Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page



About the Author

Preface to the Tenth Edition

To The Reader

M&A Environment

M&A Process

M&A Valuation and Modeling

Deal Structuring and Financing Strategies

Alternative Business and Restructuring Strategies

Updated Ancillary Materials

To the Instructor


Part I: The Mergers and Acquisitions Environment


Chapter 1: An Introduction to Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities


Inside Mergers and Acquisitions: Centurylink Acquires Level 3 in a Search for Scale

Chapter Overview

Why Do M&As Happen?

Merger and Acquisition Waves

Understanding Corporate Restructuring Activities

Alternative Takeover Strategies

The Role of Holding Companies in Mergers and Acquisitions

The Role of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) in M&As

Business Alliances as Alternatives to M&As

Participants in the Mergers and Acquisitions Process

The Implications of M&As for Shareholders, Bondholders, and Society

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 2: The Regulatory Environment


Inside Mergers and Acquisitions: DowDuPont’s Regulatory Nightmare

Chapter Overview

Understanding Federal Securities Laws

Understanding Antitrust Legislation

M&A Implications of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Including 2018 Revisions)

M&A Implications of Data Protection Regulations

State Regulations Affecting Mergers and Acquisitions

Restrictions on Direct Investment in the United States

The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Specific Industry Regulation

Environmental Laws

Labor and Benefit Laws

Cross-Border Transactions

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 3: The Corporate Takeover Market: Common Takeover Tactics, Antitakeover Defenses, and Corporate Governance


Inside Mergers and Acquisitions: Auction Euphoria Can Result in Buyer’s Remorse

Chapter Overview

Corporate Governance

Understanding Alternative Takeover Tactics

Other Tactical Considerations

Developing a Bidding Strategy

Activist Investors: Gaining Influence Without Control

Understanding Alternative Takeover Defenses

The Impact of Takeover Defenses on Shareholder Value

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Part II: The Mergers and Acquisitions Process: Phases 1–10


Chapter 4: Planning: Developing Business and Acquisition Plans—Phases 1 and 2 of the Acquisition Process


Inside Mergers and Acquisitions: Home Shopping Feels the Heat From Amazon

Chapter Overview

The Role of Planning in Mergers and Acquisitions

The Merger and Acquisition Process

Phase 1: Building the Business Plan/Model

The Business Plan as a Communication Document

Phase 2: Building the Merger-Acquisition Implementation Plan

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 5: Implementation: Search Through Closing—Phases 3–10 of the Acquisition Process


Inside M&A: In the Wake of Industry Consolidation Discovery Communications Buys Scripps Networks

Chapter Overview

Characteristics of High Performing Acquirers

Phase 3: The Search Process

Phase 4: The Screening Process

Phase 5: First Contact

Phase 6: Negotiation

Phase 7: Developing the Integration Plan

Phase 8: Closing

Phase 9: Implementing Postclosing Integration

Phase 10: Conducting a Postclosing Evaluation

The Increasing Application of Data Analytics in M&As

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 6: Postclosing Integration: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Business Alliances


Inside Mergers and Acquisitions: Postmerger Integration Challenges

Chapter Overview

The Degree of Integration Varies by Type of Acquirer and Deal

The Role of Integration in Successful Acquisitions

Integration Is a Process, Not an Event

Integrating Business Alliances

Integrating Family Owned Firms

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Part III: Mergers and Acquisitions Valuation and Modeling


Chapter 7: Mergers and Acquisitions Cash Flow Valuation Basics


Inside M&A: Delaware Supreme Court Rules on the Role of Valuation Methods in Appraisal Rights

Chapter Overview

Estimating Required Financial Returns

Risk Assessment

Calculating Free Cash Flows

Applying Discounted Cash Flow Methods

Using the Enterprise Method to Estimate Equity Value

Valuing Nonoperating Assets

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Practice Problems and Answers

Chapter 8: Relative, Asset-Oriented, and Real Option Valuation Basics


Inside Mergers & Acquisitions: Thyssenkrupp and Tata Steel Combine European Steel Operations

Chapter Overview

Relative-Valuation Methods

Asset-Oriented Methods

The Weighted-Average Valuation Method

Real-Options Analysis

Determining When to Use the Different Approaches to Valuation

Valuing Initial Public Offerings

What Do Valuation Professionals Do in Practice?

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Practice Problems and Answers

Chapter 9: Financial Modeling Basics


Inside M&A: Verizon Discounts the Yahoo Purchase Price

Chapter Overview

What Is Financial Modeling?

