
In this chapter, we studied two methods for modeling numeric data. The first method, linear regression, involves fitting straight lines to data. The second method uses decision trees for numeric prediction. The latter comes in two forms: regression trees, which use the average value of examples at leaf nodes to make numeric predictions; and model trees, which build a regression model at each leaf node in a hybrid approach that is, in some ways, the best of both worlds.

We used linear regression modeling to calculate the expected medical costs for various segments of the population. Because the relationship between the features and the target variable are well-described by the estimated regression model, we were able to identify certain demographics, such as smokers and the obese, who may need to be charged higher insurance rates to cover the higher-than-average medical expenses.

Regression trees and model trees were used to model the subjective quality of wines from measureable characteristics. In doing so, we learned how regression trees offer a simple way to explain the relationship between features and a numeric outcome, but the more complex model trees may be more accurate. Along the way, we learned several methods for evaluating the performance of numeric models.

In stark contrast to this chapter, which covered machine learning methods that result in a clear understanding of the relationships between the input and the output, the next chapter covers methods that result in nearly-incomprehensible models. The upside is that they are extremely powerful techniques—among the most powerful stock classifiers—that can be applied to both classification and numeric prediction problems.

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