
Acetolactate synthase (ALS), 136, 185
Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase), 185
Advancing Clinical Genomic Trials on Cancer (ACGT), 113
Air pollution, 1
Alkanethiols, 134
Alzheimer’s disease, 93
Amino acids, 185
3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane, 81, 134
Angular harmonic potential, 192
Angular momentum, 203
Anthocyanins, 20
Artificial photosynthesis, 2, 23, 24
Atomic force microscopy (AFM), 121, 208
methodology for functionalization and characterization of probes, 134
tip enzymatic nanobiosensor, schematic representation, 137
tip sensors, applications for, 136
tip surface functionalized with ALS enzymes, 210
Atomic force spectroscopy, 123
force curves vs. depth, ideal elastic/plastic material, 130
principles, 126–128
theoretical considerations regarding force curves, 123, 129
theoretical models for analysis of force curves, 129
Atomic nuclei in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 204
Benzene molecule, 181
different representations, 181
Biodegradable nanoparticles, 103–104
Bioinformatics, 107
Biological structure databases, 187
Biomarkers, 71, 76, 168
Biomolecules, 182
Biomolecule structure databases, 189
5,5-Bis-(7-dodecyl-9H-fluoren-2-yl)-2, 2-bithiophene (DDFTTF), 55
6,13-Bis[triisopropylsilylethynyl] (TIPS) pentacene, 52
Bradley theory, 132
Bromocriptine, 104
Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG), 113
C and C++ languages, 189
Cantilever sensors, 123
device for AFM measurements and nanoscale sensing (tip) composed of, 126
Capacitors, 37
Carbohydrates, 23
Carbon credits, 1
Carbon nanotubes, 76, 98
Carbon sp2 hybridization, in ethylene molecule, 36
Cell-based impedance sensor (CIS), 175
Characteristic curves, modeling of, 44
Charge carriers, 53
Charge transport in organic devices, process of, 40–42
Chemical energy, 23, 24
Chemical force microscopy (CFM), 133
overview, 133
Chemical modification, 208
Chloroauric acid, 80
Chlorobenzene, 15
Chronoamperograms (CAs) of AgZEGE electrode, 162
Chronoamperometry, 161–163
Clostridium difficile (PDB ID2N6J), 203
Cobaloxime, 27
Cobalt (Co(OH)2), 26
Cobalt(II/III) complexes, 18, 27
Cobalt phthalocyanine, 27
Computational molecular modeling, 180, 207
Computational neuroscience, 108
Conduction band (CB), 35
Conductive polymers, 18
Conductometry, 157
Conductors, 10, 35
Conjugated polymers, 10, 36
Contact angle measurements, 135
Controlled drug delivery, 74–77, See also Nanomedicine
Conventional electrochemical cell, in a system of three electrodes, 161
Core-shells, medical applications, 74
Coulombic attraction, 9
Coulomb potential, 193
Counter electrode (or auxiliary electrode), 161
Cyclic voltammetry, 163–165
Dark current density, 4
Debye-Huckel equation, 199
Dendrimers, 105–106
containing molecules of a pharmaceutical, 106
Dendron, 105
Density functional theory (DFT), 197
Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov (DMT) theory, 130
Dexamethasone, 107
Dielectric constant, 44
Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), 165–167
Diodes, 37
DNAdamage, 83
DNAintercalating agent, 77
Doping, 8
Doxorubicin, 105
Drug delivery, 71
Dual-polarization interferometry, 135
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), 16, 17
consists of, 16
development of, 16
overall conversion efficiency, 16
performance, 22
schematics of, 19
structural formula of dyes used in, 17
Elastic sphere deformation, 130
Electricity, 2
Electroanalytical methods, 157
dynamic methods, 157
interfacial methods, 157
noninterfacial methods, 157
principles, 157
static methods, 157
Electrochemical cell, in system of two electrodes, 160
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, 171–172
Electrochemical methods, 157
subdivisions, 159
Electrochemical sensors, 155, 159
application in everyday lives, 155
general diagram, 159
historical perspective, 156
Electrolyte, 18, 22
Electron energy levels of the n and p semiconductors, 9
