Creating/using a dashboard template

To ensure consistency among dashboards within an organization, it is good to create a dashboard template. This also saves time on having to redevelop recurring objects.

Getting ready

Set up a dashboard that contains components and colors that would be common among dashboards in the organization. In our example, we have a common background and color scheme, as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting ready

How to do it…

  1. Go to File | Save as….
  2. Browse to <Installation Path>Xcelsius 4.0assets emplate.
  3. Create a folder with a name or category of your choice.
  4. Save the file with a filename of your choice.
  5. Exit and reopen SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards.
  6. Go to File | Templates… or press Ctrl + T.
  7. Select the folder that you created from the category selection.
  8. Select the dashboard that you saved earlier.

How it works…

As you can see, dashboard templates are stored in <Installation Path>Xcelsius 4.0assets emplate. Once you create a dashboard template, you can easily access it without having to remember the exact directory you have stored the template in.

There's more…

Unfortunately, this method works only on local machines unless there is a network shortcut at <Installation Path>Xcelsius 4.0assets emplate directory. Because of this, it is quite cumbersome to set up; however, once set up, it works great.

An alternative is to create a dashboard template directory in a shared network area, then create a shortcut to that directory on your desktop. From there, you can then open the dashboard template and work on it.


It is important to note that if you use the method of storing the dashboard templates in a shared network directory, you'll need to make sure that the dashboard templates are read only; otherwise, you'll risk having the templates accidentally modified.

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