
About This Book


Chapter 1: Creating Complementary Reports


Example: Department Store Summary and Detail Reports

Goals for Creating Complementary Reports

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used


Create a Setup Program that Contains Common SAS Code


Writing the Detail Report Program

Detail Report Pre-Processing Code

Detail Report: Titles, Footnotes, and ODS RTF Preparation

Code for Titles, Footnotes, and ODS RTF Preparation

Producing the Report with PROC REPORT

Detail Report - PROC REPORT Code

Writing the Summary Report Program

Map Separate Variables/Values to One Column for PROC REPORT

Summary Report - Pre-Processing Code

Assign Report Order to Variables

Code for Creating Ordered Variables

Summary Report: Titles, Footnotes, and ODS RTF Preparation

Code for Titles, Footnotes, and ODS RTF Preparation

Producing the Report with PROC REPORT

Summary Report - PROC REPORT Code

Chapter 1 Summary

Chapter 2: Formatting Highly Detailed Reports


Example: Format National Sales Report

Goals for Formatting the National Sales Report

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used

PROC TEMPLATE Program to Create New Style Template

The “Before Formatting” Program (Program 2.1)


Transforming Figure 2.1 Into Figure 2.2

Displaying Region as a Line Above Each Report Page

Overview of Region Display

Code to Make the Region Display in Figure 2.3

Displaying Store and Branch Column Data in Bold Blue Font

Code for Store and Branch Display

How to Insert Arrows for Quick Reference to Sales Increases/Decreases

Overview on Arrow Insertion

Code for Arrow Insertion

How to Add Spanning Headers, Bottom Cell Borders, and Underlines

Highlights on Adding Spanning Headers, Borders, and Underlines

Code for Adding Spanning Headers, Borders, and Underlines

Adding Blank Columns to Make the Report More Legible

Overview of Adding Blank Columns

Code for Adding Blank Columns

Style: Add a Blank Line After Each Summary Line

Highlights on Styling Summary Line and Adding a Blank Line

Code for Styling Summary Line and Adding a Blank Line

Chapter 2 Summary

Chapter 3: Reporting Different Metrics Within a Column


Example: Demographic and Baseline Characteristics Report

Goals for the Demographics and Baseline Characteristics Report

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used


Obtain Population Counts for Column Headers and Denominators

Code for Obtaining Population Counts

Categorical Variables: Obtain Counts and Percentages

Code for Obtaining Categorical Counts and Percentages

Continuous Variables: Descriptive Data

Macro Code for Obtaining Descriptive Statistics

Create Final Table: Combine TABULATE and MEANS Results

Code for Combing the Results

Produce the Report via PROC REPORT


Chapter 3 Summary

Chapter 4: Lesion Data Quality Report—COMPUTE Blocks


Example: Lesion Data Quality Report

Goals for Creating the Lesion Data Quality Report

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used


COMPUTE Block Variables: DATA Step (Temporary) Versus REPORT (COLUMN Statement) Variables

ORDER by and Print Subject ID on Every Row with Greying Font

Program for Subject ID Display

Identify Potential Data Issues

Code for Displaying Potential Data Issues

Final Formatting: Create Spanning Headers

Chapter 4 Summary

Chapter 5: Multi-Sheet Workbook With Histograms—ExcelXP Tagsets Report


Example: Multi-Sheet Workbook Containing Heart Study Results

Goals for Creating the Multi-Sheet Workbook

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used


Create Formats and Informats

Code for Creating Formats and Informats

Obtain Counts and Percentages

Code for Obtaining Counts and Percentages

Producing the Workbook With PROC REPORT and ODS Tagset

Code for Opening, Closing, and Setting Initial Options for the ExcelXP Workbook

Producing the Specific Worksheets

Code for Producing ByStatusCOL and ByStatusROW Worksheets

Code for Producing ByStatusALL Worksheet

Chapter 5 Summary

Chapter 6: Using the ACROSS Option to Create a Weekly Sales Report


Example: Weekly Sales Report

Goals for Creating a Weekly Sales Report

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used

Implementation: Creating the ODS Style Template

Proc Template Code

Obtain Calendar Grid and Merge With Sales

Produce the Report

Code for Producing the Report

Place Holders for Data Not Yet Available

Chapter 6 Summary

Chapter 7: Embedding Images in a Report


Example: Tables Displaying Iris Flower Measurements

Goals for Embedding Images in Reports

Source Data

ODS Style Templates Used

Programs Used


Setup Options, File Paths, and Image File Names

Program Setup Code

Example 1: Obtain Images as Column of Data

Code for Obtaining Images as Column of Data

Example 2: Repeated Images Above and Below Table

Code for Repeating Images Above and Below Table

Produce the Report

Example 3: Display Images as Column Headers

Code for Displaying Images as Column Headers

Example 4: Display Image in Page Title

Code for Displaying Images in Page Titles

Example 5: Display Image Above Body of Table

Code for Displaying Image Above Body of Table

Example 6: Display Watermark on Report

Chapter 7 Summary

Chapter 8: Combining Graphs and Tabular Data


Example: Dashboard Report of Shoe Sales

Goals for Creating the Shoe Sales Dashboard

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used


Create a Summary Data Set using PROC REPORT

Code for Creating a Summary Data Set

Obtain Regional Ranking Information

Code for Obtaining Regional Ranking Information

Create a New ODS Style Template

Create the ODS LAYOUT for the Report

Create Formats Needed for Outputs

Use PROC SGPLOT to Create Vertical Bar Charts

Code for SGPLOT Vertical Bar Charts

Using PROC SGPLOT to Create a Horizontal Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart Code

Using PROC REPORT to Obtain Tabular Output

Using PROC SGPANEL to Create Bar Charts for the Top 3 Regions

Chapter 8 Summary

Chapter 9: Using PROC REPORT to Obtain Summary Statistics for Comparison


Example: Vehicle MSRP Comparison Report

Goals for MSRP Comparison Report

Key Steps

Source Data

ODS Style Template Used

Programs Used


Initial PROC REPORT for Obtaining Statistics

Code for Obtaining Statistics

Produce the Report

Code for Print Report

Chapter 9 Summary




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