Primitive types

Rust has the following built-in primitive types:

  • bool: These are the usual booleans and can be either true or false .
  • char: Characters, such as e.
  • Integer types: These are characterized by the bit width. Rust supports integers that are up to 128 bits wide:
    signed unsigned
    i8 u8
    i16 u16
    i32 u32
    i64 u64
    i128 u128
  • isize: The pointer-sized signed integer type. Equivalent to i32 on 32-bit CPU and i64 on 64-bit CPU.
  • usize: The pointer-sized unsigned integer type. Equivalent to i32 on 32-bit CPU and i64 on 64-bit CPU.
  • f32: The 32-bit floating point type. Implements the IEEE 754 standard for floating point representation.
  • f64: The 64-bit floating point type.
  • [T; N]: A fixed-size array, for the element type, T, and the non-negative compile-time constant size N.
  • [T]: A dynamically-sized view into a contiguous sequence, for any type T.
  • str: String slices, mainly used as a reference, that is, &str.
  • (T, U, ..): A finite sequence, (T, U, ..) where T and U can be different types.
  • fn(i32) -> i32: A function that takes an i32 and returns an i32. Functions also have a type.
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