Appendix E
Template for the Gateway 3 Business Case Process Business Case

Business Case (Gateway 3) Template

Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to set out in detail the justification for the undertaking of a project based on the strategic objective, cost of the development and the identified benefits the Client will see post implementation. The business case should clearly say why the effort and time will be worth the investment. It should also provide reassurance that the project will be managed throughout the implementation stage and how the benefits identified will be measured. Provide reference to the approved Project Mandate and Project Proposal documents.

Project Details

Project Name
Project Sponsor
Project Manager
Proposed Start Date
Proposed Completion Date

Document Control

Version No.DateDetails of ChangeAuthors

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a high-level summary of the Business Case. It should include pertinent information to convey to the reader an understanding of the whole document in a clear and concise manner. It may be organised using the Business Case Section headings.

Table of Contents




1.1 Organisational Overview 231

1.2 Project Background / Rationale 231

1.3 The Drivers for Project 231

1.4 Risk and Impacts of Not Continuing with the Project 231


2.1 Project Purposes 232

2.1.1 Project Goal 232

2.1.2 Project Objectives 232

2.1.3 Project Outcomes 232

2.2 Project Scope 232

2.3 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) 233

2.4 Strategic Fit 233

2.5 Project Benefits and Benefits Realisation Plan 233

2.5.1 Main Benefits Criteria (if Applicable) 233

2.5.2 Main Project Dis-Benefits 233

2.5.3 Benefit Realisation Register 233

2.6 Costs 234

2.7 Timeline 234

2.8 Project Constraint 234

2.9 Project Dependency 236

2.10 Project Assumptions 236

2.11 Project Risks 237

2.11.3 Risk Register 237


3.1 Sustainability Impact 238

3.2 Sustainability Action Plan 238


4.1 Summary of Options Considered 239

4.2 Option Evaluation Criteria 239

4.2.1 Cost-Benefit Analysis 240

4.3 Rationale for Preferred Option 240


5.1 Project Governance 240

5.2 Project Management Strategy 240

5.3 Project Milestones Plan 241

5.4 Risk Management Plan 241

5.5 Change Control Strategy 241

5.6 Project Assurance Strategy 241



The writings in italics are for guidance only and should be deleted once you have completed your form. Further information is available in the associated Business Case guidance document.

Section 1: Strategic Context: The Case for Change

This section describes the current situation and explains the need for the project from the perspective of the sponsoring Department, Service or School.

1.1 Organisational Overview

Please provide an overview of the sponsoring Department, Service or School. The overview should include Strategic Goals and Objectives, Current activities and Services, a high-level organisational structure and key stakeholders and clients. Existing capacity (financial and human resources may be included at discretion.

1.2 Project Background/Rationale

Please describe the background to the project as well explain the current state of affairs including the issues or opportunities which the project seeks to address (Business need). Include any changes since the submission of the Project Proposal (Gateway 2).

1.3 The Drivers for Project

Please identify both internal and external drivers for the project and link them to the business need.

1.4 Risk and Impacts of Not Continuing with the Project

List the consequences of not proceeding with the project .

Section 2: Strategic Context: the Solution

This section explains the nature and purpose of the project and how the project can solve the problems identified in Section 1 of the Business Case. It describes the project deliverables, benefits, alignment with the overall strategic objectives of the Client, costs, risks and other considerations which can affect the successful delivery of the project.

2.1 Project Purposes

The project purposes subsection describes what the project is all about and the expected outcome from the project.

2.1.1 Project Goal

Please provide a simple statement on what the project is about.

2.1.2 Project Objectives

Please break down the project Aim into specific objectives to enable the achievement of the stated Aim. Objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound).

2.1.3 Project Outcomes

Please describe at a high level the expected project outcome(s). This is not the project output but rather the desired state of affairs, in other words, what the project is intended to achieve. The project outcomes provide a link between the project objectives and the benefit to be derived from the project.

2.2 Project Scope

Please describe the boundary (in-scope, and out-of-scope) of the project. The description should be in terms of identified business needs and any changes since submission of the Project Proposal. This may be considered along a continuum that may include the following:

Table 1 Project scope boundaries.

Project BoundaryIncludedExcluded
Minimum scope: Essential requirement/project outcomes
Intermediate scope: Essential and desirable project outcomes
Maximum scope: Essential, desirable and optional project outcomes

Consider if there are overlaps with other projects. Further information is provided in the Business Case Guidance document.

2.3 Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

Please list and quantify the CSFs for the project against which the successful delivery of the project will be assessed as well as used in the evaluation of options. Further information is available in the Business Case Guidance document.

2.4 Strategic Fit

Please demonstrate how the project fits within the broader Client strategic context and its contribution towards the achievement of Client priorities by completing the Table below.

Table 2 Project strategic fit.

