Sorting series

A chart does not always look like what you had in mind. In some cases, you may want to see data sorted from high to low values, while in other situations, you want to see the categories displayed in a more logical order. For example, in the following bar chart, the quarters are sorted from last (Q4) to first (Q1). To change this, you can of course adjust the data model in the spreadsheet, like we did in the Using an OHLC chart and a candlestick chart recipe. An easier and better way is to use the sorting settings for the bar chart component.


Sorting is available in the following components: line chart, pie chart, column chart, stacked column chart, bar chart, stacked bar chart, combination chart, area chart, stacked area chart, radar chart, and filled radar chart.

Getting ready

You can reuse any of the dashboards you created earlier, as long as they contain one of the previously mentioned components.

How to do it...

  1. Select the component, go to the Behavior tab, and select the Common sub-tab.
  2. Select Enable Sorting.
  3. Select By Category Labels.
  4. Select Reverse Order.
    How to do it...

How it works...

As you can see in the preceding screenshot, the order of the quarters has changed. In SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards, the first category is by default the lowest category on its axis. With the reverse order setting, this can be changed.

There's more...

Besides sorting by category labels, it is also possible to sort by data. If you have more than one series, you have to choose one of these series to base the sorting order on, as shown in the following screenshot:

There's more...

The following chart shows the data in ascending order:

There's more...
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