Displaying alerts of different thresholds on a map

The previous recipe was a very useful demonstration of how to set up alerts on a Map component. However, the threshold values of all provinces were the same. In reality, this may not be the case for metrics such as sales. For example, a province such as Nunavut is much smaller than Ontario, and thus should not have the same sales threshold as Ontario.

Displaying alerts of different thresholds on a map

Getting ready

Insert a Canada by province component into the canvas and bind data to the map. We will use the data setup from the Displaying alerts on a map recipe to select the data of an area or country.


Please refer to the first screenshot in the introductory section of the recipe Making alert ranges dynamic to understand how the data should look.

You may also refer to the data setup in the source file, Displaying alerts of different thresholds.xlf.

How to do it...

  1. To the right-hand side of the Sales column (column B), add the target thresholds for each province. The larger provinces will have a target threshold of 250, whereas the smaller provinces will have a target threshold of 150. It is important that you use the key-value relationship for the thresholds, as shown in the following screenshot, for the Map component:
    How to do it...
  2. Go to the Alerts section of the map properties and check Enable Alerts.
  3. Select the radio button As Percent of Target and bind it to the key-value pair cells C2:D14.
  4. For the target percentage, color anything on the target or above as green. Color anything between 70% of target and the target as yellow. And color anything less than 70% of the target as red.
    How to do it...

How it works...

Using the As Percent of Target option on Enable Alerts allows us to have a different threshold for each province, which gives a more realistic alerting mechanism.


It is important to use a key-value pair relationship when using the As Percent of Target alerting mechanism on a Maps component. For alerting on the Charts components, you don't have to worry about the key-value pair relationship.

See also

In this recipe, we reused the data setup from the Using maps to select data of an area or country recipe of Chapter 3, From a Static to an Interactive Dashboard.

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