves, images 242

static subject, images 2456

subject moves, images 237

static water photography 1556

stitching modes in Photomerge 2778

storage options

backup 28992

digital photography 28993

negatives 2923

prints 2923

slides 293

straightening of pictures 216

stuck leader in film 309

studio lighting 1808

color of light and sensors 184

composition 1867

contrast 185

control 1845

direction 185

equipment 1812

source options 183

subject too dark, shooting faults 315

sun and lighting conditions 13

sunset shots 42, 80

surfaces lighting 16970


technical quality of photography 306


pictures 228

tools 199


digital photography 271

lighting 170

photographs 1718

Thurston, Frank 243

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

capture format 502

monochrome 142

processing 209

RAW files 104

time of day and lighting conditions 1415

timing in sports photography 150

tonal interchange 1112


black and white images 13940

single color changes 2623

two or more colours 2634

tools for image editing programs 199200

transfer from card reader to computer 2023, 205

tripods 44, 158

troubleshooting 30718

tweeting your pictures 298

two or more colors in images 2634


under-fixing of film 308

underdevelopment of film 307

underexposure of film 309

unloading of film 311

unwanted color casts in pictures 218


video slideshow, distributing on DVD/Blu Ray disc 299

viewfinders 56, 32

viewing tools 199

vignettes in digital photography 2701


water photography 1558

beneath the surface 1567

close-up subjects 1578

equipment 158

freezing movement 156

moving 1556

projects 15960

reflections 247

static 1556

web-based backup 292

weird colors, desktop checking 318

white balance

digital cameras 91, 925

expodisc filters 95

white dog appears yellow, shooting faults 315

white hair shape on film 312

white hot spot, shooting faults 314

WIFI, camera to computer via 200

Wilkes, Sue 274

wind-on mechanisms 33

Windows Vista, RAW enabling 204, 209

workflow in photography 18994

‘WYSIWYG’ system 38


yellow cast, shooting faults 315


zoom lens 86, 136

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