



AAC+, see HE-AAC version 2 Audio Codec (AAC+)

AbS methods, see Analysis-by-synthesis methods (AbS methods)

Absolute category rating (ACR), 590

tests, 540

ABT, see Adaptive block size transform (ABT)

Access networks (ANs), 422

Access points (AP), 370

Access service network (ASN), 482, 483

Access state, 486

Access terminals (ATs), 422

ACI, see Adjacent channel interference (ACI)

Acknowledged Mode (AM), 454

Acquisition indictor channel (AICH), 448

ACR, see Absolute category rating (ACR)

Acronyms, 311, 331332

ACS, see Adjacent channel interference selectivity (ACS)

Actions, 739

Adaptive block size transform (ABT), 570

Adaptive codebook structure, 544545

Adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM), 542

Adaptive equalizer, 154, 176, 759

Equalizer; Linear equalizers

based on MSE criterion, 183

zero-forcing method, 184

Adaptive loop filter (ALF), 584, 585

Adaptive modulation, 491

Adaptive modulation and coding (AMC), 441, 620

Adaptive precoding, 51

Adaptive ubiquitous services, 741

ADC, see Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

Additive interference and SINR threshold, 371

Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 97, 262, 311, 331, 334, 358, 379, 95

channel, 279, 759

communication systems, 134

optimal binary receiver, 283284

slowly varying frequency-flat wireless channels with, 295

Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV), 610611, 733

Adjacent channel interference (ACI), 50, 156

Adjacent channel interference selectivity (ACS), 391

ADPCM, see Adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)

Advanced MAP (A-MAP), 494, 495

allocation information element, 495

downlink, 498

region, 494

types, 495496

Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS), 413, 429

Advanced motion vector prediction (AMVP), 584

Advanced Radio Data Information Service (ARDIS), 412

Advanced television systems committee (ATSC), 97

AF, see Amplify-and-Forward (AF)

AICH, see Acquisition indictor channel (AICH)

Alamouti's scheme, 306

BEP for uncoded, 309

equivalent SISO, 307

optimality, 308

performance, 308309

SNR at combiner output, 308

A-law, 542

compression characteristic, 31

ALF, see Adaptive loop filter (ALF)

ALOHA protocol, 377, 604, 607

Always connected paradigm, 729

AM, see Acknowledged Mode (AM); Amplitude modulation (AM)

A-MAP, see Advanced MAP (A-MAP)

AMC, see Adaptive modulation and coding (AMC)

AMP, see Asymmetric motion partitions (AMP)

Amplify-and-Forward (AF), 633

Amplitude modulation (AM), 57, 62, 71

Complex envelope representation

average power dissipated into resistive load, 63

complex envelope, 62

complex envelope spectrum, 62

rms value, 64

signal waveform, 62

spectrum, 62, 63

Amplitude shift keying (ASK), 285, 360

AMPS, see Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)

AMR codecs, 549, 551

AMVP, see Advanced motion vector prediction (AMVP)

Analog modulation schemes, 71


Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 2627, 60, 753

Analysis-by-synthesis methods (AbS methods), 543

Anchor-based Street and Traffic Aware Routing (A-STAR), 734

ANs, see Access networks (ANs)


gains, 749

spacing, 751, 753

temperature, 134

AODV, see Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV)

AP, see Access points (AP)

APCO, see Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO)

Aperiodic correlation, 246

Pseudonoise (PN) sequences

Barker sequences, 246

sequences with high merit factor, 246247

sequences with low aperiodic cross-correlation, 247248

A posteriori probabilities (APP), 103

APP, see A posteriori probabilities (APP)

Application trigger condition (ATC), 737

ARDIS, see Advanced Radio Data Information Service (ARDIS)

ARQ, see Automatic repeat request (ARQ)

Array gain, 293, 296, 304, 313

ASK, see Amplitude shift keying (ASK)

ASN, see Access service network (ASN)

Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO), 515

A-STAR, see Anchor-based Street and Traffic Aware Routing (A-STAR)

Asymmetric motion partitions (AMP), 583

Asymptotic Optimum Power Allocation, 651652

Asymptotic Symbol Error Rate, 645646

Asynchronous tandeming, 541

ATC, see Application trigger condition (ATC)

ATs, see Access terminals (ATs)

ATSC, see Advanced television systems committee (ATSC)

Audio coding, 531, 533

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)

for HD Radio FM, 530

Autocorrelation of sequence, 759

Automatic repeat request (ARQ), 9192, 111, 455, 629

Error control coding; Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ)

block, 484, 506

error detection, 111

Go-Back-N ARQ protocol, 112

HARQ, 113

in 1X-EV-DO, 441

retransmission strategies, 111113

Select-Repeat protocol, 113

in 3GPP LTE/LTE-advanced, 475

AWGN, see Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)



Backward adaptation, 542543

Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv algorithm (BCJR algorithm), 102

Bandpass communication system, 56

Bandpass waveform, 55, 759

Complex envelope; Real envelope

MSK, 80

power spectra density, 61

representation, 56

spectrum, 61


expansion factor, 254

limited systems, 335, 337

scalable coding, 546

Bandwidth efficiency, 335, 759

maximization, 41

of modulation scheme, 71

of MPSK-modulated signals, 337

noncoherent orthogonal MFSK signals, 338

plane, 336

Bandwidth requests (BW-REQ), 497

Barker sequences, 223224, 246

Baseband modulation, 492

pulse amplitude modulation system, 38

Baseband signaling and pulse shaping, 36

average transmitted power and spectral constraints, 50

CDMA2000, 5253

channel and receiver characteristics, 51

communication system model, 3538

complexity, 5152

equivalent discrete-time channel, 39

eye diagrams, see Eye diagram

intersymbol interference, 3840

LTE, 54

Nyquist criterion, 40, 4243

partial-response signaling, see Partial-response signaling (PR signaling)

peak-to-average power, 5051

privacy and security, 52

raised cosine pulse, 4142

tolerance to interference, 52

W-CDMA, 52

WiMAX, 53

WLAN, 53

Baseband signals, 36, 759

Baseband waveform, 55, 759

Complex envelope representation

average power dissipated in load, 62

PSD, 61

rms values, 62

spectrum, 61

Base-layer encoder (BL encoder), 574

Base station (BS), 283, 328, 370, 482, 661

Basis (basis functions), 759

Baud-rate sampling, 221

BCCH, see Broadcast control channel (BCCH)

BCH, see Broadcast channel (BCH)

BCH codes, see Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem codes (BCH codes)

BCJR algorithm, see Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv algorithm (BCJR algorithm)

Beaconing, 737

Beacons, see HELLO messages

Beamforming, 304, 329, 332

MIMO, 304305

MISO, 303304

Bearer services, 417

BEC, see Binary erasure channel (BEC)

Belief propagation algorithm, 104105

Low-density parity check codes (LDPC codes)

BEP, see Bit error probability (BEP)

BER, see Bit error rate (BER)

Bessel's inequality, 271, 759

BFC, see Block fading channel (BFC)

BGCF, see Breakout gateway control function (BGCF)

BICM, see Bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM)

Bidirectional (DL/UL) unicast control, 504

Bidirectional AF relay networks, 641642

Bidirectional relay in dual-hop network, 642

Bifix-free sequences, 224

Bin string, 570

Binary codes, simple, 124

Hamming codes, 125126

low-density parity-check codes, 126128

polar codes, 128130

Binary communications

optimal correlation receiver structure, 283

optimal matched filter receiver structure, 283

signaling schemes in, 285

Binary erasure channel (BEC), 127

Binary Kerdock sequences, 244

construction, 244

QAM sequences, 245

Binary m sequences, 237, 238

Pseudonoise (PN) sequences

cyclic Hadamard difference sets, 240

periodic autocorrelation function, 239

Binary PAM, see Binary pulse amplitude modulation (Binary PAM)

Binary phase shift keying modulation (BPSK), 95, 303, 311, 348

Binary pulse amplitude modulation (Binary PAM), 3637

Binary source code, 759

Binary symmetric channel (BSC), 124, 125

Bit error probability (BEP), 303, 311, 325, 331

Bit error rate (BER), 98, 256, 357, 546

SINR, 371

of slow FH system, 260

of various multiuser detectors, 257

Bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM), 108, 110

architecture, 111

rate-2/3 8-PSK BICM encoder, 110

Bit interval, 759

Bit selection, 492

Bits-per-energy region, 666

Bitstream structure, 577578

BL encoder, see Base-layer encoder (BL encoder)

Block codes, 92

Error control coding

binary block codes fundamentals, 92

coding gain, 9798

decision decoding, 97

Hamming bound, 95

Hamming code, 93, 94, 95

linear codes, 94

ML decoder, 93

parity check matrix, 94

Reed–Solomon codes, 9597

singleton bound, 95

syndrome decoding, 9495

t-error correcting code, 93

Block fading channel (BFC), 295, 311, 318, 331

Blockage, 754

Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem codes (BCH codes), 342, 343

bandwidth-compatible, 344

BPSK, see Binary phase shift keying modulation (BPSK)

Breakout gateway control function (BGCF), 699

Broadcast channel (BCH), 329, 446, 475

Broadcast connection, see Multicast connection

Broadcast control channel (BCCH), 445, 474

BS, see Base station (BS)

BSC, see Binary symmetric channel (BSC)

Bursty errors, 97

BW-REQ, see Bandwidth requests (BW-REQ)



CA, see Collision avoidance (CA)

CABAC, see Context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC)

Campbell's Theorem, 373

Capacity and ergodic capacity, 630

Capacity-approaching binary codes, 110

Capture threshold model, 371

Carrier acquisition for QAM constellations, 215

Communication receiver synchronization

algorithm for square constellations, 215216

4-th power estimator, 216218

ML and HA algorithm performance comparison, 216

Carrier frequency, 55

Carrier frequency synchronization, 208

Carrier synchronization

categories, 208, 209

open-loop frequency recovery schemes, 209

Carrier phase synchronization, 209

Communication receiver synchronization

closed-loop transfer function, 212

conditional likelihood function, 214

Cramer–Rao lower bound, 213

estimation error variance, 212

loop noise equivalent bandwidth, 212

ML estimation, 213

ML synchronizer, 211

from modulated carrier, 213

from modulated data, 214

phase-error, 211

unmodulated carrier, 210

Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA), 604, 684, 717, 750

network, 377

nonpersistent, 608

1-persistent, 607

p-persistent, 608

protocol, 607

slotted, 609

Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), 609

Carrier synchronization, 208

Communication receiver synchronization

carrier frequency synchronization, 208

in radio frequency communications, 207

Carrier-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (CINR), 497

CarTorrent, 741

Cauchy sequence, 267, 759

CAVLC, see Context-adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC)

CCCH, see Common control channel (CCCH)

CCE, see Control Channel Elements (CCE)

CCh's, see Control Channels (CCh's)

CCK, see Complementary Code Keying (CCK)

CCRB, see Conditional Cramer–Rao bound (CCRB)

CD, see Compact disk (CD)

CDD, see Cyclic delay diversity (CDD)

CDMA, see Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

CDMA 2000, 52, 436

CDMA2000 physical layer

channels, 439, 440

coherent detection in reverse link, 436

fast power control in forward link, 437

soft handoff, 437

spreading, 438

spreading and modulation solutions, 436

transmit diversity, 437

CDMA2000 physical layer, 437

forward link, 438439

reverse link, 439440

CDPD, see Cellular digital packet data (CDPD)

Cell design principles, 389, 401

application examples, 396398

base station coverage, 395396

cell coverage, 394

in cellular network planning, 389390

cellular principles, 390

design steps, 392

error function, 395

interference, 398

performance measures and system requirements, 390391

propagation model, 394395

spectrum efficiency, 391

system expansion techniques, 391392

traffic engineering, 393

Cell radius, 392

Cellular digital packet data (CDPD), 411, 415416

Cellular systems

bit rates, 358

design, 392

DS–CDMA-based, 261

DS/SS, 161

MBMS, 533

mobile, 51

1G analog, 413, 415

transmit power control, 356

Cellular technology evolution, 413

CELP, see Code excited linear prediction (CELP)

CF, see Compress-and-Forward (CF)

C4FM modulator, 517

CGS, see Coarse-grain SNR (CGS)

Channel, 333334

capacity, 759

coherence bandwidth, 145

encoder/decoder pair, 116

equalizer, 759

fast fading, 152

frequency-selective, 144

frequency transfer function and signal with bandwidth, 145

impairments, 71

for mobile radio applications, 147

and mobility models, 730, 733

polarization, 128

quality indicators, 497498

slow fading, 148, 152

Channel coding, 122, 335

Discrete memoryless channel (DMC)

applications, 108

binary symmetric channel, 124

DMC, 122123

gain, 97

MODEM with, 344

Shannon's channel coding theorem, 123124

Channel distortion, 167

Channel equalization

average amplitude and delay characteristics, 169

effect of, 168

impulse response of average channel, 169, 170

scattering function, 170

telephone channel, 169

Channel equalization, 167

channel distortion characterization, 167171

decision-feedback equalizer, 184187

intersymbol interference characterization, 171175

linear equalizers, 175184

maximum-likelihood sequence detection, 187189

Channel Quality Indicator (CQI), 454, 484

Channel state information (CSI), 324

Channel state information at the receiver (CSIR), 293, 311, 313, 331

Channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), 293, 311, 313, 331

Channel State Information-Reference Signals (CSI-RS), 465

Channel utilization optimization, 718

Channelization, 434

Chip, 147

Chirp, 143

Chroma, see Chrominance

Chrominance, 560

CIF, see Common Intermediate Format (CIF)

CINR, see Carrier-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (CINR)

