Chapter 3. Lazy Learning – Classification Using Nearest Neighbors

An interesting new type of dining experience has been appearing in cities around the world. Patrons are served in a completely darkened restaurant by waiters who move carefully around memorized routes using only their sense of touch and sound. The allure of these establishments is the belief that depriving oneself of visual sensory input will enhance the sense of taste and smell, and foods will be experienced in new ways. Each bite provides a sense of wonder while discovering the flavors the chef has prepared.

Can you imagine how a diner experiences the unseen food? Upon first bite, the senses are overwhelmed. What are the dominant flavors? Does the food taste savory or sweet? Does it taste similar to something eaten previously? Personally, I imagine this process of discovery in terms of a slightly modified adage: if it smells like a duck and tastes like a duck, then you are probably eating duck.

This illustrates an idea that can be used for machine learning—as does another maxim involving poultry: "birds of a feather flock together." Stated differently, things that are alike are likely to have properties that are alike. Machine learning uses this principle to classify data by placing it in the same category as similar or "nearest" neighbors. This chapter is devoted to the classifiers that use this approach. You will learn:

  • The key concepts that define nearest neighbor classifiers, and why they are considered "lazy" learners
  • Methods to measure the similarity of two examples using distance
  • To apply a popular nearest neighbor classifier called k-NN

If all these talks about food is making you hungry, feel free to grab a snack. Our first task will be to understand the k-NN approach by putting it to use by settling a long-running culinary debate.

Understanding nearest neighbor classification

In a single sentence, nearest neighbor classifiers are defined by their characteristic of classifying unlabeled examples by assigning them the class of similar labeled examples. Despite the simplicity of this idea, nearest neighbor methods are extremely powerful. They have been used successfully for:

  • Computer vision applications, including optical character recognition and facial recognition in both still images and video
  • Predicting whether a person will enjoy a movie or music recommendation
  • Identifying patterns in genetic data, perhaps to use them in detecting specific proteins or diseases

In general, nearest neighbor classifiers are well-suited for classification tasks, where relationships among the features and the target classes are numerous, complicated, or extremely difficult to understand, yet the items of similar class type tend to be fairly homogeneous. Another way of putting it would be to say that if a concept is difficult to define, but you know it when you see it, then nearest neighbors might be appropriate. On the other hand, if the data is noisy and thus no clear distinction exists among the groups, the nearest neighbor algorithms may struggle to identify the class boundaries.

The k-NN algorithm

The nearest neighbors approach to classification is exemplified by the k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN). Although this is perhaps one of the simplest machine learning algorithms, it is still used widely.

The strengths and weaknesses of this algorithm are as follows:



  • Simple and effective
  • Makes no assumptions about the underlying data distribution
  • Fast training phase
  • Does not produce a model, limiting the ability to understand how the features are related to the class
  • Requires selection of an appropriate k
  • Slow classification phase
  • Nominal features and missing data require additional processing

The k-NN algorithm gets its name from the fact that it uses information about an example's k-nearest neighbors to classify unlabeled examples. The letter k is a variable term implying that any number of nearest neighbors could be used. After choosing k, the algorithm requires a training dataset made up of examples that have been classified into several categories, as labeled by a nominal variable. Then, for each unlabeled record in the test dataset, k-NN identifies k records in the training data that are the "nearest" in similarity. The unlabeled test instance is assigned the class of the majority of the k nearest neighbors.

To illustrate this process, let's revisit the blind tasting experience described in the introduction. Suppose that prior to eating the mystery meal we had created a dataset in which we recorded our impressions of a number of ingredients we tasted previously. To keep things simple, we rated only two features of each ingredient. The first is a measure from 1 to 10 of how crunchy the ingredient is and the second is a 1 to 10 score of how sweet the ingredient tastes. We then labeled each ingredient as one of the three types of food: fruits, vegetables, or proteins. The first few rows of such a dataset might be structured as follows:




Food type

























The k-NN algorithm treats the features as coordinates in a multidimensional feature space. As our dataset includes only two features, the feature space is two-dimensional. We can plot two-dimensional data on a scatter plot, with the x dimension indicating the ingredient's sweetness and the y dimension, the crunchiness. After adding a few more ingredients to the taste dataset, the scatter plot might look similar to this:

The k-NN algorithm

Did you notice the pattern? Similar types of food tend to be grouped closely together. As illustrated in the next diagram, vegetables tend to be crunchy but not sweet, fruits tend to be sweet and either crunchy or not crunchy, while proteins tend to be neither crunchy nor sweet:

The k-NN algorithm

Suppose that after constructing this dataset, we decide to use it to settle the age-old question: is tomato a fruit or vegetable? We can use the nearest neighbor approach to determine which class is a better fit, as shown in the following diagram:

The k-NN algorithm

Measuring similarity with distance

Locating the tomato's nearest neighbors requires a distance function, or a formula that measures the similarity between the two instances.

