OrderManager class

The purpose of the order manager is to gather the orders from all the trading strategies and to communicate this order with the market. It will check the validity of the orders and can also keep track of the overall positions and PnL. It can be a safeguard against mistakes introduced in trading strategies.

This component is the interface between the trading strategies and the market. It will be the only component using two inputs and two outputs. The constructor of this class will take four arguments representing these channels:

class OrderManager:
def __init__(self,ts_2_om = None, om_2_ts = None,
self.ts_2_om = ts_2_om
self.om_2_gw = om_2_gw
self.gw_2_om = gw_2_om
self.om_2_ts = om_2_ts

The four following functions will help with reading data from the channels and it will call the proper functions.

The handle_input_from_ts function checks whether the ts_2_om channel has been created. If the channel has not been created, it means that we will use the class for unit testing only. To get new orders into the OrderManager system, we check whether the size of the ts_2_om channel is higher than 0. If there is an order in the channel, we remove this order and we call the handle_order_from_tradinig_strategy function:

def handle_input_from_ts(self):
if self.ts_2_om is not None:
if len(self.ts_2_om)>0:
print('simulation mode')

The handle_order_from_trading_strategy function handles the new order coming from the trading strategies. For now, the OrderManager class will just get a copy of the order and store this order into a list of orders:

 def handle_order_from_trading_strategy(self,order):
if self.check_order_valid(order):
if self.om_2_gw is None:
print('simulation mode')

Once we take care of the order side, we are going to take care of the market response. For this, we will use the same method we used for the two prior functions. The handle_input_from_market function checks whether the gw_2_om channel exists. If that's the case, the function reads the market response object coming from the market and calls the handle_order_from_gateway function:

def handle_input_from_market(self):
if self.gw_2_om is not None:
if len(self.gw_2_om)>0:
print('simulation mode')

The handle_order_from_gateway function will look up in the list of orders created by the handle_order_from_trading_strategy function. If the market response corresponds to an order in the list, it means that this market response is valid. We will be able to change the state of this order. If the market response doesn't find a specific order, it means that there is a problem in the exchange between the trading system and the market. We will need to raise an error:

 def handle_order_from_gateway(self,order_update):
if order is not None:
if self.om_2_ts is not None:
print('simulation mode')
print('order not found')

The check_order_valid function will perform regular checks on an order. In this example, we will check that the quantity and price are not negative. You may consider adding more code and to check the position, PnL, or anything you consider important for your trading strategy:

def check_order_valid(self,order):
if order['quantity'] < 0:
return False
order['price'] < 0:
return False
return True

The create_new_order, lookup_order_by_id, and clean_traded_orders functions will create an order based on the order sent by the trading strategy, which has a unique order ID. Indeed, each trading strategy can have its own local order ID. It is important that the orders we send to the market have an unique order ID. The second function will help with looking up the order from the list of outstanding orders. The last function will clean the orders that have been rejected, filled, or canceled.

The create_new_order function will create a dictionary to store the order characteristics:

  def create_new_order(self,order):
self.order_id += 1
neworder = {
'id': self.order_id,
'price': order['price'],
'quantity': order['quantity'],
'side': order['side'],
'status': 'new',
'action': 'New'
return neworder

The lookup_order_by_id function will return a reference to the order by looking up by order ID:

def lookup_order_by_id(self,id):
for i in range(len(self.orders)):
if self.orders[i]['id']==id:
return self.orders[i]
return None

The clean_traded_orders function will remove from the list of orders all the orders that have been filled:

def clean_traded_orders(self):
for k in range(len(self.orders)):
if self.orders[k]['status'] == 'filled':
if len(order_offsets):
for k in sorted(order_offsets,reverse=True):
del (self.orders[k])

Since the OrderManager component is critical for the safety of your trading, we need to have exhaustive unit testing to ensure that no strategy will damage your gain, and prevent you from incurring losses:

import unittest
from chapter7.OrderManager import OrderManager

class TestOrderBook(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
self.order_manager = OrderManager()

The test_receive_order_from_trading_strategy test verifies whether an order is correctly received by the order manager. First, we create an order, order1, and we call the handle_order_from_trading_strategy function. Since the trading strategy creates two orders (stored in the channel ts_2_om), we call the test_receive_order_from_trading_strategy function twice. The order manager will then generate two orders. In this example, since we only have one strategy, when the orders are created by the order manager, they will have the same order IDs as the trading strategy created:

def test_receive_order_from_trading_strategy(self):
order1 = {
'id': 10,
'price': 219,
'quantity': 10,
'side': 'bid',

To prevent a malformed order from being sent to the market, the test_receive_order_from_trading_strategy_error test checks whether an order created with a negative price is rejected:

    def test_receive_order_from_trading_strategy_error(self):
order1 = {
'id': 10,
'price': -219,
'quantity': 10,
'side': 'bid',

The following test, test_receive_from_gateway_filled, confirms a market response has been propagated by the order manager:

     def test_receive_from_gateway_filled(self):
orderexecution1 = {
'id': 2,
'price': 13,
'quantity': 10,
'side': 'bid',
'status' : 'filled'
self.assertEqual(len(self.order_manager.orders), 1)

def test_receive_from_gateway_acked(self):
orderexecution1 = {
'id': 2,
'price': 13,
'quantity': 10,
'side': 'bid',
'status' : 'acked'
self.assertEqual(len(self.order_manager.orders), 2)
self.assertEqual(self.order_manager.orders[1]['status'], 'acked')
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