Electronic tongue, 172–175
Energy levels of inorganic semiconductors in aqueous medium, 24
Energy production
from renewable sources, 1
system, 1
alternative options, 1
Equivalent circuit of a solar cell, 7
Expert Protein Analysis System (ExPASy), 190
External quantum efficiency (EQE), 6, 60
Fe3O4 nanoparticles, 81
Fibroblast cells, 84
Field effect transistors (FETs), 37, 45
Fill factor (FF), 4, 6
Flavonoids, 20
Fluorescence spectroscopy, 135
Fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO), 16
Fossil fuels, 1
associated with CO2 sequestration, 1
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 135
Free-induction decay (FID) signal, 204
FTO/semiconductor interface, 22
Fuel cells, 23
Fullerene, 12, 99–100
structure, 99
Gallium arsenide, 8
Gas emissions, 1
Genetic algorithms, 196
Global temperature, 1
Glutaraldehyde, 134
Gold nanoparticles, 80
Graphite, 18
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 1
Haloperidol, 105
Health insurance companies, 146
Hematite (α-Fe2O3), 24, 25
cross-section of a hematite film grown by chemical vapor deposition on, 27
photoanode, photoelectrochemical cell for water oxidation based on, 25
Hertz theory, 130, 131
1,2-Hexadecanodiol, 81
Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), 13, 35, 190
High mobility organic molecules, 52
Hole transport layers (HTL), 57
Ideal solar cell, 6, 7
Illuminated solar cell, 5
current density-voltage curve, 5
Immobilizations, 135
Incident photon to current efficiency (IPCE), 6
Inorganic semiconductors, 8
Insulators, 35
Internal quantum efficiency (IQE), 6
Ion selective electrode (ISE), 172
Ion-sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET), 55
Itraconazole, 107
JMol software package, 189
Johnson-Kendall- Roberts (JKR) theories, 130, 133
Kyoto Protocol, 1999, 1
Lennard-Jones (or van der Waals) potential, 192
Light emitting diodes (LEDs), 37
Light scattering, 59
Liposomes, 102–103
single-layer, pharmaceuticals incorporated, 102
Liquid electrolyte, 22
Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), 13, 35, 190
Magnetite, 74
and core-shells
medical applications of, 74
medical applications of, 74
Medical nanoinformatics, 115
Mesoporous system, 21
Metal-free dyes, 20
Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure, 44
Metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor, 45
Metal-oxide-semiconductor FET (MOSFET) technology, 44
Metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT), 19
Micelles, 104–105
Microcantilever deflection, 140
Microcantilever sensors, 137
applications for, 141–145
deflections of cantilever sensor functionalized with a polyimide layer and exposed to, 142
nanomechanical microcantilever responses in, 142
operation modes, 138–139
schematic representation of operation modes, 138
theoretical considerations, 140–141
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), 137
Mobility, 47
Modeling of the characteristic curves, 44–49
field effect mobility, 49–52
organic TFT-based sensors, 53–55
Molecular computer modeling methods, 180
classical methods, 190
genetic algorithms, 196
molecular docking, 195
molecular dynamics, 190
molecular dynamics and related potentials, 191–193
molecular dynamics simulation methods, 193–195
receptor-ligand molecular docking, 195
hybrid methods (quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics), 197
applications of QM/MM in molecular systems, 200
electrostatic interactions, 199
overview, 197
programs for using the QM/MM methodology, 198
simulation of biomolecular systems, 197
theoretical foundations and mathematical description, 198
Molecular docking, 195, 207
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, 189
Molecular imaging, 71, 72
Molecular memories, 37
Monomers chemical structure, from the principal semiconducting polymers, 36
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 93
Nano(bio)informatics, 111
Nanobiosensors, 123, 133, 207