There are many different ways to calculate distance. Traditionally, the k-NN algorithm uses Euclidean distance, which is the distance one would measure if it were possible to use a ruler to connect two points, illustrated in the previous figure by the dotted lines connecting the tomato to its neighbors.


Euclidean distance is measured "as the crow flies," implying the shortest direct route. Another common distance measure is Manhattan distance, which is based on the paths a pedestrian would take by walking city blocks. If you are interested in learning more about other distance measures, you can read the documentation for R's distance function (a useful tool in its own right), using the ?dist command.

Euclidean distance is specified by the following formula, where p and q are the examples to be compared, each having n features. The term p1 refers to the value of the first feature of example p, while q1 refers to the value of the first feature of example q:

Measuring similarity with distance

The distance formula involves comparing the values of each feature. For example, to calculate the distance between the tomato (sweetness = 6, crunchiness = 4), and the green bean (sweetness = 3, crunchiness = 7), we can use the formula as follows:

Measuring similarity with distance

In a similar vein, we can calculate the distance between the tomato and several of its closest neighbors as follows:




Food type

Distance to the tomato





sqrt((6 - 8)^2 + (4 - 5)^2) = 2.2

green bean




sqrt((6 - 3)^2 + (4 - 7)^2) = 4.2





sqrt((6 - 3)^2 + (4 - 6)^2) = 3.6





sqrt((6 - 7)^2 + (4 - 3)^2) = 1.4

To classify the tomato as a vegetable, protein, or fruit, we'll begin by assigning the tomato, the food type of its single nearest neighbor. This is called 1-NN classification because k = 1. The orange is the nearest neighbor to the tomato, with a distance of 1.4. As orange is a fruit, the 1-NN algorithm would classify tomato as a fruit.

If we use the k-NN algorithm with k = 3 instead, it performs a vote among the three nearest neighbors: orange, grape, and nuts. Since the majority class among these neighbors is fruit (two of the three votes), the tomato again is classified as a fruit.

Choosing an appropriate k

The decision of how many neighbors to use for k-NN determines how well the model will generalize to future data. The balance between overfitting and underfitting the training data is a problem known as bias-variance tradeoff. Choosing a large k reduces the impact or variance caused by noisy data, but can bias the learner so that it runs the risk of ignoring small, but important patterns.

Suppose we took the extreme stance of setting a very large k, as large as the total number of observations in the training data. With every training instance represented in the final vote, the most common class always has a majority of the voters. The model would consequently always predict the majority class, regardless of the nearest neighbors.

On the opposite extreme, using a single nearest neighbor allows the noisy data or outliers to unduly influence the classification of examples. For example, suppose some of the training examples were accidentally mislabeled. Any unlabeled example that happens to be nearest to the incorrectly labeled neighbor will be predicted to have the incorrect class, even if nine other nearest neighbors would have voted differently.

Obviously, the best k value is somewhere between these two extremes.

The following figure illustrates, more generally, how the decision boundary (depicted by a dashed line) is affected by larger or smaller k values. Smaller values allow more complex decision boundaries that more carefully fit the training data. The problem is that we do not know whether the straight boundary or the curved boundary better represents the true underlying concept to be learned.

Choosing an appropriate k

In practice, choosing k depends on the difficulty of the concept to be learned, and the number of records in the training data. One common practice is to begin with k equal to the square root of the number of training examples. In the food classifier we developed previously, we might set k = 4 because there were 15 example ingredients in the training data and the square root of 15 is 3.87.

However, such rules may not always result in the single best k. An alternative approach is to test several k values on a variety of test datasets and choose the one that delivers the best classification performance. That said, unless the data is very noisy, a large training dataset can make the choice of k less important. This is because even subtle concepts will have a sufficiently large pool of examples to vote as nearest neighbors.


A less common, but interesting solution to this problem is to choose a larger k, but apply a weighted voting process in which the vote of the closer neighbors is considered more authoritative than the vote of the far away neighbors. Many k-NN implementations offer this option.

Preparing data for use with k-NN

Features are typically transformed to a standard range prior to applying the k-NN algorithm. The rationale for this step is that the distance formula is highly dependent on how features are measured. In particular, if certain features have a much larger range of values than the others, the distance measurements will be strongly dominated by the features with larger ranges. This wasn't a problem for food tasting example as both sweetness and crunchiness were measured on a scale from 1 to 10.