Circuit-switched fallback (CSFB), 449

Circuit-switched service, 411

Circularly symmetric complex Gaussian (CSCG), 295, 311, 315, 331

Clear-to-send (CTS), 609

Cluster-based routing, 735

Coarse-grain SNR (CGS), 576

Coat of arms, 92

Cochannel interference, 52


constraint length, 99

minimum distance, 93

optimal, 118

prefix free, 117

puncturing, 424

repetition, 492

tree, 117

uniquely decodable, 117

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 67, 242, 254, 430, 548

Data transmission rate

goal in sequence design for, 242

received signal, 258

spreading gain, 363364

Code excited linear prediction (CELP), 521, 543

Codec complexity, 541

Coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (COFDM), 156, 532

Codewords, 117

(7,4) Hamming code, 97, 126

Coding and modulation, 107, 491492

Error control coding

BICM, 108, 110111

channel coding, 108

constellations, 107

raised cosine pulse, 107

TCM, see Trellis coded modulation (TCM)

Coding block structure, 583

Coding units (CU), 583

COFDM, see Coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (COFDM)

Cognitive radio (CR), 382, 713

aggregate interference model, 383384

interference avoidance in, 384385

spectrum sensing model, 383

system model, 383

Cognitive radio network (CRN), 713

applications, 721

categories, 714

cooperative, 713715

cooperative multihop CRN, 714

CR link availability, 715

detect-and-avoid, 723

hidden terminal problem and cooperative spectrum sensing, 716

IEEE P1900 Standards, 723

interference-limited environments, 719

international communication standards, 723

machine-to-machine communication, 722

multipath formation of multihop, 721

network topology, 720

optimization of channel utilization, 718

power, 720

quality of service, 720

routing in multihop CRN, 719720

spectrum sensing and tomography, 715717

spectrum sharing and dynamic spectrum management, 717719

wireless regional area networks, 723

Cognitive radio resource management (CRRM), 721722


bandwidth, 143144

distance, 630

time, 147

Coherent detection in reverse link, 436

Collision avoidance (CA), 684

Combined scalability, 576

Common control channel (CCCH), 445, 474

Common Intermediate Format (CIF), 565

Common packet channel (CPCH), 446

Common pilot channel (CPICH), 447

Common traffic channel (CTCH), 445

Common uplink physical channels, 446

Communication, 739, 740741

based characterization, 736

channel, 167, 759

model, 279

paradigms, 732733

patterns, 736

Communication receiver synchronization, 207, 233234

to browse further, 221

carrier acquisition, 215221

carrier phase synchronization, 209

carrier synchronization, 208209

frame synchronization, 208, 221224

MIMO systems synchronization, 224233

symbol synchronization, 208, 218

various synchronization levels acquisition, 208

Communication system, 115, 116

Baseband signaling and pulse shaping

analog source, 115

binary FSK, 37

binary PAM, 3637

channel model, 115

channel output, 36

coherent systems, 207

energy to noise-psd transformations, 345

model, 35, 36

orthogonal spread-spectrum pulse shapes, 37

partially coherent systems, 207

radio link, 36

receiver, 36

symbol rate, 37

transmitted signal, 35

CoMP, see Coordinated multipoint (CoMP)

Compact disk (CD), 30

Compandor, 31

Comparison of Cooperative Protocols, 653

Complementary Code Keying (CCK), 407

Complementary error function, 340

Complementary punctured pair convolutional codes (CPPC codes), 530

Complex envelope representation, 56

amplitude modulation, see Amplitude modulation (AM)

bandpass signals spectrum and power, 6162

generalized transmitters and receivers, 6061

modulated signals, 5760

for modulation, 5859

OFDM signaling, 6869

phase and frequency modulation, 6466

physical bandpass waveform, 5657

QPSK signaling, 6668

Compress-and-Forward (CF), 633

Conditional Cramer–Rao bound (CCRB), 228

Conditional replenishment, 562

Conferencing, 702

Connected state, 487

Connection management, 504

Connectivity service network (CSN), 482

Consortia, 739740

Constellation-rearrangement scheme (CoRe scheme), 491

Context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC), 570

Context-adaptive entropy coding, 570571

Context-adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC), 570

Contiguous resource units (CRU), 489

Continuous phase modulation (CPM), 79, 534, 759

Modulation methods

Continuous-time FT, 6

Continuous wave signal (CW signal), 147

Control Channel Elements (CCE), 467

Control Channels (CCh's), 424, 445

Control signaling block, 484

Convergence, 759

equalizer tap coefficients to copt, 181

gradient algorithm, 181

LMS algorithm, 183

MBMS and convergence with cellular, 533

Convolutional codes, 98

Error control coding

binary, 99

convolutional encoder, 99

free distance, 100

fundamentals, 99

state diagram, 100

trellis diagram, 99, 100

Viterbi algorithm, 100101

Convolutional encoder, 99

Trellis diagram

Convolutional turbo code (CTC), 492

Cooperation gains, 646648

DF vs. AF, 646

in symbol error rate, 645

Cooperative communication technologies, 627

asymptotic optimum power allocation, 651652

asymptotic symbol error rate, 645646

bidirectional relay networks, 641642

coherence distance, 630

cooperation gains, 645, 646648

cooperative protocols comparison, 653

cooperative relay performance comparison, 642643

deterministic relaying, 633635, 643646

distributed space–time coding, 638641

diversity, 627

diversity gain, 643

diversity-multiplexity gain, 628629

dynamic relay, 651

frequency diversity, 629

hop-by-hop DF relays, 636

improved wireless coverage, 629

incremental relaying, 634

issues and challenges, 631

linear multihop relay networks, 636

maximum ratio combining, 637

medium access scheduling, 648649

multihop relay networks, 635638

multipath dual-hop relay networks, 635636

network coding, 642

performance metrices, 630631

power allocation, 651

regenerative redundancy, 634635

resource allocation issues, 648

selective DF relaying, 645

selective forwarding, 634

space-frequency coding, 630

space–time coding-based MIMO systems, 630

spatial diversity, 629630

3-node relay networks, 631633

time diversity, 629

time-division-node access, 649650

transmit diversity, 628

turbo relaying, 650651

Coordinated multipoint (CoMP), 629

Core layer, 546

CoRe scheme, see Constellation-rearrangement scheme (CoRe scheme)

Correlation measures, 248

Pseudonoise (PN) sequences

low-correlation zone sequences, 249

mean square correlation, 249

optical orthogonal codes, 249

partial-period correlation, 248249

Correlation receiver, 283

Optimum receivers

Countable, 760

Counting encoder, 26

CP, see Cyclic prefix (CP)

CPCH, see Common packet channel (CPCH)

CPICH, see Common pilot channel (CPICH)

CPM, see Continuous phase modulation (CPM)

CPPC codes, see Complementary punctured pair convolutional codes (CPPC codes)

CPS, see Cyber-physical systems (CPS)

CQI, see Channel Quality Indicator (CQI)

CR, see Cognitive radio (CR)

Cramer–Rao lower bound, 213

CRC, see Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)

CRN, see Cognitive radio network (CRN)


function, 242

of two sequences, 760

Cross-layer cooperative communication, 657, 679

Game-theoretic formulation; Network resource allocation

bits-per-energy efficiency, 662664

cooperative benefits, 676677

issues, 679680

metanode selection algorithms comparison, 677679

relay channel, 658661

system model, 661662

Cross-layer design, 615

challenges with, 624

fundamentals of, 615618

for future wireless devices, 620624

link-level energy efficient transmissions, 823

long-term evolution, 620, 621

MAC architecture for OFDMA, 622

MIMO techniques, 622

multimedia transmission over WLANs, 618620

in OFDMA networks, 620

3GPP, 620

Crosstalk, 191

CR-receiver (CR-Rx), 713

CRRM, see Cognitive radio resource management (CRRM)

CR-Rx, see CR-receiver (CR-Rx)

CR-transmitter (CR-Tx), 713

CR-Tx, see CR-transmitter (CR-Tx)

CRU, see Contiguous resource units (CRU)

CSCG, see Circularly symmetric complex Gaussian (CSCG)

CSFB, see Circuit-switched fallback (CSFB)

CSI, see Channel state information (CSI)

CSIR, see Channel state information at the receiver (CSIR)

CSI-RS, see Channel State Information-Reference Signals (CSI-RS)

CSIT, see Channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT)

CSMA, see Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA)

CSMA/CA, see Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA)

CSN, see Connectivity service network (CSN)

CTC, see Convolutional turbo code (CTC)

CTCH, see Common traffic channel (CTCH)

CTS, see Clear-to-send (CTS)

CU, see Coding units (CU)

CW signal, see Continuous wave signal (CW signal)

Cyber-physical systems (CPS), 722

Cyclic delay diversity (CDD), 471

Cyclic hadamard difference sets, 240

Cyclic prefix (CP), 456

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 491

and burst, 491

codes, 111

FEC block, 492

relay's packet decoding, 650



DA, see Data-Aided (DA)

DAA, see Detect-And-Avoid (DAA)

DAB, see Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)

DAB+, 527

DAC chip, see Digital-to-analog converter chip (DAC chip)

D/A converter, see Digital-to-analog converter (D/A converter)

DACs, see Digital-to-analog converters (DACs)

DAM, see Diagnostic acceptability measure (DAM)

D-AMPS, see Digital advanced mobile phone service (D-AMPS)

Data-Aided (DA), 208

Data partitioning, 567

Data Rate Control (DRC), 423

Data services

in 2G CDMA networks, 420

in GSM, 416

Data transmission rate, 355, 363

area covered, 359360

by bandwidth increase, 357

base station antenna height, 363

carrier frequency band, 363

CDMA code number, 364365

data rate relationships, 357358

data rate vs. range examples, 358359

discussion, 367368

factors affecting, 356

line-of-sight wireless link considerations, 365367

MIMO, 361363

modulation level, 360361

noise, 357

parameter changes, 356

signal, 357

spreading gain in CDMA, 363364

TDMA time slot number, 365

transmission rate vs. range for comparing systems, 359, 360, 361, 362

D-BLAST, see Diagonal-Bell laboratories layered space-time (D-BLAST)

DCCH, see Dedicated control channel (DCCH)

DCH, see Dedicated channel (DCH)



DCI, see Downlink Control Information (DCI)

DCT, see Discrete cosine transform (DCT)

DCTIF, see DCT interpolation filter (DCTIF)

DCT interpolation filter (DCTIF), 584

DD mode, see Decision-Directed mode (DD mode)


in directional networks, 750

issue, 754

Decimation in time (DIT), 21

Decision boundary, 284, 760

Signal space

Decision-Directed mode (DD mode), 208, 760

Decision-directed stochastic gradient algorithm, see Least mean square algorithm (LMS algorithm)

Decision feedback equalizer (DFE), 154155, 184, 760

adaptive, 187

decision errors, 187

filters, 186

and MLSD performance, 188

performance with and without error propagation, 188

Decode-and-forward (DF), 632

Decoded picture buffer (DPB), 569

Dedicated channel (DCH), 435436, 446

Dedicated control channel (DCCH), 445, 474

Dedicated traffic channel (DTCH), 445, 474

Dedicated uplink physical channels, 446

Demultiplexing operation, 438

Dense-scatterer channel model, 144

Depth image-based rendering (DIBR), 582

Design issue, 754

Destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV), 610

Detect-And-Avoid (DAA), 723

Detection theory, 282

Deterministic relaying, 633635, 643646

DF, see Decode-and-forward (DF)

DFE, see Decision feedback equalizer (DFE)

DFS, see Discrete Fourier series (DFS)

DFT, see Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)

Diagnostic acceptability measure (DAM), 555

Diagnostic rhyme test (DRT), 555

Diagonal-Bell laboratories layered space-time (D-BLAST), 328, 331

DIBR, see Depth image-based rendering (DIBR)

Differential encoding, 213

Differential minimum-shift keyed modulation (DMSK modulation), 153

Differential quaternary phase shift keying (DQPSK), 529

Diffraction, 136

Digital advanced mobile phone service (D-AMPS), 360, 430

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), 527


countries with, 529

digital radio Mondiale, 532

disadvantage, 527

DVB-T/H, 532, 533

future, 533534

HD Radio, 528

hybrid IBOC, 528

ISDB, 532

MediaFLO, 533

modulation system, 529

single frequency network, 529

Sirius XM satellite radio, 533

wideband transmission technology, 529

Digital cellular codecs tandem performance, 550

Digital cellular standards, 548550

Digital cellular systems

Cellular systems

base station antenna heights, 363

bit rates, 359

codecs standardized for the North American, 548

DS–CDMA application in, 261

Digital communication system performance, 333, 351

bandwidth and power considerations, 335

bandwidth efficiency plane, 335336

bandwidth-limited systems, 337

channel, 333334

coded system, 342347, 348351

coding gain calculation, 347348

digital communication objective, 279

link, 333, 334

M-ary signaling, 336337

MATLAB® Program Qinvm, 352

minimum bandwidth requirements, 338

power-limited systems, 338

received Eb//N0 and code parameters, 351

total probability of error, 280

uncoded system, 339342

Digital modulation schemes, Modulation 71

Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB), 529

Digital phones, 65

Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM), 532

consortium, 528

for European version, 532

Digital signal processing (DSP), 541

Digital signaling, 151

Digital subscriber line (DSL), 69, 293, 311, 313, 331

Digital-to-analog converter (D/A converter), 192

Digital-to-analog converter chip (DAC chip), 27

Digital-to-analog converters (DACs), 60, 86

Digital transmission symbol, 336

Digital video, 559

Digital Video Broadcasting, Handheld (DVB-H), 532

Digital Video Broadcasting, Terrestrial (DVB-T), 532

Digital Voice Systems, Inc. (DVSI), 521

Dirac-delta operator, 432

Direct conversion, see Flash encoder

Direct mode operation (DMO), 515, 524

Direct sequence (DS), 254

Direct sequence spread spectrum, 254

DS–CDMA system; Spread spectrum systems

Direct-sequence spread-spectrum coded system, 348351

Direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems (DS/SS systems), 146, 155, 157, 158, 407, 161

