
Tuples differ from arrays in the way that elements of an array have to be of the same type, while items in a tuple can be a mix of types. They are heterogeneous collections and are useful for storing distinct types together. They can also be used when returning multiple values from a function. Consider the following code that uses tuples:

// tuples.rs

fn main() {
let num_and_str: (u8, &str) = (40, "Have a good day!");
println!("{:?}", num_and_str);
let (num, string) = num_and_str;
println!("From tuple: Number: {}, String: {}", num, string);

In the preceding code, num_and_str is a tuple of two items, (u8, &str). We can also extract values from an already declared tuple into individual variables. After printing the tuple, we destructure it on the next line into the  num and string variables, and their types are inferred automatically. That's pretty neat.

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