Sub-Strategic PrioritiesKey Benefits and MeasuresRating
1 : 1Academic Growth and Diversification: Increase in the number of students’ enrolment in all areas: UG, PGT, PGR and Overseas.Key benefits
Key measures
2 : 1Education and Student Experience: Programme/courses development with industrial partnershipKey benefits
Key measures
2 : 2Education and Student Experience: Provide opportunity for students to develop as active partners, become self-aware and responsible; provide opportunity for wider learning and contact to students both with peers and internal external facilitators.Key benefits
Key measures
2 : 3Education and Student Experience: Opportunities to develop students’ graduate skills, attitudes, personal competencies and attributesKey benefits
Key measures
3 : 1Research and Enterprise: High-quality research with both nationally and international impact; increased research and commercial incomeKey benefits
Key measures
3 : 2Research and Enterprise: Development of new and existing institutional and industrial partnershipsKey benefits
Key measures
4 : 1International Priorities: Increase in international students’ enrolmentKey benefits
Key measures
4 : 2International Priorities: Reputational risk management and enhancement of the Client’s international profileKey benefits
Key measures

2.5 Project Benefits and Benefits Realisation Plan

2.5.1 Main Benefits Criteria (if Applicable)

Please describe in detail the main benefits associated with satisfying the scope of the project. Where possible this could be expressed in monetary form but bear in mind that some benefits may be qualitative in nature .

Table 3a Project benefits.

TypeTick as AppropriatePlease Explain and Include Value as ApplicableOne-Time Value (£)Annual Value (£)
Financial BenefitsACash releasing, e.g. cost avoidance
BNon-cash releasing, e.g. staff time saved
CNew income
DAdditional income
Non-Financial BenefitEStrategic fitCross reference with Section 2.4 to identify the strategic fit.
FCompetitive advantage
GCompetitive response
HOperational improvement/ management
IOthers, e.g. staff moral
Risk AvoidanceJOne-time value (£)Annual value (£)
Additional Information

2.5.2 Main Project Dis-Benefits

Please describe any dis-benefit associated with the project.

Table 3b Project dis-benefits.

DescriptionStakeholder Group (as Applicable)How and When
Dis-benefit 1
Dis-benefit 2
Dis-benefit 3

2.5.3 Benefit Realisation Register

Please complete the project benefits register as an appendix to this document. The register sets out the responsibility for the delivery of benefits, their measurements and time frame for realisation. The benefits register template may be downloaded from here .

2.6 Costs

The costs of the project should be estimated using the standard cost estimation practices. Please indicate the person responsible for estimating the project costs and the standard method used. While a summary of the estimated costs of the project is required to be provided in the main body of the Business case, a detailed breakdown of costs is to be also provided as an appendix to the document .

Table 4 Summary of the estimated project costs.

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Estimated Capital Costs (as Applicable)
Estimated Revenue Costs (as Applicable)
Staff costs – external
Staff costs – internal (backfill)
Maintenance charges
Other non-pay costs, e.g. contingencies, inflation costs
Please provide advice on the following:
  1. Anticipated source of funding for the project
  2. Impact on Client’s borrowing/gearing
  3. Any applicable funding deadlines
  4. Possible cash savings
  5. Possible additional income
  6. The impact on staff full-time equivalents (FTEs) and student numbers
  7. Procurement issues/decisions

2.7 Timeline

Please provide an overview of the timescale for the project. Highlight deadline dates associated with key milestones.

2.8 Project Constraint

Please provide a summary of the constraints within which the project is expected to be undertaken. Also highlight any changes since the submission of the Project Proposal.

Table 5 Summary of project constraints.

ProjectBrief Description of Constraint
Constraint 1
Constraint 2
Constraint 3

For each of the above, any changes since the submission of the Project Proposal should be highlighted .

2.9 Project Dependency

Please list all project dependencies (if applicable) which need to be managed for the entire duration of the project. Any changes since the submission of the Project Proposal should be highlighted.

Table 6 Summary of project dependencies.

ProjectType of DependencyBrief Summary of Linkages
Project ADependent on this projectRequires delivery of output x, y and z from this project
Project BThis project depends on BRequires project B to deliver products a, b and c

2.10 Project Assumptions

Please list and describe all assumptions, for instance with scope definition, benefit realization and cost, and the potential impact they could have on the project if not addressed. The Table below could be used for the purpose

Table 7 Summary of project assumptions.

NumberIt Is Assumed that:Effects on Project

Reliability Level:


Assumption 1
Assumption 2
Assumption 3

N.B.: Assumptions, constraints and dependencies are significant sources of risks and issues for any project. It is therefore important that the relationship among them are consistently made clear. The information is both useful in the planning stage of the project and during options analysis. They also have a big impact on benefit realisation if proved to be false or unreliable.

2.11 Project Risks

Risk Identification

Please identify the potential risks to the project and assess them in terms of their probability of occurrence and impact. Consider risk for the entire life cycle of the project including both project delivery risks and project outcomes risks. More information is available in the Business Case guidance document.