Rayleigh fading channels

chips detection, 164

interference-suppression nature, 162

matched-filter output time-history, 146

path diversity, 162

rake receiver applied to, 161

received chip, 162, 163

signaling, 163

Directed retry, 394

Directionality, 748750

Discontinuous transmission (DTX), 447

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 561

Discrete Fourier series (DFS), 6, 7

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 5, 7, 12, 13, 202, 518

Fast Fourier transform (FFT)

as change of basis, 1012

circular convolution, 1516

circular shift, 1314

conjugate property, 16

duality, 16

8-point, 11

Fourier transform review, 68

matrix, 12

N frequency coefficients, 5

Parseval's theorem, 1718

periodicity, 12

as sampled DTFT, 89

symmetries, 17

theory, 6

time sequence, 8

zero padding and linear convolution, 18, 19

Discrete memoryless channel (DMC), 116, 122, 123, 760

Discrete multitone modulation (DMT), 202

Echo cancellation

channel impulse length, 204

transmission system echo canceller, 203

Discrete sine transform (DST), 584

Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT), 5, 7

computation formulas, 8


mathematical form, 7

effect of sampling, 89

sampling method, 910

Dispersive channels, 291, 760

Distortion measure, 120

Distributed-arithmetic echo canceller, 197199

Distributed resource units (DRU), 489

Distributed space–time coding, 638641

DIT, see Decimation in time (DIT)

Diversity, 627, 752753

Diversity gain, 296, 313314, 630

Diversity techniques, 301

Alamouti's scheme, 306, 308309

MIMO beamforming, 304305

MISO beamforming, 303

receive diversity, 301303

space–time channel, 307

DL-SCH, see Downlink Shared Channel (DL-SCH)

DMB, see Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB)

DMC, see Discrete memoryless channel (DMC)

DMO, see Direct mode operation (DMO)

DMSK modulation, see Differential minimum-shift keyed modulation (DMSK modulation)

DMT, see Discrete multitone modulation (DMT)


effect, 152

frequency shift, 149, 150

spread, see Spectral broadening

Double-sideband (DSB), 337

Double-sideband suppressed carrier (DSB–SC), 57

Downlink Uplink

control channels, 494496

MIMO, 500502

multiple access, 456

physical channels, 447448

pilot structure, 492493

subframes, 489, 490

synchronization channel, 499500

Downlink Control Information (DCI), 466

Downlink Pilot Time Slot (DwPTS), 457458

Downlink Shared Channel (DL-SCH), 475

Downlink shared channel (DSCH), 446

DPB, see Decoded picture buffer (DPB)

DQPSK, see Differential quaternary phase shift keying (DQPSK)

DRC, see Data Rate Control (DRC)


DRM, see Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)

DRT, see Diagnostic rhyme test (DRT)

DRU, see Distributed resource units (DRU)

DS, see Direct sequence (DS)

DSA, see Dynamic spectrum access (DSA)

DSB, see Double-sideband (DSB)

DSB–SC, see Double-sideband suppressed carrier (DSB–SC)

DS–CDMA system, 254

Direct sequence spread spectrum

active noise suppression schemes, 258

advantage, 257

based cellular systems, 261

BER, 256

decorrelating receiver, 256

effective SNR, 258

LMMSE receiver, 256

long code, 254

MF output, 255256

narrow band interference, 258

and narrow band signal, 255

PSD, 258

short code, 254

spreading code length, 254

DSCH, see Downlink shared channel (DSCH)

DSDV, see Destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV)

DSL, see Digital subscriber line (DSL)

DSP, see Digital signal processing (DSP)

DSR, see Dynamic source routing (DSR)

DS/SS systems, see Direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems (DS/SS systems)

DST, see Discrete sine transform (DST)

DTCH, see Dedicated traffic channel (DTCH)

DTFT, see Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT)

DTX, see Discontinuous transmission (DTX)

Dual-Cell HSPDA (DC-HSPDA), 422

Dual-Cell HSUPA (DC-HSUPA), 422

Duobinary pulse, 46

Partial-response signaling (PR signaling)

modified, 47

precoding for, 49

DVB-H, see Digital Video Broadcasting, Handheld (DVB-H)

DVB-T, see Digital Video Broadcasting, Terrestrial (DVB-T)

DVB-T/H, 532, 533

DVSI, see Digital Voice Systems, Inc. (DVSI)

DwPTS, see Downlink Pilot Time Slot (DwPTS)

Dynamic relay, 651

Dynamic source routing (DSR), 610, 611612, 733

Dynamic spectrum access (DSA), 382



Early–late gate synchronizer, 220

EBU, see European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Echo cancellation, 191, 204

data-driven adaptive, 191

for OFDM systems, 201204

for PAM systems, 192199

for QAM systems, 199201

Echo channel model, 191

E-DCH, see Enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH)

EDGE, see Enhanced data rates for GSM evolution (EDGE)

Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), 334, 750

EGPRS, see Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS)

EIA, see Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)

eICIC, see Enhanced Inter-cell Interference Coordination (eICIC)

Eigenbeamforming, see Beamforming

802.11 Standards, 407

8-PSK, see Octal phase-shift keying (8-PSK)

EIRP, see Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP)

EL, see enhancement-layer (EL)

Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), 416

Emergency First Responder Communications, 513

Professional Mobile Radio; Voice codec

conventional land mobile radio, 515516

emergency scenarios, 514

modulation method, 518

Project 25 Land Mobile Radio, 516518

radio discipline, 515

requirements, 514515

E-Model, 588589

eNB, see e-Node B (eNB)

Encoder for CELP, 544

Encoding methods, 26

Enhanced Circuit-Switched Data (ECSD), 419

service rates in EDGE, 420

Enhanced data for global evolution, 418420

Enhanced data rates for GSM evolution (EDGE), 361

Enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH), 421, 449

Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), 419

Enhanced Inter-cell Interference Coordination (eICIC), 452

Enhanced Voice Services (EVS), 551

embedded codec for, 552

for LTE effort, 553

voice codec, 551, 552

enhancement-layer (EL), 574

e-Node B (eNB), 452

functions, 453

resource release at serving, 478

RRC sub-layer in, 454

Entropy, 118, 760

coding, 562, 585

conditional, 123

units of, 118

Envelope delay, 167

EPC, see Evolved Packet Core (EPC)

Equalizer, 154

adaptive, 154, 176

DFE, 154155

FIR, 177

fractionally spaced, 177

inverse channel filter, 177

linear, 175

MLSE, 155

preset, 176

symbol-spaced, 177

system with, 176

zero-forcing, 177

Equivalent discrete-time transfer function, 39, 760

Equivalent low-pass signal, 171

Erlang-B formula, 393

Error control coding, 91

ARQ, see Automatic repeat request (ARQ)

block codes, see Block codes

categories, 9192

coding and modulation, 107111

convolutional codes, see Convolutional codes

in digital communication system, 92

LDPC codes, see Low-density parity check codes (LDPC codes)

turbo codes, see Turbo code

Error-correction coding, see Channel coding

Error floor, 153

Error performance, 153

ETSI, see European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

EU, see European Union (EU)

Eureka-147, 527, 528

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB); MediaFLO

minimum bandwidth, 529

European Broadcasting Union (EBU), 527

European digital mobile telephone system, 337

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 408, 444

European Union (EU), 528

E-UTRA, see Evolved UTRA (E-UTRA)

E-UTRAN, see Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN)

EV-DO, see EVolution, Data Optimized (EV-DO)

EVolution, Data Optimized (EV-DO), 422

Evolution of Wide-Area Mobile Data Technology, 408

Evolution of WLAN Technology, 406408

Evolved Packet Core (EPC), 451

Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN), 451, 453

Evolved UTRA (E-UTRA), 54

EVS, see Enhanced Voice Services (EVS)

Excess bandwidth, 175, 760

Eye diagram, 44, 760

Baseband signaling and pulse shaping

horizontal eye opening, 45

for received signal, 44

slope of inner eye, 45

vertical eye opening, 45

Eye pattern, 173

for 8-PSK signal, 174

two-dimensional digital, 174



FACH, see Forward access channel (FACH)

Fading bandwidth, see Spectral broadening

Fading channel, 134, 157

Rayleigh fading channels

challenge, 134

fast-fading and frequency-selective fading distortion, 159

fast-fading distortion, 158

frequency-selective fading distortion, 158

link budget considerations, 136, 137

manifestations, 135

Fast fading, 152

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 6, 18, 20, 68

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)

DIT, 21

signal flow diagram, 22

simplification process, 2021

FBCCH, see Forward broadcast control channel (FBCCH)

FBI, see Feedback information (FBI)

FCC, see Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

FCCCH, see Forward common control channel (FCCCH)

FCPCH, see Forward common power control channel (FCPCH)

FDCCH, see Forward dedicated common control channel (FDCCH)

FDD, see Frequency division duplex (FDD)

FDIS, see Final draft international standard (FDIS)

FDMA, see Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)

FEC, see Forward error correction (FEC)

FEC code rate, see Forward error correcting code rate (FEC code rate)

FEC codes, see Forward error control codes (FEC codes)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 64, 349, 530, 713

Feedback information (FBI), 446

FFCH, see Forward fundamental channel (FFCH)

FFR, see Fractional frequency reuse (FFR)

FFT, see Fast Fourier transform (FFT)

FH/SS, see Frequency-hopping spread-spectrum (FH/SS)

FIDs, see Flow Identifiers (FIDs)

Field, 96

Final draft international standard (FDIS), 567, 583

Finite duration impulse response (FIR), 177

Finite field, 96

FIR, see Finite duration impulse response (FIR)

FIR equalizer, 177

First-generation networks (1G networks), 413, 414

cellular digital packet data, 415416

mobile switching center, 414

modems, 414415

Flash encoder, 26

Flat fading, 146

Rayleigh fading channels

Flat-fading degradation, see Frequency-nonselective fading degradation

Flow Identifiers (FIDs), 483

FM, see Frequency modulation (FM)

Folded channel spectrum, 43

Form factor constraints, 753

Forward access channel (FACH), 446

Forward broadcast control channel (FBCCH), 439

Forward common control channel (FCCCH), 439

Forward common power control channel (FCPCH), 439

Forward dedicated common control channel (FDCCH), 439

Forward error control codes (FEC codes), 91

Forward error correcting code rate (FEC code rate), 441

Forward error correction (FEC), 296, 311, 321, 331, 417, 492

Forward fundamental channel (FFCH), 439

Forward Link, 438439, 441

Forward Link Paging Channel (FPCH), 435

Forward supplemental channel (FSCH), 439

Forward traffic channel, 423

4G networks, see Fourth generation networks (4G networks)

4GPP, see Third generation partnership project (4GPP)

Fourier series (FS), 6, 7

Fourier sum, 760

Fourier transforms (FTs), 6, 7, 760

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)

Four-level quadrature amplitude modulation (4-QAM), 360

4-QAM, see Four-level quadrature amplitude modulation (4-QAM)

Fourth generation networks (4G networks), 414, 425

IEEE 802.16 evolution, 426

LTE advanced, 425

WiMAX, 425

FPCH, see Forward Link Paging Channel (FPCH)

fps, see Frames per second (fps)

Fractional frequency reuse (FFR), 489

Fractionally spaced equalizer, 177, 760

Fragmentation/packing block, 484

Frame, see Packet

Frame difference coding, 562563

Frame synchronization, 208, 221

Communication receiver synchronization

design aspect, 223

discrete matched filter samples, 222

efficiency, 221

erroneous synchronization probability, 224

frame composition, 222

frame synchronizers, 223

log-likelihood function, 222

marker acquisition, 223

optimal rule, 223

pattern, 221

performance, 224, 225

simple correlation rule, 223

Frames per second (fps), 560

Free space loss, see Path loss

Free viewpoint video (FVV), 579

Frequency dehopping, 260

Frequency hopping system

Frequency diversity, 156157, 629

Frequency division duplex (FDD), 52, 421, 444, 457

Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), 413, 429

Frequency-hopping spread-spectrum (FH/SS), 156, 258

Frequency hopping system, 258, 259

advantage, 258

BER, 260

modulation in, 259

noncoherent combining loss, 260

slow and fast, 260

spread spectrum, 258

tone arrangement in M-FSK, 259

transmitted bandpass signal, 259

Frequency modulation (FM), 57, 64, 71, 152, 515

Phase and frequency modulation

Frequency-nonselective fading degradation, 144

Frequency response, 167

Frequency Reuse versus Code Reuse, 430431

Frequency-selective fading

distortion, 144

manifestations, 147

Rayleigh fading channels

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), 37, 259, 285, 360, 760

Frequency Switched Transmit Diversity (FSTD), 452

Friis formula, 748

FS, see Fourier series (FS)

FSCH, see Forward supplemental channel (FSCH)

FSK, see Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

FSTD, see Frequency Switched Transmit Diversity (FSTD)

FSYN, see Sync Channel (FSYN)

FTs, see Fourier transforms (FTs)

Full-duplex data transmission, 191

Fully configured carrier, 485

Fully interleaved Rayleigh fading channel, 110

FVV, see Free viewpoint video (FVV)



Galois field, see Finite field

Game-theoretic formulation, 664

bits-per-energy region, 666

infinite-stage games, 665666

nash bargaining solution, 664665

noncooperative Games, 664

numerical results, 666668

Gateway routers (GRs), 683

Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK), 82, 337, 360, 412, 417, 760

Modulation methods

frequency shaping pulse, 83

power density spectrum, 83, 84

General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), 65

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), 418420

Generalized bent functions, 241

Geobroadcast, 737

Geographical Routing, 734735

Global positioning system (GPS), 157, 434, 733

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), 134, 337, 389, 411

GMRS, see General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS)

GMSK, see Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK)

