Embrace Probortunities

Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles, they toughen and make strong.

Norman Vincent Peale

Developing a positive attitude toward problems can really help you to recover more quickly from life’s obstacles and improve your resilience. You can learn to respond to problems with enthusiasm and eagerness, rising to the challenge to show your stuff and actually amaze yourself with some of the results you can achieve! It is very much about how you view each situation.

I read something once that suggested that problems are opportunities with thorns on, which I thought was a rather good description. Let’s face it, we don’t exactly wake up in the morning hoping that we will experience problems. However, it is pretty inevitable that we will from time to time.

How you view problem solving is simply a matter of choice. You can, if you want to, view each problem as a giant rock in the road that is an insurmountable obstacle. Or you can work out ways to navigate your way around it.

I was delighted to find that a new word has been introduced into our vocabulary called probortunity. This inclusive word combines the word problem and opportunity to describe something you want to improve and change for the better. When faced with any problem at home or in the workplace, try replacing the word ‘problem’ with ‘opportunity’ and, rather than focus on the negatives, actively seek out all the solutions and possibilities. Become a possibilitarian!

Problem Solving

Problem solving is an important life skill because it is also a very useful tool to help you tackle immediate challenges or achieve a goal. It is a skill because, once you have learnt it, you can use it repeatedly.

There are a variety of problem-solving processes. However, each process consists of a series of steps, including identifying an issue, searching for options and putting a possible solution into action. It is useful to view problem solving as a cycle because, sometimes, a problem needs several attempts to solve it, or the problem changes.

How to solve problems

Here is a process that I recommend to help you break the problem into easier stages, rather than tackle everything all at once.

1. Identify the problem and focus on solving one aspect at a time. Identifying and naming the problem will help you find an appropriate solution. Sometimes you might be unsure about what the problem is and you might just feel general anxiety or be confused about what is getting in the way of your goals. When you know exactly what you are dealing with you will feel more in control and actually less afraid. It is also important to have an understanding of what caused the problem. This will help you to put it into perspective and give it some context.
2. Define exactly what the problem is in the clearest and most simple terms. Sometimes, problems can seem huge and you may end up blowing them out of proportion with inflammatory language. This is where it is very useful to distil the issue into its most basic terms.
3. Conduct a root cause analysis, working out exactly what the source of the problem is. Understanding where exactly the problem came from will also help you put it into context and, going forward, mitigate the chances of it happening again. So some examination of its source is useful. However, over analysis may be counterproductive so make sure you get the balance right.
4. Generate a range of potential solutions and make a short list. When you are clear about what the problem is, you need to think about it in different ways. Seeing the problem in different ways is likely to help you to find an effective solution. This is where creativity can be really helpful, so that you can explore all options available to you.
5. Use the goal that you are trying to achieve to help you to select the solution. From the list of possible solutions, you can sort out those that are most relevant to your situation and those that are realistic and manageable. You can do this by predicting outcomes for possible solutions and being clear about the goal that you are trying to achieve. Your goal will ultimately be used to benchmark the success of your chosen solution.
6. Prepare a plan of action and implement the solution. Now it’s time to create a plan of action. It is also useful to check with other people what they think of your plan and invite feedback. When you have explored all the consequences, you can use this information to identify the solution which is most relevant and is likely to have the best outcome.
Implementing your solution will be easier because you will have so much more confidence knowing that you have really thought it through.
You can prepare yourself to implement the solution by planning when and how you will do it, and who you will need to communicate with for support and co-operation.
7. Review, identify lessons learnt and record for future reference. It is always key to review and work out what went well and what you have learnt so that you can make improvements going forward
Remember, also, just because you have worked your way through the problem-solving process, it does not mean that that you automatically solve your problem. It is advisable to have an alternative backup plan.

Problem solving is a skill, and applying a process which you can learn and practise will not just improve your ability. It is really important to review how you did and make a record of what worked and what didn’t so that you can learn and improve your problem-solving skills.

The more you actively and positively embrace some of the challenges that you will inevitably have to deal with in life, the better equipped and more confident you will become. This will provide you with the opportunity to gather a whole raft of experience that will help you to solve future problems. You will also be able to help other people by sharing some of your experiences.

Be Creative

Creativity is a great way for you to explore a wider range of options and to discover new things. It is a useful tool for solving problems, or for when you need to explore new and innovative ways of doing things. It is also something that you may need to do to in chal­lenging economic times, in order to cut back on some of your overheads and save money.

