
Machine learning, at its core, is concerned with algorithms that transform raw data into information into actionable intelligence. This fact makes machine learning well suited to the predictive analytics of Big Data. Without machine learning, therefore, it would be nearly impossible to keep up with these massive streams of information altogether. Spark, which is relatively a new and emerging technology, provides big data engineers and data scientists a powerful response and a unified engine that is both faster and easy to use.

This allows learners from numerous areas to solve their machine learning problems interactively and at much greater scale. The book is designed to enable data scientists, engineers, and researchers to develop and deploy their machine learning applications at scale so that they can learn how to handle large data clusters in data intensive environments to build powerful machine learning models.

The contents of the books have been written in a bottom-up approach from Spark and ML basics, exploring data with feature engineering, building scalable ML pipelines, tuning and adapting them through for the new data and problem types, and finally, model building to deployment. To clarify more, we have provided the chapters outline in such a way that a new reader with a minimum of knowledge of machine learning and programming with Spark will be able to follow the examples and move towards some real-life machine learning problems and their solutions. 

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Introduction to Data Analytics with Spark, this chapter covers Spark's overview, its computing paradigm, installation, and help us get started with Spark. It will briefly describe the main components of Spark and focus on its new computing advancements with the Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) and Dataset. It will then focus on the Spark’s ecosystem of machine learning libraries. Installing, configuring, and packaging a simple machine learning application with Spark and Maven will be demonstrated before scaling up on Amazon EC2.

Chapter 2, Machine Learning Best Practices, provides a conceptual introduction to statistical machine learning (ML) techniques aiming to take a newcomer from a minimal knowledge of machine learning all the way to being a knowledgeable practitioner in a few steps. The second part of the chapter is focused on providing some recommendations for choosing the right machine learning algorithms depending on its application types and requirements. It will then go through some best practices when applying large-scale machine learning pipelines.

Chapter 3, Understanding the Problem by Understanding the Data, covers in detail the Dataset and Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) APIs for working with structured data, aiming to provide a basic understanding of machine learning problems with the available data. By the end, you will be able to deal with basic and complex data manipulation with ease. Some comparisons will be made available with basic abstractions in Spark using RDD and Dataset-based data manipulation to show gains both in terms of programming and performance. In addition, we will guide you on the right track so that you will be able to use Spark to persist an RDD or data object in memory, allowing it to be reused efficiently across the parallel operations in the later stage.

Chapter 4, Extracting Knowledge through Feature Engineering, explains that knowing the features that should be used to create a predictive model is not only vital but also a difficult question that may require deep knowledge of the problem domain to be examined. It is possible to automatically select those features in data that are most useful or most relevant for the problem someone is working on. Considering these questions, this chapter covers feature engineering in detail, explaining the reasons to apply it along with some best practices in feature engineering.

In addition to this, theoretical descriptions and examples of feature extraction, transformations, and selection applied to large-scale machine learning technique using both Spark MLlib and Spark ML APIs will be discussed. 

Chapter 5, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning by Examples, will provide the practical knowledge surrounding how to apply supervised and unsupervised techniques on the available data to new problems quickly and powerfully through some widely used examples based on the previous chapters. These examples will be demonstrated from the Spark perspective.

Chapter 6, Building Scalable Machine Learning Pipelines, explains that the ultimate goal of machine learning is to make a machine that can automatically build models from data without requiring tedious and time-consuming human involvement and interaction. Therefore, this chapter guides the readers through creating some practical and widely used machine learning pipelines and applications using Spark MLlib and Spark ML. Both APIs will be described in detail, and a baseline use case will also be covered for both. Then we will focus towards scaling up the ML application so that it can cope up with increasing data loads.

Chapter 7, Tuning Machine Learning Models, shows that tuning an algorithm or machine learning application can be simply thought of as a process by which one goes through and optimizes the parameters that impact the model in order to enable the algorithm to perform to its best. This chapter aims at guiding the reader through model tuning. It will cover the main techniques used to optimize an ML algorithm’s performance. Techniques will be explained both from the MLlib and Spark ML perspective. We will also show how to improve the performance of the ML models by tuning several parameters, such as hyperparameters, grid search parameters with MLlib and Spark ML, hypothesis testing, Random search parameter tuning, and Cross-validation.

Chapter 8, Adapting Your Machine Learning Models, covers advanced machine learning techniques that will make algorithms adaptable to new data and problem types. It will mainly focus on batch/streaming architectures and on online learning algorithms using Spark streaming. The ultimate target is to bring dynamism to static machine learning models. Readers will also see how the machine learning algorithms learn incrementally from the data, that is, the models are updated each time the algorithm sees a new training instance.  

Chapter 9, Advanced Machine Learning with Streaming and Graph Data, explains reader how to apply machine learning techniques, with the help of Spark MLlib and Spark ML, on streaming and graph data, for example, in topic modeling. The readers will be able to use available APIs to build real-time and predictive applications from streaming data sources such as Twitter. Through the Twitter data analysis, we will show how to perform large-scale social sentiment analysis. We will also show how to develop a large-scale movie recommendation system using Spark MLlib, which is an implicit part of social network analysis.

Chapter 10, Configuring and Working with External Libraries, guides the reader on using external libraries to expand their data analysis. Examples will be given for deploying third-party packages or libraries for machine learning applications with Spark core and ML/MLlib. We will also discuss how to compile and use external libraries with the core libraries of Spark for time series. As promised, we will also discuss how to configure SparkR to improve exploratory data manipulation and operations.

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