GMW, see Gordon, Mills, and Welch (GMW)

Go-Back-N ARQ protocol, 112113

Gold and Kasami sequences, 243

Gold sequence generator, 238

GOP, see Group of picture (GOP)

Gordon, Mills, and Welch (GMW), 240

GP, see Guard Period (GP)

GPCR, see Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing (GPCR)

GPRS, see General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP-U), 452

GPS, see Global positioning system (GPS)

GPSR, see Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR)

Gram–Schmidt procedure, 270, 281, 760

Granular noise, 29

Gray mapping, 108

Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing (GPCR), 734

Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR), 734

Group delay, see Envelope delay

Group of picture (GOP), 570

Group Special Mobile (GSM), 65, 429

GSM TDMA frame, 159

standards, 549

GRs, see Gateway routers (GRs)

GSM, see Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM); Group Special Mobile (GSM)

GT, see Guard time (GT)

GTP-U, see GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP-U)

Guard Period (GP), 458

Guard time (GT), 498



HA, see Histogram algorithm (HA)

Half-sinusoid (HS), 81


bound, 95

Block codes

correlation function, 249

distance, 93

distortion, 120

weight, 93

Hamming code, 93, 94, 95, 125

bit error rate, 98

codewords of, 126

Handover (HO), 483

hard, 434

mobility management and, 506

procedure, 507, 508

HARQ, see Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ)

HARQ-IR, see Incremental redundancy HARQ (HARQ-IR)

HBH, see Hop-by-hop (HBH)

HD radio (High definition radio), 528

adoption of, 532

audio coding, 531

classic code combining, 531

IBOC systems, 530

list Viterbi algorithm, 531

requirements for, 530

HDR, see High-Data-Rate (HDR)

HDTV, see High-definition television (HDTV)

HE-AAC version 2 Audio Codec (AAC+), 529

HELLO messages, 610

Hermitian matrix, 316

HEVC, see High-efficiency video coding (HEVC)

HF, see High-frequency (HF)

Hidden nodes, 609

Hidden terminal problem and cooperative spectrum sensing, 716

High-Data-Rate (HDR), 420

High definition radio, see HD radio

High-definition television (HDTV), 156

High-efficiency video coding (HEVC), 559, 583

entropy coding, 585

loop filters, 584

prediction, 584

High-frequency (HF), 134

High-level syntax, 568

High-Speed Circuit Switch Data (HSCSD), 417418

High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), 421, 444, 448449

High-speed downlink shared channel (HS-DSCH), 421

High-speed packet access (HSPA), 449

High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA+), 422

High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), 421, 449

High-throughput MIMO systems, 313

applications, 330

BEP upper bound vs. Eb/N0, 326

with channel, 324325

linear detection, 326327

linear detection with SIC, 327328

MIMO channel capacity, 314324

ML detection, 325

MMSE linear receiver, 327

multiuser MIMO, 328

spatial multiplex, 324

Higher-level modulation, 360, 361

Hilbert spaces, 265, 268, 760

Signal space

arbitrary vector approximation, 271

Bessel's inequality, 271272

Gram–Schmidt procedure, 270

linear manifold in, 269

Riesz–Fischer theorem, 270

separable, 269

Histogram algorithm (HA), 216

HO, see Handover (HO)

Hop-by-hop (HBH), 636

DF relays, 636

linear multihop scheduling, 649

Hopping pattern, 258

HS, see Half-sinusoid (HS)

HSCSD, see High-Speed Circuit Switch Data (HSCSD)

HSDPA, see High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)

HS-DSCH, see High-speed downlink shared channel (HS-DSCH)

HSPA, see High-speed packet access (HSPA)

HSPA+, see High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA+)

HSUPA, see High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA)

H.261 coding standards, 565

H.263 coding standards, 566

H.264/AVC standard, 567

Video coding standards

coding modes, 571

context-adaptive entropy coding, 570571

high-level syntax, 568

in-loop deblocking filter, 571

NAL units, 569

prediction, 568, 569570

profiles and coding tools, 572573

SEI, 572

transform coding and quantization, 570

visual quality comparison, 571

H.264/MVC standard, 579

Video coding standards

encoder/decoder, 579

MPEG 3D video, 582583

NAL units, 580

prediction structure, 580

stereo 3D video coding, 581582

H.264/SVC standard, 574

Video coding standards

bitstream structure, 577578

inter-layer deblocking filter, 577

prediction combination, 577

profiles, 578579

scalability, 574576

skipped slice, 577

Huffman coding, 760

Hunting noise, 2930

Huygens’ principle, 754


algorithms, 591

in-band-on-channel, 528

Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ), 455, 620

Automatic repeat request (ARQ)

schemes, 113



IBAC, see In band adjacent channel (IBAC)

IBOC systems (In-band-on-channel system), 530

Ideal autocorrelation function, 241

Identity element, 760

IDFT, see Inverse discrete-time Fourier transform (IDFT)


channel noise, see Hunting noise

mode management block, 483

state, 487

IE, see Information element (IE)


basic frame structure, 489

802.16 evolution, 426

P1609 standards family, 732

P1900 standards, 723

IEEE 802.16m physical layer

Uplink control channels

A-MAP, 494, 495496

bit selection, 492

code repetition, 492

coding and modulation, 491492

control channels, 494496

HARQ-IR scheme, 492

IEEE basic frame structure, 489

multiple-access scheme, 487

OFDM parameters, 488

physical resource units, 489

pilot structure, 492493

subframes, 487, 489, 490

superframe, 487, 494

tone-pair, 489

transmission time interval, 487

uplink PUSC structure, 491

uplink resource structure, 490491

IEEE 802.16m Radio Access Technology, 481

IEEE 802.16m physical layer; Medium-access control layer (MAC layer); Mobile WiMAX

advanced preambles, 500

carriers utilized, 485

MAC functional group, 484485

mobile station state diagram, 486487

new features, 485

protocol, 483, 484

radio resource control and management functional group, 483

IF, see Intermediate frequency (IF)

IFFT, see Inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT)

i.i.d, see Independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.)

IMS, see IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)

In band adjacent channel (IBAC), 530

In-band-on-channel system, see IBOC systems (In-band-on-channel system)

Incremental redundancy HARQ (HARQ-IR), 491

scheme, 492

Incremental relaying (IR), 634

Independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.), 215

Independent vectors, 760

Industrial, Scientific and Medical frequency bands (ISM frequency bands), 407

Infinite-stage games, 665666

Information dissemination, 738

Information element (IE), 495

Information theory, 115

channel coding, 122124

communication problem, 115117

decoder, 116

encoder, 116

rate distortion theory, 120122

simple binary codes, 124130

source coding, 117120

Initialization State, 486


deblocking filter, 571

filters, 584

Inner product, 760

In-phase and quadrature-phase processing (IQ processing), 60

Instant message, 702

Integrated services digital network (ISDN), 194

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), 731

Intelligibility, 554

INTER coding, 564565

Inter prediction, 568, 569570, 584

Interference, 52, 369, 385386, 754755

additive interference and SINR threshold, 371

applications in CR networks, 382385

Cognitive radio (CR)

capacity, 380, 382

capture threshold model, 371

deterministic interference models, 371

management functions, 485

modeling, 370

protocol model, 371

range model, 371372

statistic with power control, 381382

statistics and capacity, 379380

wireless networks, 370

zones, 380381

Interference statistical modeling, 372, 373


ALOHA protocol, 377

amplitude statistics, 375377

CSMA network, 377

mathematical preliminaries, 372373

Poisson field, 374, 377

power statistics, 374375

punctured Poisson networks, 378379

Interim Standard-95 (IS-95), 52, 134

air-interface specification, 420

baseband filters, 53

cellular CDMA system, 433

DS/SS cellular system, 161

forward link, 435

orthogonal codes, 254

reverse link channels, 436

Inter-layer deblocking filter, 577

Intermediate frequency (IF), 60, 337

bandwidth, 338

International communication standards, 723

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 414

Intersymbol interference (ISI), 28, 3840, 107, 134, 167, 291, 761

Baseband signaling and pulse shaping; Channel distortion; Channel equalization

channels with, 169, 185

characterization, 171

cosine spectrum, 175

effect on eye opening, 174

frequency response, 171, 174

telephone channel, 169

Inter-Vehicle Networks, 730

INTRA-coding, 564

Intra–inter prediction combination, 577

Intra Prediction, 568, 569, 584

Intrusive algorithm, 591

Inverse channel filter, 177


Inverse discrete-time Fourier transform (IDFT), 85, 201

Inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT), 85

IP multimedia subsystem (IMS), 695, 711

Scalability analysis of IMS

architecture, 697

breakout gateway control function, 699

conferencing, 702

control functions, 697699

E-CSCF server, 698

I-CSCF, 698

instant message, 702

media resource function controller, 699

procedures, 702704

protocol suite, 699

push to talk, 702

S-CSC, 698

service-oriented architectures, 698

services, 701702

SIP architecture, 699


SIP methods, 700701

traditional service framework

user identification, 701

watchers, 702

IQ processing, see In-phase and quadrature-phase processing (IQ processing)

IR, see Incremental relaying (IR)

Irreducible polynomial, 96

ISDN, see Integrated services digital network (ISDN)

ISI, see Intersymbol interference (ISI)

IS-95, see Interim Standard-95 (IS-95)

IS-95 cellular CDMA, 433

CDMA 2000

channelization, 434

hard handover, 434

IS-95 forward link, 435

IS-95 reverse link, 436

make before break, 434

power control, 434

spreading sequences, 434

voice codec rates, 436

ISM frequency bands, see Industrial, Scientific and Medical frequency bands (ISM frequency bands)

ITS, see Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

ITU, see International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

ITU-T Standards, 546548



JCT-VC, see Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC)

Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), 583

Joint video team (JVT), 567

JVT, see Joint video team (JVT)



Karhunen–Loève expansion (KL expansion), 280281, 287, 761

Kerdock code, 244

Kerdock sequences, see Binary Kerdock sequences

Keyhole channel, 301

Kineplex, see Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

KL expansion, see Karhunen–Loève expansion (KL expansion)

Kraft inequality, 117, 118




Land mobile radio (LMR), 514

LANs, see Local area networks (LANs)

Largest coding unit (LCU), 583

LBR, see Low-bit-rate (LBR)

LBS, see Location-based service (LBS)

LCU, see Largest coding unit (LCU)

LCZ sequences, see Low correlation zone sequences (LCZ sequences)

LDPC codes, see Low-density parity check codes (LDPC codes)

Least mean square algorithm (LMS algorithm), 195, 761

Echo cancellation; Stochastic gradient algorithm

convergence speed improvement, 196

distributed-arithmetic echo canceller, 198

echo canceller adaptation by, 203204

filter coefficients adaptation, 200

modified versions, 196

Least significant bits (LSB), 561

Lempel–Ziv algorithm, 120, 761

Universal source coding

Likelihood ratio test (LRT), 282

Linear combination, 761

Linear equalizers, 175

Channel equalization; Equalizer

adaptive algorithm, 182

adaptive equalizer, 180, 182, 183, 184

coefficient vector, 181

demodulator, 176

error signal, 182

FIR equalizer, 177

frequency response, 176

gradient algorithm convergence, 181

gradient vector, 181, 182

limitation of, 184

linear transversal filter, 176

Linear manifold, 761

Linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE), 256

Linear MSE equalizer error-rate performance, 186

Linear Multihop relay networks, 636

Linear space, see Vector—space

Linearly dependent (dependent), 761

Linearly independent (independent), 761

Line-of-sight (LOS), 298, 311, 329, 331, 751

Line-of-sight wireless link considerations, 365

satellite LOS, 366367

terrestrial LOS, 366

Link, 333, 334

adaptation, 440

average received noise power, 334

budget, 749

budget analysis, 335

path loss, 334

received noise-power spectral density, 334

Link quality control (LQC), 419

List Viterbi algorithm (LVA), 531

Listening quality, 589590

LLRs, see Log-likelihood ratios (LLRs)

LMMSE, see Linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE)

LMR, see Land mobile radio (LMR)

LMS algorithm, see Least mean square algorithm (LMS algorithm)

Loading factor, 32

Local area networks (LANs), 405

Local mean, 137

Location-based service (LBS), 483

Location management block, 483

Logarithmic pulse code modulation (Log-PCM), 542

Logical channels, 417

Logical resource unit (LRU), 489

Log-likelihood ratios (LLRs), 106

Log-normal fading, see Local mean

Log-PCM, see Logarithmic pulse code modulation (Log-PCM)

Log-PCM quantizer, 542

Longley–Rice model, 410

Long-Term Evolution (LTE), 54, 361, 425, 451, 551, 620, 621

Loop filter, 210, 584

Loop timing, 193

LOS, see Line-of-sight (LOS)

Low-bit-rate (LBR), 589

Low correlation zone sequences (LCZ sequences), 249

Low-density parity check codes (LDPC codes), 104, 126128, 331, 324

belief propagation algorithm, 104105, 106

bipartite graph, 105

irregular, 107

parity check matrix, 104

regular, 104

regular randomly designed, 106, 107

Tanner graph, 104

LQC, see Link quality control (LQC)

LRT, see Likelihood ratio test (LRT)

LRU, see Logical resource unit (LRU)

LSB, see Least significant bits (LSB)

LTE, see Long-Term Evolution (LTE)

Luma, see Luminance

Luminance, 560

LVA, see List Viterbi algorithm (LVA)



MAC, see Media access (MAC); Medium-access control (MAC)

Machine-to-Machine (M2M), 412

communication, 722

Machine-type communication (MTC), 722

MAC layer, see Medium-access control layer (MAC layer)

MAC protocol, see Medium-access control protocol (MAC protocol)

Macroblock (MB), 565

Make before break, 434

MANETs, see Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs)

MANs, see Metropolitan area networks (MANs)

