Non-relational databases

Non-relational databases are very widespread. Because the nature of the data is increasingly based on time series, this type of database has developed rapidly during the last decade. The best non-relational database for time series is called KDB. This database is designed to achieve performance with time series. There are many other competitors, including InfluxDB, MongoDB, Cassandra, TimescaleDB, OpenTSDB, and Graphite.

All of these databases have their pros and cons:





High performance

Price; very difficult to use because of a non-SQL language


Free, performant, quick start

Small community; poor performance analysis tool, no security


Faster than rational databases

No data joins; slow


Faster than rational databases

Unpredictable performance


SQL support



Free, widespread support



Faster than rational databases

Small number of features


As shown in the table, it is difficult to choose an alternative to KDB. We will code an example of Python code using the KDB library, pyqWe will create an example similar to the one we created for PostGresSQL:

from pyq import q
from datetime import date

# This is the part to be run on kdb

q.insert('googdata', (date(2014,01,2), 555.263550, 550.549194, 554.125916, 552.963501, 3666400.0, 552.963501))
q.insert('googdata', (date(2014,01,3), 554.856201, 548.894958, 553.897461, 548.929749, 3355000.0, 548.929749))
High Low Open Close Volume Adj Close
2014-01-02 555.263550 550.549194 554.125916 552.963501 3666400.0 552.963501
2014-01-03 554.856201 548.894958 553.897461 548.929749 3355000.0 548.929749

# This is the part to be run on kdb
# f:{[s]select from googdata where date=d}


2014-01-02 555.263550 550.549194 554.125916 552.963501 3666400.0 552.963501

This code ends this section on data storage. This part is critical in the design of your backtester since the running time of your backtesting will enable you to save time so as to be able to run many more backtests to validate your trading strategy. Following this section on different ways of storing financial data, we will introduce how a backtester works.

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