Understanding the terminology and notations

To develop ideas quickly and build an intuition regarding supply and demand, we have a simple and completely hypothetical dataset of height, weight, and race of a few random samples obtained from a survey. Let's have a look at the dataset:

Height (inches)

Weight (lbs)

Race (Asian/African/Caucasian)


























Let's examine the individual fields:

  • Height in inches and weight in lbs are continuous data types because they can take on any values, such as 65, 65.123, and 65.3456667.
  • Race, on the other hand, would be an example of a categorical data type, because there are a finite number of possible values that can go in the field. In this example, we assume that possible race values are Asian, African, and Caucasian.

Now, given this dataset, say our task is to build a mathematical model that can learn from the data we provide it with. The task or objective we are trying to learn in this example is to find the relationship between the weight of a person as it relates to their height and race. Intuitively, it should be obvious that height will have a major role to play (taller people are much more likely to be heavier), and race should have very little impact. Race may have some impact on the height of an individual, but once the height is known, knowing their race also provides very little additional information in guessing/predicting a person's weight. In this particular problem, note that in the dataset, we are also provided the weight of the samples in addition to their height and race.

Since the variable we are trying to learn how to predict is known, this is known as a supervised learning problem. If, on the other hand, we were not provided with the weight variable and were asked to predict whether, based on height and race, someone is more likely to be heavier than someone else, that would be an unsupervised learning problem. For the scope of this chapter, we will focus on supervised learning problems only, since that is the most typical use case of machine learning in algorithmic trading.

Another thing to address in this example is the fact that, in this case, we are trying to predict weight as a function of height and race. So we are trying to predict a continuous variable. This is known as a regression problem, since the output of such a model is a continuous value. If, on the other hand, say our task was to predict the race of a person as a function of their height and weight, in that case, we would be trying to predict a categorical variable type. This is known as a classification problem, since the output of such a model will be one value from a set of finite discrete values.

When we start addressing this problem, we will begin with a dataset that is already available to us and will train our model of choice on this dataset. This process (as you've already guessed) is known as training your model. We will use the data provided to us to guess the parameters of the learning model of our choice (we will elaborate more on what this means later). This is known as statistical inference of these parametric learning models. There are also non-parametric learning models, where we try to remember the data we've seen so far to make a guess as regards new data.

Once we are done training our model, we will use it to predict weight for datasets we haven't seen yet. Obviously, this is the part we are interested in. Based on data in the future that we haven't seen yet, can we predict the weight? This is known as testing your model and the datasets used for that are known as test data. The task of using a model where the parameters were learned by statistical inference to actually make predictions on previously unseen data is known as statistical prediction or forecasting.

We need to be able to understand the metrics of how to differentiate between a good model and a bad model. There are several well known and well understood performance metrics for different models. For regression prediction problems, we should try to minimize the differences between predicted value and the actual value of the target variable. This error term is known as residual errors; larger errors mean worse models and, in regression, we try to minimize the sum of these residual errors, or the sum of the square of these residual errors (squaring has the effect of penalizing large outliers more strongly, but more on that later). The most common metric for regression problems is R^2, which tracks the ratio of explained variance vis-à-vis unexplained variance, but we save that for more advanced texts.

In the simple hypothetical prediction problem of guessing weight based on height and race, let's say the model predicts the weight to be 170 and the actual weight is 160. In this case, the error is 160-170 = -10, the absolute error is |-10| = 10, and the squared error is (-10)^2 = 100. In classification problems, we want to make sure our predictions are the same discrete value as the actual value. When we predict a label that is different from the actual label, that is a misclassification or error. Obviously, the higher the number of accurate predictions, the better the model, but it gets more complicated than that. There are metrics such as a confusion matrix, a receiver operating characteristic, and the area under the curve, but we save those for more advanced texts. Let's say, in the modified hypothetical problem of guessing race based on height and weight, that we guess the race to be Caucasian while the correct race is African. That is then considered an error, and we can aggregate all such errors to find the aggregate errors across all predictions, but we will talk more on this in the later parts of the book.

So far, we have been speaking in terms of a hypothetical example, but let's tie the terms we've encountered so far into how it applies to financial datasets. As we mentioned, supervised learning methods are most common here because, in historical financial data, we are able to measure the price movements from the data. If we are simply trying to predict that, if a price moves up or down from the current price, then that is a classification problem with two prediction labels – Price goes up and Price goes down. There can also be three prediction labels since Price goes up, Price goes down, and Price remains the same. If, however, we want to predict the magnitude and direction of price moves, then this is a regression problem where an example of the output could be Price moves +10.2 dollars, meaning the prediction is that the price will move up by $10.2. The training dataset is generated from historical data, and this can be historical data that was not used in training the model and the live market data during live trading. We measure the accuracy of such models with the metrics we listed above in addition to the PnL generated from the trading strategies. With this introduction complete, let's now look into these methods in greater detail, starting with regression methods.

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