computational methods applied to the development of, 209–210
Nanocomputers, improve sensory input to brain, 108
Nanodrugs, 72
Nanofabrication technologies, 123
Nanogels, 101, 102
Nanoinformatics, 111
education, 113
Nanomaterials, 2
applied to diagnosis and therapy, 72
in medicine, 72
synthesis, for application in nanomedicine, 79
biofunctionalization of nanomaterials, 81–82
core-shell-type structures, 81
gold nanoparticles, 80
magnetic nanoparticles, 80
Nanomedicine, 71, 100, 111
computational resources in, 107
Nanoneurobiophysics, 93, 207
Nanoneuropharmacology, 93, 94, 100
controlled delivery systems applied to CNS diseases, 100–101
Nanoneuroscience, 93–95
AFM, 95
clinical, 97
quantum dots, 96
Nanoparticle ontology (NPO), 114
in photothermal and photodynamic therapy, 77–78
for upconversion, 78
imaging of cancer cells, 78–79
with various ligands, 82
Nanopharmacology, 93, 94
fundamental components, 122
limitation in application, 145
social and ethical challenge, 146
types/application, 124
Nanospheres and nanocapsules with incorporated pharmaceuticals, 103
Nanosponge, 106–107
with incorporated medication, 107
Nanostructured sensors, 121
biomedical studies, 207
research, 2
Nanotoxicology, 82–83
in vitro assays, 84
in vivo studies, 84–85
Nanotubes, 98
National Cancer Institute, 114
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 113
Nernst equation, 158
Neurobiophysics, 108, 111
Neuroinformatics, 108, 110
combines neuroscience and informatics research, 108
objective of, 110
platform, 110
Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), 93
Neuronal activity, 111
Neuroprotection, 95, 98, 99
Neuroregeneration, 98
Neuroscience, 95, 110
Newton’s equations, 193, 198
Nitric oxide (NO), 76
Normal (or standard) hydrogen electrode (NHE or SHE), 160
Novel nanomaterials
development, for use in medicine, 73
Nuclear energy, 1
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 188, 205
Oleic acid, 81
Open-circuit voltage, 4, 5
Optoelectronics, 44
Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute, 113
Organic electronic systems, 38
Organic films, techniques for making, 38–40
Organic light emitting diodes, 37, 56
electrooptic characterization of, 57–60
structure of thin films in OLEDs
and typical materials used, 56–57
Organic materials, for nanoelectronics, 35
Organic semiconductors, 18
applied in TFTs, 54
sp2 hybridization, 35
Organic solar cells (OSCs), 2, 10, 37
absorbing materials for, 11
absorption efficiency, 14
for bilayer heterojunction, 14
carrier mobility, 15
current density generated by, 14
dissociation efficiency, 15
efficiency, 15
FF and the overall conversion efficiency, 15
J × V curves subjected to irradiation prepared with fullerenes, 16
module manufactured by, 12
photovoltaic parameters, 13
schematics of photoinduced electron transfer process from, 13
Organic thin film transistors (OTFTs), 37, 42, 43, 53–55
based gas sensor, 55
organic dielectrics promising materials, 44
organic insulators for modifying dielectric semiconductor interface in, 44
structure of the TFT, 42–44
Oscillator monolayers, 37
Overpotential, 160
Oxidation-reduction potentials, 19, 24
Paclitaxel, 107
Parkinson’s disease, 111
p-FET transistor, 45
Pharmaceutical development, 207
computational molecular modeling in, 207
Photoanode, 18
Photocatalytic systems, 24
Photoelectrochemical cells, 2, 24
for production of solar fuels, 23
Photoexcited dye, 18
Photons, 6
Photopic response function, according to the CIE 1924, 58
Photosensitive agent formulations, 78
Photosensitizer dye, 22
Photosensitizers, 20
Photosynthesis, 23
Photothermal therapies, 72
Photovoltaic cells, 3
Photovoltaic conversion process, 7
Photovoltaic performance parameters, 3
Piezoelectric displacement, 126
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), 43
Plasmon absorption band of nanoparticles, 77
Platinum, 18, 24
PLGApolymeric nanoparticles, 84
Poisson ratio, 138
doped with iodine, 36
Polyaniline (PANI) complex, 13