Table 7a Risk identification for the project.

Project Delivery Risk
Risks IDRisksWhat Is at Risk


(How Can the Risk Occur)

Impact (What Would Be the Effect of the Risk)

2.11.2 Risk Assessment

Please assess the identified risk in terms of their impact and probability of occurrence. A risk assessment matrix (RAM) should also be produced to prioritise the identified risks. Based on your assessment, please categorise the assessed risks as minor, medium and/or major.

You may consider producing the table below in a landscape layout.

Table 7b Risk assessment for the project.

Risks IDProbability (P)Impact (I)Risk Score (PXI)Risk CategoryTolerance Rating*

*Each risk assessed as major or medium should be rated as one of the following: Acceptable, Unacceptable or Unknown. Please refer to the Business Case Guidance document for additional information.

2.11.3 Risk Register

Please complete the initial Risk Register as an appendix to this document. The Risk should describe the attributes of each major and medium risks as well as assign responsibility for the management of identified risks. The information in the risk register for each risk should include a risk ID, risk statement, impact/probability rating, risk prioritisation level, mitigation action, risk status and risk owner. A template is provided and can be downloaded from this link.

Section 3: Sustainability Impact Analysis

This section describes the impact the project will have on project stakeholders (including the Client) and on sustainability.

3.1 Sustainability Impact

Sustainability remains the key enabler for the Client Strategic plans. Please use this section to summarise the impact of the project on sustainability under the following sub-headings :

  • Financial Sustainability:
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Sustainability

3.2 Sustainability Action Plan

If applicable please state what actions are being put in place to remove/mitigate any potentially negative impact on sustainability.

Section 4: Options Appraisal Summary

This section assesses the various options that could address the identified business need including the preferred option. The business case is written on the basis that the preferred option is to be adopted.

4.1 Summary of Options Considered

The preferred option for the project is contained within the body of the Business Case. A summary of other options considered are provided below.

Please list and summarise all the options considered to meet the identified business need including the do-nothing option. The do-nothing option should describe what will happen if the project did not go ahead.

For each option identified, please carry out a SWOT analysis of potential options to narrow down your option to three possible options.

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Summary Option Ranking
Option 1Possible
Option 2Possible
Option 3Possible
Option 4Discounted
Option 5Discounted

4.2 Option Evaluation Criteria

The Table below is designed to assist in the assessment of the possible options by considering the financial implications and the non-financial contributions of the three possible options identified above. Please complete it and rank your options based on performances on the indicators.

Financial AppraisalOption 1Option 2Option 3
Financial Appraisal
Total project cost
Total additional on-going costs
Quantifiable cash benefits
Net Present Value (NPV)
Non-Financial Appraisal (Critical Success Factors)
Project outcome/benefit
Contribution to client KPI
Increase student numbers
Improve NSS?
Improve space utilisation
Option Ranking3rd2nd1st

4.2.1 Cost–Benefit Analysis

A further cost–benefit analysis may be conducted at discretion to further assist in the selection of a preferred option. More information is provided in the Business Case guidance document.

4.3 Rationale for Preferred Option

Please explain the reasons for choosing the preferred option as well as for discounting other options. Consider this in the light of the result of the evaluation criteria.

Section 5: Implementation Plan

This section describes the project management methodology and approach to be adopted for the delivery of the project.

5.1 Project Governance

Please summarise the key roles and responsibilities for those involved in the delivering of the project including the reporting arrangement.

Also advise whether a steering committee or Project Board will be required. If applicable please outline what representatives will be required.

Table 9 Summary of project governance.

RolesName of PersonnelResponsibility (What Each Have to Deliver to the Project)
Steering committee/project board
Project sponsor
Project manager
Project team
Project management Office

5.2 Project Management Strategy

Please summarise the project management approach to be adopted to managing the project

5.3 Project Milestones Plan

Please describe the key things that need to be delivered in order to meet identified deadlines. More information is available in the Business Case guidance document.

5.4 Risk Management Plan

Please summarise risk management strategy to be adopted for the entire project duration. The risk register will be useful in this respect.

5.5 Change Control Strategy

Please describe what procedures are to be put in place to manage changes in project requirement otherwise known as scope creep.

5.6 Project Assurance Strategy

Please summarise the mechanisms to be put in place to monitor the performance of the project, for example the schedule of internal and external reviews.


Please append supporting documents to the Business Case here.

  1. Costs and resources template
  2. Benefit register
  3. Risk register
  4. Option evaluation criteria analysis
  5. Others

Project Reviewer Decision to Proceed

Please select one of the three options below.

Project name:
Date of decision Reference ID
Option: Yes to proceed
Proceed to full definition and ImplementationYes/NoDate
Option: To review and resubmit proposal
To be resubmitted to project Board onDate
Option: No project declined
Decision made by (Signatures)
Decision made by (Signatures)
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