Creativity is an inborn talent of all human beings, and one that can also be developed. It is our creativity that makes us distinct and sets us apart from other animals in this world. When we face challenges, and we are not able to solve them in a conventional way, we knowingly or unknowingly seek creative solutions. In fact, in many ways, the more creative we are the more successful we can be.

Whatever your profession is, creativity is something that can make you more successful and can also make our work easier and sometimes more exciting. By being open to exploring creative channels you can discover a whole range of options and new doors will open and opportunities will arise.

There are lots of different approaches to creativity. One tip I learnt a long time ago was to carry a small notebook with me, and to keep it by the side of the bed too. Often inspiration may strike in the night and it is really good to capture those little gems!

Another good way to let the creative juices flow is to take a walk outside. Fresh air is a great stimulant, and exercise is a good way to help you to release built-up tension so that your mind becomes more open and your ideas will flow.

Brainstorming (or ‘mind showers’ as they are sometimes called these days) can be an effective way to generate ideas on a specific topic. This technique is particularly useful when you involve others, and bringing together a group of people with different ideas and perspectives can be very enlightening.

Creative thinking tools

There are many creative thinking tools that can be used. One creative technique that I think is really useful, to get a good well-rounded perspective on a creative idea, is Dr Edward De Bono’s thinking hats. This is a very popular method, where a team can take on different roles and adopt different thinking styles. Each role is identified with a coloured symbolic ‘thinking hat’. By mentally wearing and switching ‘hats’, you can easily focus or redirect thoughts and ideas.

Here is a brief overview of the different thinking styles:

  • Yellow Hat. This thinking style symbolizes brightness and optimism. Under this hat you can explore the positives, and probe for value and benefits.
  • White Hat. This thinking style calls for information known, or that may be needed. It is about getting the facts.
  • Black Hat. This thinking style is about judgment and plays the devil’s advocate and challenges why something may not work. Its role is to spot the difficulties and dangers and potentially where things might go wrong.
  • Red Hat. This hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. When using this hat you can express emotions and feelings and share fears, likes, dislikes, loves and hates.
  • Green Hat. This hat focuses on creativity and the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. It’s an opportunity to express new concepts and new perceptions.
  • Blue Hat. This hat is used to manage the thinking process. It’s the control mechanism that ensures that the thinking style’s guidelines are observed.

Although this works very well with a group of people, you can also use it on your own by taking an idea that you have and analyzing it from each perspective. For example, if you are the eternal sunny optimist, sometimes wearing the darker pessimistic hat can help to give you a more balanced view.

Creativity can be a huge amount of fun, especially when you use methods like this. It can help you to explore things that you most likely have never experienced before.

It can, at times, take you out of your comfort zone and challenge you. However, it is also very good for you to use creative thinking to keep your brain fresh, stimulated and alert – so there are lots of benefits to this approach.

For some people, taking risks can be quite difficult, especially for those who like to stay well within their comfort zone, and they may well see creativity as change for change’s sake. On some occasions, they could well be right; however, until you are prepared to take some calculated risks, you will never know if there is a better or more efficient way of doing something.

We live in a very fast-paced world and, sometimes, we don’t allow ourselves time to think. Giving a lot of free time for your mind is an excellent approach. Putting some of your worries and tensions aside for some time every day is very important.

When we are relaxing, the mind is actually working and putting together things that we were thinking of throughout the whole day. It will come out with creative solutions only if we give it enough time and rest. Constantly pondering over endless problems keeps our minds occupied and prevents creativity. So managing your stress levels and de-cluttering your mind is key.

Getting stuck in one way of thinking and trying repeatedly the same methods is a common phenomenon among us. It is also the best way to go a little bit mad! If you have been churning something over and over in your mind and can’t seem to find a solution, attempt to stop thinking about it, relax and get engaged in something else for a while. You may well find that when you attend to the problem after some time, your mind views the problem in a different way and a solution may come along straight away!

Make Decisions

Part of the pain of problem solving can be when we are put on the spot and have to make decisions. Very often there is uncertainty – where many facts may not be known – and you may have to consider many interrelated factors. There are decisions, too, that have high-risk consequences, and the impact of the decision might have important implications for you or for others.

Every given situation has its own set of uncertainties and consequences, and anything that involves interpersonal issues can often be challenging as it is difficult to predict how other people could respond.