Polyanion poly(styrene sodium sulfonate) (PSS), 22
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonic acid), 13, 37
Polyethylene glycol (PEG), 134
Poly(ethylene oxide), 21
Polyfluorene (PF), 56
regioregularities in, 49
Polylactic acid (PLA), 75
Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), 75
Poly (2-methoxy- 5-(3,7-dimethyloctyloxy)-1, 4-phenylenevinylene) (MDMO-PPV), 43
Polymer electrolytes, 18
Polypyridine complexes of ruthenium(II), 19
Polythiophene, 54
Polytriarylamine transistor (PTAA), 55
Polyvinylcarbazole (PVK), 56
Poole-Frenkel model, 15
Poole-Frenkel phenomena, 48
Positive threshold voltage, 44
Potentiometry, 158
Power density, 5, 6
maximum, 6
Power efficiency, 57
Power luminous efficiency, 58
Principal organic conductors
chemical structure of, 38
Protein Data Bank (PDB), 188
Proteins, 182
modeling by homology, 205
structure, 183
structure visualization, 188
types and biomolecule representations, 184–185
p-type semiconductors, 18
Python language, 189, 190
QM/MM approximation and methodology, 197, 198
Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR), 113
Quantum dots, 16, 97
administered to rats and visualization of their fluorescence, 96
Radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs), 37
Rational pharmaceutical design, computational molecular modeling in, 207
Receptor-ligand molecular docking technique, 195
Receptor-ligand system, 196
Reference electrode, 160
types and composition, and potential, 161
Renewable energy, 1
Reticuloendothelial defense system, 105
Ritonavir, 104
Rivastigmine, 104
Ruthenium complexes, 20
Ruthenium(II) complexes
photosensitizers, 20
incident photon to current efficiency (IPCE) curves of photosensitizers, 20
Saturated calomel electrode (SCE), 160
Saturated silver/silver chloride electrode, 160
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 93
Scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 156
Semiconductor/dielectric interface, 47
Semiconductor oxide, 21
Semiconductors, 7, 8
DSSCs with, 20
organic, 18
applied in TFTs, 54
sp2 hybridization, 35
Sensors, 122Srr also specific sensors
Short-circuit current density, 4, 5
cells, 2
hydrogenated amorphous, 37
Silicon dioxide (SiO2), 42
Silicon microcantilevers, 143
Silicon nitride tip
covered by a thin organic methyl-terminated layer, 136
covered by biotin, 136
Silver nanoparticles, 84
Single-wall CNTs (SWCNTs), 84
Sintering process, 21
Sneddon theory, 131
deformation/contact force, 132
Sodium yttrium fluoride
doped with ytterbium and erbium, 79
constructed from organic absorbers, 9
operating principles, 7
photoelectrochemical cells for production of, 23–27
Solar energy, 2, 24
into electricity, conversion of, 3
Solar fuels, 3
Solar radiation incident, 8
Solar spectrum, 3
Square wave voltammetry, 167–170
Stereo-radian photon flux, 59
Structural characterization, 201
nuclear magnetic resonance, 203–205
protein modeling by homology, 205–206
x-ray diffraction, 201–203
Structure-based rational pharmaceutical design, 208
flowchart of, 208
Surface plasmon resonance, 135
Swiss-PDB Viewer, 190
Synthetic organic dyes, 16, 20
Tacrine, 104
Tamoxifen, 107
Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), 52
Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), 81
Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium chloride (THPC), 81
Theoretical-computational methods, 207
Three-dimensional reconstruction
resources and tools of neuron morphology, 112
scientific applications of, 110
Threshold voltage, 47
Tin oxide, 13
TiO2 mesoporous films, 19, 21
Toluene, 15
Torsion angle, 191
Transportation, 1
Velocity-Verlet algorithm, 194
Visual molecular dynamics (VMD), 189
Voltammetric methods, 163
Water-splitting reaction, 23
Working electrode, 161
X-ray diffractometry (XRD), 181, 200–202
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 135
Xylella fastidiosa, genome, 109
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