
Vectors are like arrays, except that their content or length doesn't need to be known in advance and can grow on demand. They are allocated on the heap. They can be created by either calling the Vec::new constructor or by using the vec![] macro:


fn main() {
let mut numbers_vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();

let mut vec_with_macro = vec![1];
let _ = vec_with_macro.pop(); // value ignored with `_`

let message = if numbers_vec == vec_with_macro {
"They are equal"
} else {
"Nah! They look different to me"

println!("{} {:?} {:?}", message, numbers_vec, vec_with_macro);

In the preceding code, we created two vectors, numbers_vec and vec_with_macro, in different ways. We can push elements to our vector using push() method and can remove elements using pop(). There are more methods for you to explore if you go to their documentation page: . Vectors can also be iterated using the for loop syntax as they also implement the Iterator trait.

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