MAP, see Maximum a posteriori (MAP)


PAM, 37

receivers, 286287

signaling schemes, 286, 336338

waveforms, 286

M-ary frequency shift keying (MFSK), 338

M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK), 337

M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM), 295, 311, 324, 331

Mask, 432

Matched filters (MFs), 255, 761

impulse response, 43

receiver, 283, 286287

Maximal ratio combiner (MRC), 301, 311, 629

detector output, 643

for DF relays, 637

effects of, 296

in fading channels, 302

implementation, 302

optimality, 302

Maximum a posteriori (MAP), 102, 282

Maximum collision parameter (MCP), 250

Maximum distance separable codes, 95

Block codes

Maximum-likelihood (ML), 93, 209, 307, 311, 325, 331, 761

symbol synchronizer, 218

synchronizer, 211

Maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD), 187

and DFE performance, 188

drawback of, 189

optimum detector, 187

Viterbi algorithm, 188

Maximum-likelihood sequence detector, 188, 761

Maximum-likelihood sequence estimation equalizer (MLSE equalizer), 155

MB, see Macroblock (MB)

MB adaptive field/frame (MBAFF), 578

MBAFF, see MB adaptive field/frame (MBAFF)

MBE, see Multiband Excitation (MBE)

MBMS, see Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (MBMS)

MBS block, see Multicast and Broadcast Service block (MBS block)

MBSFN, see Multicast and broadcast over a Single-Frequency Network (MBSFN)

MCCH, see Multicast Control Channel (MCCH)

MCH, see Multicast Channel (MCH)

MCP, see Maximum collision parameter (MCP); Motion-compensated prediction (MCP)

MCRB, see Modified Cramer–Rao bound (MCRB)

MCS, see Modulation and coding scheme (MCS)

MDDV, see Mobility-Centric Data Dissemination protocol (MDDV)

MDR, see Medium data rate (MDR)

ME, see Motion estimation (ME)

Mean opinion score (MOS), 540, 554555

listening tests, 590, 591

LQO values, 591

values, 540, 590

Mean-square equivalence, 761

Mean square error (MSE), 179, 228, 249, 276

Mean-square estimation, 761

Media access (MAC), 384

channel, 441

control messages, 506

headers, 506, 507

protocol data unit formation block, 485

Media resource function controller (MFRC), 699

MediaFLO, 533

Medium-access control layer (MAC layer), 504

ARQ and HARQ, 506

connection management, 504

HO procedure, 507508

MAC control messages, 506

MAC headers, 506, 507

mobility management and handover, 506508

MS global and logical addresses, 504

neighbor search, 504

network entry, 504, 505

paging group, 509

paging offset, 509

power management, 508509

quality of service, 505506

security functions, 509510

Medium-access control protocol (MAC protocol), 484, 603

Aloha protocol, 604605

Aloha with random backoff, 607

CSMA protocol, 607

CSMA/CA protocol, 609610

functional group, 484485

nonpersistent CSMA, 608

1-persistent CSMA, 607608

p-persistent CSMA protocol, 608

pure Aloha, 605606

slotted Aloha, 606607

slotted CSMA, 609

Medium access scheduling, 648649

Medium data rate (MDR), 420

Message passing algorithm, see Belief propagation algorithm

Metric, 761

link, 686

ML, 101

space, 266267, 761

Metropolitan area networks (MANs), 683

MFRC, see Media resource function controller (MFRC)

MFs, see Matched filters (MFs)

MFSK, see M-ary frequency shift keying (MFSK)

Million instructions per second (MIPs), 541

MIMO, see Multiple input multiple output (MIMO)

Minimum bandwidth, see Nyquist—pulse

Minimum frequency-shift-keying (MSK), 65

Minimum mean square error (MMSE), 138, 179, 311, 326

linear receiver, 327

weights, 310

Minimum shift keying (MSK), 79, 144, 761

Modulation methods

bandpass waveform, 80

Laurent's decomposition, 80

phase-trellis for, 80

power density spectrum, 8182, 84

premodulation filtered, 82

MIPs, see Million instructions per second (MIPs)

MISO, see Multiple-input single-output (MISO)

Mission critical, 516

Mitigation methods, 153

Rayleigh fading channels

DS/SS, 155

equalization, 154

FH/SS, 156

mitigation to combat fast-fading distortion, 156

mitigation to combat frequency-selective distortion, 154156

mitigation to combat loss in SNR, 156157

OFDM, 156

pilot signals, 156

spread-spectrum system, 155

types, 154

ML, see Maximum-likelihood (ML)

MLSD, see Maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD)

MLSE equalizer, see Maximum-likelihood sequence estimation equalizer (MLSE equalizer)

MME, see Mobility management entity (MME)

MMSE, see Minimum mean square error (MMSE)

Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), 683

Mobile radio frequency acquisition, 207

Mobile radio propagation, 135

Fading channel

basic mechanisms, 136

large-scale fading, 135136, 137139

link budget considerations, 136, 137

path loss, 138, 139

small-scale fading, 136, 138, 139141

terrain contours, 135

Mobile station (MS), 482483

access state, 486

connected state, 487

idle state, 487

initialization state, 486

state diagram, 486

Mobile Switching Center (MSC), 414

Mobile WiMAX, 482

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)

access service network, 482, 483

mobile station, 482483

network reference model, 482


based routing, 735

and data rates for wireless networks, 408

management and handover, 506508

Mobility-Centric Data Dissemination protocol (MDDV), 735

Mobility management entity (MME), 453

Mobitex, 412

MODEM, see Modulator/demodulator (MODEM)

Modified Cramer–Rao bound (MCRB), 228

Modulated signals, 56, 57, 72, 761

Modulation methods

bandpass signal, 72

complex envelope, 72

power density spectrum, 73

power spectral density, 72

Modulation, 56, 57, 71, 761

Modulation methods

bandwidth efficiency, 71

modulated signal, 57

parameters for HDR rates, 423

system, 529

technique, 412

Modulation and coding scheme (MCS), 419, 441

and slot assignments, 443

Modulation methods, 71, 89


CPM, 79

GMSK, 8284

modulated signals, 7273

MSK, 7982

OFDM, 8389

phase shift keying and π/4-QDPSK, 7778

QAM, 7376

for spectrally efficient communication systems, 72

Modulator/demodulator (MODEM), 340

over analog cellular channels, 414415

with channel coding, 344

direct-sequence spread-spectrum, 349

linear equalizers, 186

voiceband data, 191

MOS, see Mean opinion score (MOS)

Most significant bit (MSB), 244, 561

Motion-compensated prediction (MCP), 563564

Motion estimation (ME), 564

Motion vector (MV), 565

MPEG-4 coding standards, 566567

MPEG-1, 566

audio layer 2 audio coder, 529

coding standards, 566

MPEG 3D video, 582583

MPEG-2 coding standards, 566

MPSK, see M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK)

MP2, see MPEG-1–Audio Layer 2 audio coder

M-QAM, see M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM)

MRC, see Maximal ratio combiner (MRC)

MS, see Mobile station (MS)

MS global and logical addresses, 504

MSB, see Most significant bit (MSB)

MSC, see Mobile Switching Center (MSC)

m sequence, 761

MSE, see Mean square error (MSE)

MSK, see Minimum frequency-shift-keying (MSK); Minimum shift keying (MSK)

MTC, see Machine-type communication (MTC)

MTCH, see Multicast Traffic Channel (MTCH)

M2M, see Machine-to-Machine (M2M)

MU, see Multiuser (MU)

MUI, see Multiuser interference (MUI)

µ-law, 542

compression characteristic, 30, 31

Multi-antenna techniques, 500

MIMO modes, 501, 503

MIMO parameters, 502, 503

MIMO structure, 500501

MIMO transmitter, 501

spatial multiplexing rank, 501

Multiband Excitation (MBE), 518

Multicarrier communication, see Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

Multicarrier functions, 485

Multicast and broadcast over a Single-Frequency Network (MBSFN), 456

Multicast and Broadcast Service block (MBS block), 483

Multicast Channel (MCH), 475

Multicast connection, 504

Multicast Control Channel (MCCH), 474

Multicast Traffic Channel (MTCH), 474


ad hoc relay networks, 637638

AF relays, 637

cooperative network, 637

linear relay network, 636

Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (MBMS), 533

Multinode relay networks, 635636


fading, 135

formation of multihop, 721

multiplexing, 294

propagation, 135


channel, 328

scheme, 487

Multiple antennas systems, 294

advantages, 293, 309, 313314

Multiple base stations

in mobile cellular networks, 330

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO), 356, 620

applications, 330

average S/N gain from using, 362

bit rate limitation problem, 361

channel models, 298

line-of-sight channel, 298299

ML detectors in, 328

with scatterer, 299, 300

statistical, 300301

techniques, 622

vs. SISO, 362363

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels capacity, fixed, 314

High-throughput MIMO systems

diagonalization, 316318

diagonalized MIMO capacity, 318

equivalent diagonalized MIMO, 316

frequency-flat, 314

power allocation, 318

Shannon capacity, 315

transmitted power constrain, 315316

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) fading channel capacity, 318

High-throughput MIMO systems

energy per information bit, 323

ergodic capacity bound, 319, 320, 323

outage capacity, 321, 322

outage probability, 321

signal-to-noise power ratio, 323

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system synchronization, 224

Communication receiver synchronization

carrier recovery, 232233

DA ML timing delay estimator, 227

DA ML vs. CCRB MSE performance, 229

data-aided symbol training recovery, 227

general considerations, 224225

ML timing estimator performance assessment, 228

NDA ML estimator, 230, 231

NDA symbol timing recovery, 229

NT × NR MIMO system, 226

received signal complex envelope, 225

timing recovery, 225227

Multiple-input single-output (MISO), 294, 311, 331

Alamouti's scheme, 306, 307

beamforming, 303304

Multiplexity gain, 630

Multiplying DAC, 27

Multiradio coexistence functions, 485

Multiuser (MU), 331

diversity effect, 330

Multiuser interference (MUI), 370

Multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO), 328, 481

High-throughput MIMO systems

broadcast channel, 329330

linear precoding, 329

multiple-access channel, 328329

multiple-antennas base station, 328

with two single-antenna mobile users, 328

Multiview video coding, 579

H.264/MVC standard

MU-MIMO, see Multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO)

Mutual information, 761

MV, see Motion vector (MV)



NADC, see North American digital cellular (NADC)

NAL, see Network abstraction layer (NAL)

NAS, see Non-Access Stratum (NAS)

Nash bargaining solution, 664665

NATDMA, see North American time division multiple access (NATDMA)

NAV, see Network allocation vector (NAV)

NDA, see Non-data-aided (NDA)

Near-end crosstalk (NEXT), 191

Neighbor search, 504


coding, 642

entry, 504, 505

entry management block, 483

reference model, 482

related application requirements, 737

topology, 720

Network abstraction layer (NAL), 568

Network allocation vector (NAV), 610

Network reference model (NRM), 482

Network resource allocation, 668

broader network allocation, 673

distance-based metanodes, 674675

dynamic programming, 670671

geographical metanodes, 675

metanodes, 671673

metanode selection, 673676

network-flow interaction chart, 670

range-extension metanodes, 676

system model and constraints, 668670

Neuman–Hofman sequences, 223224

NEXT, see Near-end crosstalk (NEXT)

Nodes, 603

Non-Access Stratum (NAS), 454

Noncooperative Games, 664

Non-data-aided (NDA), 208, 229

Nonintrusive algorithm, 591

Nonreturn to zero pulses (NRZ pulses), 220

Nonsquare transforms (NSQT), 584

Nonuniform quantizing, 30

compandor, 31

compression characteristic, 3031

expandor characteristic, 31

output S/N, 32

Norm, 761

Normed vector space, 761

North American digital cellular (NADC), 360

North American time division multiple access (NATDMA), 360

NRM, see Network reference model (NRM)

NRZ pulses, see Nonreturn to zero pulses (NRZ pulses)

NSQT, see Nonsquare transforms (NSQT)


band, 761

frequency, 175

minimum bandwidth, 337

pulse, 40, 41

Raised cosine—pulse

Nyquist criterion, 40, 761

Baseband signaling and pulse shaping

frequency responses, 40

with matched filtering, 4243

receiver filter output, 43



Observation space, 273, 761

OC, see Optimum combining (OC)

Octal phase-shift keying (8-PSK), 107

OFDM, see Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

OFDMA, see Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)

Offset sequence, 247

Okumura–Hata model, 410

OLSR, see Optimized link state routing (OLSR)

1 × RTT, see Single Carrier Radio Transmission Technology (1 × RTT)

1G cellular system, 413, 415

Cellular systems

1G networks, see First-generation networks (1G networks)

One-way delay effect, 541

1X-EV-DO [1X Evolution for Data Only], 440441

forward link spreading, 442

forward link time multiplexing structure, 443

reverse link, 443

Revisions A and B, 444

On–off keyed (OOK), 439

digital signal, 64

signal constellation, 67

OOC, see Optical orthogonal code (OOC)

OOK, see On–off keyed (OOK)

Optical orthogonal code (OOC), 249, 250

analog of Johnson bound for, 250

optimal, 250

2-D, 250251

Optimal transmit strategy, 329

Optimized link state routing (OLSR), 610, 733

Optimum combining (OC), 311

Optimum receivers, 279

in AWGN, 283

for binary communications, 283

detection theory, 282

dispersive channels, 291

Karhunen–Loève expansion, 280281

M-ary optimal receivers, 286287

for noncoherent ASK demodulation, 289

performance, 283284

preliminaries, 280

random phase channels, 288289

Rayleigh channel, 289290

realistic channels, 287

signal space, 284285

signal space and decision boundary for, 284

standard binary signaling schemes, 285

OQASK, see Quadrature amplitude shift keying (OQASK)

