Import statements

In Java, you can only import packages at the top of your code file, right after the packages statement. The situation is not the same in Scala; you can write your import statements almost anywhere inside your source file (for example, you can even write your import statements inside a class or a method). You just need to pay attention to the scope of your import statement, because it inherits the same scope of the members of your class or local variables inside your method. The _ (underscore) in Scala is used for wildcard imports, which is similar to the * (asterisk) that you would use in java:

// Import everything from the package math 
import math._

You may also use these { } to indicate a set of imports from the same parent package, just in one line of code. In Java, you would use multiple lines of code to do so:

// Import math.sin and math.cos
import math.{sin, cos}

Unlike the Java, Scala does not have the concept of static imports. In other words, the concept of static doesn't exist in Scala. However, as a developer, obviously, you can import a member or more than one member of an object using a regular import statement. The preceding example already shows this, where we import the methods sin and cos from the package object named math. To demonstrate an example, the preceding code snippet can be defined from the Java programmer's perspective as follows:

import static java.lang.Math.sin;
import static java.lang.Math.cos;

Another beauty of Scala is that, in Scala, you can rename your imported packages as well. Alternatively, you can rename your imported packages to avoid the type conflicting with packages that have similar members. The following statement is valid in Scala:

// Import Scala.collection.mutable.Map as MutableMap 
import Scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap}

Finally, you may want to exclude a member of packages for collisions or other purposes. For this, you can use a wildcard to do so:

// Import everything from math, but hide cos 
import math.{cos => _, _}
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