All in all, decision making can be quite stressful, so the best way to make a complex decision is to use an effective process. A systematic approach will also lead you to consistent, high-quality results, and can improve the quality of almost everything you do. A logical and systematic decision-making process will help you to address the critical elements that result in a good decision. By taking an organized approach, you’re less likely to miss important facts and you can build on the approach to make your decisions better in the future too.

How to make decisions

Here is a critical path that you can take when assessing each situation when you need to make a decision about something:

1. Identify your decision and establish your objective. If you have to involve other people it is important to involve the right people and allow other opinions to be heard. It is also important when you make any decision to be aware also of the impact that it will have on others. Whilst you may be prepared to take a gamble, if you are putting others in a difficult position it is important to take that into consideration and act with integrity. Make sure that you are asking the right questions and challenge yourself.
2. List the various options that you have available. Being creative will help you to begin the exploration process of what options you have available to you. The more options you consider, the more comprehensive your final decision will be.
3. Gather as much information as you need on all of them. When you generate alternatives, you force yourself to dig deeper, and look at the problem from different angles. If you use the mindset of ‘there must be other solutions out there’, you are much more likely to make the best decision possible and not miss anything.
4. Conduct a risk analysis and weigh up the pros and cons of each. When you’re satisfied that you have a good selection of realistic alternatives, then you’ll need to evaluate the feasibility, risks and implications of each choice.
In decision making, there’s usually some degree of uncertainty, which inevitably leads to risk. By evaluating the risk involved, with various options, you can determine whether the risk is manageable. Risk analysis helps you look at risks objectively. It uses a structured approach for assessing threats, and for evaluating the probability of events occurring.
There will always be some element of risk attached to everything we do as we cannot predict the outcome. Sometimes, we will make decisions that we may well look back on and feel that perhaps another approach may have been better. That is life! We cannot expect to get it right all the time. Also, if we did, how would we learn? If we get caught in a paralyzing loop of fear because we don’t want to make a mistake or take a risk, the chances are we would never get anywhere. Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith.
So, once you have evaluated the alternatives, the next step is to choose between them. With all of the effort and hard work that goes into evaluating alternatives and deciding the best way forward, it’s easy to forget to ‘sense check’ your decisions. This is where you look at the decision you’re about to make dispassionately, to make sure that your process has been thorough, and to ensure that common errors haven’t crept into the decision-making process.
5. Select the best option and develop a plan of action. Once you’ve made your decision, it’s important to develop a plan. You will also need to explain your plan to those who may be affected by it, and involved in implementing it. The more information you can give to people about why you made a certain decision, the better. One of the key benefits of taking the systematic approach to decision making is that you will be able to analyze and evaluate your decision-making process which will, in turn, make it easier to communicate. If you need the support of others, they will also feel more reassured that you have given consideration to your actions. This will be so helpful to you and to those around you and very much appreciated. As with any change, the more information you provide, the better.
This will also give you personal reassurance that you have thought something through without making a knee-jerk decision.
6. Implement your decision and stick with it. Once you have made your decision, stick with it, accept that you have made the best decision based on all the information that you had at the time. Deliberation or indecision will hamper your progress, so go for it and trust in a positive outcome.
Yes, of course there may well be occasions where you have to accept that you could have done it differently or even better. Give yourself the best possible chance with the best possible information and at least you will know that you did something with your best possible intention and effort!

Problems really can be seen as opportunities, which could well provide you with a chance to get out of a rut you have been in for a while, or a chance to make a situation better. By embracing these probortunities it will help you to seek out innovative ways to deal with each one and you just never know what the rewards will be as a result.

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

Abraham Maslow

Positive Steps
1 Be positive and view your problems as opportunities
2 Specifically identify and understand each problem
3 Be creative and explore a range of options
4 Determine your goal to help you select your solution
5 Learn to be better at making decisions so that you can move forward
Embracing probortunities – Personal exercise
  • Identify a probortunity that you are currently dealing with.
  • Define exactly what the probortunity is in the clearest and most simple terms.
  • Conduct a root-cause analysis working out exactly what the source of the probortunity is.
  • Generate a range of potential solutions and make a shortlist.
  • Use the goal that you are trying to achieve to help you to select the best solution.
  • Prepare a plan of action of what you are going to do.
  • After you have implemented the solution, review the benefits.
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