Orthogonal, 761

basis, 271

complements, 269270, 761

sequence, 432

Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), 54, 452, 551, 653, 762

cross-layer design in, 620

IEEE 802.16m, 487

MAC architecture for, 622

radio resource management, 721

scheme, 456

3GPP LTE/LTE-advanced OFDMA parameters, 456

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), 51, 54, 156, 201, 762

Echo cancellation; Modulation methods

advantage, 6869, 85

baseband modulator, 86

complex envelope, 68, 83, 8485

cyclic extension, 84

FFT implementation, 8586

IDFT-based baseband OFDM modulator, 86

power spectrum, 8689

signaling, 68

waveform, 84

for wireless channels, 69

Orthogonality principle, 276, 762

Orthonormal, 762

Orthonormal basis, 271, 762


capacity, 630

probability, 630, 762

rate, 297, 320

Overload noise, 29



Packet, 111

mode transmission, 410411

switched transmission, 410

Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP), 454

Packet loss concealment (PLC), 589

Paging channel (PCH), 446, 475

Paging control channel (PCCH), 445, 474

Paging group, 509

Paging indicator channel (PICH), 448

Paging offset, 509

PAM, see Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)

PAPR, see Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR)

Parametric algorithm, 591

Parametric methods, 597598


equality, 272, 762

theorem, 1718

Partially configured carrier, 485

Partial-period correlation (p-p correlation), 248249

Partial reference algorithm, 591

Partial-response signaling (PR signaling), 45, 762

duobinary pulse, 46

equivalent discrete-time transfer function, 46, 47

intersymbol interference, 48

modified duobinary partial response, 47

precoding, 4850

PR signal generation, 48

system response, 47

Partial use of subcarriers (PUSC), 491

Path loss, 134

PCCH, see Paging control channel (PCCH)

P-CCPCH, see Primary common control physical channel (P-CCPCH)

PCFICH, see Physical Control Format Indicator Channel (PCFICH)

PCH, see Paging channel (PCH)

PCM, see Pulse code modulation (PCM)

PCPCH, see Physical common packet channel (PCPCH)

P-CPICH, see Primary common pilot channel (P-CPICH)

PCS, see Personal communication systems (PCS)

PDCCH, see Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH)

PDCP, see Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP)

p.d.f., see Probability density function (p.d.f.)

PDF, see Probability distribution function (PDF)

PDSCH, see Physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH)

Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), 5051, 78, 452


auditory mapping, 593

model, 594, 595

redundancy removal, 561562

weighting, 543

Perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), 540, 555556, 593

Perfect codes, 95

Block codes

Performance comparison of cooperative relays, 642643

Performance metrices, 630631

Personal communication systems (PCS), 134

PESQ, see Perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ)

Phase and frequency modulation, 64

angle-modulated signal, 64

average power, 65

digital phones, 6566

modulation index, 65

peak frequency deviation, 65

phase, 64

properties, 65

signal bandwidth, 65

Phase-locked loop (PLL), 153, 210

estimator, 211

model, 211, 212

Phase modulation (PM), 57, 64

Phase and frequency modulation

Phase shift keying (PSK), 155, 259, 360, 762

eye pattern, 173

modulation, 241

probability of error for, 285

signal constellation, 171, 172

transmitted signal, 171

Physical channels, 446

A-MAP, 495

communication, 35

downlink, 447

downlink/uplink physical channel processing, 465

processing, 462

time dispersion, 169

uplink, 446

Physical common packet channel (PCPCH), 447

Physical Control Format Indicator Channel (PCFICH), 466

Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH), 466

Physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH), 448

Physical layer packets, 423

Physical random access channel (PRACH), 446

Physical resource units (PRU), 489

Physical Uplink Control Channel (PUCCH), 467

PICAFF, see Picture adaptive frame/field coding (PICAFF); Picture-adaptive field/frame (PICAFF)

PICH, see Paging indicator channel (PICH)

Picture-adaptive field/frame (PICAFF), 578

Picture adaptive frame/field coding (PICAFF), 571

Picture parameter set (PPS), 568


channel, 441

signals, 156

π/4 differential quadrature phase-shift keying modulation (π/4 DQPSK modulation), 389

π/4 DQPSK modulation, see π/4 differential quadrature phase-shift keying modulation (π/4 DQPSK modulation)

π/4 phase-shifted quadrature differential phase shift keying (π/4-QDPSK), 77

Modulation methods

complex envelope, 77

phase diagram, 78

power density spectrum, 78

signal-space diagrams, 78

π/4-QDPSK, see π/4 phase-shifted quadrature differential phase shift keying (π/4-QDPSK)

Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), 408, 566

PLC, see Packet loss concealment (PLC); Power line communication (PLC)

PLL, see Phase-locked loop (PLL)

PM, see Phase modulation (PM)

PMI, see Precoding Matrix Index (PMI)

PN, see Pseudonoise (PN)

Point processes, 372

Point-to-point (PTP), 418

Poisson point process (PPP), 372

Polar codes, 128130


Postprocessing, 544, 545

POTS, see Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS)


allocation, 651

control, 424, 434, 498499

efficiency, 762

pooling gains, 749

power-limited systems, 335

relationship with distance, 409

Power line communication (PLC), 293, 311, 313, 331

Power spectra density (PSD), 61, 253, 762

DS–CDMA system, 259

IDFT-based OFDM, 88

MPSK and QAM complex envelope, 68

of MSK and GMSK, 84

OFDM, 87

QAM, 76

QPSK signal, 66

p-p correlation, see Partial-period correlation (p-p correlation)

PPP, see Poisson point process (PPP)

PPS, see Picture parameter set (PPS)

PRACH, see Physical random access channel (PRACH)

Precoding, 762

Precoding Matrix Index (PMI), 471

Prediction units (PU), 583

Presence service, 701

Preset equalizer, 176, 762

Primary common control physical channel (P-CCPCH), 447

Primary common pilot channel (P-CPICH), 447

Primary RF carrier, 485

Primary users (PUs), 719

Probability density function (p.d.f.), 134, 302, 311

Probability distribution function (PDF), 374

Processing gain, 348

Professional Mobile Radio, 521

Voice codec

combining commercial cellular and LMR, 524

LMR standards development, 524525

long-term evolution, 522

symbol transitions, 522

TETRA voice, 523

Projection theorem, 762

Orthogonality principle

Projects, 738

Propagation model, 394395, 410

Proper orthogonal set, 269

Protocol model, 371

PR signaling, see Partial-response signaling (PR signaling)

PRU, see Physical resource units (PRU)

PSD, see Power spectra density (PSD)

Pseudonoise (PN), 146, 432

code, 348

synchronization, 262

Pseudonoise (PN) sequences, 237, 238, 432, 762

aperiodic correlation, 246

applications, 237

bounds on family size M, 242

correlation between sequences, 237

correlation measures, 248

families of sequences with low cross-correlation, 241245

m sequences, 238241

q-ary sequences with low autocorrelation, 241

Pseudorandom sequences, see Pseudonoise (PN) sequences

PSK, see Phase shift keying (PSK)

PSTN, see Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

PTP, see Point-to-point (PTP)

PTT, see Push to talk (PTT)

P25 land mobile radio units, 517

PU, see Prediction units (PU)

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), 408, 539

PUCCH, see Physical Uplink Control Channel (PUCCH)

Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), 168, 218, 762

baseband model, 38, 43

equivalent discrete-time channel, 39

signal constellation, 171, 172

spectrum, 27

transmitted signal, 171

Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) system echo cancellation, 192

Echo cancellation

adaptation gain, 196

baseband signaling techniques, 193

cancellation error signal, 194

dual-duplex transmission, 193

echo attenuation, 194195

echo canceller, 192, 194, 196, 197199

loop timing, 193

mean square error, 195

transmission system, 192

Pulse code modulation (PCM), 23, 596, 762

advantages, 23

bandwidth, 2728

disadvantage, 23

effects of noise, 29

generation, 24

nonuniform quantizing, 3033

percent quantizing noise, 2426

practical PCM circuits, 2627

quantizing operation, 24

6-dB rule, 30

system design, 33

system performance, 28

3-b gray code, 26

transmitter, 24

waveforms in, 25

PUSC, see Partial use of subcarriers (PUSC)

Push to talk (PTT), 514, 702

PUs, see Primary users (PUs)



QAM, see Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)

Q-ary sequences, 241

Pseudonoise (PN) sequences

QCIF, see Quarter-CIF (QCIF)

Q function, 284

QM, see Quadrature modulation (QM)

QMF, see Quadrature mirror filter (QMF)

QoE, see Quality of experience (QoE)

QoS, see Quality of Service (QoS)

QP, see Quantization parameter (QP)

QPP, see Quadratic Permutation Polynomial (QPP)

QPSK, see Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK)

Quadratic Permutation Polynomial (QPP), 462

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 73, 171, 762

Modulation methods

advantage and disadvantage, 73

complex envelope, 73

complex signal-space diagram, 74, 75

eye pattern, 173

power spectrum, 7576

root raised cosine pulse shaping, 7475, 76

signal constellation, 74, 171, 172

signaling, 67, 68

system echo cancellation, 199201

Echo cancellation

transmitted signal, 171

Quadrature amplitude shift keying (OQASK), 81

Quadrature mirror filter (QMF), 543

Quadrature modulation (QM), 60

Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), 66, 107, 144, 286

Modulation methods

complex envelope, 66, 77

constellations, 107

conventional, 77

null-to-null bandwidth, 66

phase-shifted, 77

power density spectrum, 78

signal constellations, 67

signaling, 66

signal-space diagrams, 78

Quadrature spreading, 433, 434

Quality, 554

Quality measurement algorithms, 591

Quality of experience (QoE), 597

Quality of Service (QoS), 451, 505506, 720

block, 484

Quantization parameter (QP), 571

Quantizing, 23, 762

error, 24

noise, 24, 29

Quarter-CIF (QCIF), 565

Quaternary sequences, 243244



RA, see Reverse activity (RA)

RACH, see Random access channel (RACH)

R-ACH, see Reverse access channel (R-ACH)


channels, 169

discipline, 515

interface architecture, 444445

link protocol, 417

transmitter, 334

Radio configurations (RCs), 437

Radio frequency (RF), 60, 134, 334

doppler spectrum, 149

Radio frequency-integrated circuits (RFICs), 747

Radio-frequency interference, 398


adjacent channel interference, 398

co-channel interference, 398, 401

outage probability, 398, 399

Radio link control (RLC), 419, 454

sublayer functions, 475

Radio Network Controller (RNC), 452

Radio Resource Management (RRM), 453

block, 483

Raised cosine

frequency response characteristic, 174

pulse, 41, 42, 45, 7475, 76, 762


spectrum, 42


access techniques, 369

noise, 29

phase channels, 288289

sums, 372373

Random access channel (RACH), 446, 475

Random variable (r.v.), 311, 295

Ranging cyclic prefix (RCP), 498

Ranging preamble (RP), 498

Rate-distortion (RD), 571

function, 121, 122, 762

measure, 120

mutual information, 121

pair, 121

theory, 120121


channel, 289290, 762

criterion, 751

faded component, 140

fading, 136, 137

Mobile radio propagation

fading envelope, 150

fading parameters with overbars, 153

limit, 153

random variable density, 289

Rayleigh fading channels, 134, 164, 410

challenge, 134

degradation categories, 152153

flat fading and frequency-selective fading manifestations, 146147

mitigation methods, 153157

mobile radio propagation, 135141

parameters characterizing, 157159

rake receiver applied to DS/SS systems, 161164

signal time-spreading, 141, 143

spectral broadening, 151152

time variance viewed, 147, 149

Viterbi equalizer as applied to GSM, 159161

RB, see Resource block (RB)

RBAs, see Reference-based algorithms (RBAs)

RCCCH, see Reverse common control channel (RCCCH)

RCP, see Ranging cyclic prefix (RCP)

RCs, see Radio configurations (RCs)

RD, see Rate-distortion (RD)

RDCCH, see Reverse dedicated common control channel (RDCCH)

REACH, see Reverse enhanced access channel (REACH)

Real envelope, 762

Receive diversity, 301

Diversity techniques

MRC, 302303

SIMO scheme, 301

SNR at combiner output, 301

Reed–Solomon codes, 95

Block codes

field, 96

observations, 97

parity check matrix, 96

Reference-based algorithms (RBAs), 592595

Reference-free algorithms (RFAs), 596597

Reference signals sequence, 462

Regenerative redundancy (RR), 634635

Relay functions, 485

Request-to-send (RTS), 609

RERR, see Route error (RERR)

Reservation-based multiple access techniques, 369

Residual quadtree (RQT), 584

Resource allocation issues, 648

Resource block (RB), 459

Resync markers, 567

Reverse access channel (R-ACH), 436

Reverse activity (RA), 441

Reverse common control channel (RCCCH), 439

Reverse dedicated common control channel (RDCCH), 440

Reverse enhanced access channel (REACH), 439

Reverse fundamental channel (RFCH), 440

Reverse Link, 441, 443, 439

spreading, 440

Reverse pilot channel (RPICH), 440

Reverse power control (RPC), 441

Reverse rate indication (RRI), 443

Reverse supplemental channel (RSCH), 440

Reversible VLC, 567

RF, see Radio frequency (RF)

RFAs, see Reference-free algorithms (RFAs)

RFCH, see Reverse fundamental channel (RFCH)

RFICs, see Radio frequency-integrated circuits (RFICs)

Rician fading, 139

Mobile radio propagation

degradation categories, 141

effects, 141

mechanisms, 140, 141

Rayleigh pdf, 140

Riesz–Fischer theorem, 270, 763

RLC, see Radio link control (RLC)

RNC, see Radio Network Controller (RNC)

Robust Header Compression (RoHC), 454

RoHC, see Robust Header Compression (RoHC)

Rolloff factor, 175

Root-raised cosine pulse, 763

Route error (RERR), 610

Route reply (RREP), 610

Route request (RREQ), 610

Routing in multihop CRN, 719720

Routing protocols, 610

Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector, 610611

classical flooding, 612

DSDV, 610, 612613

dynamic source routing, 610, 611612

multipoint relays, 612

OLSR, 610, 612

taxonomy, 734

Routing Schemes, 733

RPC, see Reverse power control (RPC)

RP, see Ranging preamble (RP)

RPICH, see Reverse pilot channel (RPICH)

RQT, see Residual quadtree (RQT)

RR, see Regenerative redundancy (RR)


RREP, see Route reply (RREP)

RREQ, see Route request (RREQ)

RRI, see Reverse rate indication (RRI)

RRM, see Radio Resource Management (RRM)

RSCH, see Reverse supplemental channel (RSCH)

RTS, see Request-to-send (RTS)

r.v., see Random variable (r.v.)