However, suppose we added an additional feature to the dataset for a food's spiciness, which was measured using the Scoville scale. If you are not familiar with this metric, it is a standardized measure of spice heat, ranging from zero (not at all spicy) to over a million (for the hottest chili peppers). Since the difference between spicy and non-spicy foods can be over a million, while the difference between sweet and non-sweet or crunchy and non-crunchy foods is at most 10, the difference in scale allows the spice level to impact the distance function much more than the other two factors. Without adjusting our data, we might find that our distance measures only differentiate foods by their spiciness; the impact of crunchiness and sweetness would be dwarfed by the contribution of spiciness.

The solution is to rescale the features by shrinking or expanding their range such that each one contributes relatively equally to the distance formula. For example, if sweetness and crunchiness are both measured on a scale from 1 to 10, we would also like spiciness to be measured on a scale from 1 to 10. There are several common ways to accomplish such scaling.

The traditional method of rescaling features for k-NN is min-max normalization. This process transforms a feature such that all of its values fall in a range between 0 and 1. The formula for normalizing a feature is as follows:

Preparing data for use with k-NN

Essentially, the formula subtracts the minimum of feature X from each value and divides by the range of X.

Normalized feature values can be interpreted as indicating how far, from 0 percent to 100 percent, the original value fell along the range between the original minimum and maximum.

Another common transformation is called z-score standardization. The following formula subtracts the mean value of feature X, and divides the outcome by the standard deviation of X:

Preparing data for use with k-NN

This formula, which is based on the properties of the normal distribution covered in Chapter 2, Managing and Understanding Data, rescales each of the feature's values in terms of how many standard deviations they fall above or below the mean value. The resulting value is called a z-score. The z-scores fall in an unbound range of negative and positive numbers. Unlike the normalized values, they have no predefined minimum and maximum.


The same rescaling method used on the k-NN training dataset must also be applied to the examples the algorithm will later classify. This can lead to a tricky situation for min-max normalization, as the minimum or maximum of future cases might be outside the range of values observed in the training data. If you know the plausible minimum or maximum value ahead of time, you can use these constants rather than the observed values. Alternatively, you can use z-score standardization under the assumption that the future examples will have similar mean and standard deviation as the training examples.

The Euclidean distance formula is not defined for nominal data. Therefore, to calculate the distance between nominal features, we need to convert them into a numeric format. A typical solution utilizes dummy coding, where a value of 1 indicates one category, and 0, the other. For instance, dummy coding for a gender variable could be constructed as:

Preparing data for use with k-NN

Notice how the dummy coding of the two-category (binary) gender variable results in a single new feature named male. There is no need to construct a separate feature for female; since the two sexes are mutually exclusive, knowing one or the other is enough.

This is true more generally as well. An n-category nominal feature can be dummy coded by creating the binary indicator variables for (n - 1) levels of the feature. For example, the dummy coding for a three-category temperature variable (for example, hot, medium, or cold) could be set up as (3 - 1) = 2 features, as shown here:

Preparing data for use with k-NN

Knowing that hot and medium are both 0 is enough to know that the temperature is cold. We, therefore, do not need a third feature for the cold category.

A convenient aspect of dummy coding is that the distance between dummy coded features is always one or zero, and thus, the values fall on the same scale as min-max normalized numeric data. No additional transformation is necessary.


If a nominal feature is ordinal (one could make such an argument for temperature), an alternative to dummy coding is to number the categories and apply normalization. For instance, cold, warm, and hot could be numbered as 1, 2, and 3, which normalizes to 0, 0.5, and 1. A caveat to this approach is that it should only be used if the steps between the categories are equivalent. For instance, although income categories for poor, middle class, and wealthy are ordered, the difference between the poor and middle class may be different than the difference between the middle class and wealthy. Since the steps between groups are not equal, dummy coding is a safer approach.

Why is the k-NN algorithm lazy?

Classification algorithms based on the nearest neighbor methods are considered lazy learning algorithms because, technically speaking, no abstraction occurs. The abstraction and generalization processes are skipped altogether, and this undermines the definition of learning, proposed in Chapter 1, Introducing Machine Learning.

Under the strict definition of learning, a lazy learner is not really learning anything. Instead, it merely stores the training data verbatim. This allows the training phase, which is not actually training anything, to occur very rapidly. Of course, the downside is that the process of making predictions tends to be relatively slow in comparison to training. Due to the heavy reliance on the training instances rather than an abstracted model, lazy learning is also known as instance-based learning or rote learning.

As instance-based learners do not build a model, the method is said to be in a class of non-parametric learning methods—no parameters are learned about the data. Without generating theories about the underlying data, non-parametric methods limit our ability to understand how the classifier is using the data. On the other hand, this allows the learner to find natural patterns rather than trying to fit the data into a preconceived and potentially biased functional form.

Why is the k-NN algorithm lazy?

Although k-NN classifiers may be considered lazy, they are still quite powerful. As you will soon see, the simple principles of nearest neighbor learning can be used to automate the process of screening for cancer.

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