Memory management and its kinds

The RAM in your computer is a limited resource and is shared by all running programs. It's a necessity that when a program is done executing its instructions, it is expected to release any memory used so that the OS can reclaim it and hand it to other processes. When we talk about memory management, a prominent aspect we care about is the reclamation of used memory and how that happens. The level of management required in deallocating used memory is different in different languages. Up until the mid-1990s, the majority of programming languages relied on manual memory management, which required the programmer to call memory allocator APIs such as malloc and free in code to allocate and deallocate memory, respectively. Around 1959, John McCarthy, the creator of Lisp, invented Garbage Collectors (GC), a form of automatic memory management and Lisp was the first language to use one. A GC runs as a daemon thread as part of the running program and analyzes the memory that is no longer being referenced by any variable in the program and frees it automatically at certain points in time along with program execution.

However, low-level languages don't come with a GC as it introduces non-determinism and a runtime overhead due to the GC thread running in the background, which in some cases pauses the execution of the program. This pause sometimes reaches to a milisecond of latency. This might violate the hard time and space constraints of system software. Low-level languages put the programmer in control of managing memory manually. However, languages such as C++ and Rust take some of this burden off from programmers, through type system abstractions like smart pointers, which we'll cover later in the chapter.

Given the difference between languages, we can classify the memory management strategies that are used by them into three buckets:

  • Manual: C has this form of memory management, where it's completely the programmers responsibility to put free calls after the code is done using memory. C++ automates this to some extent using smart pointers where the free call is put in a class's deconstructor method definition. Rust also has smart pointers, which we will cover later in this chapter.
  • Automatic: Languages with this form of memory management include an additional runtime thread,that is the Garbage Collector, that runs alongside the program as a daemon thread. Most dynamic languages based on a virtual machine such Python, Java, C# and Ruby rely on automatic memory management. Automatic memory management is one of the reasons that writing code in these languages is easy.
  • Semi-automatic: Languages such as Swift fall into this category. They don't have a dedicated GC built in as part of the runtime, but offer a reference counting type, which does automatic management of memory at a granular level. Rust also provides the reference counting types Rc<T> and Arc<T>. We'll get to them when we explain about smart pointers, later in this chapter.
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