Safety, 739740

Sample adaptive offset (SAO), 581

SAO, see Sample adaptive offset (SAO)

SAP, see Service access point (SAP)

SBR, see Spectral band replication (SBR)

Scalability analysis of IMS, 704, 711

IP multimedia subsystem (IMS)

access rate, 710

CDMA2000 and WLAN interworking, 706

CDMA2000 to WLAN, 708

CDMA2000–WLAN integration, 705706

hybrid network architecture, 707

IMS integration, 706

registration rate, 704, 705

scenarios, 706

service usage, 704705

total number of accesses, 709

WLAN to CDMA2000, 709

Scalable video coding, 573

SCBA, see Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

S-CCPCH, see Secondary common control physical channel (S-CCPCH)

SC-FDMA, see Single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA); Single channel FDMA

SCH, see Synchronization channel (SCH)

Scheduling and resource multiplexing block, 484

Scheduling request (SR), 467

Schwarz's inequality, 267268, 763

Scintillation, 135

Rayleigh fading channels

S-CPICH, see Secondary common pilot channel (S-CPICH)

SCTP, see Stream control transmission protocol (SCTP)

SCU, see Smallest coding unit (SCU)

SDMA, see Space division multiple access (SDMA)

SDTV, see Standard definition TV (SDTV)

Secondary common control physical channel (S-CCPCH), 447

Secondary common pilot channel (S-CPICH), 447

Secondary RF carrier, 485

Second generation (2G), 411

Second-generation networks (2G networks), 413

bearer services, 417

data services, 416, 420

ECSD service, 520

EGPRS modulation and coding parameters, 419

enhanced data for global evolution, 418420

Gaussian minimum shift keying, 417

general packet radio service, 418420

high-speed circuit switch data, 417418

logical channels, 417

radio link protocol, 417

Security management block, 483

SEI, see Supplemental enhancement information (SEI)

Selectable Mode Vocoder (SMV), 549

Selected GSM Voice Codecs, 549

Selective DF relaying, 645

Selective forwarding (SF), 634

Select-repeat protocol, 113

Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), 521

Self-organization and self-optimization functions, 485

Separable, 763

Sequence parameter set (SPS), 568

SER, see Symbol error rate (SER)

Serial encoder, 26

Serial-input–output chip (SIO chip), 27

Service access point (SAP), 472

Service-oriented architectures (SOA), 698

Serving gateway (S-GW), 453

SF, see Selective forwarding (SF)

SFBC, see Space frequency block coding (SFBC)

SFN, see Single frequency network (SFN)

S-GW, see Serving gateway (S-GW)

Shadowing, see Diffraction

Shannon–Hartley capacity theorem, 335

Shannon's channel coding theorem, 123124

Shannon theoretical channel capacity equation, 358

SHF, see Super-high-frequency (SHF)

Shift register

with feedback, 431

sequence, 763

SIC, see Successive interference cancellation (SIC)

Sidetone, 589

Signal-based algorithms, 591

Signal constellation, 66, 67, 763

OOK signaling, 67, 68

QAM, 74

Signal plus noise plus distortion-to-noise plus distortion ratio (SINAD ratio), 391

Signal processing challenges, 753

Signal space, 265, 763

Hilbert spaces

applications, 265, 275

fundamentals, 265272

M-ary signal detection problem, 272

mean-square estimation, 276

for optimal binary receiver, 284

representation of 16-QAM signal set, 287

signal classification problem, 284

signal space representation, 272274, 274275

volterra adaptive lattice filtering, 276277

wavelet transforms, 275

Signal time-spreading, 141

Rayleigh fading channels

channel correlation functions and pdf, 142

coherence bandwidth, 143144

degradation categories due to, 142143

in frequency domain, 143146

multipath-intensity profile, 141, 142

rms delay spread, 143

spaced-frequency correlation function, 143

in time-delay domain, 141142

Signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR), 71, 310, 311, 326, 331, 371, 685

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 4243, 98, 140, 209, 212, 285, 296, 311, 313, 331, 356, 391, 592

Signal vector, 273, 763

SIMO, see Single-input multiple-output (SIMO)

SIMO with interference, 309

approaches for interference mitigation, 311

received vector, 309

SINR, 310

Simple correlation rule, 223

Simple 3-Node Relay Networks, 631633

Simulcast, 573

SINAD ratio, see Signal plus noise plus distortion-to-noise plus distortion ratio (SINAD ratio)

Single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA), 54, 456, 551, 763

Single Carrier Radio Transmission Technology (1 × RTT), 422

Single channel FDMA (SC-FDMA), 425

Single frequency network (SFN), 493, 529

Single-input multiple-output (SIMO), 294, 311, 331

Single-input single-output systems (SISO systems), 224, 294, 311, 331, 362

Multiple antennas systems

discrete-time equivalent lowpass representation, 295

ergodic capacity, 296

fading, 295296

outage capacity, 297

outage probability, 297

power and rate time-adaptive system, 298

SNR variation, 296

system model, 295

Single-sideband AM suppressed carrier (SSB–AM–SC), 60

Single-sideband envelope detectable (SSB–EV), 60

Single-sideband FM (SSB–FM), 60

Single sideband modulation (SSB modulation), 401

Single-sideband PM (SSB–PM), 60

Single-sideband square-law detectable (SSB–SQ), 60

Singleton bound, 95

Block codes

Single-user MIMO (SU-MIMO), 481

Singular values decomposition (SVD), 315, 331

SINR, see Signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR)

SIO chip, see Serial-input–output chip (SIO chip)

SIP proxy, 699

Sirius XM Satellite Radio, 533

SISO systems, see Single-input single-output systems (SISO systems)

6-dB rule, 30, 32

16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM), 107, 360

constellations for, 107

sequences, 245

signal space representation, 287

16-QAM, see 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM)

60 GHz Wireless Communication, 747, 756

antenna spacing, 751, 753

applications of, 747748

blockage, 754

deafness in directional networks, 750

deafness issue, 754

design issue, 754

directionality, 748750

diversity, 752753

form factor constraints, 753

Friis formula, 748

for high antenna gains, 749

Huygens’ principle, 754

interference, 754755

link budget, 749

power pooling gains, 749

range-rate trade-offs, 749

Rayleigh criterion, 751

signal processing challenges, 753

sparse multipath effect, 752

spatial multiplexing, 751

system design consequences, 750

Skipped slice, 577

Sleep mode management block, 484

Sliding window protocol, see Go-Back-N ARQ protocol

Smallest coding unit (SCU), 583

SMV, see Selectable Mode Vocoder (SMV)

SNR, see Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

SNR scalability, 576

SOA, see Service-oriented architectures (SOA)

Soft Handoff, 437

S1 Application Protocol (S1AP), 453

S1AP, see S1 Application Protocol (S1AP)

Sounding sequence, see Training sequence

Source polarization, 128

Spaced-frequency correlation function, 143

Space division multiple access (SDMA), 329, 331

Spaced-time correlation function, 147

Space frequency block coding (SFBC), 452, 503

Space-frequency coding, 630

Space–time block codes (STBC), 308, 311

Space–time codes, 308

Space–time coding-based MIMO systems, 630

Space–time trellis codes (STTC), 308, 311

Spanning set, 269, 763

Sparse multipath effect, 752

Spatial diversity, 629630

Spatial multiplexing, 751

MIMO systems, 324

High-throughput MIMO systems

Spatial redundancy removal, 560561

Spatial scalability, 574576

Spectral band replication (SBR), 530

Spectral broadening, 149, 151152

Rayleigh fading channels

Spectral envelope of speech, 545

Spectrum efficiency, 391, 763

Spectrum sensing and tomography, 715717

Spectrum sharing and dynamic spectrum management, 717719

Speech coding, 539, 554

Speech coding methods; Speech coding standards

absolute category rating tests, 540

asynchronous tandeming, 541

codec complexity, 541

delay associated with processing, 541

diagnostic acceptability measure, 555

diagnostic rhyme test, 555

errors, 542

intelligibility, 554

issues in, 540542

one-way delay effect, 541

quality, 554

speech quality evaluation, 555556

superwideband, 540

wideband speech, 540

Speech coding methods, 542

adaptive codebook structure, 544545

analysis-by-synthesis methods, 543

backward adaptation, 542543

bandwidth scalable coding, 546

bit rate scalability, 546

code-excited linear prediction, 543

encoder for CELP, 544

log-PCM quantizer, 542

perceptual weighting, 543

postprocessing, 544, 545

spectral envelope of speech, 545

subband coding, 543

subbands, 542

3GPP long term evolution, 551

toll quality, 542

transform coding, 543

variable rate coding, 545546

waveform coding, 542543

Speech coding standards, 546

AMR codecs, 551

cdma2000® VMR-WB, 549

challenge, 552554

code division multiple access, 548

digital cellular codecs, 550

digital cellular standards, 548550

EVS voice codec, 551, 552

GSM standards, 549

GSM voice codecs, 549

ITU-T standards, 546548

TIA-EIA/IS-893 cdma2000 standard, 549

time division multiple access, 548

unified speech and audio coding, 551552, 553

VoIP standards, 550551

Speech communication, 587

Speech communication quality assessment, 587

algorithm usage consideration, 598599

delay variation estimation, 593

E-Model, 588589

listening quality, 589590

MOS listening tests, 590, 591

parametric methods, 597598

perceptual auditory mapping, 593

perceptual model, 594, 595

PESQ, 593


quality measurement, 591592

reference-based algorithms, 592595

reference-free algorithms, 596597

sidetone, 589

telephone speech communication, 587588

Spreading, 432433, 442

modulation solutions, 436

sequences, 434

Spread spectrum, 38, 157, 763

Spread spectrum systems, 155, 253, 262

advantages, 253

applications, 253, 261

Bluetooth, 261

direct sequence spread spectrum, 254258

DS–CDMA-based cellular systems, 261

early developments, 253

frequency hopping spread spectrum, 258260

synchronization issues in, 262

ultrawideband systems, 261262

SPS, see Sequence parameter set (SPS)

Squared error distortion, 120

SR, see Scheduling request (SR)

SSB–AM–SC, see Single-sideband AM suppressed carrier (SSB–AM–SC)

SSB–EV, see Single-sideband envelope detectable (SSB–EV)

SSB–FM, see Single-sideband FM (SSB–FM)

SSB modulation, see Single sideband modulation (SSB modulation)

SSB–PM, see Single-sideband PM (SSB–PM)

SSB–SQ, see Single-sideband square-law detectable (SSB–SQ)

Standard binary signaling schemes, 285

Standard definition TV (SDTV), 566

Standardization actions, 731

Station Identifier (STID), 483

Stations, see Nodes

Statistical redundancy removal, 562, 563

STBC, see Space–time block codes (STBC)

Stereo 3D video coding, 581582

STID, see Station Identifier (STID)

Stochastic gradient algorithm, 182, 763

convergence characteristic, 183

Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol, 112

Stream control transmission protocol (SCTP), 452

STTC, see Space–time trellis codes (STTC)

Subband coding, 543

Subbands, 542

Subframes, 487

Successive interference cancellation (SIC), 311, 327, 331

with ordering, 328

SU-MIMO, see Single-user MIMO (SU-MIMO)

Superframe, 487

header, 494

Super-high-frequency (SHF), 134

Superwideband, 540

Supplemental enhancement information (SEI), 567

SVD, see Singular values decomposition (SVD)

Symbol error rate (SER), 629

Symbol rate, 37

Symbol-spaced equalizer, 177, 763

Symbol synchronization, 208, 218

Communication receiver synchronization

channel model, 218

closed-loop timing synchronizer, 219

data carrying signal, 218

early–late gate synchronizer, 220

log-likelihood function, 218

ML synchronizer, 218

ML timing estimate, 219

NRZ pulse, 220

Sync Channel (FSYN), 435

Synchronization, 207

Synchronization channel (SCH), 447448

System configuration management block, 483

System design consequences, 750



Tandem-free operation (TFO), 550

Tanner graph, 104

TCM, see Trellis coded modulation (TCM)

TDD, see Time division duplex (TDD)

TDM, see Time division multiplexed (TDM)

TDMA, see Time division multiple access (TDMA)

TDNA, see Time-division-node access (TDNA)

TD-SCDMA, see Time division synchronous code division multiple access (TD-SCDMA)

Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), 416, 430, 515

Telephone speech communication, 587588

Temporal redundancy removal, 562, 563

Temporal scalability, 574, 575

Testbeds, 739, 741

TFCI, see Transport format combination indicator (TFCI)

TFO, see Tandem-free operation (TFO)