Financial Modeling Data Requirements

Common Financial Model Linkages

Modelling Changes in US Corporate Tax Laws

Key Steps in the Valuation Process

Model Balancing Mechanism

Data Sources

Managing the Model

Addressing Valuation Issues in a Near Zero Interest Rate Environment

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Practice Problems and Answers

Chapter 10: Analysis and Valuation of Privately Held Firms


Inside M&A: The Need for Capital Forces Sale of Demand Energy

Chapter Overview

How Family Control Affects M&A Activity

Private Versus Public Company Governance

Challenges of Valuing Privately Held Companies

Process for Valuing Privately Held Businesses

Step 1: Adjusting Financial Statements

Step 2: Applying Valuation Methodologies to Privately Held Companies

Step 3: Developing Discount Rates

Step 4: Applying Control Premiums, Liquidity, and Minority Discounts

Early Stage Investment

Taking Private Companies Public

Using Leveraged Employee Stock Ownership Plans to Buy Private Companies

Empirical Studies of Shareholder Returns

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Practice Problems and Answers

Part IV: Deal Structuring and Financing Strategies


Chapter 11: Structuring the Deal: Payment and Legal Considerations


Inside M&A: Getting to Yes on Price

Chapter Overview

The Deal-Structuring Process

Form of Acquisition Vehicle and Postclosing Organization

Legal Form of the Selling Entity

Form of Payment

Managing Risk and Reaching Consensus on Purchase Price

Constructing Collar Arrangements

M&A Options and Warrants Takeover Strategies

Form of Acquisition

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 12: Structuring the Deal: Tax and Accounting Considerations


Inside M&A: CVS’s Takeover of Aetna Blurs Traditional Roles in the US Healthcare Industry

Chapter Overview

Understanding Tax Authority Communications

Alternative Tax Structures

Taxable Transactions

Tax-Free Transactions

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

State and Local Tax Issues

International Taxes

Tax Inversions

Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), and Yield Cos

Financial Reporting of Business Combinations

Impact of Acquisition Accounting on Business Combinations

Recapitalization (“RECAP”) Accounting

Putting It All Together: Takeover and Deal Structure Strategies

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Practice Problems and Answers

Chapter 13: Financing the Deal: Private Equity, Hedge Funds, and Other Sources of Financing


Inside M&A: Staples Goes Private in Response to the Shift to Online Retailing

Chapter Overview

The Role of Public and Private Financial Markets

How Are M&A Transactions Commonly Financed?

What Is the Role of Private Equity, Hedge, and Venture Capital Funds in Deal Financing?

Impact of Tax Reform on M&A Financing

Leveraged Buyouts as Financing Strategies

What Factors Are Critical to Successful LBO’s?

How Do LBO’s Create Value?

The Impact on Financial Returns of Alternative Transaction Strategies

Common LBO Deal and Capital Structures

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 14: Applying Financial Models: To Value, Structure, and Negotiate Stock and Asset Purchases


Inside M&A: The Anatomy of a M&A Negotiation

Chapter Overview

Understanding and Applying M&A Financial Models

M&A Models: Stock Purchases

M&A Models: Asset Purchases

Quantifying Synergy

Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Practice Problems and Answers

Appendix A: Debt Repayment Schedule, Convertible Securities, Interest Rates, and Betas

Part V: Alternative Business and Restructuring Strategies


Chapter 15: Domestic and Cross-Border Business Alliances: Joint Ventures, Partnerships, Strategic Alliances, and Licensing


Inside M&A: Comcast and Charter Forge Wireless Alliance

Chapter Overview

Motivations for Business Alliances

What Makes Business Alliances Successful?

Alternative Legal Forms of Business Alliances

Bilateral Versus Multilateral Alliances

Strategic and Operational Plans

Resolving Business Alliance Deal-Structuring Issues

Challenges of Cross-Border Joint Ventures

Potential Impediments to Cross-Border Alliances and Minority Investments

Empirical Findings

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 16: Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies: Divestitures, Spin-Offs, Carve-Outs, Split-Offs, and Tracking Stocks


Inside M&A: Managing Risk Through Restructuring

Chapter Overview

Why Do Firms Exit Businesses?



Equity Carve-Outs

Split-Offs and Split-Ups

Tracking, Targeted, and Letter Stocks

Restructuring Implementation Issues

Key Restructure Legal Documents

Comparing Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies

Choosing Among Divestiture, Carve-Out, and Spin-Off Restructuring Strategies

Determinants of Returns to Shareholders Resulting From Restructuring Strategies

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 17: Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies: Bankruptcy, Reorganization, and Liquidation


Inside M&A: SunEdison Exits Bankruptcy Amid Echoes of Enron

Chapter Overview

Business Failure

Voluntary Settlement Outside of Bankruptcy Court

Reorganization and Liquidation in Bankruptcy

Alternative Options for Failing Firms

The Increasing Role of Hedge Funds in the Bankruptcy Process

Failing Firms and Systemic Risk

Predicting Corporate Default and Bankruptcy

Empirical Studies of Financial Distress

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions

Chapter 18: Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Analysis and Valuation


Inside M&A: Shareholder Angst Causes Breakup of Merger and Longstanding Joint Venture

Chapter Overview

Globally Integrated Versus Segmented Capital Markets

Motives for International Expansion

Common International Market Entry Strategies

Structuring Cross-Border Deals

Financing Cross-Border Deals

Planning and Implementing Cross-Border Transactions in Emerging Countries

How Are Cross-Border Transactions Valued?

Empirical Studies of Financial Returns on Cross-Border Transactions

Some Things to Remember

Chapter Discussion Questions




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