Geometric transformations for augmented reality

The outcome of augmented reality is amazing, but there are a lot of mathematical things going on underneath. Augmented reality utilizes a lot of geometric transformations and the associated mathematical functions to make sure everything looks seamless. When talking about a live video for augmented reality, we need to precisely register the virtual objects on top of the real world. To understand it better, let's think of it as an alignment of two cameras—the real one through which we see the world, and the virtual one that projects the computer generated graphical objects.

In order to build an augmented reality system, the following geometric transformations need to be established:

  • Object-to-scene: This transformation refers to transforming the 3D coordinates of a virtual object and expressing them in the coordinate frame of our real-world scene. This ensures that we are positioning the virtual object in the right location.
  • Scene-to-camera: This transformation refers to the pose of the camera in the real world. By "pose", we mean the orientation and location of the camera. We need to estimate the point of view of the camera so that we know how to overlay the virtual object.
  • Camera-to-image: This refers to the calibration parameters of the camera. This defines how we can project a 3D object onto a 2D image plane. This is the image that we will actually see in the end.

Consider the following image:

Geometric transformations for augmented reality

As we can see here, the car is trying to fit into the scene but it looks very artificial. If we don't convert the coordinates in the right way, it looks unnatural. This is what we were talking about in the object-to-scene transformation! Once we transform the 3D coordinates of the virtual object into the coordinate frame of the real world, we need to estimate the pose of the camera:

Geometric transformations for augmented reality

We need to understand the position and rotation of the camera because that's what the user will see. Once we estimate the camera pose, we are ready to put this 3D scene on a 2D image.

Geometric transformations for augmented reality

Once we have these transformations, we can build the complete system.

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