Measuring and modeling latencies

After confirming that there are no outstanding market data issues, the next step is to look into the underlying latency assumptions in the backtester. In a modern algorithmic trading setup, there are many hops in between the exchange matching engine that generates market data and the trading strategy that receives the decoded and normalized market data, and then between the trading strategy that decides to send the order flow out to the exchange until it is actually received by the exchange matching engine. With modern improvements in server hardware, network switch, network card, and kernel bypass technologies, it is possible to record the timestamps between each of these hops very precisely in nanoseconds and then use those measurements to test the underlying latency assumptions/estimates used in the backtester.

In addition, modern electronic trading exchanges provide a lot of different timestamps that are also measured very precisely in the various hops within their own matching engine setup. These measurements include when an order request was received by the trading exchange, when it was picked up by the matching engine to be matched or added to the limit order book, when the private order notification and public market data update were generated, and when the corresponding network packets left the trading exchange infrastructure. Properly recording these timestamps provided by the exchange, using those measurements to gain insight into the conditions surrounding our orders getting matched, and calibrating the backtester on that basis, can help in addressing simulation dislocations. Each latency measurement between different hops is a distribution of possible values that vary by time, trading instrument, trading exchange, and trading strategy.

Typically, most simulators start with a static latency parameter for each one of these measurements, which is the mean or median of the distributions. If the variance for a specific latency measurement is very high, then a single static parameter no longer suffices and at that point one must use a more sophisticated latency modeling approach. One approach can be to use the mean latency as observed in live trading, but add an error term to the latency based on what is observed in live trading, while the more sophisticated approach is to implement features that can capture periods/conditions of higher or lower latencies and dynamically adjust those in the backtester. Some intuitive features would be to use the frequency of market data updates, frequency of trades, or the magnitude and momentum of price moves as a proxy for increased latency.

The idea behind this is that during periods of higher activity either due to busy market conditions and large price moves, or when lots of participants are sending a higher-than-normal amount of order flow to the exchange and, in turn, generating a larger-than-normal amount of market data, many of the latency measures are likely to be higher than normal and, in fact, be a function of increased market activity. This also makes sense because, during these periods, the trading exchange has to process more order flow, perform more matching per order flow, and generate and disseminate more market data for every order flow, so there are more delays due to processing times. Similarly, on the algorithmic trading strategy side, more market data means more time to read, decode, and normalize incoming market data updates, more time to update limit order books and update trading signals, more order flow generated to deal with the increased market activity, and more work done by the order gateway to deal with the increased order activity.

Modeling dynamic latencies is a difficult problem to solve in a backtester, and most sophisticated participants invest a lot of resources trying to get it right in addition to trying to build a trading infrastructure and trading strategies that have lower latency variance to begin with. To summarize this section, if simulation dislocations are associated with errors in latency assumptions/modeling, then the first step is to collect as many accurate measurements between each hop in the trading system and trading exchange as possible and build intelligence to faithfully reproduce those in historical simulations.

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