Third-generation cellular communications, 429

IS-95 cellular CDMA; Traffic channel preamble; Wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA)

dirac-delta operator, 432

frequency reuse vs. code reuse, 430431

high-speed downlink packet access, 448449

high-speed uplink packet access, 449

mask, 432

1X Evolution for Data Only, 440441

orthogonal sequence, 432

pseudonoise sequence, 432

pseudorandom sequences, 431

quadrature spreading, 433, 434

shift register with feedback, 431

spreading, 432433

transition to fourth generation, 449

Walsh functions, 432

Third-generation networks (3G networks), 414, 420

access terminals, 422

CDMA2000, 422

code puncturing, 424

control channel, 424

data rate control scheme, 423

forward traffic channel, 423

modulation parameters for HDR rates, 423

physical layer packets, 423

power control, 424

3GPP long-term evolution, 424425

TIA-856 revisions, 424

universal mobile telecommunications system 3GPP, 421422

Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 52, 451, 620

Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long-Term Evolution, 424425, 551, 620, 653

cell selection, 469, 466, 470

channel and transmission bandwidth, 459

cyclic delay diversity, 471

frame structure, 457

link adaptation, 469

logical channels, 474

MME, 454

modulation and coding, 462

multiple access schemes, 455457

operating frequencies and bandwidths, 457

paging, 468

physical channel processing, 462, 465

physical control channels, 466468

precoding matrix index, 471

primary synchronization signal, 469

protocol structure, 454455

random access procedure, 468

reference signals, 462466, 471

resource blocks, 459462

resource element, 459

transmitter/receiver structure of SC-FDMA, 457

uplink/downlink configurations, 461

Third Generation Partnership Project LTE/LTE-advanced radio access technologies, 451

ARQ functionality, 475, 476

band classes, 458

control channels, 474

downlink transmission scheme, 452

E-UTRAN architecture, 453

evolved packet system, 477

handover procedure, 477, 478

HARQ functionality, 475, 476

for IP-based traffic, 451

layer-2, 472473

MAC and RRC Controls, 477

multi-antenna schemes, 469

multicarrier operation, 479

network architecture, 452454

OFDMA parameters, 456

packet data convergence sublayer, 476

protocol layers and function, 455

radio Resource Control Functions, 476477

TDD frame configurations, 460

traffic channels, 474

transport channels, 473, 475

Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2), 52

THP, see Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP)

3GPP, see Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)

3G networks, see Third-generation networks (3G networks)

3GPP2, see Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2)

THSS system, see Time hopping spread spectrum system (THSS system)

TIA, see Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)

TIA-856 Revisions, 424

TIA-EIA/IS-893 cdma2000 standard, 549

Tichonov density function, 212

Time-dispersive wireless channels, 169

Time diversity, 156, 629

Time division duplex (TDD), 52, 304, 311, 444, 684

Time division multiple access (TDMA), 158, 429, 548, 684

Digital advanced mobile phone service (D-AMPS)

Time division multiplexed (TDM), 754

Time-division-node access (TDNA), 649650

Time division synchronous code division multiple access (TD-SCDMA), 421

Time hopping spread spectrum system (THSS system), 260

Time multiplexing, 443

Time variance, 147

Rayleigh fading channels

concept of duality, 148

degradation categories, 148, 152

Doppler frequency shift, 149, 150

in Doppler-shift domain, 149151

fast fading, 148

Rayleigh fading envelope, 150

slow fading, 148

spaced-time correlation function, 147148

Time-variant multipath channels, 169

Time-windowing function, 53

TM, see Transparent Mode (TM)

Toll quality, 542

Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP), 329, 332

Adaptive precoding

Tone-pair, 489

Topology-based routing, 734

Total probability of error, 763

TP, see Transmission pattern (TP)

TPC, see Transmit power control (TPC)

Traffic channel preamble, 442

forward link, 441

MAC channel, 441

1X-EV-DO Revisions A and B, 444

pilot channel, 441

reverse link, 441, 443

spreading, 442

time multiplexing, 443

Traffic channels (TrCh's), 445

Training mode, 763

Training sequence, 159

Transcoder-free operation (TrFO), 550

Transform, 584

Transform coding, 543

and quantization, 570

Transistor–transistor logic waveform (TTL waveform), 55

Transition to Fourth Generation, 449

Transmission pattern (TP), 737

Transmission time interval (TTI), 457, 487

Transmit diversity, 437, 439, 628

Transmit power control (TPC), 446

Transmitter, generalized, 60

using AM–PM generation technique, 60

using quadrature generation technique, 61

Transparent Mode (TM), 454

Transport channels, 446

Transport format combination indicator (TFCI), 446

TrCh's, see Traffic channels (TrCh's)

Trellis coded modulation (TCM), 108, 335, 531

Coding and modulation

employing 8-PSK, 109

encoder, 109

extensions, 110

Trellis diagram, 99, 100

Convolutional encoder

TrFO, see Transcoder-free operation (TrFO)

Triangle inequality, 763

Trunking efficiency, 763

TTI, see Transmission time interval (TTI)

TTL waveform, see Transistor–transistor logic waveform (TTL waveform)

Turbo (de-) coding, 101

Turbo code

Turbo code, 101

BCJR decoder, 103

decoder structure, 101, 102

encoder from 1993 ICC paper, 102

encoder structure, 101

1993ICC, 103

Turbo relaying, 650651

2G, see Second generation (2G)

2G networks, see Second-generation networks (2G networks)



UAC, see User agent client (UAC)

UART, see Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)

UAS, see User agent server (UAS)

UDP, see User datagram protocol (UDP)

UE, see User equipment (UE)

UEP, see Unequal error protection (UEP)

UHF, see Ultra-high-frequency (UHF)

UL-SCH, see Uplink shared channel (UL-SCH)

Ultra-high-frequency (UHF), 134

Ultrawideband communication systems, 261262

UM, see Unacknowledged mode (UM)

UMTS, see Universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS); Universal mobile telephony system (UMTS)

UMTS terrestrial radio access (UTRA), 52

Unacknowledged mode (UM), 454

Unequal error protection (UEP), 529

Unicast, 737

Unicast connection, 504

Unified speech and audio coding (USAC), 551552

decoder structure, 553

United States digital cellular (USDC), 416, 430

Digital advanced mobile phone service (D-AMPS)

Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART), 27

Universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS), 52, 421, 696

Universal mobile telecommunications system 3GPP, 421422

Universal mobile telephony system (UMTS), 444

Universal source coding, 119

Lempel–Ziv algorithm, 120

Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART), 27

Universal synchronous receiver/transmitter (USRT), 27



MIMO, 501, 503

multiple access, 456

physical channels, 446

pilot structure, 493

PUSC structure, 491

resource structure, 490491

sounding channel, 498

subframes, 489, 490

Uplink control channels, 496

Downlink—synchronization channel

bandwidth request, 497

channel quality indicators, 497498

HARQ feedback, 496

MIMO feedback, 496

power control, 498499

ranging channel, 498, 499

uplink sounding channel, 498

Uplink pilot time slot (UpPTS), 458

Uplink shared channel (UL-SCH), 475

UpPTS, see Uplink pilot time slot (UpPTS)

USAC, see Unified speech and audio coding (USAC)

USART, see Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART)

USDC, see United States digital cellular (USDC)

User agent client (UAC), 699

User agent server (UAS), 699

User datagram protocol (UDP), 453

User equipment (UE), 452

Users, see Nodes

USRT, see Universal synchronous receiver/transmitter (USRT)

UTRA, see UMTS terrestrial radio access (UTRA)



VAD, see Voice activity detector (VAD)

VANET, see Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANET)

Variable length coding (VLC), 562

Variable rate coding, 545546

Variable-rate multimode wideband (VMR-WB), 549

V-BLAST, see Vertical-Bell laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST)

VC, see Vehicle communications (VC)

VCD, see Video CD (VCD)

VCO, see Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)

VDA, see Viterbi decoding algorithm (VDA)

Vector, 265, 763

linear combination, 266

normed, 267

space, 265, 266, 763

Vehicle communications (VC), 730

Vehicle-toinfrastructure (V2I), 732

Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), 732

Vehicle-to-X connections (V2X), 730

Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANET), 730

Vehicular communication applications, 735

actions, 739

beaconing, 737

CarTorrent, 741

categories, 736

communication, 736, 739, 740741

consortia, 739, 739740


geobroadcast, 737

information dissemination, 738

network-related application requirements, 737

projects, 738

providing adaptive ubiquitous services in vehicular contexts, 741

safety, 739740

testbeds, 739, 741

unicast, 737

Vehicular communications, 729, 741

Vehicular communication applications

applications, 732

broadcast routing, 735

channel and mobility models, 733

channel characterization and mobility models, 730

cluster-based routing, 735

communication paradigms, 732733

geographical routing, 734735

IEEE P1609 standards family, 732

inter-vehicle networks, 730

mobility-based routing, 735

routing protocol taxonomy, 734

routing schemes, 733

standardization actions, 731

topology-based routing, 734

Vertical-Bell laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST), 325, 331

Very-large-scale integration technology (VLSI technology), 196

Video CD (VCD), 566

Video coding architecture, 564

Video coding standards

decoder, 565

INTER coding, 564565

INTRA-coding, 564

macroblock, 565

Video coding standards, 565

H.264/AVC standard; H.264/SVC standard; H.264/MVC standard

H.261, 565

H.263, 566

MPEG-4, 566567

MPEG-1, 566

MPEG-2, 566

Video compression, 559, 560

motion-compensated prediction, 563564

perceptual redundancy removal, 561562

spatial redundancy removal, 560561

statistical redundancy removal, 562, 563

temporal redundancy removal, 562, 563

Visual quality comparison, 571

Viterbi algorithm, 100101, 188

Viterbi decoding algorithm (VDA), 155

Viterbi equalizer, 159161

Maximum-likelihood sequence estimation equalizer (MLSE equalizer)

VLC, see Variable length coding (VLC)

VLSI technology, see Very-large-scale integration technology (VLSI technology)

VMR-WB, see Variable-rate multimode wideband (VMR-WB)

Voice activity detector (VAD), 594

Voice analog signals, 30

Voice codec, 518521

IMBE coder and decoder, 520

IMBE encoder, 518

IMBE vocoder, 518, 519

LMR codecs, 521

rates, 436

Voiced/Unvoiced (V/UV), 518

Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), 494, 539

Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE), 449

VoIP, see Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP)

VoIP Standards, 550551

Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), 210

Volterra filter, 276277, 763

VoLTE, see Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE)

V2I, see Vehicle-toinfrastructure (V2I)

V2V, see Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)

V2X, see Vehicle-to-X connections (V2X)

V/UV, see Voiced/Unvoiced (V/UV)



Walsh functions, 432

Walsh-Hadamard matrices, see Walsh matrices

Walsh matrices, 432

Watchers, 702

Waveform channels, 115

Waveform coding, 542543

Wavelets, 275, 763

Wavelet transform, 763

continuous-time, 275

WBAN, see Wireless body area network (WBAN)

W-CDMA, see Wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA)

WCDMA radio interface protocol model, 445

WD, see Working draft (WD)

Weighted millions of instructions per second (WMOPS), 541

Wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA), 52, 444

control channels, 445

downlink physical channels, 447448

physical channels, 446

radio interface architecture, 444445

traffic channels, 445

transport channels, 446

WCDMA radio interface protocol model, 445

Wideband speech, 540

Wideband transmission technology, 529

Wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS), 141

WiFi, see Wireless fidelity (WiFi)

WiGig, see Wireless Gigabit (WiGig)

WiMAX, see Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)

Wired systems, 293

Wireless body area network (WBAN), 408

Wireless data, 405, 426427

First-generation networks (1G networks); Fourth generation networks (4G networks); Second-generation networks (2G networks); Third-generation networks (3G networks)

advanced radio data information service, 412

cellular technology evolution, 413

characteristics, 409410

circuit-switched service, 411

complementary code keying, 407

data transport capability, 409

early developments, 411412

802.11 Standards, 407

generations, 408409

mobility and data rates for wireless networks, 408

mobitex, 412

modulation technique, 412

packet-mode transmission, 410411

power–distance relationship, 409

propagation models, 410

wide-area mobile data technology evolution, 408

WLAN technology evolution, 406408

Wireless Data Networks, 409410

Wireless fidelity (WiFi), 355, 363, 406

Wireless Gigabit (WiGig), 748

Wireless local area networks (WLAN), 53, 355, 406, 615, 748

higher-level modulation, 356

time-windowing function, 53

Wireless mesh networks (WMNs), 683, 692

blocking rate, 689, 691

control time slot assignment protocol, 684685

data time slot access control protocol, 685686

dropping rate, 691692

MAC framework, 684

network throughput, 686687, 688689

performance, 686, 688

per-session throughput, 687688

routing protocol, 686

Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMAN), 408

Wireless network protocols, 603, 613

Medium-access control protocol (MAC protocol); Routing protocols

ad-hoc networks, 603

hidden terminal problem, 603, 604

random access approaches, 604

routing table, 604

Wireless networks

factors affecting, 369

geometry, 369

interference in, 370


Wireless personal area network (WPAN), 253, 408, 748

Wireless regional area networks (WRAN), 723

Wireless Remote ANtenna Elements system (WRANE), 330, 331

WLAN, see Wireless local area networks (WLAN)

WMAN, see Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMAN)

WMNs, see Wireless mesh networks (WMNs)

WMOPS, see Weighted millions of instructions per second (WMOPS)

Working draft (WD), 583

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), 53, 425

Mobile WiMAX

WPAN, see Wireless personal area network (WPAN)

WRAN, see Wireless regional area networks (WRAN)

WRANE, see Wireless Remote ANtenna Elements system (WRANE)

WSSUS, see Wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS)



X2AP, see X2 Application Protocol (X2AP)

X2 Application Protocol (X2AP), 452



Zero forcing (ZF), 311, 327, 331

criterion, 763

equalizer, 177, 763

solution, 39

Zero forcing beamforming (ZFBF), 330, 332

Zero padding, 18, 19

ZFBF, see Zero forcing beamforming (ZFBF)

Zone of relevance (ZOR), 734, 737

ZOR, see Zone of relevance (ZOR)

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