
The adventure of space exploration has come to a new crossroads in its history. After several decades of ambitious space programs that entailed cooperation between different states and space agencies, the industry is moving in new directions such as commercial access to space and new missions to explore other bodies in the solar system. It is impossible to imagine any of these programs going ahead unless safety is granted absolute priority for all aspects of the mission. I should like to quote Albert Einstein, who wrote “Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours.” But good intentions alone will not suffice and, in view of the inherent dangers of the space environment and planetary exploration, risk mitigation is more critical than ever and must be supported with constant scientific and technical research.

There is consequently a need – but also an opportunity – to develop closer international cooperation both in terms of the players involved and the regulatory authorities, to guarantee the success of these new missions. In this field as in others, we must call on one of the most remarkable characteristics of space exploration, which has created a genuine international community prepared to share its experiences for the future benefit of all.

I see the publication of this book as a fine and promising example of the pooling of experience acquired in the safety issues surrounding space operations, for the benefit of public safety and the protection of the environment. I am certain that the relationships and the dynamic created during this project will contribute to future success in international scientific and technical cooperation in this field. It therefore gives me great pleasure to commend this work and I wish it the success it deserves.

Yannick d’Escatha, CNES President

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